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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Amelia was shocked as things began happening around her, but only for a moment. When the magic stopped, she looked down at the spot where the symbol had been, silently cursing herself. Now the original copy was gone. Well, she still had the one she had charcoaled on her arm. With the cloak flung over her shoulder, she began to walk down the stairs. Her hallucination was, for better or for worse, no where to be found. She stopped by at her dorm for a few minutes to do a few things: first, she transcribed the mark from her arm to a page in her notebook. She then picked up her messenger bag-esque bag and shoved her book, a new stick of writing charcoal, and the cloak inside it. She flung it over her shoulder and went down a few floors to the library. She entered and called, "Anyone here? I need a book."

@Veyd Sahvoz @whoever might be in the library
Drakerus said:
Darius winced as the crown hit the ground with a loud clink. Slowly, he approached it and the skull rolled as Ame's bubble made contact.
"It seems safe. Can you lower the barrier?" he asked her preparing to pick up the crown. In truth he was still quite skeptical about how easy it seemed. There was definitely something up but there wasn't much else they could do in their current situation.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Ame hesitated, then nodded. "Be careful..." she said, not wanting anything to happen to him. She prepared herself to block anything that may happen, using the aid to extend her senses throughout the room. There was bound to be something.
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Mitchs98
@Cruor Flumine

Senki Tazuya

Senki glanced back when their exit was cut off. Ah..well. She supposed if they REALLY needed out the stone wasn't that thick, unless it was magically enchanted..it probably was. She then glanced from the crown and then to Emily in disbelief. Surely, it wasn't
that easy, right? Of course it wasn't. Forming her spear she tossed it directly at the skull with enough force to knock it over rather than obliterate it.
Kazehana said:
Ame hesitated, then nodded. "Be careful..." she said, not wanting anything to happen to him. She prepared herself to block anything that may happen, using the aid to extend her senses throughout the room. There was bound to be something.
Darius slowly bent down onto his knees after Ame had lowered the barrier and gradually moved his arm so that his hand would touch the crown. A tight nervousness gripping his soul, the boy stopped just short of touching it. His fingers only about an inch or two away. He exhaled loudly and continued until his fingers made contact with the mysterious crown.

@Cruor Flumine
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Mitchs98 said:
@Cruor Flumine
Senki Tazuya

Senki glanced back when their exit was cut off. Ah..well. She supposed if they REALLY needed out the stone wasn't that thick, unless it was magically enchanted..it probably was. She then glanced from the crown and then to Emily in disbelief. Surely, it wasn't
that easy, right? Of course it wasn't. Forming her spear she tossed it directly at the skull with enough force to knock it over rather than obliterate it.
The spear hit the skull and sent it clattering to the ground along with the crown. The crown spun for a few moments before clatteting to a stop.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98

Drakerus said:
Darius slowly bent down onto his knees after Ame had lowered the barrier and gradually moved his arm so that his hand would touch the crown. A tight nervousness gripping his soul, the boy stopped just short of touching it. His fingers only about an inch or two away. He exhaled loudly and continued until his fingers made contact with the mysterious crown.
@Cruor Flumine
As soon as his fingers made contact, the crown exploded in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind a letter sealed with red wax. The seal on the wax depicted a crown followed by a singular sword going through its center.

@Kazehana @Drakerus
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Drakerus said:
Darius slowly bent down onto his knees after Ame had lowered the barrier and gradually moved his arm so that his hand would touch the crown. A tight nervousness gripping his soul, the boy stopped just short of touching it. His fingers only about an inch or two away. He exhaled loudly and continued until his fingers made contact with the mysterious crown.
@Cruor Flumine
Cruor Flumine]The spear hit the skull and sent it clattering to the ground along with the crown. The crown spun for a few moments before clatteting to a stop. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Mitchs98

As soon as his fingers made contact, the crown exploded in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind a letter sealed with red wax. The seal on the wax depicted a crown followed by a singular sword going through its center.

@Kazehana @Drakerus
Ame gasped as she immediately headed into the smoke to make sure Darius was okay. "Darius? Are you hurt?" she asked, suddenly making it right to him. Once she was that it just transformed, she frowned. "What's this, then? Is that a letter?" she asked rhetorically. She knelt down and carefully inspected what the crown left behind. She picked up the letter, tracing her finger on the strange wax seal. Then, without second thought, she opened it and read it out loud so Darius and Dravlon could hear what it had to say.
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"A tower of magic

a home for passion

this is where you will find the crown.

Strength in numbers

and for one only

glory and power."

On the lower half of the letter was a map of a portion of the Academy, more specifically, the abandoned wing. Marked in a large room was an intricate circle with small lettering underneath labeling it 'Portal'. Underneath the map was a riddle.

