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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Calvin observed the duel between Jay and Fox take place, then turned to Kiara, apparently limping under her futile attempts to hide it; if she truly was not injured, she could have run on toward the tower, but continued her quick paced walk. After seeing that sight, Calvin snapped, his anger boiling his blood as it flowed like Rapids through his veins and arteries. 'They hurt her. They wounded her. This is the last straw, Xana. I won't let you keep doing this,' he declared. He listened to Kiara's words, but his rage was only fueled with the pleading expression on her face as she spoke. He turned to Fox and gently removed his glasses entirely to increase his focus beyond its already accelerated state, further defining his Heavenly Copywheel Eyes. Before him approached around ten hornets and five kankrelats. He returned to his previous stance to deflect any incoming laser bolts.

The hornets and kankrelats fired simultaneously on command of Fox as he watched through the corner of his eye, using some method of puppeteering to control them. He twirled Isis skillfully from one side to the other, tilting his blade perfectly in its blur of speed to deflect the bolts at the perfect angles, from the hornets to the kankrelats and vice versa. The kankrelats were destroyed by their lack of reflexes, but the majority of hornets remained, only two actually dying from impact and four more replacing them. At this he began rotating Isis again, slamming the heel and tang into the ground again, ejecting him into the air directly toward the hornets. He replicated his motions from a few moments ago, twirling his blade the exact same way, deflecting the lasers of the hornets back to others, and shredding up those who were unfortunate to be close by. Approximately 10 of them were destroyed, leaving two hornets left, not including all that resided in the arena like area they formed for Jay and Fox.

Consequently after launching into the air, he began a flight path toward Fox, and continued spinning Isis, winding up for an attack upon reaching his destination. Once he was in range, Calvin suddenly switched the direction of rotation in Isis for the attack. Unfortunately, the scythe phased right through smoke and shadow, leading Calvin to swiftly wind his entire body around, leaving Isis in its attacking position, for a kick to Fox's head as a second attack. This was also met with smoke and Calvin soared past him, jamming Isis's blade into the hard virtual earth to halt himself before he flew too far away. Once stopped, he pulled the scythe out and twirled it back behind him in a bow staff position, the toe directed forward. He forced his head back up to glare menacingly at Fox with his eyes resembling pure evil itself with rage igniting an already demonic pair of pupils and sinister silver hair. Fox looked utterly somewhat frustrated with Calvin's appearance.

"Surprised to see me, you sack of garbage? I can barely fathom how you actually expected to possess me!" Calvin angrily remarked with a sadistic grin and low psychotic chuckle. Calvin was completely consumed with anger for Xana, recalling the death of Jake, and now his injuring Kiara. Pure and utter hatred for Xana filled him, and it would only be quenched by venting the anger on his monsters.
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James felt his phone vibrate and answered it. "Ebony your not going to believe this but I'm answering your call from the ceiling of one of the hallways in school. The gravity here is all different kinds of messed up. What would Xana need to mess with the gravity for? Do you have any ideas?"
Fox simply snuffed at Calvin and directed a few hornets at Jay, this time diving down to strike him with their needle like appendages. Arrows wouldn't do much good at a close range. He could pick them off but hornets flying from multiple directions would be hard to combat. It would occupy him in the least. He turned his attention back to Calvin. "You're just a child with a wild imagination. I have no reason to take your form when this one is superior." He outstretched an arm to his side then brought it forward at Calvin. A Megatank rolled from behind the tower and gained speed as it barreled toward Calvin. His own form sunk into the ground with a cloud of shadow and then shot off into the air. He hung over the battlefield for a moment and tuned the monsters accordingly to what he saw. There was one uncontested member of their team hidden among some rocks. His form dived down into the ground in front of Sai and he stepped from the cloud of impact.

