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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

ScarlettRose16 said:
"So Miziki, do you have any idea where we are supposed to go?" She asks looking around. She was hoping they could find the crown before everyone else did.
@Mitchs98 (sry for the short posts)
(It's fine)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged, "Kinda just trying to follow the path others took. Good sense of smell comes in handy." She replied. "Other than that...not a clue." She added honestly. Hopefully her sense of smell wouldn't fail her, otherwise they'd be getting very very lost.
"I have an idea." Wings sprouted from her back but nothing else happened. They were whites as snow but with black streaks as dark as night. "We can fly and catch up to them easily, can you sense them from up in the air?" She asks curiously.

Adlin made her way into the grand foyer, where she knew he wanted to meet. He did like to meet there with the teachers after all. When she got there, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. "Ahh and what's this?" she asked, inspecting it closer. It appeared to be some sort of light, but it was different than anything she'd seen before. As she approached it, it receded, making her go farther to get just as close. Once it was near a wall, it vanished into it, trying to get her to follow. Unfortunately, she knew she had to stay in the room, so she ignored it for the time being. Until she saw it now on the other side as she turned around. She frowned, not sure what to make of it. It was kind of like a rainbow; pretty, yet unattainable. Oh well. She couldn't investigate now, not when she had to meet Draconus for whatever reason.

@Veyd Sahvoz
As the lich's attention went to elsewhere he decided to meet with the other professors in the designated area. What an interesting morning it had proven to be. Hopefully the trend would continue for the day! As he walked down the hallways and stairs until he arrived in the foyer he wondered about checking in on The Thing, but decided it could wait until later. It's not like it had the smarts to do anything on its own, let along anything too destructive! If successful maybe he would make a second one, with more brains and arms. Soon he found himself in the grand foyer. "Good morning." he says, giving a short greeting to everyone who had gathered there already.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
ScarlettRose16 said:
"I have an idea." Wings sprouted from her back but nothing else happened. They were whites as snow but with black streaks as dark as night. "We can fly and catch up to them easily, can you sense them from up in the air?" She asks curiously.
Miziki Kurone

"I uh..might can. I dunno, never tried. I can't fly." She replied. "Unless you have wings or something?" She added. She hadn't noticed Kate grow wings, not that she could if she tried. Maybe Kate did have wings? Miziki wasn't sure.
CoreyXIX said:
As the lich's attention went to elsewhere he decided to meet with the other professors in the designated area. What an interesting morning it had proven to be. Hopefully the trend would continue for the day! As he walked down the hallways and stairs until he arrived in the foyer he wondered about checking in on The Thing, but decided it could wait until later. It's not like it had the smarts to do anything on its own, let along anything too destructive! If successful maybe he would make a second one, with more brains and arms. Soon he found himself in the grand foyer. "Good morning." he says, giving a short greeting to everyone who had gathered there already.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Adlin tore her gaze away from the rather bewitching light to focus on the newcomer. "Good morning professor Shaltaea," she responded before abruptly darting towards the light because for some reason she thought she could outsmart it. Unfortunately, it was ready and receded just the same. "Stupid thing," she uttered to herself, trying to act casual like that hadn't just happened.
"Yeah I do, you can't see it but I do have wings and I can make them grow to my will. Come here." She says as she grabs the small girl and propells them both up into the air, moving quickly but not anywhere near her potential.

Kazehana said:
Adlin tore her gaze away from the rather bewitching light to focus on the newcomer. "Good morning professor Shaltaea," she responded before abruptly darting towards the light because for some reason she thought she could outsmart it. Unfortunately, it was ready and receded just the same. "Stupid thing," she uttered to herself, trying to act casual like that hadn't just happened.
After a couple moments the lich had fully realized what he had just witnessed and the likely cause of it. Despite having his face hidden behind his mask he fought hard to keep from breaking out into a grin, if nothing else so he wouldn't laugh. "I thought chasing phantoms was my job, Professor Adlin." he says in a somewhat joking tone, a change from the usual neutral tones he normally used when speaking with most eople.
CoreyXIX said:
After a couple moments the lich had fully realized what he had just witnessed and the likely cause of it. Despite having his face hidden behind his mask he fought hard to keep from breaking out into a grin, if nothing else so he wouldn't laugh. "I thought chasing phantoms was my job, Professor Adlin." he says in a somewhat joking tone, a change from the usual neutral tones he normally used when speaking with most eople.
Adlin huffed, straightening her outfit. "I can do whatever I please," she retorted, giving him a look. She wasn't going to admit that she had no idea that it was a spirit, mainly because that would just give him more ammunition against her. And she wanted to seem serious and formidable, not clumsy and juvenile.
Kazehana said:
Adlin huffed, straightening her outfit. "I can do whatever I please," she retorted, giving him a look. She wasn't going to admit that she had no idea that it was a spirit, mainly because that would just give him more ammunition against her. And she wanted to seem serious and formidable, not clumsy and juvenile.
The lich just shrugs to the young woman's reply. "Fine, suit yourself. If you wish to not butt your head into a brick during your investigations do let me or my colleague know." he replies. Well, at least she was trying to play it cool.
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CoreyXIX said:
The lich just shrugs to the young woman's reply. "Fine, suit yourself. If you wish to not butt your head into a brick during your investigations do let me or my colleague know." he replies. Well, at least she was trying to play it cool.
She frowned, mainly because she knew he was right. "Well if you're so great, you can catch it," she challenged, not expecting him to be able to do much. at this, the spirit slowly diffused across the wall so as to avoid the situation altogether. Adlin looked over, a bit astonished. "Well I doubt you could now... Doesn't it require a lot of energy to do anyway?"
ScarlettRose16 said:
"Yeah I do, you can't see it but I do have wings and I can make them grow to my will. Come here." She says as she grabs the small girl and propells them both up into the air, moving quickly but not anywhere near her potential.
Miziki Kurone

