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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Katie nodded "yeah, but then I got used to it so its okay!" she smiled "It was just weird walking again from being inactive for such a long time. Getting used to it was easy cause I was using my staff as a walking stick."
"Sleeping beauty woke up" Jay said. "Not much damage has been don't, but it's not exact ally like there are any live wires just hanging around!"
"Try the elevator. If you can trap him in there and send it down toward the super calculator, I can initiate a malfunction remotely from my end. I'll stop the elevator halfway and send an electric current through the shaft cords," Calvin suggested ingeniously. He soon found Jake's immediate location, a deactivated tower nearby to the Guardian's location. The Guardian itself was concealed by a boulder structure not too far away. Calvin immediately labored in creating a digital copy.

He soon noticed another indicator surface on the map nearby. Upon inspection of its details and credentials which opened an ID card; he found that it was an external avatar named "Fox", but soon a second ID card took the place of the original. A completely different figure wearing a skull-like mask replaced Fox, with Xana's mysterious emblem forming the buckle for for a three-cord harness on his breastplate. The ID card sported the name "Shadow [=>] (Enter whatever you guys decided to name him) [<=] Fox" and he instantly realized that it was the Shadow man from his first visit to Lyoko.

"Jay, we need to head in to Lyoko. Fox is down there and the real Jake is completely as his mercy in a Guardian," he announced as he shut off the PA System, "Hey, Ebony. Is there another way to get to the scanner room? I might need to go down there and help him out.
It seemed like a simple enough task to draw the copy into the elevator, but it was fast as well as strong. It took a little doing, but Jay eventually used the creatures momentum to throw it in. He pressed the down button and yelled "Now!"


Ebony quickly sent down the electric current hoping it would finish the creature off. "Use the ladder over there and get both of you in the scanner. Fox is powerful, so be careful. Don't direct ally engage unless absolutely necessary."
"I'll be careful. I'll be sure to watch out for Jay too." Calvin replied as he reactivated the PA system, "Jay, get in the scanner. I'll set the timer for an automatic virtualization. Unless you want to take the reins, Ebony. I'm still just figuring things out so it'd probably be smarter if you did it." He thought about calling Kiara to come help, but figured she needed time to talk to Dahlia, or at least spend some time with her, considering Dahlia does not remember anything from the event.

"Ebony, call Kiara if we need help, but if we can help it, give her some time alone with Dahlia. She needs it after all that's happened," Calvin mentioned from the computer, about to head down the ladder.
"I got it" Ebony said. "Don't worry about it." She waited until they were both in their scanners and sent them both off to Lyoko. "Just look around. You should be able to see both Fox and Jake from where you are now." She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to Kiara asking her to be ready just in case.
Calvin rushed down the ladders and saw Jay readily standing in the light of the left scanner. Calvin himself walked into the middle scanner and braced himself for the virtualization process. He could barely remember the sensations of the first time, and when he heard Ebony's words, he thought them in preparation as the scanner proceeded its functions. 'Transfer Calvin,' The scanner door closed and the scanner's light enveloped Calvin. 'Scanner Calvin,' A wave searched his body from bottom to top and the air thinned as it flew around, seeming to lift him off his feet. He closed his eyes and embraced the sensation of the scanner. 'Virtualization,' He felt his mind go blank and his body freeze.