"Good of you to be so patient." He smirked and approached her. "Don't worry now, I won't harm you as long as you follow my instructions." He pointed toward the tower with a smirk. "Walk." Sai was the key to this whole world. These children just didn't know how to utilize her. He doubted that Sai herself knew. No matter. She could be used.
As the hornets approached Jay realized that Dark Fox didn't know of his new trick. Jay shot his last arrow, which the hornet dodged, and held his bow lower towards the bottom. He then did something that would most likely give any professional bowman a heart attack. When the first hornet was in reach Jay swung the bow like a baseball bat, solidly hitting the hornet away. This method wouldn't kill them, but it could give him the time he needed. He managed to swat them all away, but not before being shot a couple of times (one in the leg and one in the arm). They stung, but he ignored it and started running towards Kiara. Looking at the tower he noted the path the Mega Tank took from the tower. Ebony was right about the landscape. Various rocks started floating in random directions leaving gaps in the ground. It was also spreading slowly. He also saw Sai being marched towards the tower and knew something had to be done. He took a couple shots at Fox's back and took cover again before disappearing.


"Maybe it is just a distraction to get us into Lyoko" Ebony reasoned. "Do you need any help?"

@iShyShy @Sensei Fox @Ryu kishi
James looked arround at the empty hallway. "No I should be fine unless the gravity starts to increase or something crazy like that."
Calvin had not wavered in the slightest at Fox's comment. He was completely consumed by explicit sadism, strongly enough even to influence his conscience. He noticed Fox conjure up a Megatank from the tower, then leaped towards Fox in an attempt to destroy him where he stood from his puppeteer position, avoiding combat. When Calvin soared close, he yelled loudly as he swung Isis around him in a motion resembling contemporary scythe mowing, only to have Fox escape his grasp once more in his shadow smoke, fleeing the battle capture Sai. Instantly, Calvin's anger subsided and he regained his composure as he recalled their initial goal.

The Megatank condensed power in its Eye of Xana while Calvin was focused on Fox and Sai, and released a Circular Laser wall straight for Calvin. He realized this too late and was unprepared for the attack, turning to find the blast a mere few meters away advancing towards him. He had a split second to react before devirtualization and activated Flash Flicker, then time slowed to a near stop around him and he maneuvered like lightning, even in his own consciousness. He shifted aside from the laser wall and rushed the Megatank head on, lightly tapping Isis on the wall's edge beforehand to force it to recede, leaving the monster vulnerable for a swift and instant blitz. He had perhaps another second before his ability diminished, even so he jammed his foot into the ground nearby the Megatank, positioning himself in the perfect location for an attack to its Eye of Xana.

Time faded into its usual pace and the Megatank's attack retreated to its source, while another penetrating force accompanied it. Calvin widely winded his scythe around, perfectly impaling the Eye of Xana, then removing his blade and twirling it professionally. An instant after the Megatank's explosion, Calvin's body produced static all over and his body was subject to an excruciating pain, leaving him immobilized on his knees for a moment until the static subsided. When he was free from that restrictive pain, he carefully stood back up and poised himself as he looked to the sky.

"Ebony, what're my life points at now?" he called to the sky, expecting a reply until he turned to Sai and Fox, still close by to her former hiding place. He found Sai being confronted by Fox rather than destroyed, which gave birth to thoughts about why Xana would want to use Sai when she simply deactivates towers that he uses for manipulation on Earth... unless she has other abilities on Lyoko. Calvin internally elaborated for a moment in real time, but seemingly an eternity in his super accelerated mind, boosted by the disposal of his glasses. He was summoned back to the situation by Kiara's voice, despite not hearing her clearly due to his lack of immediate awareness. He turned his gaze to her and listened intently to her words.
Sai was busy observing the battle that raged on. Fox's new fighting style was a surprise to her since she was so used to seeing him favor sword fighting in direct combat with one of the warriors. The fact that he was being so passive sent her mind analyzing and determining a multitude of reasons. Calvin had confronted Fox only for Fox to make his way into the air for whatever reason. She stared at the floating cloud only to be broken from her concentration by the appearance of Fox himself from a cloud just in front of her. When did he get here? She glared at him as her programmed heart was racing. "For what reason?" This had never happened before, why would he want her to go to the tower? It's not like she had much choice, but she silently got up and walked toward the tower as slowly as possible. Her orb was hidden by her hand, and once the warriors got close she would have to take a risk to get away from the new captivity.

