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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)



Draconus went looking for Adlin, checking mostly floor 27 & 26 where He thought her classes were. "Where is she when you need her?" muttered Draconus, apparating around from floor to floor. He sensed a few teachers nearby, one being a lich and a Willow the wisp. Along with a lot of students, the Most Common people. The thought of This quest excited hum...especially what they had planned
(Fixed it.)


Draconus went looking for Adlin, checking mostly floor 27 & 26 where He thought her classes were. "Where Is she when You need her?" Muttered Draconus, apparating around from floor to floor. He sensed a few teachers nearby, one being a lich and a Willow the wisp. Along with a lot of students, the Most Common people. The thought of This qu'est excited hum...especialky what they had planned
(Why can't you interact with other teachers lol.. Also, typos galore xD

Adlin walked briskly through the halls, busy with her early morning routine. As she was looking through the papers in her hand, she bumped into Draconus, luckily retaining her papers in her grasp. "Morning Draconus," she said before scurrying off to finish her business.
"Ah! Adlin! Just the Elf I wanted to see!" Said Draconus, walking hastily towards her and managing to keep up with her speed, having Years if practice. He waved his staff and the roses from yesterday appeared in his hand. Extendi g his arm, He passed then to her.

Kazehana said:
It looked back for a moment, but it didn't think that that who called it would be able to see it, so it kept moving. The man probably wasn't talking to it anyway. It phased through a nearby wall, deciding to look into another room. However, the room was rather empty, with the exception of a candle someone neglected to put out. It really didn't like candles; they detracted from its mystic beauty. So it floated over to it and knocked it over, causing it to burn out as it fell through the cold air.
Damnable thing, ignoring him so! He wasn't some two bit street magician, he was a professor! Still, he found it a little curious that it was here, since as far as he knew most will-o'-the-wisps weren't exactly the type to learn from books and study. Perhaps it was planning some trickery of it's own? Prof. Shaltaea stood up from his chair and excused himself from the dining room (quite easily, since nobody had been talking to him as of then). He walks down the surrounding hallways, looking in some of the rooms as he hoped to locate the floating light.
CoreyXIX said:
Damnable thing, ignoring him so! He wasn't some two bit street magician, he was a professor! Still, he found it a little curious that it was here, since as far as he knew most will-o'-the-wisps weren't exactly the type to learn from books and study. Perhaps it was planning some trickery of it's own? Prof. Shaltaea stood up from his chair and excused himself from the dining room (quite easily, since nobody had been talking to him as of then). He walks down the surrounding hallways, looking in some of the rooms as he hoped to locate the floating light.
Going from room to room, it wasn't particularly sure what it should be looking for. It silently kept knocking over light sources, though it got an idea after the 4th or 5th one. It carefully possessed the candle, moving it around. It decided to pull into the hall, moving it in front of students to freak them out.
Kazehana said:
Going from room to room, it wasn't particularly sure what it should be looking for. It silently kept knocking over light sources, though it got an idea after the 4th or 5th one. It carefully possessed the candle, moving it around. It decided to pull into the hall, moving it in front of students to freak them out.
After a few minutes of fruitless searching his interest was caught by the sound of some near-nameless students freaking out over something. At least, they were nameless to the lich since he hadn't seen nor knew of their names. When he arrives at the source he sees a floating candle near the other end of the hall. "Ah there you are." h quietly remarks, looking intently at the candle from his end of the hallway. On one hand, he wanted to intervene. On the other, it was Halloween coming up. It just wasn't the same without a good scare. He decides to watch for just a few moment before he would do something.
Emily gave Miziki, Darius, and Desh a small smile before walking over to where she heard and saw Senki. The quest would begin shortly and she was always ready for anything! That is. . .within reason of course. She approached the table and just plopped herself down at the end of the table, resuming her quick review on charms and crystal magic.

@Golden Glow @UnwantedTruth @Mitchs98
CoreyXIX said:
After a few minutes of fruitless searching his interest was caught by the sound of some near-nameless students freaking out over something. At least, they were nameless to the lich since he hadn't seen nor knew of their names. When he arrives at the source he sees a floating candle near the other end of the hall. "Ah there you are." h quietly remarks, looking intently at the candle from his end of the hallway. On one hand, he wanted to intervene. On the other, it was Halloween coming up. It just wasn't the same without a good scare. He decides to watch for just a few moment before he would do something.
After a few students, Feu was kind of done with the prank. So, it abruptly dropped it, resuming its invisible rampage. Once it dropped, it landed near a nearby tapestry, catching it on fire. Not particularly caring, it moved down the hall and into another room.
Kazehana said:
After a few students, Feu was kind of done with the prank. So, it abruptly dropped it, resuming its invisible rampage. Once it dropped, it landed near a nearby tapestry, catching it on fire. Not particularly caring, it moved down the hall and into another room.
(Feu really is a troublemaker, ain't it? xD )

