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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Jay let out a sigh and thought for a moment. "I guess I'll go back and meet him. Oh, and this is the real me this time, I promise." He hung up and decided to take the long way to the factory.


"Don't thank me just yet" Ebony said. "There is still a lot of work still to be done. And thank you for all of your efforts to Lyoko."
Kiara let out a giggle, "It better be, or I'll have to flick you for real and that wont be fun." She hung up and wondered if she was needed at the factory at all. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, it left. If they needed her they would call her. The gang had to understand where she was coming from at this moment in time.

Sai looked at the screen as Ebony was typing at the speed of light. She giggled a bit, something that she wasn't used to doing but it was so nice to get to talk to someone for once instead of sitting around. She tapped herself and then used her pointer fingers to draw her smile to represent a happy face after being thanked. She wasn't sure of how to ask if she was needed in any other way.
Calvin proceeded on his way to the route to the factory. He had some trouble finding the manhole into the sewer route since he remembered being dazed most of the way there, but he managed to locate it quickly, and went down. When he reached the bottom, he continued on his way through the sewers to the manhole in front of the factory. Once he reached the end, he climbed up to the factory and reached the cords hanging from the ceiling. He never stopped running as he jumped forward and grabbed onto the rope midair and slid safely to the bottom. He went down the elevator to the room with the supercomputer's terminal and found Ebony typing a storm on it.

"Hey. I came to see if Jay was okay. And to learn how to use the supercomputer," he stated nervously, but covalently.
Katie pouted "Aww..I was so excited to teach them stuff..well darn it." she said with a soft giggle, ordering from the waitress when she came by and she looked back at James "I will be staying with you though, James..I have no where else to go.." she said.
Ebony completely missed Sai's signals as she had all of her attention on another screen, analyzing her voice. She almost missed when Calvin entered, even. "Huh? Oh, Jay left not too long ago. As for the computer. how good are you with normal computers?" If she truly knew much about Calvin then she would have no problem, but she was also defensive about her rather critical part in the team as she felt truly needed for the first time beyond school work.


Jay leisurely walked into the factory and slid down the cable. He was surprised to find the elevator gone, but summoned it back up knowing he would find out soon enough. He suspected Calvin, but wasn't sure if he would truly know the fast way here so fast. He walked in and pressed the down button. The door opened and he walked out and found both Ebony and Calvin.
"Well you know that your always welcomed at my home. I mean for some reason my folks absolutely adore you. And if your so dead set on teaching them why not train them in combo moves. I haven't seen them do any of those yet."
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Calvin swiveled around to face Jay. But the question still lingered: Was it really Jay? He wondered the answer, but there was no way he himself could confirm it, so he took Kiara's word for it. He also wondered how he passed him on the way here and did not run in to him, but that's probably because Calvin was sidetracked trying to find the manhole. He adjusted his glasses and turned his head slightly towards him as his Lyoko personality took over.

"It's good to finally meet the real you. Your doppelganger was a pleasure," he stated as he turned back to Ebony, "Anyway, Ebony; I have considerable experience with computers, hardware and software. I've built several different desktops from new parts from different computers from different brands like iBuyPower and Razer, and am extremely fluent in coding and software design. I've even designed and created some apps on my phone, which I'll be delighted to mention, I'm happy to have back. I'd really like to work with you on such a huge project. It's a wonder how you've figured out so much about the supercomputer in such a short time. You must be really talented in electronics and software. I'd really appreciate it if you'd teach me."
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Katie smiled "I"m glad that they like me. They're another family to me.." she giggled happily "But I can do the combos..Though I have to remember most of my powers first.. I only remember, rain of fire, fire rings, and the fire thread, the one that runs from my staff and makes a trap on the enemy. Oh! And fire balls"
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Ebony turned towards Calvin and quickly looked him up and down. His stance and arm position suggested he was not lying and truly did want to know how the Super Computer worked. "Ok, I'll teach you. It's not all that complicated if you know what you're doing. I learned mostly from studying the files I dug up and a few things from James."
Calvin walked closer, his Lyoko self taking the reins, while he observed the terminal monitor.

"I see. It looks like your working on audio data. Is it for the White Girl? Judging from the wavelengths and fluctuation patterns, it's voice observations," he stated, recalling that the White Girl could not speak on his first entrance into Lyoko.
(Just to have some fun :P )

Sai heard Calvin refer to her as the 'White Girl' and glared at the screen, hoping he would see. White Girl? It's Sai! When he didn't pay any attention to it, she banged on the tower's screen to get everyone's attention and shifted her weight backward before crossing her arms as she gave them a look.
Calvin heard a mysterious banging through the monitor.

"What's that sound? Speaking of which, I never got the White Girl's name. I'll have to ask her when I go back to Lyoko," he said before Ebony minimized the audio file, revealing the White Girl herself in a window, "Ahh. Hello, would you mind telling me your name? I know you're working on your speech, and it's always a good idea to start out with your name. Even if you can't, if you try, we might be able to use the information from it for the audio file." Calvin smiled at her through the screen, his Lyoko personality absent from his character.
Sai's angry expression resided as a happier one took it's place. He had not forgotten that her name wasn't 'White Girl' thankfully. His request of her to speak worried her, she wasn't fond of not having a voice. She smiled before giving it a shot, "S-Szzz...zzs... Sai..zzzz" Much to her surprise, the length of her name was able to force itself out perfectly before being covered by the static that followed.
"Good job! I heard you a little bit. So your name's Zai or Sai? Sai seems more likely, so I'll call you that," Calvin said with a caring tone, "Ok Sai, I want you to try to speak from here on out. If it comes out as static, try one more time, then one more, then if you still can't get any out, try to play charades with me. I know it must be uncomfortable to have static come out when you try to talk, but this will help with developing your voice. Can you bear with it for the time being? I want to ask you some questions so I can get to know you better. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hasn't really talked to you." He smiled at her through the monitor again. This time, he was composed while still remaining his usual self.