Before Miziki could respond she was picked up and Kate started flying. "Ooh. I see. That's pretty cool." She told her. She sniffed the air to make sure she could still track everyone, the scent was faint but it was there. "Just keep heading in this direction for a while, I can still track them." She explained. "What exactly are you, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.
Kazehana said:
She frowned, mainly because she knew he was right. "Well if you're so great, you can catch it," she challenged, not expecting him to be able to do much. at this, the spirit slowly diffused across the wall so as to avoid the situation altogether. Adlin looked over, a bit astonished. "Well I doubt you could now... Doesn't it require a lot of energy to do anyway?"
If it was what he thought it was, it should be easy. He pulls out the stone from earlier and unleashes the same powerful binding spell from earlier, nightmarish tendrils and everything as their harsh green glow lash out to grab at the light to drag it back into the stone. If it was Feu, then the stone was already attuned and may have an easier time doing so.
CoreyXIX said:
If it was what he thought it was, it should be easy. He pulls out the stone from earlier and unleashes the same powerful binding spell from earlier, nightmarish tendrils and everything as their harsh green glow lash out to grab at the light to drag it back into the stone. If it was Feu, then the stone was already attuned and may have an easier time doing so.
Adlin was shocked for a moment, then went back to her resentful demeanor. "Whatever. Just luck anyways," she said, turning around to get herself some coffee. It would both be a nice distraction and a way to wake her up. No need to reveal how astonished she was at his abilities.

Feu, however, was pretty pissed that it got sent back to the lavender mist land, but there wasn't a thing it could do about it.
Kazehana said:
Adlin was shocked for a moment, then went back to her resentful demeanor. "Whatever. Just luck anyways," she said, turning around to get herself some coffee. It would both be a nice distraction and a way to wake her up. No need to reveal how astonished she was at his abilities.
Feu, however, was pretty pissed that it got sent back to the lavender mist land, but there wasn't a thing it could do about it.
"Actually no, I caught it earlier and let it go. It's spirit was already attuned to that stone." Shaltaea says, not realizing she was trying to save face with that remark. Honestly, he wasn't sure why this thing was back again. He looks at the stone with the spirit in it. "Sorry, little one. Just had to get a point across." the lich says as he puts the stone on a nearby table.
CoreyXIX said:
"Actually no, I caught it earlier and let it go. It's spirit was already attuned to that stone." Shaltaea says, not realizing she was trying to save face with that remark. Honestly, he wasn't sure why this thing was back again. He looks at the stone with the spirit in it. "Sorry, little one. Just had to get a point across." the lich says as he puts the stone on a nearby table.
Adlin was relieved to hear that he wasn't that good, but it still bothered her that he caught it twice by now. "Oh? And I assume you had troubles the first time?" she inquired, hoping to hear about his follies.

Feu was by no means comforted by the man's words, and remained pissed. Honestly, it just wanted to practice luring higher tiered humans; was that so hard to ask for? Apparently.
Kazehana said:
Adlin was relieved to hear that he wasn't that good, but it still bothered her that he caught it twice by now. "Oh? And I assume you had troubles the first time?" she inquired, hoping to hear about his follies.
Feu was by no means comforted by the man's words, and remained pissed. Honestly, it just wanted to practice luring higher tiered humans; was that so hard to ask for? Apparently.
Well, this would be a good learning experience for her. He decides to share a bit of what happened. "I had some, yes. This particular will-o'-the-wisp is rather special." Prof. Shaltaea starts. "From what I have experienced it is resistant to magic and has some capacity to manipulate the mind. Nasty work, really." he explains to her, ignoring the stone on the table.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki grinned, "Almost forgot you could fly..well technically levitate. Guess we don't need Atsuko right now then." She told her as she flapped her wings and lifted a few feet off the ground. "Hope you can keep up!" She told her before giggling and raising above the tree tops and taking off at full speed.
Emily's eyes changed to full blood red as a gust of cold winds swept her into the air. She used her staff to create spikes of ice and throw them around the forest, just in case, as she came up beside Senki. "Top that!" she said with a smirk in her evilish grin.