Kiara was making her way toward the tower the whole time, she was approximately a third of the way there due to her speed and lack of motivation after being hit. Luckily the stinging pain subsided and she was able to move freely once again. She was mostly unaware of the events that happened behind her, only hearing the battle rage on as she made her way. For a moment she looked back to see Calvin activate his Flash Flicker and Jay use his bow like some sort of baseball bat, but she had turned back before seeing much else. Sai has to be going to the tower. Where else would she be? Her thoughts were broken by not only Jay catching up to her but by Calvin as well. "Hey guys." It seemed she was in the position to become the leader in this situation and at that moment her peripheral vision caught the glimpse of Sai being walked toward the tower by Fox. A worried rage welled up inside of her at the sight, obvious in the tension of her voice. "Do you two see that?!" She pointed at Sai and Fox while a black aura (Yin) flared up around her. "What in the world could he want with Sai? We need to get him away from her NOW! Not only because she fixes everything from Lyoko, but because she's our friend. Jay shoot some arrows off to slow them down and possibly give Sai an opportunity to get away." At that point, the aura enveloped Jay, enhancing his Eagle Eye ability to give him more strength and accuracy for his shots. She then turned to Calvin, grabbing his arm as now a white energy (Yang) circled around her wildly. She looked him dead in the eye with her focused determination, there was no doubting her seriousness. "You already used Flash Flicker once. I'll be right behind you but this is to get you to them faster. We'll be right behind you." She grabbed onto Calvin's arm with both hands, utilizing her burst of super strength to send him soaring through the air toward Fox and Sai. "Let's go, Jay." She ended as she started running off toward them. She used her pole to vault herself forward to move faster and get out of the way while Jay fired off his arrows.
"Now that's just pathetic." Fox moved out of the way of the arrows, catching a few in his cloak. He threw a shroud over himself and Sai to mask their location from range. He made a few more movements and rolled a second tank toward the group. Another shroud was placed around it. Being unable to see the weak spot of a tank should make it that much more difficult to combat. It would buy enough time to complete what was needed. He prodded Sai and removed their shroud. "Pick up the pace before someone gets hurt."
Calvin turned to what Kiara pointed out, which was Sai leading Fox to the tower; despite his being the first one to pick up on it, he gave the initiative to Kiara since his thoughts got the better of him after observing it. Calvin started vainly calculating possible methods of approach as Kiara went on; however he still listened to every word and replied accordingly.

"He might be intending to have her input a different code into the tower. The tower Xana activated is a Way Tower and contains the base for the entire sector. But even if he activates it for use on Earth, he doesn't have permissions to access anything inside of the tower. He'd need someone with access to the tower coding like Sai..." he dragged as he realized the graveness of their situation, "He's planning to use her power over Lyoko to grant himself access to the sector!" he announced exasperatedly, then Kiara went on about saving Sai, and our plan for doing so. Calvin had not really inspired any ideas to begin with, so he tagged along expectantly. When she gave Jay his orders, he wondered what she had in store for him.

"What would you have me do?" he queryingly inquired as she turned to him, "Wait, what're you-...?" he interjected as she grappled his arm and peered into him with a certain new-found resolve. She uttered a vague statement and pulled intensely on his arm.

(Probably went a little overboard here, but whatever! (^-^))

"What are you do-woah-ah...! doiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!?!!?!!?!??!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH THIIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIIIIIS AAAAAWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEESSSSOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!" Calvin screeched as he skyrocketed into the air in the precise trajectory of Sai and Fox. He remained silent the rest of his flight as not to alarm Fox of his location before he reached them. He caught sight of Jay and Kiara's distraction, and how it was easily countered by Fox's shadow cloaking, then caught sight of a Megatank burst in from around the rocks soon veiled over with the same shadow screen from before. It would be difficult to handle, but he trusted that Jay could take it down. Jay could hit anything if he really tried, and he knew if from their previous escapades in Lyoko.

Calvin closed in on Sai and Fox, perfectly angled to lacerate Fox; he needed to tell Kiara just how perfect her throw was later. He twirled Isis before him and shifted into an aerial stance, pulling the scythe back to his left to fly the inside of the chine straight through Fox as Calvin flew past. He sped towards them, remaining completely silent as he drew near; even his flight made no noise, so he was a ghost in the air. Fox seemed to never even notice as he broke through beside Fox, carrying the blade through Fox, then swiping the scythe forward suddenly to amplify his attack power, following his attack through Fox. His feet grinded on the stone ground as he slid away in a crouch, Isis now positioned to his right from the follow though, at least 5 meters away, considering his speed, negated by his downward angle at that point. He stayed in the crouched position in place, checking to see if he actually bisected Fox, or simply passed through that aggravatingly impalpable smoke, but instead listening for even the faintest sound from the two of them behind him.

