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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


Light split through the trees, indicating to Matthias that he had reached his destination. He stopped to take in the beautiful University that was Excelsius. Having finished his journey, he dashed his pipe onto the ground and took his first few steps on the campus.

A lovely sight indeed. He couldn't begin to fathom how long it must of have taken to construct such a well thought-out and perfectly sculpted stone structure. Students were bustling around, laughing, some even practicing by themselves on a bench or on their own against target dummies. Matthias simply chuckled to himself, to think, he would be one of his family to be here. Gracing his thoughts were the family he left behind, some dark reminders to twist the dagger in his brain, if only for a moment. He couldn't think about his childhood years without being reminded of why he left. If it was too painful to recall, then it was simply reaffirmation as to why he was here in the first place.

He grasped his bag tightly to his back, and stepped into the Main Hall.
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The letter read:

"A tower of magic

a home for passion

this is where you will find the crown.

Strength in numbers

and for one only

glory and power."

On the lower half of the letter was a map of a portion of the Academy, more specifically, the abandoned wing. Marked in a large room was an intricate circle with small lettering underneath labeling it 'Portal'. Underneath the map was a riddle.


It holds most knowledge that has ever been said;

But is not the brain, is not the head.

To feathers and their masters, 'tis both bane and boon. . .

One empty, and one full.

Answer me and you may leave whole."

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98
@CoreyXIX[/URL] @Vaccum
Mouse-O utterly confused about what is being said, chose to ignore it, turned to the lich and said. "I suppose I'm ready." There wasn't really any prep for him to do in the first place. "Just lead the way" Mouse-O was ready to follow him, with his gaurd up. It was his job to warn the academy if something happened so he prepared an invisibility spell to cast upon himself once they got underground. Hopefully whatever the hell these cat-elephants were couldn't see invisible creatures.

@CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi
@Cruor Flumine[/URL] @Mitchs98
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Mitchs98
Senki Tazuya

Before Senki could do anything to the letter Emily wanted to see it, which she of course gave it to her. Walking around behind her so she could read it she could only think about what the Oni had said. Down below there were secrets. It made her very uneasy, she honestly didn't even want to participate in the quest anymore and had half a mind to warn everyone. She thought heavily on the riddle, being the more knowledgeable type she figured it'd be easy..but it wasn't. "A book?" She eventually answered.
Alpha Omega

Warping through the empty and hollow hallways of the academy trying his best not to be caught. Eager to begin his classes and meet all his new classmates, Alpha couldn't resist the urge to go through the school to familiarize himself with it. Wandering through the gyms, battle-grounds, dressing rooms, dorms, secret passages, ect.. Un-aware that it was no longer acceptable to view the opposite sex in nude form openly, he watched the girls changing clothes before feeling a set of eyes on him. Suddenly warping from the area in a rush to get away from the set of prying eyes, Alpha landed in a dark, cavernous, space. The room was almost barren. All that lay inside was an ornate box of liquid, golden trim with an oblivion black base and a smoky sigil that sat beside it. Alphas curiosity was struck only after remembering that he had seen the same markings before. Hearing the bell chime, Alpha was startled and rush to his first class completely forgetting he could warp through the walls.
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After taking his first steps into the hall. He immediately stopped himself.

"How could I possibly forget?" He thinks to himself. So out of character.

Spinning on his heel, he turns around and walks back outside, looking for a place to sit. Spying a large rock about the size of his bottom, he strides over and sits down. Crossing his legs and holding his hands together in his lap, he closed his eyes and began to focus. Matthias had done this as a child to map his surroundings, feel for any impurities and any possible imbalance in Nature. Before he had done this subconsciously, and as he grew older he taught himself how to sense Calamity willfully.

As a few minutes pass by, nothing happens...

As sharp as a blade slicing the skin, Matthias' brain jolts and shakes his posture. Mental shocks were never a good sign. Setting his worry aside, he mapped enough of the surrounding area and made a mental note that the imbalance was located in a cave somewhere in the forest. Fresh determination filled his blood as he stood back up and walked back inside the Academy. His eyes darting around, Matthias searched for someone who might be able to show him a dorm room he could claim as a student willing to learn before he sought out the entropy in the forest.
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Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki nodded slowly. "Yeah..kinda the same for me. Though instead of them being scared of me they kinda forced me out of the village due to me being dangerous. I uh..may or may not of blew up my house twice with a failed alchemy experiment." She replied before shrugging. "Kinda glad I came though, everyone is really nice so far." She added.
"I did much worse." She muttered but hopefully Miziki didn't hear it. She looks around desperately want ig to find this crown so one this quest could be over with and she could sleep. She was exhausted, she was always exhausted.

