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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

CoreyXIX said:
"It's rude to ignore someone who wishes to speak with you, you know." Prof. Shaltaea says in an indignant tone as Feu quickly fled to wherever it was going. As he followed he pulled the gem he would use out of his pocket, the light of the hallways giving a soft, gentle reflection off the stone in contrast to the harsher energies the lich was using for is task. Seeing it making a break for another room he quickly unleashed the magic of his spirit binding spell, the magic forming into slim appendages as they got close so it could grab and pull the ball of fire into the magic stone. "This would go a lot smoother if you would stay still, troublesome spirit!"
Feu was shocked that something could touch it. It was so used to being simply invisible that the very idea made no sense to it. Before it could be captured, it possessed a nearby chair and threw it at the man, trying to get him to lose his focus. It also used its confusion inducement to try to make him forget what he was doing at the same time.
Kazehana said:
Feu was shocked that something could touch it. It was so used to being simply invisible that the very idea made no sense to it. Before it could be captured, it possessed a nearby chair and threw it at the man, trying to get him to lose his focus. It also used its confusion inducement to try to make him forget what he was doing at the same time.
As odd as it was, an idea came to him! He let himself be hit and fall to the ground. As he lies there he begins channeling more illusion magic, this time casting illusion magic to make his spirit form invisible as it separated from his body. It was during this time he felt the edges of magic intruding on his mind to try to wipe away his memory of what was going on. It was during this time the contingency spell on his inert body activated, causing it to get up and start walking away to a designated "safe point" in the academy building.
CoreyXIX said:
As odd as it was, an idea came to him! He let himself be hit and fall to the ground. As he lies there he begins channeling more illusion magic, this time casting illusion magic to make his spirit form invisible as it separated from his body. It was during this time he felt the edges of magic intruding on his mind to try to wipe away his memory of what was going on. It was during this time the contingency spell on his inert body activated, causing it to get up and start walking away to a designated "safe point" in the academy building.
Confused yet pleased, Feu decided that it was safe to continue its search. So, it forgot about the possible threat from just a few moments ago. Floating back down the hall, it found a room it fond interesting, so it went inside. It appeared as though the room had quite a few ingredients, which Feu might be able to use. If only it knew how. It grabbed a few random ingredients, throwing them together into a bowl and mixing them. Nothing happened, which made it disappointed.
Kazehana said:
She nodded, then took off with another burst of speed. Up in the air, she had to create an updraft to hold the extra weight. He didn't have hollow bones or feathers, so he was quite heavy for flight. She was going quite fast, zooming at speeds around 70 knots, aided by jet propulsion. They soared over the forests, and passed just about anyone who was on their way. They seemed to not even be moving at the speed they were going.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! AME, I'D REEEEEAALLY APPRECIATE IT IF YOU SLOWED DOWN!" he tried screaming over the sound of the air flowing past his ears. He had his eyes clenched shut as he held on for dear life as they zoomed over the forest below. All he could really sense was the chill that swept all throughout his body from the wind blowing past them. This wasn't what he had signed up for. Unfortunately it was too late to get off now and all he could do was hope they would get there soon. Dravlon was flying just fine beside them amused at the boy's terror.
Drakerus said:
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! AME, I'D REEEEEAALLY APPRECIATE IT IF YOU SLOWED DOWN!" he tried screaming over the sound of the air flowing past his ears. He had his eyes clenched shut as he held on for dear life as they zoomed over the forest below. All he could really sense was the chill that swept all throughout his body from the wind blowing past them. This wasn't what he had signed up for. Unfortunately it was too late to get off now and all he could do was hope they would get there soon. Dravlon was flying just fine beside them amused at the boy's terror.
Ame scoffed. "You'll be fine, but if you really need it..." she said, creating a shell around them. It was harder to get a tailwind with it, but at least it would make him feel better. But she didn't slow down. Maintaining speed was important for her. If the shell wasn't enough, she was out of ideas.
Kazehana said:
Ame scoffed. "You'll be fine, but if you really need it..." she said, creating a shell around them. It was harder to get a tailwind with it, but at least it would make him feel better. But she didn't slow down. Maintaining speed was important for her. If the shell wasn't enough, she was out of ideas.
"T-that's a little better. Thanks..."he trailed off as he recovered from his near heart attack. He didn't know how someone could get used to flying like that. But then again, she probably grew up flying so he supposed it would make sense. This got him into a train of thought involving the different lifestyles of the different sentient species of the world. He couldn't wait to meet them all someday.
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Drakerus said:
"T-that's a little better. Thanks..."he trailed off as he recovered from his near heart attack. He didn't know how someone could get used to flying like that. But then again, she probably grew up flying so he supposed it would make sense. This got him into a train of thought involving the different lifestyles of the different sentient species of the world. He couldn't wait to meet them all someday.
As they continued flying and he settled down, she figured she should try to make conversation. It was what she was supposed to be doing anyway. "So, are you excited?" she asked, obviously terrible at starting a conversation.
Kazehana said:
Confused yet pleased, Feu decided that it was safe to continue its search. So, it forgot about the possible threat from just a few moments ago. Floating back down the hall, it found a room it fond interesting, so it went inside. It appeared as though the room had quite a few ingredients, which Feu might be able to use. If only it knew how. It grabbed a few random ingredients, throwing them together into a bowl and mixing them. Nothing happened, which made it disappointed.
As the lich's silent, invisible form followed Feu he witnessed the awful job it did trying what either alchemy or cooking. As it had apparently let it's guard down Prof. Shaltaea would use a powerful binding spell yet again, this hoping the advantage of invisibility and illusions would aid him. He uses the same spell in his spectral form, the same tendrils splitting the same way to (hopefully) capture the same target. Even though the stone wasn't there Feu would still have a home in it if the spell was successful. All that would need to happen was Feu being dragged to him by the tendrils for the binding to be complete.
Kazehana said:
As they continued flying and he settled down, she figured she should try to make conversation. It was what she was supposed to be doing anyway. "So, are you excited?" she asked, obviously terrible at starting a conversation.
"Sure. I guess you could say that. I just hope we aren't risking our lives to get beaten to the punch. What about you?" he said in the most cheerful tone possible. He really didn't wanna think about how dangerous their destination could be when he was still getting used to being an arm's slip away from instant death. After a while he finally opened his eyes and was actually quite impressed by the scenery that flowed past them. He'd never seen the world like this before.

