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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Kiara stood in the scanner, waiting anxiously as the diagnostic was done. The scanner filled with a bright light as it took the reading on her body and she could feel the parts moving around her for what seemed like ages. Really let's just go ge tit done now! There's no reason to wait! Time is of the essence! When the scan finished, she stepped out to to watch Jay's scanner open at the same time. She hesitated speaking to him, "Hey..." Calvin's door opened up and Kiara watched wide eyed as he stepped through. "Waiting on Ebony to tell us the results." It seemed like Calvin didn't hear her though, like his head was somewhere else. She made her way to him and struggled to get eye contact for a moment. "Calvin? Calvin are you alright?" It's happening already!
"Yeah, I'm fine, I heard you. The scan just exhausted me. I think I just went unconscious in the middle; it was like being virtualized, almost," Calvin assured. Despite that, Calvin was still lost in thought. The voice sounded familiar, like he had heard them before, but where? Why were these voices familiar? The variation of the voices only occurred four times, meaning there were four entities either trying to possess him, or already resided within him. So was what Fox told Kiara right? Did Xana really possess them overtime into Lyoko? 'Then whatever these voices are, they must be keeping Xana out of my head. But what are they? Where could I possibly have heard such unfamiliar, obscure voices that somehow make me feel like I've known them for ages?' he inquired of himself. He supported himself on Kiara and stood straight again.

"Ebony, have you found anything yet?" he shouted to the ceiling, hoping she had the PA system on two-way.
Ebony examined her screen before replying as the last of the data filtered it's way to her. She wanted to be sure there really wasn't anything wrong with them before she had to explain anything, but they all seemed normal. "Come on up" she said I to the PA system. On the screen there were 6 figures in 3 sets of 2. Each set had a name under them for each person she just scanned. The figures showed the first time they were scanned to this time.
"Well that's a tad...odd, Calvin. Maybe you should get some more rest?" Or maybe Xana tried to pull him into Lyoko mid scan...Even so, that's worrisome and I don't want anything happening. It was true, she didn't want anything bad to happen to her or her friends. The occurrence was weird and she deemed it because Calvin had been volunteering to go into Lyoko at any chance he could. He loves Lyoko...it's so obvious. She tensed her body when she felt Calvin start putting weight on her to help himself stand and looked back at Jay to see if he had possibly had a similar experience. The silence from Ebony was unsettling to Kiara as they waited for a reply. She was still worried about the fact that her friends were basically programmed and set to destroy her so the scan's results were very important. At Ebony's request, Kiara helped Calvin to the ladder and made her way up to the computer room to check out the screen. The figures were spinning and in an obvious 'before and after' type of set up but she couldn't exactly make out what the readings were other than the color changes. The figures labelled with her name seemed completely fine, they matched up well as far as she could see. "So... that's a good thing." But I already knew that. The guys' look good too...but Xana wouldn't make it so easy for us to spot... Fox warned me. I'll have to play it smarter next time I'm in Lyoko and get to a tower... "We should probably get Katie and James down here too..."
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The voices never stopped, and gradually got louder at an extremely sluggish rate, almost unnoticeably slowly. Calvin appreciated Kiara's help, and with it, reached Ebony. The images on the terminal were familiar to him. It was part of an avatar scan program in the files he read his first week. He had not read enough on it to interpret what they said, aside from the names and basic credentials present on the I. D. Cards nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, but Ebony's expression was grave, even from the angle where he was standing.

"What is it, Ebony? What's going on?" he wondered worriedly.
"Everything is normal with you guys" Ebony said. "If you look not much has changed, and everything that has can easily be predicted from natural growth. Except we now have a new problem. The super scan detected an activated tower in the mountain sector. Xana has chosen to attack when when we are divided. You three head back down and prepare for virtualization and I'll call the others to try and keep things in check back here."
Kiara froze at the new of a tower and being told to go into Lyoko so soon. Even with the scans she was nervous about what Fox told her earlier. Why would Xana's programming ever show up on a scanner? He's smarter than that and now there was a risk that two of the people she trusted most might just end up trying to throw her into the digital sea. She gulped quietly, "Yeah... alright. I wonder what it's doing to the real world..." She pulled out her phone really quickly and sent Dahlia a text asking if she was alright, just out of pure worry. Hopefully she's not in danger this time. The moment I feel like the guys are going for me, I need to make a break for a tower. She made her decision and quickly made her way down into a scanner to get into Lyoko first, it was best to get there and be prepared to defend herself from both friend and foe.
Calvin looked to Kiara, who still appeared as if she did not trust him, or even Jay and the others. But in the current situation, we needed to act quickly, or else Xana might interfere with reality as usual. What could they do? If Xana really had planned to possess them, he would give everyone outside the factory easy passage here, in which case, going in could be dangerous, but you never know what Xana can think of. He weighed his options and decided to take a chance before Kiara got down to the scanner room. (@iShyShy If you already got down there, I'll change this.)