When he regained consciousness, he was falling to Lyoko's desert floor. His mind began to accelerate in midair and he was able to fall to Lyoko gracefully on his feet, barely having to think about it. He still found he had a tough time pacing his thoughts in proportion to his body, but he deemed it unnecessary in their current situation. He heard Ebony's voice again, and he turned to Jay, already on his feet, drawing an arrow from the quiver on his cloak, anticipating anything.
The dark figure was near the edge of the land, waiting for them. "It took you long enough to arrive. Your little group isn't quite as smart as this one thought. How inconsiderate of you to be such a false hope." He stood facing the group next to the guardian containing a familiar white silhouette. "I do quite fancy these guardians, simple minded as they are." The guardian floated infront of it's controller and then above him so he could still be seen. "Isn't it just humbling that such a simple program, a bubble even, can render any of you completely helpless to my whims." He drew his sword and held it at his side. The other hand reached up to his mask and dragged downward with fingers outstretched, melting away the metal and revealing the face underneath where the fingers had touched. Reaching the bottom of the mask, a finger flicked upwards and blew away the rest of the mask as well as the hood. Fox's face revealed with his eyes now holding Xana's symbol in their pupils. "You didn't seem to learn with the first time one of yours became mine, perhaps you need more reason see that this is out of your capabilities." His hand brushed aside some hair and then pointed upward to the guardian, which dissipated.

The boy inside fell only to be caught around the neck by a chain of dark smoke, keeping him off the ground. He struggled and reached out to Jay and Calvin as he struggled and made barely audible noises.

The devious smile that had previously marked Fox's face narrowed into a face of seriousness."Pay careful attention to what is at stake here and relay it to your friends. This is my world and you are not welcome." His sword flashed above the boy, severing the chain that had held him up. Fox's body continued turning with the swing of his blade and brought his foot into the boy's chest hard. It sent him flying back to the edge of the world. His fingers grasped the edges as he tried pulling himself back up to keep form falling into the digital sea. Fox took one last swing at the grasping fingers and melted away into smoke with a hideous laugh. The hand hoping for rescue was no more and Fox had gone. The only thing around now was the mechanical creaking of oncoming enemies to dispose of Jay and Calvin.
Calvin took notice of Fox's presence as soon as the first was uttered. He turned over to him, reaching to draw Rebellion, but finding nothing to greet him. He found that his only weapons were the hidden blades on his wrists.

"So from that comment, I can conclude that you are indeed possessing this 'Fox' and using his body to conduct the works of Xana on Lyoko? These creatures of yours are remarkably ineffective. Despite it's remarkably restrictive power, it's countered by the simplest of methods, " he inquired swiftly. When no answer befell him, he dropped the question. When he revealed his face, plagued by the Eye of Xana imprinted into his pupils, remembering the things he read from the previous Lyoko Warriors, Calvin was on guard, and felt something pulling from his back again. 'Is it that light again? So Rebellion only reveals itself when I'm about to enter combat? Or is it something else? I felt the tugging the whole time, but only now was it this powerful,' he thought. When Fox spoke again, he acknowledged the possession and Calvin made a mental note to search for a means of relinquishing ownership of minds in Lyoko from Xana.

He watched as Jake was suspended in the air near Fox by his shadows and prepared himself for whatever he would try. He watched silently until Fox spoke.

"Then how do you suppose we combat your hauntings in the real world? sit around and allow you to do away with us one by one? I think not. I'd rather fight than die," he revealed instantly as Fox began to attack Jake, "What're you doing? Stop! NO!" Calvin had read what would happen should someone fall off of Lyoko's land into the cataclysmic digital sea, and soon found Jake hurling for it. Luckily he grabbed the edge of the desert, hanging above a disastrous death. Unluckily, Fox arrived nearby first. Calvin vainly dashed towards them, knowing there was no way to save Jake. 'Damn! He's too fast! Must I watch this happen? Can I really not do anything to save him? Why am I so weak? I barely have a weapon to fight with. Why am I so slow? If only I was faster than Fox, I'd be able to protect others. If only I was faster,' he despaired.

He remembered Kiara, and how he wished to fight alongside her, and realized that she would be abysmally angry with him if she caught him thinking this way, and broke free from that train of thought. 'Thinking 'if only' won't help anything. I have to do things myself. I have to be faster. Faster, faster, faster, faster!' He postulated, and felt a great sluggishness surround him. He ran over to Fox, who moved his blade at an extremely slow rate. He saw this and assumed that he could reach him, to no avail. Right before he made contact with Jake's hand, Fox's sword reached it first, leaving Calvin at the edge with Jake falling to his demise.