"This is kind of cool. Once you get past the whole falling to your death thing." he said absentmindedly.
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CoreyXIX said:
As the lich's silent, invisible form followed Feu he witnessed the awful job it did trying what either alchemy or cooking. As it had apparently let it's guard down Prof. Shaltaea would use a powerful binding spell yet again, this hoping the advantage of invisibility and illusions would aid him. He uses the same spell in his spectral form, the same tendrils splitting the same way to (hopefully) capture the same target. Even though the stone wasn't there Feu would still have a home in it if the spell was successful. All that would need to happen was Feu being dragged to him by the tendrils for the binding to be complete.
Because it wasn't expecting him to be back and ready to try the spell again, it was once again surprised by his spell. Though this time, since the room wasn't that large, it didn't have enough time to retaliate, and the tendrils brought it to the man faster than it could react.
Drakerus said:
"Sure. I guess you could say that. I just hope we aren't risking our lives to get beaten to the punch. What about you?" he said in the most cheerful tone possible. He really didn't wanna think about how dangerous their destination could be when he was still getting used to being an arm's slip away from instant death. After a while he finally opened his eyes and was actually quite impressed by the scenery that flowed past them. He'd never seen the world like this before.
"This is kind of cool. Once you get past the whole falling to your death thing." he said absentmindedly.
Ame was perplexed that he thought there was any danger, but didn't physically react to his comment. "There is no possibility of you falling as long as I am your ride," she said, rejecting his previous statements. "Personally, I'm not excited about being totally enclosed, but I'll be fine as long as we don't get separated.
Kazehana said:
Because it wasn't expecting him to be back and ready to try the spell again, it was once again surprised by his spell. Though this time, since the room wasn't that large, it didn't have enough time to retaliate, and the tendrils brought it to the man faster than it could react.
As the bright light was brought to him Prof. Shaltaea could feel the will-o'-the-wisps essence pass through his conduit (his own form) and to the stone on his physical body some distance away from him now. "Welcome home, little light." the lich said, a grin hidden beneath his plague mask. "You're bound to my stone now." Feu was practically as good as his now as far as he was concerned.
CoreyXIX said:
As the bright light was brought to him Prof. Shaltaea could feel the will-o'-the-wisps essence pass through his conduit (his own form) and to the stone on his physical body some distance away from him now. "Welcome home, little light." the lich said, a grin hidden beneath his plague mask. "You're bound to my stone now." Feu was practically as good as his now as far as he was concerned.
Feu was shocked as ever to be somewhere... rather bizarre. It appeared as though it was in a misty land, surrounded by a perpetual lavender haze. There was nothing quite to it, yet everything to it at the same time. There was nothing around where it was as far as it could tell, except it could hear someone talking to it from no place in particular. This didn't seem like some stone to Feu, so his words confused it. It decided to look around to see if it could find anything interesting, or anything at all for that matter. It didn't really like this place so far, but it was hoping it could find something soon. Else it might get angry.
Kazehana said:
Feu was shocked as ever to be somewhere... rather bizarre. It appeared as though it was in a misty land, surrounded by a perpetual lavender haze. There was nothing quite to it, yet everything to it at the same time. There was nothing around where it was as far as it could tell, except it could hear someone talking to it from no place in particular. This didn't seem like some stone to Feu, so his words confused it. It decided to look around to see if it could find anything interesting, or anything at all for that matter. It didn't really like this place so far, but it was hoping it could find something soon. Else it might get angry.
As the lich quickly retreated back to its body he became aware of being in his personal quarters. Wow, his body made it here faster than he had anticipated! Now for the second half of the ritual: making sure Feu had some capacity to leave said stone. Luckily he had magic for that part, too. He starts using some of his energy to manipulate the stone, changing some of its structure to allow for a way for Feu to manifest itself again in the physical world.
CoreyXIX said:
As the lich quickly retreated back to its body he became aware of being in his personal quarters. Wow, his body made it here faster than he had anticipated! Now for the second half of the ritual: making sure Feu had some capacity to leave said stone. Luckily he had magic for that part, too. He starts using some of his energy to manipulate the stone, changing some of its structure to allow for a way for Feu to manifest itself again in the physical world.
As it went, it found a swirling vortex of brilliant amethyst. Seeing no other viable alternative at the moment, it went through, appearing back in the real world. After a moment, it realized it was dangerously near the man from earlier, so it scurried towards the nearest wall. It planned to go directly back into the forest. It would have been nice to find something useful, but it hadn't, so it just wanted to leave. Except it remembered its staff from earlier, so it changed direction to go find it again. It thought it could easily locate it since it had some of its ectoplasmic residue on it.
"Ready, Fuyuki?" asked Gold, pulling out his orb. "I'm gonna be able to get us to the cave pretty fast with my Final Form. And by pretty fast, I mean so fast it feels like your face is flying off."