"A nightmare for some. For others, a savior I become. My hands, cold and bleak, it's the warm hearts they seek.

Solve me and you may leave."

@Kazehana @Drakerus
@Kazehana[/URL] @Drakerus
"Huh, I guess it really wasn't going to be that easy..." Darius said nonchalantly. In truth he was a bit annoyed that they had come all this way only to have their goal be where they started. He took another look at the map and didn't recognize exactly where the map showed but he did know the layout of some of the school so he was sure it depicted Excelius. He turned to Ame.

"This looks like it shows an area inside the school. This area that's marked must be how we can get to the real crown." he said pointing to the aforementioned spot, "I'm not too sure about the riddle though..." he trailed off as he began to think harder about it.

((This was almost literally my thought process as I tried to figure it out.))

Darius was deep in thought trying to solve the riddle. He didn't really have any idea what the answer could be off the top of his head so he opted to scan the room for any clues. Unfortunately, the walls, ceiling, and pedestal were all quite barren. The only object of note was...the skull.

But what would a skull have to do with the riddle...

Let's see, 'a nightmare for some.'

I guess that skull was pretty scary. But why? What makes that skull 'a nightmare'?

Because it's creepy. Because it's a dead guy's...Oh!

"I've got it! The answer is death!" he exclaimed in a burst of insight.

"Death scares most people but some long for it unfortunately, people tend to imagine death as a cold and dark figure, and finally, death only comes for those who are still alive! Those with warm, still beating hearts!" he explained, the pride obvious in his voice. He just hoped that he wasn't embarrassing himself only to have the wrong answer.
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For a moment, the room was silent. Then, from the opposite end of the room, a large stone slab lifted from it's place. Beyond the doorway could be seen a stairwell leading upwards with a row of lit torches lining the wall.

@Drakerus @Kazehana
Drakerus said:
((This was almost literally my thought process as I tried to figure it out.))
Darius was deep in thought trying to solve the riddle. He didn't really have any idea what the answer could be off the top of his head so he opted to scan the room for any clues. Unfortunately, the walls, ceiling, and pedestal were all quite barren. The only object of note was...the skull.

But what would a skull have to do with the riddle...

Let's see, 'a nightmare for some.'

I guess that skull was pretty scary. But why? What makes that skull 'a nightmare'?

Because it's creepy. Because it's a dead guy's...Oh!

"I've got it! The answer is death!" he exclaimed in a burst of insight.

"Death scares most people but some long for it unfortunately, people tend to imagine death as a cold and dark figure, and finally, death only comes for those who are still alive! Those with warm, still beating hearts!" he explained, the pride obvious in his voice. He just hoped that he wasn't embarrassing himself only to have the wrong answer.
@Drakerus[/URL] @Kazehana
Âme hadn't time to react to anything that was going on until they were given the opportunit to leave. "Well than," she huffed, standing up and curiously moving over to the stairwell. She looked up, inspecting its safety. When she was satisfied that it was not dangerous, she carefully walked up, preparing for almost anything. Though they had to be near the surface since they didn't go that far down, right?
Cruor Flumine]The spear hit the skull and sent it clattering to the ground along with the crown. The crown spun for a few moments before clatteting to a stop. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Mitchs98

As soon as his fingers made contact, the crown exploded in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind a letter sealed with red wax. The seal on the wax depicted a crown followed by a singular sword going through its center.

@Kazehana @Drakerus
@Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki looked from the crown, then back to Emily. She was still in disbelief but removing the skull and crown hadn't set off any traps or anything else, so she assumed it was safe. Carefully she walked forward and grabbed her spear. She stared at the crown hesitantly for several minutes before finally deciding to grab it, bracing for whatever might happen next.
"Ahh your here, good I will soon be making my way to the Nimkoehther, sooner I return the sooner we will have more reinforcements. Now let's see I suppose two large guards would be of great assistance, and some shadow warriors I suppose." She digs in her pouch and pulls forth two crimson red ruby pendants. "Ahhh here they are, have you ever dealt with Ivastrimali Guardians?" Kabehchet pauses after a few minutes of silence she realizes she's speaking of an animal from a world other than the one on which they currently occupy.

"Oops sorry well um Ivastrimali Guardians are essentially a very large enchanted feline. Males can reach the size of large bull elephants weighing although half as much. Females in comparison can reach the size to female elephant, weight is again about half. Having two heads, eight legs and eight tails each equipped with retractable stingers that inject a range of venoms. The venoms range from sleep to extreme pain, to paralysis to coma for time unknown luckily the antidote is also created within the IGs body. Their fur is a stoney gray to a deep black, eye color varies have a very large set of wings that can be dismissed when they are below in the caves. This species can teleport and spends time above and below ground but only at night their wings are silent like an owls. Their bones are nearly unbreakable harder than stone and their hide one of the hardest to pierce they are magic resistant and can us shadow magic themselves, favorites such as blind, possession, and sap. So now that you have stats do you want to meet one of my most well trained breeding pairs?" Kabehchet finishes explaining and pulls some pendants from her satchel and a small ring and small items. " Mouse-O I also have some little things for you that will help greatly with your magic study later on as well since you were so brave as to come down and assists"

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum
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As soon as her fingers made contact, the crown exploded in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind a letter sealed with red wax. The seal on the wax depicted a crown followed by a singular sword going through its center.