Stopping mid stride in the hallway, remembering he still has not received a set of classes nor a dorm room. Knowing that he was there to be a "normal" student made it hard for him to think, Alpha had to figure out where to go for help. Although he is incredibly ancient he never took time to learn simple things like common sense. Unable to bring himself to go back to the office, he set out for another student, one who seemed to know where to go.
ScarlettRose16 said:
"I did much worse." She muttered but hopefully Miziki didn't hear it. She looks around desperately want ig to find this crown so one this quest could be over with and she could sleep. She was exhausted, she was always exhausted.
@Cruor Flumine

Miziki Kurone

Miziki arched a brow, she'd of course heard her given her sense of hearing, but she didn't comment. It didn't take them long to enter the catacombs, nor enter one of the corridors like the rest. "This is exciting! I wonder what we'll find!" She told her.
She smiled at the girl. She started looking around the catacombs not leaving any place un touched. She used her enhanced sense or smell and hearing to see if it would help but at the moment, it didn't work.

As they entered, a large stone slab slid into place behind them, sealing the two in as anotger ston slid up from the end of the hall, revealing a large, circular room with a pedastle. Atop the pedastle sat a skull adorned by a black crown.

@Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
ScarlettRose16 said:
She smiled at the girl. She started looking around the catacombs not leaving any place un touched. She used her enhanced sense or smell and hearing to see if it would help but at the moment, it didn't work.
Miziki Kurone

See anything?" She asked her, making note of their exit being sealed. That didn't worry her too much..exploding arrows and all.

Senki Tazuya

Senki had moved in front of Emily the second the compartment opened, shielding the both of them with her wings. She internally facepalmed when Emily got the right answer instead of her. Oh well. "Good job, come on lets go." She told her before starting to walk up the staircase and ultimately out of the door.
Narrator: The Ebony Crown of Talsworth

As the students on the quest for the Ebony Crown made their way past the riddles and caves they came across the next part of the big expedition. It seems as though there had been another abandonned section of the academy, or so they thought at least. The 6 of them -being 3 pairs and 2 in each- had decided the best course of action would be to at least team up, for the time being, since this was a competition after all. All of the traps, pits, magic, etc. they had come across inside had caught one of them each time until there was only one left. Who that person is, we will never know. On the last obstacle the last remaining competitor knew they were at the end of the line when suddenly it stopped. The traps were disabled and before them was a pedestal with, well I'm sure you know. The Ebony Crown of Talsworth. This artifact had been centuries old but the enchantments were beyond any of the head professors knowledge. Now, you may think that they would use common sense or instinct to just walk up and take it but no, before they could a figure appeared. . . Varien himself! And it turned out the abandonned section was just the mages tower. "Congratulations! You will be rewarded greatly for your teamwork. All of you!" He declared, meaning as in all of the competitors, who, in fact, hadn't died like you'd thought. That night was the greatest for the 6 brave souls, being given a fairly good feast for their bravery and teamwork. But, when they were all sound asleep the loud yelling of the Dark God Kaaldir could be heard from even the deepest reaches of the underground areas. With the warning yell there was sneaky, old, withered Evras with his 2 accomplices, knowing that today was the day of the return.

Draconus- Halloween Party of Eldrith

At last, Halloween had arrived! Everyone's favorite day to party like no tomorrow, and that is what they shall do. Decorations were around almost every floor of the school, various ornaments, pumpkins, Jack o' lanterns, wine, masks, costumes, and much much more. Everyone was in the Dining Hall, talking, laughing, and just enjoying it, even though it may not have seemed all that great. The food was absolutely great, the cooks must've worked harder than usual to prepare this. It was absolutely magnificent, the entire history of the school and of Halloween. On this day, Halloween night, the barriers of the spirit world open up and allow the horrible creatures of the afterlife to haunt us. After doing so we would need to scare them back... Thought Draconus, but if only that would be easier. It was childs' talk to think Kaaldir would be scared into going back to his imprisonment. The students all seemed to be having a wonderful time, better than most. "Isn't it great Addor? The concept of the whole thing?" Asked Draconus in a rather exquisitly happy and gleeful voice that only appeared once a decade. Mr. Addor nodded to his question while trying to eat at the same time "Indeed." He replied with a muffled voice from talking while eating. Soon enough their party plans would come into place and the real action could start. Not that the large feast of whatever you desired wasn't good.

@LexiTheTurtle @Drakerus @sygnus @Neex (This next part will be nearing the of this RP. So please, before you think of callin it quits just at least can we finish it off? :) By the way, you all are currently in the Dining Hall. Except for Kabehchet and Mouse-O)
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Varien let out a sigh. Snapping his fingers, a large portal opened up. "I would like to introduce some very important guests this evening!" From the portal first came Knight Artorias and Sif. Next was a feminine figure clad in darker colors and wearing a porceline mask. In her hands were two swords, one black and jagged, the other golden and sharp. Next was a giant carrying a rather large bow and a quiver of arrows to match. The final one to emerge was a taller man wearing golden armor stylized to look like a lion. In his hand was a large spear with a crossbar just before the blade.