"WAIT! Kiara, I have an idea, so just hold on a moment. Ebony. There's no telling what could happen if you send us all at the same time. We might have scanned ourselves, but there's really no concrete evidence that we're not sleeper agents. And there's always the chance that Fox was actually here, despite his actions. I've been..." he paused and pulled his gaze to the elevator and seriously contemplated his next course of action, "Ever since the scan, I've been hearing these voices in my head, and even now they haven't stopped. They're like a broken record, constantly saying 'We won't let you, we can't let you, take us.' On occasion it will chance to 'Take him" but I don't think they're trying to possess me, considering what they say, but regardless, it definitely isn't reassuring," he explained to them.

"I think we should have Kiara go in first to evaluate the situation, and if she get in a pinch, send us in nearby. After we usher Sai to the tower, everything should go back to normal ," he deduced.
"You don't have to go in if you don't want to" Ebony said reassuringly. "We will figure out what is going on. Though, now that you mention it you had the greatest change in your head. Either way, I think you lying on the down low for a while would be a reasonable choice. With that said, I will not send anyone in alone unless the situation is dire. I promised myself that a while ago."
"Yeah, it might be a good idea for me to take a break. These voices are still ringing in my head, so who knows what'll happen if I go in like this? But since Kiara's supposedly the only one not affected by this she should be the first one virtualized if we go in," Calvin adduced, his mind too occupied by the voices and an immediate sense of duty to take on any personality at all, "We should bide our time and see what happens out there before we make a move. If what Xana has in store is life-threatening, we go in, and if it's not effective in the real world in the slightest, we wait. Does that sound okay?" he inquired in monotony.
"And with how Kiara is acting who is to say she isn't the sleeper agent?" Ebony countered. "You seem to have forgotten that I can pull them out at will. That is something Xana can not change unless they are in the clutches of the Scyphozoa. This even shows consistency from the records I have read from the last group. I will send Jay in there with Kiara and see what happens from there."


Jay walked into his own scanner and eyed Kiara cautiously. "Are you ok? You just seem... off."
Calvin had not ever seen Ebony get angry, at least not like this. It certainly wasn't a normal occurrence, but there was something else to it, something edgy. She must be under a lot of stress, considering she was so prepared to feud with him. He did not think it was smart to send anyone in before confirming Xana's intentions, even if Kiara was the true double agent, there was no way to clarify anything unless Xana made his move first. But there was no going against Ebony, Calvin just could not do it. She held so much authority and respect in the group, that Calvin's will to fight back was driven away; it was ideal that it did since Calvin never intended to fall on Ebony's bad side, but despite that, the near-antipathy in her voice and choice of words had surfaced a fowl mood in him, despite his conflict with the aggravating voices in his own head. He might regret it later, but he submissively complied with her instructions. He began weakly walking over to the wall of the room.

