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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia jumped slightly at the screeching before silently creeping closer to the hooded figure. When she was about a foot from the man, she said, "Um, hello? Can you hear me?" she said, trying to get his attention.
The man looked around himself, surely enough it was Evras, how he got into the school was unknown and highly impossible! "Of course I can, little girl!" he whisper shouted at her, using the book to shoo her away. To ensure she wouldn't come after him he left behind a firecracker, giving it a little spark before attempting to leave.

As the firecracker went off, Amelia stumbled backwards, yelping and falling on her bum. We then heard a voice say, "Get off your ass and catch him!" she turned to the voice and saw Grace. She climbed to her feet and began to chase the man, who had gotten out the door. "Hey wait!" she yelled, running close behind him.
Mitchs98 said:
@everyone else at the cave
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed and followed after her after lowering her arm, Atsuko sensing they'd already found the cave for themselves vanished. She could tell simply from the fact of how long she'd stared at her arm that she was, infact, hungry. She couldn't exactly force her though, so she said nothing against it. She'd just have to be extra careful protecting her if something happened. It didn't take them long to reach the mouth of the cave, of which Gold had entered seconds before they got there. "We finally made it! Maybe next time we should remember to grab a map..heh." She told her. "Ready to get this started?" She asked.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Anyone else in the cave

UnwantedTruth said:
As the firecracker went off, Amelia stumbled backwards, yelping and falling on her bum. We then heard a voice say, "Get off your ass and catch him!" she turned to the voice and saw Grace. She climbed to her feet and began to chase the man, who had gotten out the door. "Hey wait!" she yelled, running close behind him.
The cloaked man, Evras, stopped just as he were about to open the window. Slowly turning around he began to chuckle, letting the documents and book under his arms drop. "Are you coming then?" He asked in a rather mischevious tone. His glowing eyes were turned upwards, almost to make it look like he were smiling.

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Amelia glared at the man, not noticing the things he had dropped. She had mostly recovered from fear and shock, and was now in her bitter, vicious state. "Who the hell are you, and what the hell are you doing here?" she yelled, balls of fire bursting into exsistence around her fists. She raised them up like she was about to get into a brawl.
Evras saw this as the greatest time to joke around, since to him this was a game. "No need for anger my dear. I am but a friend seeking aventure." He explained, desperately trying not to ne sarcasstic.

Drakerus said:
Darius and Ame stood silently near the mouth of the cave watching some of their friends enter. None of the other students had arrived yet so it seemed like this was going to be a competition among friends to see who would get the crown first. As Senki stood in front of the cave with Emily he turned to Ame.
"Should we just sneak past them? I kind of want to talk a bit before we get this thing started but it's up to you." he whispered quietly in hopes of their nearby friends not hearing. The boy and the Aura were still invisible so now was the time to decide if an alliance would be formed or they would seek the glory for themselves.

Ame nodded. "Let's go," she said, though she wasn't as confident as she sounded. She put an air lock around them so she didn't have to whisper because whispering is boring. It also might keep people out of their invisibility bubble as well. In the cave, she couldn't help but notice how strange it was. And unnatural. But it was created by humans after all... Either way, she just wanted to find it and leave at this point. When she saw the branching paths, none of them looked appealing. "What do we do now? Guess?" she asked, looking over at him dubiously.

@Cruor Flumine
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UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia's frown became more menacing, her glare became colder, and her fists became hotter. She had a feeling that this guy wasn't going to answer any questions, so she decided that she'd just go ahead and kill him. She sprinted towards him and launched her fist in the direction of his face, hoping that it would hit him.
Evras put his hand up, already engulfed in dark magic, and attempted to grab her fist. When he saw her try an punch his face his eyes widened. Just barely did he have time to dodge the first, but now the flames had caught onto his cloak. "Stupid girl! You are a fool if you turn down my offer!"