(This is everything really needed for their appearance plus a reminder of Artorias)

In Order: Dragonslayer Ornstein, Lord's Blade Ciaren, Hawkeye Gough, Four Knights

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.3d717db02b97fdf97d821df8be72fe88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.3d717db02b97fdf97d821df8be72fe88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.817e9dbcd96aa7e5d416cf49ce1a23c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.817e9dbcd96aa7e5d416cf49ce1a23c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.66c40d9ed5b39de3f23768e8b83eed26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.66c40d9ed5b39de3f23768e8b83eed26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.da37e6f9eae277fe874f9caae7c2f1fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.da37e6f9eae277fe874f9caae7c2f1fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.93a09a8e084d53334707181d7f890785.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.93a09a8e084d53334707181d7f890785.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.8475e3ebf453c4e3a414cdd8839a84e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.8475e3ebf453c4e3a414cdd8839a84e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alpha Omega stood there in front of Draconus and the others, hearing the Halloween feast beginning. "The library must wait, we are being summoned now." jumping down into the warp circle to the holloween feast he had created upon hearing that it had started. Leaving Draconus and the others behind Alpha regretted it instantly, he was anxious about meeting everyone at the banquit alone. Levitating to an area that everyone else seemed to be actively avoiding, Alpha landed inside a thick, rotating, black sphere. Not knowing what it was or who created it, Alpha became curious and decided to delve deeper inwards to the center opening.
Darius was enjoying all the desert they were offered at the tables when Professor Varien announced that important guests had arrived. When he saw them he was awestruck at how much they exuded the 'legendary' aura. Just their appearances alone were enough to tell that they've experienced countless battles. he didn't exactly know who each of them was but that didn't take away from the experience one bit. Maybe he'd grow up to become as great as these individuals some day. He sure hoped so at least.

"What d you think of the party so far guys?' he asked turning towards Ame and Miziki who were sitting near him.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
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The giant took his seat in an open spot next to the teacher's table, setting the massive bow and quiver next to him before pulling out a knife and a large piece of wood, beginning to carve into the wood. The golden knight with the spear chose to lean on the wall next to the giant, his spear cradled in the crook of his arm and resting on his shoulder. The woman in darker clothing and porcelain mask stuck rather close to Artorias, her blades sheathed at her side. Artorias himself was standing beside Varien, who was standing near the giant and the golden knight, conversing with the four of them merrily.
Drakerus said:
Darius was enjoying all the desert they were offered at the tables when Professor Varien announced that important guests had arrived. When he saw them he was awestruck at how much they exuded the 'legendary' aura. Just their appearances alone were enough to tell that they've experienced countless battles. he didn't exactly know who each of them was but that didn't take away from the experience one bit. Maybe he'd grow up to become as great as these individuals some day. He sure hoped so at least.
"What d you think of the party so far guys?' he asked turning towards Ame and Miziki who were sitting near him.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
Ame looked around, but wasn't quite sure what to think of it. "It's, uh, fun I suppose. These decorations are a little creepy though," she said, frowning a little. All the new things and the excitement left her unable to quite comprehend what was going on. "What about you, Miziki?" she asked passing off the question so it was a less awkward situation overall.
Having settled in over the past few months, Matt began to get a good feel for the people in the school. It's quite peaceful here, he thought to himself. The people seem genuine, and I can really focus on my goals and surround myself with link minded people. Life is definitely good here.

Just one seat from the rest of his usual group. He hated to admit it, but the large one was quite intimidating. His courage got the best of him and he dared speak to him,

"Who might you be, large one? I don't believe I know what Varien was talking about when he spoke of your legends." Curiously eyeing the gigantic Archer.
The giant let out a laugh, one that echoed throught the hall. "I am Gough. Some call me Hawkeye Gough, the Giant. I would not count our group as a legend quite yet young one!" Gough said, looking at the much smaller person from behind his mask.

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Drakerus said:
Darius was enjoying all the desert they were offered at the tables when Professor Varien announced that important guests had arrived. When he saw them he was awestruck at how much they exuded the 'legendary' aura. Just their appearances alone were enough to tell that they've experienced countless battles. he didn't exactly know who each of them was but that didn't take away from the experience one bit. Maybe he'd grow up to become as great as these individuals some day. He sure hoped so at least.
"What d you think of the party so far guys?' he asked turning towards Ame and Miziki who were sitting near him.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
Kazehana said:
Ame looked around, but wasn't quite sure what to think of it. "It's, uh, fun I suppose. These decorations are a little creepy though," she said, frowning a little. All the new things and the excitement left her unable to quite comprehend what was going on. "What about you, Miziki?" she asked passing off the question so it was a less awkward situation overall.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki was enjoying herself, the quest was just what she'd hoped it of been. She even got to use her magic effectively! Though she was a bit bummed out to find out it was all connected to the school and just a part of it....she guessed they didn't want to put them into any
real danger. Currently she was enjoying, you guessed it, fish. Lots and lots of fish. As expected it was better than usual, and Miziki had plans to gorge on it until she couldn't move.

She would of answered Darius' question first, but she had fish in her mouth. Luckily Ame had answered so Darius wasn't left hanging. When it was her turn she was sure to have no fish in her mouth. "
I dunno about the decorations, I'll take Ame's word on them being cool and creepy. But the food and everything else is awesome!" She replied excitedly. "The quest was really fun too! Though, the end of it was a bit of a let down..oh well." She added.

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