How he wish he could have mangled Fox, despising Lyoko's physics restricting any and all dismemberment, even from the most agonizing of evisceration. His hatred and anger remained controlled, but now immediately fixated toward Fox, a perfect and direct source to channel his anger unto, considering the circumstances. He maintained his conscience and focused his strength to his senses and his reaction time. Fox might be faster, but he was still able to use his ace a maximum of nine more times. He had not lost any additional life points to hits or any of the sort, so he should have been fine as long as he kept track of himself, Fox, his allies, and his surroundings.
Sai paused for a moment as they were covered in the uncomfortable dark smoke she knew as evil. She couldn't see outward but could feel the movements of Fox behind her. Admittedly she was pretty terrified at this point, not only was she in his grasp and unable to fight back, but she was blind. Then she was pushed forward to start walking again with Fox's command to continue forward or else someone got her. Did he mean her? That was something they couldn't risk. If he meant her friends, they could get 'hurt' and devirtualized but... what if he meant something worse? Fox had yet to answer her question from earlier as she turned to confront him, it was a risk she had to take since he obviously needed her for some reason and wouldn't devirtualize her. Hopefully. "You have yet to tell me your reason. If you injure anyone, I will not assist you. I would have expected you to know that." The word choice and sassier confidence were things she probably picked up from Kiara somehow but Sai had used her own words. She was trying to buy time and once she turned she saw Calvin flying through the air silently, then landing into his attack. A sense of relief washed through her but she stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Kiara and Jay were coming up close behind but were intercepted by the shrouded megatank so Calvin was her only hope at the moment.
HA HA HA HA Ha....


Cypher continued copying the laugh as his avatar was formed miniscule data miniscule by data on the other side of the impromptu battlefield. Once finished he dropped to the ground below on the very edge of a large drop. He turned to watch the fighters continue on, then held out his hand for his virtualizing scalpel blade to fall into once if finished. To his sides two other monsters virtualized as he grabbed hold of his blade.

Cypher had to admit, he was thankful that Fox was able to hold his own until XANA was able to mobilize some support. The recent defeats, while embarrassing, still allowed a collection to form about their external avatar adversaries. That in and of its own is a great victory that Cypher could only admit would be nullified if not for Fox's actions.

The two monsters dropped to the ground as well, and Cypher turned back to glance at the Krabs as they glanced around for a bit at their surroundings.

As one, Cypher began walking towards the battlefield as the Krabs followed.​
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'Another Mega Tank, really?' Jay thought to himself. It's locations was obscured a bit, but that didn't doo much. Kiara had amplified his powers and Eagle Eye gave him a great view of the rolling sphere. He got an idea and charged at it. The Mega Tank focused on him and turned to peruse Jay. The ground started splitting apart where both of them ran, which gave Jay the advantage. He could jump while the monster could not. It didn't take long before the Mega Tank was trapped on his own little island rock and Jay jumped up and pushed it over the edge into the digital sea. He managed to avoid being hit, but just barely. At this point he didn't really want to know what his life points were at. He looked at Fox and Sai and took several shots and charged at them, jumping from rock to rock.
Fox let the scythe pass through him without a care. He shot a blinding bolt of shadow at Calvin as well as in Jay's direction. He intentionally caught one of the arrows in his body and pulled it out. Grasping the arrow, he thrust it into Sai's arm. "Move. Now." He began pushing her at a run, pushing shadow around them as cover. He linked his mind to Cypher "Deal with the pests." He should be able to occupy them where other monsters failed. As he pushed Sai, he explained finally. "You'll do exactly what you always do, and I will add to it. The towers grow my strength but slowly. With my addition to your code, I will gain strength exponentially for a moment before you are all sent back to your world."
Cypher took in the sight of Fox ushering the external avatar towards the tower then tilted his head to the side a bit under his bag. Despite this, he just shrugged and complied with Fox's wishes and waved a hand in the air. The krabs opened fire on the external avatars, while Cypher broke into a jog with lasers flying past him in order to close distance. He gripped his scalpel blade tightly in two hands as one of his eyes locked onto his targets through the bag. Plan simple, hold out until the gravitational manipulation accelerated to the point where individuals could be crushed against ceilings or thrown off into space. Cypher made sure to list several mini goals for himself as he ran, making sure that there would be some form of benefit to his code before this battle was done.
Calvin was not particularly affected by the shadow around his head, considering his eyes were closed to listen to his surroundings. The smoke pushed him back on impact while grazing his shoulder and damaged him. He hoped Ebony would still give them Life Point checks as he needed one before using Flash Flicker again. He rushed Fox and Sai again, running as fast as he could when he caught a glimpse of a strange new creature with a heavy scalpel and a bag over its head. It reared into an aggressive position and Calvin was forced to encounter it. He would have to leave Sai and Fox to Kiara and Jay. Before he stopped; however, he drew his right hidden blade and flung it full power at Fox from behind, not really expecting to hit him, as it was more to spite him for his cowardice in abandoning the battle. He took an offensive stance against the paper bag monster.