Marie scurried off to her dorm. Once she found it she placed the small duffel bag down inside. not bothering to se if anyone else was there. She checked her bag again. Some clothes, Daggers, and a few alchemy herbs. She stood there looking at the bag before placing it down and turning to leave the room.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia backed away from the man after lighting his cloak on fire. She smiled a little before asking, "What do you have that I would want?" she held out her hands, controlling the fire and make it spread faster.
As the flames grew Evras remained still, "Everything...the return is near and the end is nigh. I can promise the return of your sister..." he explained, a grin still eminent from the expression of his eyes.

Veyd Sahvoz]As the flames grew [URL="http://img02.deviantart.net/c281/i/2011/191/4/3/lich_by_newmand-d3lmdal.jpg said:
Evras[/URL] remained still, "Everything...the return is near and the end is nigh. I can promise the return of your sister..." he explained, a grin still eminent from the expression of his eyes.
When the man finished, Amelia's eyes widened and her hands extinguished. "What the hell do you mean? She's dead!" She said as smoke began rising up from her whole body. "The end is nigh? The return is near? What the hell are you talking about?" she yelled with a frown. "Who are you?"
Fitting far more objects into the courier's bag than physically possible Prof. Shaltaea makes a double check to make sure he has the basics and more for his trip. Satisfied with his results the lich leaves his room and heads to the stairway to head down, closing his door behind him. It didn't take too long for him to eventually get to the old, dark stairwell that lead to under the building. It was a shame something uncontrollably dark and powerful was down here, otherwise it would make for a nice little place for his work. On the bright side, he could let a bit of self-restraint loose down here if needed to be.Not giving the dusty stairs much thought, he soon saw his elven companion a bit further in. "I hope you're ready." he says to Kebehcet, and to Mouse-O if he was present. "We're going to have either nothing to do or a fight for our lives."

@The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum
UnwantedTruth said:
When the man finished, Amelia's eyes widened and her hands extinguished. "What the hell do you mean? She's dead!" She said as smoke began rising up from her whole body. "The end is nigh? The return is near? What the hell
are you talking about?" she yelled with a frown. "Who are you?"
"Your worst nightmare...." said Evras, going up in flames, his robes falling to the ground leaving behind nothing. The books had also disappeared as well. If Amelia looked under the robes she would see a resonant-portation hex mark left behind on the ground.

Amelia stepped backwards a step when the man disappeared, leaving only his cloak behind. After a few seconds, Amelia cautiously walked over to the cloak. She grabbed the cloak and pulled off the ground, slinging it over her shoulder. She was about to leave when she realized that the cloak had been covering something. She looked at it with a frown. She pulled out a piece of charcoal and pulled up her sleeve, before drawing the mark on her arm. Perhaps it would help her in her investigation. That's right. Investigation. Some weird shit was happening at this school, and she might've be the only one who knew about, which meant that she had to stop whatever it was that was going on. Once she was finished drawing the symbol, she curiously and slowly extended her left hand and gently touched the mark.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Kazehana said:
Ame nodded. "Let's go," she said, though she wasn't as confident as she sounded. She put an air lock around them so she didn't have to whisper because whispering is boring. It also might keep people out of their invisibility bubble as well. In the cave, she couldn't help but notice how strange it was. And unnatural. But it was created by humans after all... Either way, she just wanted to find it and leave at this point. When she saw the branching paths, none of them looked appealing. "What do we do now? Guess?" she asked, looking over at him dubiously.
@Cruor Flumine
"Well, a rule of thumb I've always gone by is when in doubt, go right. There's nothing special about it but it makes deciding a lot easier." he said as he turned towards the rightmost path. He tried not to think too hard about it but deep down he hoped he wasn't leading them to some sort of death trap.