@Kazehana[/URL] @Drakerus
"hey look! You can see the surface from here." Darius said pointing towards the glimmer of sunlight that awaited at the top of the stairs. he couldn't wait to get out of the ominous ruins even though nothing dangerous had actually happened. Then again, what awaited them at the academy? He shuddered remembering the Oni that had attacked Emily the other day. Maybe it had come from the place that was marked on the map.

@CoreyXIX[/URL] @Vaccum
Would something the size of a bull elephant even be wise to use down here? Prof. Shaltaea wondered as much while she went on to explain the qualities of the Ivastrimali Guardian. It could be useful in large areas, although the lich was originally wishing to not loudly announce their presence down here to anything that may actually be lurking and planning. "They sounds lovely, but are you sure this old stonework could handle their combined weight?" he asks. Even if they were only half the weight of an elephant that was still a bit heavy. In hindsight, they probably could. "Also, please leave a way to counteract them if they get out of hand. This is a god of darkness and madness we're dealing with. I'd prefer not to lose this body if I can help it." he requests to his colleague. This was sure to be a long night.
@Kazehana[/URL] @Drakerus
Drakerus said:
"hey look! You can see the surface from here." Darius said pointing towards the glimmer of sunlight that awaited at the top of the stairs. he couldn't wait to get out of the ominous ruins even though nothing dangerous had actually happened. Then again, what awaited them at the academy? He shuddered remembering the Oni that had attacked Emily the other day. Maybe it had come from the place that was marked on the map.
Ame opened the door without much thought and popped up outside. It was sort of odd that the journey was so short. Also, there was zero indication that that was even a catacomb, so... Ame was rather suspicious. None of what was happening was anything like her adventures. Usually, it was more complex, there was precautions so people couldn't find the treasure or the location, and stuff like that. Assuming she was overthinking this, she shook her head, then looked around. Why hadn't they noticed this when they got there? She supposed it was their fault for not looking around.

"Well, I suppose we should go back. Ready?" she asked, prepping herself for take-off once more.
Kazehana said:
Ame opened the door without much thought and popped up outside. It was sort of odd that the journey was so short. Also, there was zero indication that that was even a catacomb, so... Ame was rather suspicious. None of what was happening was anything like her adventures. Usually, it was more complex, there was precautions so people couldn't find the treasure or the location, and stuff like that. Assuming she was overthinking this, she shook her head, then looked around. Why hadn't they noticed this when they got there? She supposed it was their fault for not looking around.
"Well, I suppose we should go back. Ready?" she asked, prepping herself for take-off once more.
Darius nodded and Dravlon promptly started flying on his own. The boy carefully positioned his body so he was clinging to Ame's shoulders just like last time. Hopefully the ride wouldn't be as unpleasant as the last one had began. Maybe he was starting to get used to it? Probably not. Internally shrugging he gave the Aura the affirmative that she could proceed into the air.
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Drakerus said:
Darius nodded and Dravlon promptly started flying on his own. The boy carefully positioned his body so he was clinging to Ame's shoulders just like last time. Hopefully the ride wouldn't be as unpleasant as the last one had began. Maybe he was starting to get used to it? Probably not. Internally shrugging he gave the Aura the affirmative that she could proceed into the air.
Ame took off the same way as last time, except she used a shell to make sure Darius wasn't uncomfortable. She didn't want a repeat of last time. Though this time, she went faster, assuming he was comfortable with the speed the previous flight. The rush of a quick speed made her smile; she hadn't flown this enjoyably since she got to the academy. Perhaps she should take more breaks to go flying. It would probably improve her overall disposition. Hopefully.
Kazehana said:
Ame took off the same way as last time, except she used a shell to make sure Darius wasn't uncomfortable. She didn't want a repeat of last time. Though this time, she went faster, assuming he was comfortable with the speed the previous flight. The rush of a quick speed made her smile; she hadn't flown this enjoyably since she got to the academy. Perhaps she should take more breaks to go flying. It would probably improve her overall disposition. Hopefully.
Ame had been nice enough to put up bubble immediately so the flight wasn't nearly as bad this time around. He could now open his eyes without getting sick from watching the terrain pass under them in a blur.