"Now now you two. I have something to tell you all" said Draconus, looking at the head professors but speaking to Adlin and Shaltea. What he was about to say would be a shock to some, well not all. "I have news to tell you all! The Dark God of Madness and Death is sealed underneath the academy"

@Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum
CoreyXIX said:
Well, this would be a good learning experience for her. He decides to share a bit of what happened. "I had some, yes. This particular will-o'-the-wisp is rather special." Prof. Shaltaea starts. "From what I have experienced it is resistant to magic and has some capacity to manipulate the mind. Nasty work, really." he explains to her, ignoring the stone on the table.
"Interesting," she said, taking a sip of her coffee. "So what you're saying is, you believe it's special? What are you going to do with it?" she asked. It was plausible to think he would do something mainly because he left it captured. But then again, why would he need to capture it twice? It made no sense to her.

Feu was agitated that it couldn't find anything in the mist. There had to be something, anything! Perhaps there were trees or something nearby...?

(Pretend Veyd interrupted her question at the end lol)
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"Now now you two. I have something to tell you all" said Draconus, looking at the head professors but speaking to Adlin and Shaltea. What he was about to say would be a shock to some, well not all. "I have news to tell you all! The Dark God of Madness and Death is sealed underneath the academy"

@Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum
Kazehana said:
"Interesting," she said, taking a sip of her coffee. "So what you're saying is, you believe it's special? What are you going to do with it?" she asked. It was plausible to think he would do something mainly because he left it captured. But then again, why would he need to capture it twice? It made no sense to her.
Feu was agitated that it couldn't find anything in the mist. There had to be something, anything! Perhaps there were trees or something nearby...?

(Pretend Veyd interrupted her question at the end lol)
"I don't know yet." he simply replies to that questions. It was a good one, who knows what he could find in this experience. It was then he heard Draconus' news.

Seriously? Damn it all, of course it have been one of those kinds of gods! Prof. Shaltaea was hoping more for a god of magic or something. "So,what's our plan?" he asks. This was pretty bad news.

As if responding to Feu's thoughts, trees and other things started coming out of the ether and making themselves known to the spirit as it searched.
Adlin looked up, not shocked at all. "That has to be one of the lamest Halloween pranks I've ever participated in," she stated plainly. Honestly, 'the could have tried harder to scare them. Oh look, the big bad dark god is coming to get them' like really?

Feu was relieved to find a place amond trees, but it still didn't feel like the real world. Especially with the fog. Plus there wasn't anything to play with. It sat defeated at the base of a tree, simply waiting until it was able to leave again. There wasn't anything for it to do there anyway.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
"Adlin! For gods sakes This Is serious!! Saviik Is underneath the School slowly awakening and You think This a Joke?!" Shouted Draconus, taking a deep breath to calm down. Of course he did not mean to shout but thèse last few days were stressful. He tapped his staff on the table as a Ball of light Blue magic appeared on the end of it. "I'm sorry..." He said before rumsdging around for his notebook.

@Kazehana @Corey
@Kazehana[/URL] @Corey
"I assume we have some sort of contingency, but I'm guessing since we're having a meeting we need an actual plan about this. Have you any thoughts on where to begin, Draconus?" Prof. Shaltaea asks, caring more about the task at hand than anybody's feelings and emotions on the subject. "I'm guessing we shouldn't mention it to the students yet."
: enters the main Foyer followed by Bäst as she carries a clipboard, a pen and a stone she bumps into Shaltaea and a cloud of dust rises she sneezes :

"Ahh Shaltaea I think I found a way to free Tanenu, if it works he, Apep and Bäst will be joining us in person for the festivities tomorrow." :notices Ms.Yves : "Oh excuse me a moment Prof Shaltaea, I need to catch Ms. Yves"


"MS . Yves just the foxy lady I was looking for, I wanted to check over the "shopping list with you before I go below. I may be coming back with Tanenu, that is if my hunch is correct. I may speak to mum and dad even. Their reasoning is rediculous. Apep, and Bäst will be at the Festivities tomorrow in person of course. I'm not sure if the students have seen a Naga yet? I don't think I've introduced them for my class yet.

Oh yes for the festivities what would you like to do?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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