"NO-ungh!" The sluggishness surrounding him faded and his body ached like hell itself had encased him, and subsequently, his avatar was covered in static. Fox fled the scene as monsters approached their location. Calvin had neither the time, nor ability to look over at his enemy. It was then that he realized that there was an extra weight on his waist. A pair of pistols, black and silver, and spare ammunition clips materialized on the holster like regions of his pants on his thighs and on the pockets of his chest, latched on facing downward for easy reloading. 'If I can devirtualize Jake before he falls into the digital sea, I might still be able to save him,' he hypothesized after that painful experience. He drew both pistols and was whelmed by a mental force. 'Ebony. Ivory. Are those your names? Pleased to meet you. Now I need you to fight with me!' he appraised as he began firing the pistols down at Jake. Unfortunately, he spent too long cringing in pain; Jake made contact with the digital sea only a moment after Calvin began his barrage. A beam of light burst forward and extended up into the sky, symbolizing Jake's entry into oblivion. Calvin allowed himself five seconds of utter shock before he collected himself to aid Jay with the monsters.
Kiara was sitting in her room with Dahlia, letting time fly by as they spent time together. The guilt from what they went through before the return to the past had slowly been fading but she felt as they she should try to explain a bit more to Dahlia while she could. Pulling up another video, she casually commented, "That was Calvin. We both spoke to him once before, he's a really good guy. Recently we had to work together on something and we spoke again. He needed to ask me about it so he stopped by." The video finished when her phone went off, she picked it up and checked the text from Ebony and responded, "Tell them to be careful. Do you want me to come now? If not, I'll be there as soon as you tell me to be." She put her phone back at her side before looking at Dahlia, "Do you have plans today or are you still honing your inner cat?"
James looked at his watch and sighed. He had practice to do soon. He stood up and looked at Katie. "I have to go. I've got practice soon. It was good catching up with you. Just come by my house when your done here. See ya," James leaves the restaurant and headed home.
Dahlia nodded her head, "Oh, so his name is Calvin." She gave a sheepish smile as rubbed the back of her head, "I really should try to remember our classmates' names. Right, Kiara?" Dahlia was a bit forgetful of people's names though it didn't really bother her. But she had a feeling that she should have recognized Calvin if she spoke to him earlier. Right? Dahlia mentally shrugged her shoulders as pondering about it won't make a difference and would only confuse her so she clicked another Youtube video when Kiara was occupied with her phone. Dahlia smiled, "Nah I don't have any plans and my inner cat is satisfied. So what do you want to do?"
Ebony just sat in her chair staring at the screen for a moment before numbly pulling Jay and Calvin out of Lyoko. There was no reason for them to be there any more.


Jay felt like if anything like that happened again all emotions would never surface again. He walked out of his scanner and waited to see how Calvin would respond.
Calvin aimed Ivory in his left hand first, and began firing upon kankrelats approaching them until very quickly, he began fading away in pixelated data.

"SHIT!" He exclaimed at the top of his lungs after the scanner pulled him out as he slammed his fist against the scanner door, his enraged eyes shrouded by the glare in his glasses from the scanner's light. He felt weak, but he found the strength to express sorrow. He shed no tears; he found himself incapable. He simply stared angrily into the ground, reminiscing on the one time he ever saw Jake. 'Why does this always happen? I think I'm capable of something more, and right as I grasp for it, it slips through my fingers. With my mother, my sister, Jake, everything I start to care for vanishes before my very eyes!' he thought as he remained standing crookedly in the scanner. He lost awareness of all external stimuli and searched through his own despair. He was shaken from his thoughts only by his own realizations. 'Who knows how long Jay and the others have been fighting Xana. They must have lost much more in their battle. I've only just started and I'm completely crushed by just one loss. They've experienced much worse than I and I'm sitting here pouting about it. I need to be strong if I'm going to be any help,' he believed. In a moment, he closed despair off from his heart and slowly began to walk, instantly feeling the fatigue of devirtualization. He instantly acknowledged Jay in the room. He averted his gaze angrily, yet timidly.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't save him. I just wasn't fast enough," he remarked before turning back to him, confidence and directed rage overwhelming him, "But I'll get better, that I can promise." His anger for what Xana has done would be the fuel for his strength on the battlefield as long as Xana exists.
Jay smiled and said "You should have seen how terrible I was my first time. As long as you have the will to fight you maintain a high level of respect from me." His smile was obviously forced and his words sounded hollow.
Calvin could see the pain lain under Jay's smile, and acknowledged the words he said, despite the obvious lack of purpose and resolve. 'Now I know it must be true. They've all suffered more than I have. And they know what it feels like, despite Jay's inexperience at expressing it. I'll do everything I can to help. I promise I won't be a burden to you,' he vowed internally.