"So, what did you think of all that? It definitely gave me that initial chill up my spine but in the end it was...underwhelming." he said hoping to make the trip go by faster with a little conversation.
Drakerus said:
Ame had been nice enough to put up bubble immediately so the flight wasn't nearly as bad this time around. He could now open his eyes without getting sick from watching the terrain pass under them in a blur.
"So, what did you think of all that? It definitely gave me that initial chill up my spine but in the end it was...underwhelming." he said hoping to make the trip go by faster with a little conversation.
"It wasn't really much... I was expecting a lot more to be honest," she replied, keeping her gaze on the surroundings. She needed to be aware of where she was flying if she was to make sure they were on the right track and she didn't crash. Though they weren't exactly close to anything, so that wasn't much of an issue.
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CoreyXIX said:
Would something the size of a bull elephant even be wise to use down here? Prof. Shaltaea wondered as much while she went on to explain the qualities of the Ivastrimali Guardian. It could be useful in large areas, although the lich was originally wishing to not loudly announce their presence down here to anything that may actually be lurking and planning. "They sounds lovely, but are you sure this old stonework could handle their combined weight?" he asks. Even if they were only half the weight of an elephant that was still a bit heavy. In hindsight, they probably could. "Also, please leave a way to counteract them if they get out of hand. This is a god of darkness and madness we're dealing with. I'd prefer not to lose this body if I can help it." he requests to his colleague. This was sure to be a long night.
"Sorry I meant to say Males can reach the size of large bull elephants weighing although half as much. Females in comparison can reach the size to female elephant. I have two that large these two though quite large the male standing eight foot at the shoulder and and female six at the shoulder on all eight are still bigger than most felines of this realm I'm sure. They are able to cast featherweight upon themselves and are resistant to madness. Their weight and minds should be not a problem that plus the attribute I listed earlier is why I chose them to assist you. Are you doubting my abilities in magical species classification and identification?" Kabehchet teases but doesn't wait for responses She begins rubbing one of the stone pendants between her thumb and forefingers closing her eyes " Etorri niregana Rajiv, etorri niregana Rajiv" Kabehchet opens her eyes they glow an ethereal green as be before in the cemetery and the jewel begins to glow red and a crimson and black smoke pours out of the stone and onto the floor gradually growing denser and larger until a low growl almost in stereo is heard from the mist and two pairs of glowing green eyes appear in the smoke and then slowly two large panthererien heads follow them both of them nuzzling up to Kabehchet

"Awwwe hi boy I got a job for you and your girlfriend." She says lovingly scratching him behind the ears "Rajiv this is Prof. Shaltaea and Mouse-O, you and Ghana will treat Prof. Shaltaea as your master in my absence is that understood. Prof. Shaltaea this is Rajiv he can communicate with you telepathically or verbally. "

"I will follow your wishes my queen" Rajiv answers in a low gravelly voice. Looks at the Lich " Explain do I guard the undead or the school?"

Kabehchet finishes calling Ghana before answering Rajiv ' s question. She gives the two felines a moment to say hello to one another and inspects them both. " You will be guarding the school and it's occupants live or undead from the nefarious creature confined below. You will have the assistance of the proffesor and Mouse-O and a shadow army." Kabehchet puts the ingredients together including bones, herbs and minerals and starts grinding them together in a mortar and pedestal too a fine powder. She hands a very horned medium sized demon skull that is formed into a chalice to Prof. Shaltaea "Hold this" She pours the powdered mixture into the chalice and takes out a dagger and quickly slices her hand letting blood flow into the cup. "Some spells require a blood sacrifice, royalty tends to work best, just because it says sacrifice does not mean the being has to be killed" she adds taking the cup and pouring it in front of a wall and lights it and black armored soldiers begin to walk out of the shadows until a battalion of 50 soldiers have lined up along each wall.

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum
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Mitchs98 said:
@Veyd Sahvoz
Senki Tazuya

Senki looked from the crown, then back to Emily. She was still in disbelief but removing the skull and crown hadn't set off any traps or anything else, so she assumed it was safe. Carefully she walked forward and grabbed her spear. She stared at the crown hesitantly for several minutes before finally deciding to grab it, bracing for whatever might happen next.
Emily looked over at the letter, tempted to take it from Senki. This was just plain old boring and weird. You'd expect this place to be extremely creepy and stuff but it was this easy? "Surely this is some kind of trap...Lemme see it" said Emily with a melichous grin. She further inspected the letter before attempting to open it.

@Cruor Flumine @Mitchs98
Draconus walked through the Grand Foyer with a red orb in hand and the letter from before that Senki. It still confused the hell out of him as to why an Oni would have it but that wasn't important right now. Trying to decipher it was what was the hard part....which reminded him. 'Adlin. Meet me on the 16th floor at the secretary's office.' He explained to here through telepathy.

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