"Suit yourself, then. I still think we should linger a while longer, but I won't initiate any quarrel between us. Do as you will, it's really not my place to decide or judge your actions," he professed with his own tone of repulsion towards her. He leaned against the wall and sagged to the floor as he watched Jay and Kiara silently enter the elevator shaft and press the button, making its way to the scanner room. Ebony merely turned back to the terminal and began the virtualization process. Something formed a sudden enmity within her, what could it be? Are we all being possessed by Xana? Kiara is acting paranoid and Ebony was overcome with anger. Calvin still heard the voices, repeating themselves constantly and more audibly, breaking his concentration to the situation at hand.
Kiara turned before the ladder at Calvin's command to wait and listened to his plan. Calvin was right and voicing her exact thoughts. No one knew who the sleeper agent could be, even herself. The fact that Calvin admitted the voices in his head worried her but explained why he was so zoned out earlier. "Calvin...that's really worrisome. Are they loud? Are they aggravating you? Maybe you can control them, you're smart and strong willed." After that, she sat silently as Calvin and Ebony exchanged words. It was unnerving, to say the least, to see them get slightly irritated with each other. But Ebony's accusation really freaked Kiara out, causing her to snap at Jay. "Wouldn't you get freaked out if Fox came to you, specifically to warn you so he could save your life from being lost by your best friends?! He was your roommate Jay, imagine seeing him in the real world again...it's like seeing a ghost..." She looked at him with concern and obvious sadness as she spoke a bit lower. "I'm sorry... it's just... a tad much, you know? It had to be him, Jay....it had to be." She ran her hand through her hair as Calvin back off from Ebony. What was causing her to be so angry? Maybe it's my fault...great... "I'm sorry Eb.."
Jay closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. "Would everyone just calm down a minute?!" He shouted in an even tone. "I know my only use here is to fight, and don't deny it. I'm not super smart like Calvin or Ebony. I'm not experienced or levelheaded like James. I'm not empathetic like Kiara. In fact, the only reason I started fighting was to get my best friend back. However that is the reason I believe I understand Xana the best out of all of you. I want to believe it was the real Fox Kiara, I really do, but I believe we have played right into Xana's hands. She wants us to argue and separate. The more time we spend here the more we run the risk of Xana seriously injuring or even killing someone. Whatever happens in Lyoko we can deal with, of that I am sure."
Kiara jumped slightly at Jay raising his voice. Everyone really was on edge. The tone of his voice in his speech showed the most genuine truth through his words. Though he wasn't just a fighter, he was a friend, but she wouldn't argue that now. His words made her realize how silly she's been acting, completely unlike her usual self, and it awakened her normal determination. She smashed her fist into the palm of her other hand. "You're right, Jay. I need to stop worrying like a baby and get this fixed. We can't let Xana play with our minds like this. I shouldn't have let it get into my head like that and I'm sorry, just the idea of Fox coming back threw me off but I wont let it happen again. Jay is right guys, we need to take a step back and return to our usual victorious glory. We've been winning so far and I refuse to allow that to end now. There's no way anyone is getting hurt while we can do something about it. We're a team and we should handle this just like anything else."
(Crap. Forgot to hit send. I was really tired last night. Not really an excuse, but I was honestly having trouble typing coherently. I started writing random crap. Lols. xD )

"You two should hurry down then. The sooner you go in and out, the better it is for everyone. Just watch out for whatever trap Xana has in store. Regardless if Fox was real or not, Xana would use the warning to his advantage. Watch out for the Scyphozoa; if it rears its ugly mug, make sure you go for the tentacles. If you take those out, it's powerless to do anything, but whatever you do, don't try to destroy it. Its life points are way to high to even attempt it.

"Wait, you already know that, sorry; to answer your question Kiara, yes, the voices are slowly getting louder by the minute. At this point, it's so audible I can barely concentrate on anything exterior to my body for more than a minute at best. In order for me to find a method of control, I'd have to discover they're origin and their properties, neither of which I have been able to dig up in my head. Just go deactivate the tower and come back safe, both of you," Calvin spurted out choppily. He was beyond hearing anything now. The voices were practically screaming in his ears with loud raspy attitudes, considering they were still whispers. His mind drew blank and he passed out for a moment as he rested his mind from stimuli.

(Tangent into his lucidity)

He stared into his internal darkness for a few moments, until a large light radiated from behind him, and disclosed a seemingly endless and empty void around him as he hovered in the air. There was blue and red in an alternating trianglar pattern in the void, converging on him from below and above like a central pinpoint to the grid. He looked into each color and saw a person, each wearing entirely different clothes from those adjacent, but similar to those across, in their respective colors. Those in the red zones, one zone held two of them, wore something resembling black battle armor, with strange horns protruding from their horny shoulder plates, and their belt buckle sporting a strange skull symbol with its four top teeth jutting down into a point in the buckle. They wore nothing on their top, aside from the shoulder plates, and one with a breastplate, but their features were almost devilish. In one red corner, a boy his age stood, with a strong, mischievous face and jet black hair in a semi-mohawk style, with the majority of his hair on the top while a buzz-cut length resided everywhere below. In the other, one boy and one girl, both apparent to be younger than 10, one with glimmering white hair, while the other possessed pitch black hair. Both had the same hairstyle going no further down than their shoulders, but the white haired one was the obvious boy for lack of better visual contradictions, while the black-haired was clearly female.

In the blue corners, those residing within wore longer robes of clothing, akin to that of a Shrine Maiden of Shinto origin, but entirely blue and white, each with stray sashes flowing around them in certain locations. They both looked his age and similarly, one was male and one female. The man had black hair stretching down to his ankles as he floated in space, and they white haired woman had her hair in twin-tails tied together by a unique pair of dark hair clips.