His priorities clearly out of order the lich commands some of the students in the hallway to get another professor or find a way to deal with the fire as he gave pursuit. If it was going to be destructive then he had little choice to intervene. As he followed the ball of flame into the hall and to the room, a spell or two ready in case he couldn't get it to react in a more peaceful manner. "I can see you quite well, little light." Prof. Shaltaea loudly remarks as he steps into the room he's sure Feu is in. "How about you and I have a little chitchat? I have plenty of things that scare and unnerve the people here."
CoreyXIX said:
(Feu really is a troublemaker, ain't it? xD )
His priorities clearly out of order the lich commands some of the students in the hallway to get another professor or find a way to deal with the fire as he gave pursuit. If it was going to be destructive then he had little choice to intervene. As he followed the ball of flame into the hall and to the room, a spell or two ready in case he couldn't get it to react in a more peaceful manner. "I can see you quite well, little light." Prof. Shaltaea loudly remarks as he steps into the room he's sure Feu is in. "How about you and I have a little chitchat? I have plenty of things that scare and unnerve the people here."
It looked at him briefly before promptly blowing him off. It doubted that he could hurt it anyway. So, it moved across the room to go into the room next to this one because there was nothing of interest in this one, moving in an up and down wave pattern as it did when it felt like being extra ghosty.
Kazehana said:
It looked at him briefly before promptly blowing him off. It doubted that he could hurt it anyway. So, it moved across the room to go into the room next to this one because there was nothing of interest in this one, moving in an up and down wave pattern as it did when it felt like being extra ghosty.
Well, if that's how it wanted to play then the lich could spend a few minutes (hours, maybe even if it was really troublesome) in reminding things around here that his position wasn't just a fancy title. Prof. Shaltaea does little but shoots a small bolt of necromantic energy at it, with the intent of zapping it to weaken it but not actually kill it.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, if that's how it wanted to play then the lich could spend a few minutes (hours, maybe even if it was really troublesome) in reminding things around here that his position wasn't just a fancy title. Prof. Shaltaea does little but shoots a small bolt of necromantic energy at it, with the intent of zapping it to weaken it but not actually kill it.
Feu didn't stop moving, mainly because it didn't really care what the man was doing. It phased through the wall, looking around the new room. Fortunately, there was something that caught its eye. Finally, something for it to use. It saw a sharp looking greatsword, immediately moving over to possess it. With a shiny new silver body, it moved the sword around, getting used to it before it headed into the hall.
Kazehana said:
Feu didn't stop moving, mainly because it didn't really care what the man was doing. It phased through the wall, looking around the new room. Fortunately, there was something that caught its eye. Finally, something for it to use. It saw a sharp looking greatsword, immediately moving over to possess it. With a shiny new silver body, it moved the sword around, getting used to it before it headed into the hall.
As the lich sighed he moved over towards the next room in his pursuit. He had considered a worthy strategy or two, but wondered on which to use. Since this thing was a spirit he could probably bind it to some random object. If he was feeling particularly sadistic he could always do it something humiliating like a quill pen or a pig trough. It was settled, he would attempt a binding to whatever object this thing possessed next! As he stepped into the doorway of the next room, he felt a combination of slight regret yet curiosity at the repercussions of using the spell while this thing was possessing a greatsword. Well, it could be worse.
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CoreyXIX said:
As the lich sighed he moved over towards the next room in his pursuit. He had considered a worthy strategy or two, but wondered on which to use. Since this thing was a spirit he could probably bind it to some random object. If he was feeling particularly sadistic he could always do it something humiliating like a quill pen or a pig trough. It was settled, he would attempt a binding to whatever object this thing possessed next! As he stepped into the doorway of the next room, he felt a combination of slight regret yet curiosity at the repercussions of using the spell while this thing was possessing a greatsword. Well, it could be worse.
Feu was rather disappointed that the students fled too fast for it to do anything. Instead of trying to pursue them, it decided that maybe a more sneaky approach would do. So it dropped the greatsword kind of just in the middle of the hall and went back in to search for something more manageable.
Kazehana said:
Feu was rather disappointed that the students fled too fast for it to do anything. Instead of trying to pursue them, it decided that maybe a more sneaky approach would do. So it dropped the greatsword kind of just in the middle of the hall and went back in to search for something more manageable.
As the ghostly light went to go look for something better to use Prof. Shaltaea prepared a binding spell to hopefully hold the rogue ghost and possibly temporarily capture it in whatever it came out with next. He doubted he would need much more than a weaker spell in this case. The necrotic energy charged and flowing through his hands he awaited his possible victim, ignoring the dropped greatsword for now. He would pick it up later.
CoreyXIX said:
As the ghostly light went to go look for something better to use Prof. Shaltaea prepared a binding spell to hopefully hold the rogue ghost and possibly temporarily capture it in whatever it came out with next. He doubted he would need much more than a weaker spell in this case. The necrotic energy charged and flowing through his hands he awaited his possible victim, ignoring the dropped greatsword for now. He would pick it up later.
