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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia's very important task of staring blankly at the table was interrupted when a girl plopped down at the head of the table. She looked the girl up and down, not sure who she was. She stared for few moments, before finally letting out the question. "Who the hell are you?" she asked, simply and bluntly.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Golden Glow

Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed and opted to eat silently while Gold and Amelia talked rather than say something to upset either of them. She smiled when Emily sat down near her. Though her smile dampened, only slightly, at what Amelia said. "That's Emily, my partner for the crown hunt." She told her before quickly adding "Hey Emily!" to Emily and waving happily.
"Hey, Emily," said Gold. "My name is Gol'diir, but call me Gold." He whispers to her, "Ignore Amelia. She's a bit of a jerk."
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She woke up that next morning once again disappointed. Still no answers were given to her. How did the headmaster know nothing? She sat up and it seemed Miziki was already gone. She quickly got dressed and made her way down to where everyone was. She found Miziki. "Hey, are you ready to win?" She asks actually excited for the competition. She was trying to suppress that she was quite pissed.

Mitchs98 said:
@Veyd Sahvoz @Golden Glow
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed and opted to eat silently while Gold and Amelia talked rather than say something to upset either of them. She smiled when Emily sat down near her. Though her smile dampened, only slightly, at what Amelia said. "That's Emily, my partner for the crown hunt." She told her before quickly adding "Hey Emily!" to Emily and waving happily.
@Golden Glow[/URL] @Mutchs98 @UnwantedTruth
ScarlettRose16 said:
She woke up that next morning once again disappointed. Still no answers were given to her. How did the headmaster know nothing? She sat up and it seemed Miziki was already gone. She quickly got dressed and made her way down to where everyone was. She found Miziki. "Hey, are you ready to win?" She asks actually excited for the competition. She was trying to suppress that she was quite pissed.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki had long since finished eating her fish. She was now internally debating whether or not to try and find Kate, the event would start soon and she really didn't want to have to leave without her partner or be forced to stay because she was late. She was just about to get up to go look for her when Kate came in. Turning the face her she nodded vigorously. "You bet! I was just about to come look for you." She replied. "Did you sleep well?" She asked her with a grin, obviously suggesting sleeping late was why she was..well..late.

@Golden Glow[/URL] @Mutchs98 @UnwantedTruth
@Golden Glow @UnwantedTruth

Senki Tazuya

You ready for the quest?" Senki asked her. "I think it'll be starting soon. I wonder what'll it be like.." She spoke, mostly to herself. "Oh! Also. Did you sleep okay? Any pain from..well..getting stabbed?" She asked her. Of course..she also wondered if there were any other side effects, but she figured Emily would tell her if there were.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Hey, Emily," said Gold. "My name is Gol'diir, but call me Gold." He whispers to her, "Ignore Amelia. She's a bit of a jerk."

Amelia frowned upon hearing this. She was about to insult him when she got a better idea. She once again began flipping through her book, before reaching a page near the end. She studied the page, before looking at Gold. "Telionous Niagale." she muttered in a cold, scolding type of voice. This was a spell which, when cast, fills a specific target with immense guilt.

"Yeah, I slept just fine." She says with a small smile. No you didn't why are you lying? She just brushes off her thoughts and orders something to eat. She sits down next to Miziki, not really saying anything.

Âme finally located Darius, which was good because she wated to get moving. "Hey let's go. I want to get there before the other students who already left," she said, not bothering to sit down. She had to almost keep herself from just leaving, but held on. Couldn't exactly leave without him, though if he was slow she might have to do something about it.

Kazehana said:
Âme finally located Darius, which was good because she wated to get moving. "Hey let's go. I want to get there before the other students who already left," she said, not bothering to sit down. She had to almost keep herself from just leaving, but held on. Couldn't exactly leave without him, though if he was slow she might have to do something about it.
Darius looked up at Ame who had suddenly showed up.