Gold crushed the stone, causing him to go Final Form. He went to where a window left a patch of light on the ground. He held out a hand.
Gold crushed the stone, causing him to go Final Form. He went to where a window left a patch of light on the ground. He held out a hand. "By the way, you got a map to it? I have no clue where it is..."
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki had long since finished eating her fish. She was now internally debating whether or not to try and find Kate, the event would start soon and she really didn't want to have to leave without her partner or be forced to stay because she was late. She was just about to get up to go look for her when Kate came in. Turning the face her she nodded vigorously. "You bet! I was just about to come look for you." She replied. "Did you sleep well?" She asked her with a grin, obviously suggesting sleeping late was why she was..well..late.

@Golden Glow @UnwantedTruth

Senki Tazuya

You ready for the quest?" Senki asked her. "I think it'll be starting soon. I wonder what'll it be like.." She spoke, mostly to herself. "Oh! Also. Did you sleep okay? Any pain from..well..getting stabbed?" She asked her. Of course..she also wondered if there were any other side effects, but she figured Emily would tell her if there were.
Emily looked up at her, confused and startled "Hmm? Oh, right, I'm fine. No need to worry." She stated, hoping that they could leave soon. Wouldn't want to be late for the big quest. Speaking of which "Hey, you ready to head out?" she asked, giving the other people at the table a quick glance before readying her satchel, picking up her staff at the side of her chair and flicking it to the air, creating a guest of wind making a bunch of small snowflakes fall over the table.

@Mitchs98 @UnwantedTruth @Golden Glow


Draconus gave a smirk when Adlin asked what they were for and immediately told her "I was hoping you'd like them for Halloween. And. . .I have something to tell you later" he explained, walking off and down the stairs of wonder.

@Mitchs98[/URL] @UnwantedTruth @Golden Glow


Draconus gave a smirk when Adlin asked what they were for and immediately told her "I was hoping you'd like them for Halloween. And. . .I have something to tell you later" he explained, walking off and down the stairs of wonder.

She blinked, not sure how to respond. Flowers had no business during Halloween. But it was Draconus, so... She didn't know what to think actually. Confused, she started back on her way, making a mental note to see him later.
Kaia walked to the lunchroom to eat his lunch he sat by himself"Im doing giod so far of keeping my demon power a secret" he said with a smirk on his face.
Kazehana said:
As it went, it found a swirling vortex of brilliant amethyst. Seeing no other viable alternative at the moment, it went through, appearing back in the real world. After a moment, it realized it was dangerously near the man from earlier, so it scurried towards the nearest wall. It planned to go directly back into the forest. It would have been nice to find something useful, but it hadn't, so it just wanted to leave. Except it remembered its staff from earlier, so it changed direction to go find it again. It thought it could easily locate it since it had some of its ectoplasmic residue on it.
As it quickly departed back into the academy from his room the lich just followed it with the stone in hand. He would have a far easier time keeping it around since the gem was attuned to the ball of fire. "Going somewhere?" Prof. Shaltaea asks as he follows it, at this point pretty sure it would never verbally respond to him.
Someone walked into the room and she sensed something weird about him. Demon, she sensed it since she was half demon but it was harder to sense since she was also half angel. She decided to go talk to him since he didn't know who she was or what happened. She heard him mutter something. "Oh so I was right." She says to herself mostly before sitting across from him. "Hey. I'm Kate" She says with a small smile.

@Kai RailFaro
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