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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"He ran off right after kicking him off the edge, but I tried my best to devirtualize him during the fall, but I just wasn't fast enough to save him," Calvin noted, staring at the terminal monitor while recalling his failure to James. His personality altered while he continued to speak; his eyes turned into icy daggers that sliced through anything they viewed, "I suspect he wanted him alive so that if anyone ever set foot on Lyoko again after the last time, Xana would've surreptitiously used him to get close to us, then kill him off to discourage the next Lyoko Warriors. I have to admit, it was extremely effective on me for a while, but I managed to get a hold of myself before I fell into despair." Calvin wondered if there was some way to prevent others from falling into the digital sea. Maybe if we could create flight abilities, or even flight capable vehicles of some sort, we might be able to preserve ourselves in battle.

"Is there any way to make a program to give someone flight on Lyoko?" he inquired to Ebony, sitting at the terminal.
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Ebony looked at the screen and then back at James. "Uh, no. He is no longer there" she lied. She saw no use in sending James in there alone. It might as well be a suicide mission!
James walked over to the computer and saw the blimp that represented shadow fox.

"Why would you lie to me?"

James got angrier. He knew he had to be calm but he just couldn't keep his cool. His left eye was replaced with the Xana symbol and his right was the same design but with wings. He could feel the conflict inside of himself but he couldn't calm himself down enough to stop the internal conflict.
Calvin noticed James tense up suddenly, and looked into his eyes, revealing the Eye of Xana in his left pupil, and an altered version of it in his right. 'What's going on? Can Xana possess people? Or was he some kind of sleeper agent?' he thought after he began to act aggressively. He seemed to be fighting it, meaning it was trying to take over him. Calvin shoved himself between him and Ebony to protect her if he lost control of whatever initiated this possession.

"Fight it, James! You can't let whatever this is take you over! You're stronger than this! Hang in there!" he encouraged loudly, looking to Jay longingly, crying out for help through the pleading in his eyes.
James heard what Calvin was saying but he already knew all that. He could fight it off but he needed to be calm. He needed to meditate. He sluggishly made his way over to a corner of the room and sat in a meditative position. He did everything he was taught to calm himself.
Jay walked over and crouched down in front of James. "If you let it take control, every thing you worked for and lost will be for nothing. Remember what you told me. This isn't over until Xana is gone. Focus." He then stood up and backed away to give him breathing room.
It took a couple of minuets but James got up calmer and with a clearer mind. "Next time that shadow fox shows his head call me." James leaves the computer room and heads somewhere elts in the factory.
Calvin watched as James struggled. Whatever was attempting to consume him was powerful. Jay apparently had knowledge of it considering he knelt by James trying to calm him down. After James got a hold of himself, Calvin wondered what exactly was going on, but he assumed it wasn't a good time to explain. He bore witness as James grudgingly struggled his way out the elevator, visually exhausted from the ordeal. Calvin decided it was better to have them explain later, and turned back to Ebony.

"Well I think we should just keep working. I'm sure now's not a good time to explain," he explained with a nervous smile.
"He will explain when he is ready" Ebony agreed. "I'm also getting close to fixing Sai's voice. Come on." She tuned back to her lap top and continued working on her vocal program.


"I'm going to head back to the school to see what my double messed up" Jay said and left, heading back to the school.
(Sorry, busy all day.)

"Yeah. It's a good idea to get back to work. I've still got more to read on the supercomputer, so I'll stay out of your way awhile," Calvin mentioned as he glanced at Jay heading back to school. The clone had not interfered much in Jay's life, other than being significantly antisocial, but it should not have much influence. There were plenty of excuses to give for his behavior these past week, considering he did not do anything truly worthy of punishment. He sat down in the seat, formerly occupied by Ebony, before the terminal. He initiated his search to pull more files up to read and read everything he could find on the supercomputer.
((Time skip to 5 more Xana attacks gone by))

Jay was patiently taking down notes for his math class. All he really wanted was lunch and the week would be half over. Ebony was doing the same in chemistry.
Calvin sat with Ebony, his lab partner for the week, through his Chemistry class, bored as can be. He's grown accustomed to Xana's attacks and combat on Lyoko, discovering all his powers and abilities, and he longed to go back as soon as he could. Lyoko was the one place where he could relax from the stresses of everyday life, where he could wreak havoc and destruction upon Xana, where he could let loose and be himself for a moment, like he never could at school, or with his perfectionistic mother.