"Uh, sure. Let me just get Dravlon." he said as he got up and called the dragonling over who promptly stopped eating and hopped onto his usual spot on the boy's head. He noticed Ame was in a hurry but he wasn't sure how they were going to get there before the students who had already left. In any case, he gave her a nod to signal he was ready to follow.
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Drakerus said:
Darius looked up at Ame who had suddenly showed up.
"Uh, sure. Let me just get Dravlon." he said as he got up and called the dragonling over who promptly stopped eating and hopped onto his usual spot on the boy's head. He noticed Ame was in a hurry but he wasn't sure how they were going to get there before the students who had already left. In any case, he gave her a nod to signal he was ready to follow.
As he gave the nod, she immediately darted off, ready to get moving as soon as possible. She checked to make sure he was following, but didn't want to let up on her brisk pace. Soon, she would fly to soar passed the competition, hoping to be the first team to explore the catacombs. What excitement! Ame had so much epinephrine that she couldn't contain herself or slow down should he not be able to keep up. "Hurry upp!" she said, trying to get him to go her speed.
Kazehana said:
As he gave the nod, she immediately darted off, ready to get moving as soon as possible. She checked to make sure he was following, but didn't want to let up on her brisk pace. Soon, she would fly to soar passed the competition, hoping to be the first team to explore the catacombs. What excitement! Ame had so much epinephrine that she couldn't contain herself or slow down should he not be able to keep up. "Hurry upp!" she said, trying to get him to go her speed.
"H-Hey, wait up Ame! I can't walk that fast!" Darius shouted after the Aurai who he had to jog to keep up with. She seemed excited and to be honest, he couldn't blame her. Dravlon was having a hard time getting comfortable on the boy's constantly moving head so he opted to fly beside Darius rather than letting him do the moving. At this rate, they'd be outside the building in mere moments but then what? It's not like Dravlon could fly them there. Darius mentally shrugged and kept following Ame as she sped towards the exit.
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Drakerus said:
"H-Hey, wait up Ame! I can't walk that fast!" Darius shouted after the Aurai who he had to jog to keep up with. She seemed excited and to be honest, he couldn't blame her. Dravlon was having a hard time getting comfortable on the boy's constantly moving head so he opted to fly beside Darius rather than letting him do the moving. At this rate, they'd be outside the building in mere moments but then what? It's not like Dravlon could fly them there. Darius mentally shrugged and kept following Ame as she sped towards the exit.
Once they were outside, Âme immediately bunched her legs then jumped straight into the air, using a little wind to propel herself upward in a blurr. As soon as she realized he couldn't fly, however, she forced herself to go back down. "Come on then. Hop on," she instructed, not wanting to wait long for him to do so.
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Kazehana said:
Once they were outside, Âme immediately bunched her legs then jumped straight into the air, using a little wind to propel herself upward in a blurr. As soon as she realized he couldn't fly, however, she forced herself to go back down. "Come on then. Hop on," she instructed, not wanting to wait long for him to do so.
"Hop...on? To what exactly?" he asked skeptically as he watched Ame float in the air like it was nothing. She knew he was only human...right? Dravlon had his wings so now they were both hovering in the air waiting for Darius to do something. The boy did not move however and just stared at the Aurai, confused as to what he should be 'hopping on' to.
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Drakerus said:
"Hop...on? To what exactly?" he asked skeptically as he watched Ame float in the air like it was nothing. She knew he was only human...right? Dravlon had his wings so now they were both hovering in the air waiting for Darius to do something. The boy did not move however and just stared at the Aurai, confused as to what he should be 'hopping on' to.
(This made zero sense to me because I assumed you knew she was on the ground lol)

Ame rolled her eyes. "On my back, duh," she said, gesturing behind her. "Hurry up; I don't want to be late!" she said, impatient with his confusion.
Kazehana said:
(I would like to point out that there are no classes today anyway)
It made it to what it assumed was a safe place, then headed into an open room to hide its staff. It seemed like it might be useful later. After making sure it was well hidden, it casually went back into the halls, looking up and down for the man. Once it thought it was safe, it went back to searching rooms, darting across the hall in a zig zag pattern.
Well, it looked as if the lich would be able to use something other than lower level magic for a change around here! As he slowly followed he debated on what he should use to keep the thing in place. It was almost like a game between the both of them. Thankfully neither of them had anything serious at stake. As he quietly recited the incantations to prepare some of his more powerful magic he cast an illusion spell upon himself to muffle his footsteps to quiet his pursuit. In hindsight, he should have went into his own spirit form to go after this thing. There was always next time. He finally caught up to it in another hallway as it went from room to room. He then quickly another illusion spell to make a duplicate of him appear in a doorway the flame had yet to go in, hoping to lure it in another direction.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, it looked as if the lich would be able to use something other than lower level magic for a change around here! As he slowly followed he debated on what he should use to keep the thing in place. It was almost like a game between the both of them. Thankfully neither of them had anything serious at stake. As he quietly recited the incantations to prepare some of his more powerful magic he cast an illusion spell upon himself to muffle his footsteps to quiet his pursuit. In hindsight, he should have went into his own spirit form to go after this thing. There was always next time. He finally caught up to it in another hallway as it went from room to room. He then quickly another illusion spell to make a duplicate of him appear in a doorway the flame had yet to go in, hoping to lure it in another direction.
Feu paused for a moment, inspecting the thing in front of it. Instead of dealing it it, it propelled itself upward with its tail, phasing straight through the ceiling to the next floor. It then continued its search there, though it wasn't having much luck on that floor either.
Kazehana said:
Feu paused for a moment, inspecting the thing in front of it. Instead of dealing it it, it propelled itself upward with its tail, phasing straight through the ceiling to the next floor. It then continued its search there, though it wasn't having much luck on that floor either.
"Um...ok." he said nervously as he slowly, very slowly, put his arms around Ame's neck and let some of his weight rest on her shoulders. Her feathers weren't quite as comfy as he initially thought they'd be but that was the last thing he was worried about. He'd never been more than 20 feet off the ground before so he was quite nervous about the whole falling and going splat thing.