"I suppose," he added, sporting his own empty smile, then continuing to an elaboration, "I still don't understand all of how my powers work. My sword didn't appear this time, and in its place a pair of pistols spawned. But it's still at a delay. Maybe there's some key to achieving them, or they're earned in some way. I'll know after a few more visits to Lyoko. If it's possible, we should have training events for each other, where we all go to Lyoko to learn how to use our powers, and later on, participating in Tournament-type games with each other.

"If we learn to hone our skills, we'd stand a better chance against our opponent. Do you think we could try? Maybe tomorrow, and if it goes awry, we can cease such meetings and only enter Lyoko if necessary. What do you think, Jay?" he asked spontaneously as they traveled up the elevator to the terminal room to discuss today's events.
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James felt a chill go down his spine as he was walking home. That couldn't be a good sign. He looked at his watch. He had twenty minuets to be home. Surly a visit to the factory wouldn't be too much trouble. He entered the factory and took the elevator to the super computer room. When he entered he felt a sense of foreboding. James's eyes zeroed in on Jay. "What happened?"
Kiara playfully nudged Dahlia as she giggled, "Yeah you should, but as long as you remember who I am then that's what matters most." Dahlia would forget her parent's names if time gave her the luxury to do so. It wasn't a bad thing but if she didn't spend a lot of time with a person then their name wouldn't be remembered. Kiara wasn't innocent, she has been known to forget people's names from time to time but she remembered more than Dahlia. When Dahlia asked what to do, Kiara shrugged, "I really have no idea. I don't think I have any work to do and I'm feeling super lazy but in the mood for something sweet." She then rolled onto her back and covered her face with a pillow. "A black and white cookie would totally hit the spot right now."
Calvin cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses, permitting a glare to set in, when James arrived. He remembered James from his Chemistry class, and had him as a partner on some occasions.

"You must be James. My name is Calvin. I'm new to the Lyoko Warriors and I'm in the same Chemistry class as you," he said whil walking over to him, somewhat timidly, but doing his best to remain confident, "I hope we'll get along just fine." He smiled at James as the glare faded with movement. He strolled back over to the terminal, standing beside Ebony, sitting in the chair.

"A-as for our current situation, I'll allow Jay to e-explain," he spurted roughly, receding back into his inner/outer timidity.
James was a part time student bet he did remembered Calvin. He was a rather smart kid and when they were partnered up in chemistry they would always get a perfect score.

"There's no reason to be shy Calvin. We're all friends here."

James looked at Jay again.

"Well Jay? What happened here?"
Jay looked straight into James's eyes, not even trying to put up a protective barrier. He looked and felt emotionally cold. "We went after Jake knowing he couldn't survive forever on his own. We tried to devirtualize him from the computer, but Xana sent a fake copy out. It was destroyed but he was still in trouble. We barely entered before Dark Fox kicked him off the edge and into the digital sea. I'm sorry. We did all we could."
James blood ran cold. There was no way that was true. He had just gotten his friend back. Why would Xana keep him alive for all this time if to just kill him now? James looked over to Ebony. "How long ago was the incident?"
"Not long" Ebony replied, her voice slightly quivering. "Just several minutes before you arrived."

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