The teacher continued with the lecture on the properties of Alkali Metals, a topic he was familiar with, despite him being a grade above his normal age level. And yet, he watched, somewhat shockedly, that Ebony was ferociously taking notes beside him. 'What's the point?' he thought. Notes have ever only been a hindrance to him, similarly like studying. He's never studied for a moment in his life. His grades always suffered whenever he did as a child, so he deemed studying unnecessary. He looked back to the front of the room and tried to endure the lesson.
Kiara was letting out some steam in gym. Being competitive anyway, she was trying hard in volleyball as she wanted to win and it let her unwind after the constant attacks from Xana. Lyoko was a normal part of her life now and she had no problem with it but the increased attacks made her more annoyed with Xana. He still has Fox, he's causing problems for us but we always come out on top. When will he- She jumped in the air and spiked the ball over the net. -LEARN! That was good, she got out what she needed, won, and could now calm down. She thought that the group had a good hang of things at this point, they've learned to work together and have grown closer due to their shared responsibility. Honestly she couldn't ask for a better group of friends. It was time for Kiara to sit out while another team took her team's spot. The activity for the day ran like a tournament and her team just came out victorious in the semi-finals. She watched excited on the sidelines while talking to her team to see who they would face next. The day was going well for her and she could feel the upcoming victory.
The bell rang signaling the end of the period and the start of lunch. Jay hurried over as he had a skimpy breakfast and was hungry. Ebony carefully packed up all of her supplies except her notes, which she casually tossed in the trash can. "Ready for lunch Calvin?"
"I-I suppose so. I'm n-not especially h-hungry since I had a b-big breakfast, but I'll c-come along," Calvin slurred nervously after Ebony snapped him back to reality, dissipating his thoughts. He was still getting used to talking to people regularly, but even so, he still had some trouble. He slowly stood up and gathered what little things he took out and reorganized them in his backpack. He strolled with Ebony to the cafeteria.

"H-hey, Ebony. I w-want to a-ask you something a-about K-k-k-Kiara. W-what kind of b-b-boys does s-she l-l-l-like?" he anxiously asked, fidgeting with his fingers, his face set ablaze after he realized what he had asked her, but simultaneously realizing that he could not take the question back. He observed his feet as he walked on, doing everything he could to avoid eye contact with her. (Last message of 2014. First Edit of 2015. Totally was. :| )
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"Sorry Calvin, I don't know" Ebony admitted. "I don't do this "girl talk" thing. You're either going to need to talk to her about it, or her room mate is your best shot at avoiding a direct confrontation." She used her fingers to make air quotes around "girl talk" for emphasis.
"I-I see. I'll do that t-then," Calvin stated dejectedly, still fidgeting with a chili pepper face. He did remember Dahlia, but he had no way of knowing if she would help him with Kiara. He had hoped that Ebony could give him even a little advice about girls, perhaps Kiara specifically, considering she was the only other girl in the group, but it seemed he had to find someone else to help him. He kept trudging on to the cafeteria with Ebony, trying to match her naturally rapid pace.
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A boy in a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled above his elbows and longer black hair pushed between Ebony and Calvin quickly. He didn't stop at all but glared back slightly at Calvin before disappearing in the crowd of students. He continued his way through the halls and into the gym where Kiara was. He walked the sidelines carefully and behind her. As he passed, his brushed his fingertips through her hair and continued on. He rounded the corner quickly to keep from being revealed entirely.
Ebony stopped in her tracks. "Was that..." she stopped mid sentence, for fear of being right. Without another word to Calvin, almost forgetting he was there, ran into the lunch room and found Jay. "Jay, quickly, describe Fox! The real one." She said the second part a bit quieter. After he had finished he asked why. "I think I saw him. Xana is up to something!" She pulled out her phone and called Kiara to explain.
Kiara was standing on the sidelines talking to her teammates about their victory when she felt someone's hand go through her hair. Although this was normally an amazing feeling that Kiara enjoyed, she didn't let just anyone play with her hair. The team was huddled in a circle so she knew it wasn't anyone from class randomly playing with her hair so she turned around to see who it could have possibly been. She turned just in time to see the male figure turn the corner at an increased speed. Well that's weird. Stalker maybe? That was a weird conclusion to jump to but what else could she think? Deciding to follow the character, she turned back to the team really quick, "I'll see you guys later, I need to check something." before jogging down the hallway and turning where the mysterious boy had gone to see if she could catch up to him.
He had been waiting for her to follow, although sooner than he had anticipated. He had to round another corner quickly when he saw her enter the hallway after him. His pace quickened slightly to compensate for her giving early chase. One more turn into one of the closets containing equipment for various sports and he waited, hidden behind the door.
Ebony began to panic and called Kiara again. "Pick up, pick up" she muttered. When Jay was about to ask what was going on she raiser her hand to silence him.
Calvin was shoved slightly by an older student in a white shirt. He glanced back quickly and noticed him glaring back at him, and noticed that he recognized the young man. 'Where have I seen him before?' Calvin thought as he searched his photographic memory for the sight of that face. After the young man vanished in the crowd, he remembered his face. It was the same face Shadow Fox revealed under his mask that day. The second time Calvin encountered him was the same day he saw his face.

He stopped in his tracks and heard Ebony's voice split through the chaos for a moment, but she continued just as quickly as she stopped. He attempted to keep pace while his mind roamed to each of the possibilities that could have occurred for Fox to be out of Lyoko. Perhaps it was a fake, or the real Fox. Maybe he's free, or considering that glare of his, possessed by Xana. In the midst of his thoughts, they reached the cafeteria and rendezvoused with Jay.

"The only possibilities are that Xana somehow materialized a possessed Fox on Earth, or Fox relinquished Xana from his body and somehow made it back. But we all know what's more likely, so I don't think we should get our hopes up," Calvin mentioned heavily.

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