It searched for a little bit before finding anything it found useful. It found a beautiful staff, one made out of oak wood with a decorative top. At the bottom, it was just regular wood. But as the wood neared the top, it split off into branches and slowly intertwined themselves to cage an imaginary sphere. It looked nice, and it night function well. Feu knew it had magical properties, and not weak ones at that. No one would suspect that it had such a powerful weapon since it looked ordinary. Perfect. It headed back out to continue its experimentation.
Kazehana said:
It searched for a little bit before finding anything it found useful. It found a beautiful staff, one made out of oak wood with a decorative top. At the bottom, it was just regular wood. But as the wood neared the top, it split off into branches and slowly intertwined themselves to cage an imaginary sphere. It looked nice, and it night function well. Feu knew it had magical properties, and not weak ones at that. No one would suspect that it had such a powerful weapon since it looked ordinary. Perfect. It headed back out to continue its experimentation.
As the lich made the final preparations he saw the thing come out with the staff. It even had a little cage-like part at the top. Was it taunting him? Or simply a sign that it was meant to be? Either way it was pretty fitting. "Dal Rek!" the lich loudly says in a commandinh tone, shooting the binding energy at the staff with the hopes of keeping the thing partially bound to the staff.
CoreyXIX said:
As the lich made the final preparations he saw the thing come out with the staff. It even had a little cage-like part at the top. Was it taunting him? Or simply a sign that it was meant to be? Either way it was pretty fitting. "Dal Rek!" the lich loudly says in a commandinh tone, shooting the binding energy at the staff with the hopes of keeping the thing partially bound to the staff.
Seeing as how the man used a rather weak spell for what Feu was used to, all he did was make it look at him briefly before departing on its merry way. It wondered what the staff's magic was, but it wanted to keep it a surprise. It would be more fun that way, and interesting too. So, it moved down the hall, merely making students curious rather than afraid.
Kazehana said:
Seeing as how the man used a rather weak spell for what Feu was used to, all he did was make it look at him briefly before departing on its merry way. It wondered what the staff's magic was, but it wanted to keep it a surprise. It would be more fun that way, and interesting too. So, it moved down the hall, merely making students curious rather than afraid.
Well, it was time to see if his magical abilities had worked or not. He followed after the Feu possessed staff as it went about its merry way. He did wonder if it was wise binding a troublesome spirit to a magic staff, but it was probably better than a greatsword. The old professor picks up his pace to keep with it. He intended to grab the staff as a simple test to see if his magic worked.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, it was time to see if his magical abilities had worked or not. He followed after the Feu possessed staff as it went about its merry way. He did wonder if it was wise binding a troublesome spirit to a magic staff, but it was probably better than a greatsword. The old professor picks up his pace to keep with it. He intended to grab the staff as a simple test to see if his magic worked.
After it moved about for a while, it noticed that the man was following it, so it moved a little faster. No need to have curious tails. So it moved above the students, able to freely bolt down the hall and around the corner, hoping to lose the man.
Kazehana said:
After it moved about for a while, it noticed that the man was following it, so it moved a little faster. No need to have curious tails. So it moved above the students, able to freely bolt down the hall and around the corner, hoping to lose the man.
Did this thing really hope to evade him? As he watched it freely bolt down the hall and above students he could only conclude that it indeed wanted to do so. Oh well, he had all the time in the world to play these games. He could just excuse it as "investigating a security issue in the academy." Wouldn't be the first time he used such an excuse for not being to class on time! He decided to let it go for now as it darted out of his sight. He could always go astral and chase it later.
CoreyXIX said:
Did this thing really hope to evade him? As he watched it freely bolt down the hall and above students he could only conclude that it indeed wanted to do so. Oh well, he had all the time in the world to play these games. He could just excuse it as "investigating a security issue in the academy." Wouldn't be the first time he used such an excuse for not being to class on time! He decided to let it go for now as it darted out of his sight. He could always go astral and chase it later.
(I would like to point out that there are no classes today anyway)

It made it to what it assumed was a safe place, then headed into an open room to hide its staff. It seemed like it might be useful later. After making sure it was well hidden, it casually went back into the halls, looking up and down for the man. Once it thought it was safe, it went back to searching rooms, darting across the hall in a zig zag pattern.
Kazehana said:
(I would like to point out that there are no classes today anyway)
It made it to what it assumed was a safe place, then headed into an open room to hide its staff. It seemed like it might be useful later. After making sure it was well hidden, it casually went back into the halls, looking up and down for the man. Once it thought it was safe, it went back to searching rooms, darting across the hall in a zig zag pattern.
(And I would like to point out my character is an old and irresponsible lich with a horrid grasp on time.)

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