"Well, I haven't see you before. What kind of monster are you?" he presumptuously inquired of it.
At swinging out the external avatar, Cypher tried to close as much distance as possible before feeling his close range aptitude kick in.

Gripping tighter on it with both hands, Cypher slowed momentarily to crouch before leaping several feet, aiming his Scalpel blade towards the opponent, and promptly dive bombing it as it began recording as much data as possible for future reference.
Calvin strolled out of the way to the side to measure the bag man's trajectory, ready to dodge at any moment, especially if the bag monster could correct himself in the air. It did not seem as if he planned to move, which made Calvin suspicious of this monster's motives, if monsters could have independent intentions. It seemed like too simple and straightforward of an attack for Xana, but Calvin would remain vigilant regardless.
As Cypher's Scalpel Spear dug into the ground, he duly noted the External Avatar's reaction and promptly filed it away for later review before glancing to the side. Fox still had the Tower Altering Avatar, the Krabs were intercepting the other Avatars. He quickly looked over the members of the battle before descending from his spear and pulling it out of the ground before dragging it along towards the avatar he had originally targeted. Keeping the eye inside his bag locked on him as he dragged his spear behind him, Cypher paused for a moment to heft it into a two-handed position before stretching a bit and charging old fashion bayonet style.
James was enjoying his floating when he was suddenly brought back to earth. He landed on his back causing a jolt of pain to go through his system. He laid on the ground for a few minuets letting the pain subside. When he got up he found it harder then usual and when he tried to walk he found it extremely hard to do. James pulled out his phone and called Ebony. He needed to tell her the situation going on here and hopefully she could get the worriers to speed it up a little. He liked gravity better when it wasn't trying to kill him
Calvin found the strange creature rushing again, and swung Isis around like a club, then quickly slammed its heel in a baseball swing motion to the left into the blade of the enemy's scalpel-like polearm, parrying the rush to the side as Calvin flourished his body out of the way. His accelerated mind still calculated every movement the beast made while allowing him to keep track of his surroundings without worry of distracting himself from the battle for too long. Kiara and Jay seemed to be dealing with a couple of Krabs who spawned along with this bag man, which meant they needed backup, or one of them had to break free of their occupants.

"Ebony, are you there? Can I get a life point check?" he intensely called out, sincerely worried about his life points after activating Flash Flicker once, then taking damage from Fox's smoke. That shadow ability of his was a truly ridiculous capability; Calvin barely hit him after a perfect counter maneuver, and then once more when he flew through him from a distance. Calvin was still trying to find ways around it, but the only possibilities he had yet to gauge were unsuspecting attacks from behind, or anywhere he would not see, but it was significantly easier said than done. For now, he focused on the bag man, and taking care of him. He thought it would be imperative to memorize his combat patterns for future reference in case he ever turned up again after, but they were running out of time and he needed to end this quickly before Sai was used for Xana's evil schemes.
Cypher shifted on his feet for several seconds before letting the tip of his Scalpel spear tap against the ground. He turned to the external avatar's position, with the use of weaponry noted and filed.