"Can't you send wind to scout the path or something?' he suggested having no idea what the extent of Ame's abilities were.
Drakerus said:
"Well, a rule of thumb I've always gone by is when in doubt, go right. There's nothing special about it but it makes deciding a lot easier." he said as he turned towards the rightmost path. He tried not to think too hard about it but deep down he hoped he wasn't leading them to some sort of death trap.
"Can't you send wind to scout the path or something?' he suggested having no idea what the extent of Ame's abilities were.
Ame made sure to stay close, mainly because they both had shields that required the other to stay close. At his question, she gave him a rather questioning glance. "How does wind do anything beside exist?" she asked, looking around at what she could. "I can use it to extend my senses, but it's kinda hard to do with an air lock literally cutting me off from the wind outside of the barrier," she explained.
As the two walked through the doorway, a large slap slid into place, locking the two in the hall. On the outside, the space was undisturbed, as if there was never a path there in the first place. At the end of the hall opened up a pathway to a large circular room, a pedestal in the center with a skull and a crown as black as the night sitting atop it.

@Kazehana @Drakerus
@Kazehana[/URL] @Drakerus
Darius jumped at the sound of the slab hitting the ground behind them. He looked back and gulped loudly not liking where this was going.

"Well, no turning back now I guess" he said as an afterthought. As they proceeded into the main chamber he immediately saw the crown and skull on the pedestal. The skull gave him a sense of dread and not just because it was a skull. There was something...convoluted about the whole setup.

"Is that...?" he turned to Ame for her input.

Drakerus said:
Darius jumped at the sound of the slab hitting the ground behind them. He looked back and gulped loudly not liking where this was going.
"Well, no turning back now I guess" he said as an afterthought. As they proceeded into the main chamber he immediately saw the crown and skull on the pedestal. The skull gave him a sense of dread and not just because it was a skull. There was something...convoluted about the whole setup.

"Is that...?" he turned to Ame for her input.

Ame snorted. "We both know it wouldn't be that simple. Besides, we should be more concerned with finding a way out," she replied, looking at him briefly before stepping ever so slightly into the room. She wanted to be able to look around, but she didn't want to get too close to the crown. With confidence that no one could see, hear, or get to them, she used some stuffy wind to knock the crown and the skull off of the pedestal, nonchalantly expecting a trap of some sort.

@Cruor Flumine
Darius winced as the crown hit the ground with a loud clink. Slowly, he approached it and the skull rolled as Ame's bubble made contact.

"It seems safe. Can you lower the barrier?" he asked her preparing to pick up the crown. In truth he was still quite skeptical about how easy it seemed. There was definitely something up but there wasn't much else they could do in their current situation.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia stepped backwards a step when the man disappeared, leaving only his cloak behind. After a few seconds, Amelia cautiously walked over to the cloak. She grabbed the cloak and pulled off the ground, slinging it over her shoulder. She was about to leave when she realized that the cloak had been covering something. She looked at it with a frown. She pulled out a piece of charcoal and pulled up her sleeve, before drawing the mark on her arm. Perhaps it would help her in her investigation. That's right. Investigation. Some weird shit was happening at this school, and she might've be the only one who knew about, which meant that she had to stop whatever it was that was going on. Once she was finished drawing the symbol, she curiously and slowly extended her left hand and gently touched the mark.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Upon touching the mark black ashes and mist appeared swirling around her form. It didn't do anything else but that and whispering. The after effects of hexes were complex but this one just made it disappear.

@UnwantedTruth (basically, Amelia touched the mark, it disappeared, now time for the investigating!)
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Anyone else in the cave

The cloaked man, Evras, stopped just as he were about to open the window. Slowly turning around he began to chuckle, letting the documents and book under his arms drop. "Are you coming then?" He asked in a rather mischevious tone. His glowing eyes were turned upwards, almost to make it look like he were smiling.

@Cruor Flumine

Senki Tauzya

Senki looked up at the painting and shrugged, "Nope. No clue." She told her. After she'd answered she picked one of the corridors and followed down it, making sure Emily followed behind her. The place was honestly kinda creepy, but she was sure they'd be fine.
Just as they passed through the doorway, a large stone slab slid down and blocked their exit, the torch being the only light in the hall. Then, the opposite end opened up, revealing a large, circular room with a pedastle in the center. Atop it sat a skull adorned by a crown blacker than the night.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98
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