"We will not let you take him from us," they all yelled extremely loudly with him in between them all. He did not move a muscle in their presence, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of thinking they successfully pushed him back, or center in this case.
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James sat in his zen garden thinking on the events that had transpired. He had gained two of his old friends back and then lost one of them. It was because of this loss that he had buried himself in his training. He even removed himself from the grid so as to not lose focus during his training. It had been a decent amount of time since he was at school and he decided that it was time to go back. He had abandoned the fight against Xana for far too long now. He was stronger and deadlier now then he was before. He was also in more control of his emotions so he knew that there wouldn't be any more outbursts like the last one for a while but he needed to tell the others about what they saw they deserved that much. James looked at his phone, picked it up, turned it on, and then called Ebony. He just hoped that nothing too terrible had happened since he took his leave.
Jay nodded and entered the elevator before heading down. He entered the scanner and waited for Kiara to follow suit.


Ebony usually kept her phone on silent, but felt it vibrate in her pocket. She ignored the call until Kiara had gone down and pulled it out. She did this to try and avoid any more conflict with the group for the time being. She then texted James back and told him to wait for just a little before she would call him back.
James heard Ebony's voicemail and hung up. Maybe she was busy or something. He was about to pit his phone away when he felt it vibrate indicating a text message. He looked at it and saw it was from Ebony telling him to wait and she would call him back. He sent a message with the word okay back to her. He could wait a while longer. After all it wasn't like anything super crazy was going on right now. The warriors had survived without him for this long. Surly a little more time wouldn't end them or anything.
Kiara nodded at Calvin, "Run from the Scyphozoa. Noted. No need to worry guys, we'll come back victorious, we always do." She flashed him a confident smile now that she was out of her little depression funk. "Just be careful, alright? I don't like that you even have voices bouncing around in your head. We'll be fine, you're the one who needs to be worried about." With that she followed behind Jay, quickly taking the elevator down into the scanner room and entering an open scanner. "Ready to go, Eb." She stood there with a smirking determination as she thought to herself. Xana may have gotten to me but I won't let that happen again. I can't wait to let out some steam on some enemies. They won't know what hit them.
"Right" Ebony said. "Transfer Kiara. Transfer Jay. Scanner Kara. Scanner Jay. Virtualization." She waited until she saw their markers appear on the map before speaking. "I have notified Sai of where the tower is so she should be joining you two shortly. Until then, the tower is to the north of your current location. The only problem is there is a rather large wall in your way and I predict Xana will send out some Hornets. Be careful." She then shut down the input into the computer so they cold no longer hear her and she called James back. "Sorry about not answering. Xana managed to send a fake, were pretty sure it was fake, Fox back and it caused dis-function. We seem to have worked passed it, but I want you to be aware just in case we need you. Oh, and Calvin is hearing voices in his head that are slowly growing louder. They started when I scanned him today, so do you think Xana did something to him?" She shot Calvin a worried look, but didn't dwell there knowing Calvin would not appreciate it.


As soon as Jay landed on the digital floor he pulled out an arrow and notched it, ready to shoot. Nothing was there yet, but you couldn't be too careful.
"Alright I'll be on stand by. What do you mean by voices? Voices as in people talking or voices as in digital sound?"
"He didn't really specify, but I assume they sound like voices" Ebony replied. "Oh, and an important detail I missed is that Xana is on the attack. We were all here when the tower was activated so we don't know what he is doing. Do you mind checking it out?"
"Where do you want me to look? The school? The factory? A power plant? I honestly don't know the first place to look."
Kiara landed in Lyoko and pulled out her staff to be ready to defend herself as Ebony filled them in. She relaxed when nothing appeared around her and Jay. "A wall? Can't we just break through it or go around it somehow? Don't worry, keep an eye on Calvin and yourself since we don't know what this tower is doing yet. I'm excited for some Hornets, I need to exact some revenge." She glanced over at Jay who was prepared to take out anything that came into sight and commented shortly, "Let's go." She then started making her way north toward the infected tower.

Sai received the message from Ebony as to the location of the infected tower. "Let them know I'm on the way." She stated in her new and loved voice as she used the transportation system within the towers, falling from the platform of one to land on another as she quickly changed sectors. She gracefully stepped out of the tower in the infected sector, being as close to the infected tower as she could be until she made her way on foot, and looked around. She could spot Kiara and Jay running in the distance and started chasing after them to catch up shortly with her short ranged teleportation. It was somewhat weird that they had not waited for her to arrive before starting off, but she decided she would inquire as to their reason for it, and the panicked situation she observed earlier, upon reaching them.

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