He glanced at the other combatants for several secrets ends before internally sighing. He soon dragged his spear over to his adversary and slowly raised it back into a two handed position. Stretching once again, Cypher crouched low before launching himself up several yards, inwardly he was still trying to keep track of the level of gravity instability. As one his momentum was suddenly reorganized, his upward motion becoming downward motion as he swung the scalpel blade in a downward ark as he descended.
(Notifications decided to hate me… again)

"Seriously?" Ebony said in the phone to James. "Well I guess I'm not suprised that Xana is trying to murder anyone he can. Just try to help as many people as possible. Fox is using Sai for something right now, but if we can distract him she will have a chance at deactivating the tower. Just hang in there." She hung up and started back to the other warriors. "James said the gravity on earth is trying to kill people at the school. I know easier said than dine, but could you pick up the pace a bit? And Calvin, you are down to 30 life points. Be careful, but do what you must."


Jay really didn't like Krabs. He couldn't take out their legs and they would always move when being shot at. He finally landed on one and shot from there and jumped off, but the explosion still got him. He was launched farther than he was planning on going and barely grabbed onto the edge of a rock. He didn't look down at the digital sea, but knew it was there. He hauled himself up and saw how close Sai and Fox were to the tower. He ran and jumped for all he was worth and tired to mess up the terrain even more so slow their progress. Finally he landed close to the tower and faced them. He hopped this wouldn't be a mistake, but he had to try. "Teleport behind me Sai!"

(@iShyShy just in case notifications hate you too)
Calvin chuckled woefully with a grim smirk to accompany it. 'Just 30 life points? Dang, that smoke must have really hit me if it shaved off 60 life points,' he wondered amazingly, recalling only using Flash Flicker once, but no matter. It was all he needed to take this monster on. As long as he pulled out all the stops, leaving no openings on himself, he would not have to deplete his life points any further, as long as he focused absolutely on the battle, he would come out victorious. He twirled Isis behind him with one hand, then in front with both, ending it abruptly in an offensive stance to his left, ready for any advance the monster made. He planned to use Flash Flicker once in this battle so he would still be able to aid the others in battle without facing defeat right off the bat, but with an attack like that, Fox would annihilate Calvin in an instant. Calvin did not want to try using Flash Flicker when his life points would be depleted completely by it as he had no idea what would happen. It might simply send him back to Earth, or be equivalent to plummeting into the digital sea; either way, he had to be careful with his life points.

"Let's end this quickly, you creepy little lancer. I have more important things to do than spar with you, and I'm running out of time for the entries in my agenda," he audaciously taunted.
Sai squirmed in the pain as the arrow was forced into her arm from Fox's attack. She had never been hit before and the feeling of pain was not only new to her but difficult to work through. She had no chance to catch her breath as Fox pushed her to a run toward the tower as he explained that he grows with each tower she fixes. With this new injury, she didn't have much choice but to follow his commands. What could he do for a moment? What kind of power would that entail for him? I hope the others can help me... After hearing another monster go down behind her, Jay soared through the sky in front of Sai and Fox, stopping them from getting to the tower. She grabbed her orb and teleported just as Jay asked, backing up toward the tower slowly. "Jay if I fix the tower he gets stronger, what do I do?"

Kiara finally vaulted herself close enough to Fox at this point, trapping him between her and Jay as she held her staff to his back as she taunted, "First you try to court me, and now Sai? Not much of a gentleman in the least, Fox. I expected better of you." Her eyes glared at him, if she had the ability of laser vision, he would lack a head. Her tone became more serious, "We have a score to settle. You're not just getting away with screwing with my head like that. Let's make a meaningful victory today."
Cypher paused in his approach and tilted his head at the External Avatar's words before shrugging and resuming.

Overconfident and arrogant, the outside world sure had a way with its inhabitants. Several goals filled so far, that was enough for him but you can never reach to far. So he had to at least give the impression that he was trying. He turned to watch Fox as he was apparently surrounded by adversaries. Cypher hoped he had the forethought to keep track of their statistics.

With an internal sigh he went searching through the vast majority of audio logs he'd taken of the adversaries.

I have more important things to do.

Sure, let's go with that one. Cypher repeated that in his head as he raised his spear and continued closing the distance before lunging toward the external avatar and thrusting his spear at it.

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