"Ready..." he muttered quietly.
Kazehana said:
Feu paused for a moment, inspecting the thing in front of it. Instead of dealing it it, it propelled itself upward with its tail, phasing straight through the ceiling to the next floor. It then continued its search there, though it wasn't having much luck on that floor either.
Without thinking much of it the lich followed up the stairs at the end of the hallway, this time glad the relative complexity of them wasn't an issue right now. As he saw the tail end of it as it went further the hall he followed after. Alright, play time was soon to be over since Prof. Shaltaea had another trick up his sleeve. He waited until he had a clearer view as he followed it, preparing a strong binding spell and using a soul gem to further empower the spell for this. He could use something with a little more staying power than a regular ghost, and he hoped this thing was it! When the will-o'-the-wisp would dart across to the next room he would zap it with a significantly more powerful binding spell. Unless the thing was already carrying something with it when it was zapped, the default binding would be to a large, light colored soul gem he had kept on his person for a situation he had hoped would be more dire than this.
Drakerus said:
"Um...ok." he said nervously as he slowly, very slowly, put his arms around Ame's neck and let some of his weight rest on her shoulders. Her feathers weren't quite as comfy as he initially thought they'd be but that was the last thing he was worried about. He'd never been more than 20 feet off the ground before so he was quite nervous about the whole falling and going splat thing.
"Ready..." he muttered quietly.
She nodded, then took off with another burst of speed. Up in the air, she had to create an updraft to hold the extra weight. He didn't have hollow bones or feathers, so he was quite heavy for flight. She was going quite fast, zooming at speeds around 70 knots, aided by jet propulsion. They soared over the forests, and passed just about anyone who was on their way. They seemed to not even be moving at the speed they were going.
CoreyXIX said:
Without thinking much of it the lich followed up the stairs at the end of the hallway, this time glad the relative complexity of them wasn't an issue right now. As he saw the tail end of it as it went further the hall he followed after. Alright, play time was soon to be over since Prof. Shaltaea had another trick up his sleeve. He waited until he had a clearer view as he followed it, preparing a strong binding spell and using a soul gem to further empower the spell for this. He could use something with a little more staying power than a regular ghost, and he hoped this thing was it! When the will-o'-the-wisp would dart across to the next room he would zap it with a significantly more powerful binding spell. Unless the thing was already carrying something with it when it was zapped, the default binding would be to a large, light colored soul gem he had kept on his person for a situation he had hoped would be more dire than this.
Since Feu hadn't found anything useful, it wasn't currently carrying anything with it. Everything was either too small or too average to do anything fun with. As it noticed the man, and his strong energy, it fled down the hall, and (attempted to) go into a room. It didn't want any part of whatever the man was about to do.
Kazehana said:
Since Feu hadn't found anything useful, it wasn't currently carrying anything with it. Everything was either too small or too average to do anything fun with. As it noticed the man, and his strong energy, it fled down the hall, and (attempted to) go into a room. It didn't want any part of whatever the man was about to do.
"It's rude to ignore someone who wishes to speak with you, you know." Prof. Shaltaea says in an indignant tone as Feu quickly fled to wherever it was going. As he followed he pulled the gem he would use out of his pocket, the light of the hallways giving a soft, gentle reflection off the stone in contrast to the harsher energies the lich was using for is task. Seeing it making a break for another room he quickly unleashed the magic of his spirit binding spell, the magic forming into slim appendages as they got close so it could grab and pull the ball of fire into the magic stone. "This would go a lot smoother if you would stay still, troublesome spirit!"
Kaia walked to his new school he looked down and seen a blue flame " I have to hide this for however long i can" he said he hid his pointy ears and opened the gate " new school here i am" he said with a smile.

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