"Ebony. Can I play around with the supercomputer for a bit? I'd like to look through some stuff while helping Sai out. I'll stay here for the majority of the day, but no one will be looking for me so it'll fine. I'll just be looking through any files and software it has to see if it's adaptable to external programs and such. Is that okay with you? You'll be the first one to see what I dig up, I promise," he asked sincerely, "I'd really like it if you could teach me some of the basic commands and executions it has, especially processes like sending someone into Lyoko. Can I please stay?"
Ebony didn't really think about it for too long, which was suppressing. There was just something about him that she liked. "Sure, you can stay. I don't plan on leaving, though." Reaching into her backpack she removed her lap top and a cable. She repositioned herself comfortably on the floor next to the super computer and connected them with the cable. "This way you can figure out the computer while I continue my work. Just ask if you have any questions."
Calvin sat down in the seat and proceeded to adjust himself to the terminal.

"Thank you. I won't let you down," he said as he began to observe the contents of the screen. He looked around for any kind of file that he could, and began to read whatever he found.

"So, Sai. How long have you been on Lyoko? Are you an A. I., or a human trapped inside? Speaking of which, is the White Boy anywhere around? I don't think he was ... devirtualized before the ... return to the past," he mentioned as he swiftly and thoroughly read file upon file on procedures, interactions, and commands on the supercomputer. He found another file on the monsters. He saw all of their names and statistics, and it even included some monsters he'd never seen before, and those much stronger than those he fought today. He could not believe the appearances of some of these monsters. What terrified him the most was the Scyphozoa, a jellyfish-like creature with nearly unlimited life points and the ability to drain memory or life point data from external avatars, and the ability to plant special possessive viruses inside of them as well. This would create several problems in the future, but he believed in the group and that they could combat something like this. Their friendship ran deeper than to be ruined by their possessions. Calvin continued his conversation with Sai while reading on.

"Is there anyway to find him?" he asked curiously.
Sai nodded her head when Calvin said her correct name. She was excited, maybe she was learning how to speak all over again without the restriction of her voice literally being gone. She stood smiling at the ready for his questions in hopes that if she tried hard enough she would be able to answer him.

The barrage of constant questions was a bit much but she did her best to remember and respond to each one. "zzzzAlwayzzzzzzzzzz...herzzzze..." One word out. Progress. "zzzzzProzz...grzz..m." (Program. This static speech is really weird to space out.) She got irritated with her inability to say one word and tried again, "Progzzzzzz..zam!" Closer. Next question. She shrugged at the mention of the White Boy with a quick, "No" but knew of a way to find him pretty easily. She started tapping on the tower's communication screen and flicked something onto Calvin's screen to give a bird's eye view of the White Boy, Jake (@deathfox6 ).
"'Always here, Program'. You're speech isn't as bad as you thought it was," he stated as he smiled at her, analyzing the vocal data with Ebony piecing it together from the floor, "So you're an A.I.? If you really are, I've never seen anything quite as advanced as you. You can even send me information from within the tower. This is where the White Boy is? I'll try to find an exact location. Do you know what created you?" Calvin said, immersed in the technology he had his hands on while he kept up conversation with Sai. He saw a view of the White Boy on the window Sai pulled up. He observed the White Boy's surroundings and attempted to locate him. He looked to still be in the desert sector of Lyoko, around several rock-like structures, and a teal colored Way tower in the distance. He found a document of instructions on the basic features of the supercomputer's user interface and began to triangulate to position of the White Boy in relation to the structures found in the image. He was directly in the center of the sector completely alone, or so he thought. Calvin pulled up the digital map of the region and caught wind of 4 kankrelats, each with the usual 50 life points, in the area surrounding him. He instantly sought to make contact. Sai made her attempt to speak all throughout this exchange.
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She smiled happily as he complimented her speech,"zzThanzzk... yozzz" Then she rested herself on the small podium as he asked her the question about being an A.I. "Yezzz...zzzeczz....ret...zzzz..proje...zzz.ectzzzz" She took a breath and decided this next answer had to be more clear among the growing static, "zzzzJarz...zzd...zzWarn...zzzerzzzz". Ugh.
"Sorry. That wasn't clear that time. Could you try to say it one more time? I got 'yes' and 'project' and maybe a 'correct' and 'warn her'. Keep trying, you're getting really close!" Calvin stated enthusiastically as he switched the channel of the headset at Lightning speed.

"White Boy. It's the Red Swordsmen from before. No time to explain, but I need you to head over to the tower. You've got a couple enemies surrounding you, so be careful," he said smoothly to the White Boy before he changed the channels rapidly back to Sai.
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Sai took the time waiting for Calvin to flip back to her channel to focus and prepare herself for speaking. This was more than she had ever had to speak for a long time and she was enjoying the fact that he could make out her words. She smiled excitedly when he came back on the screen and closed her eyes as she spoke, "Ja...redzzzz.... Warn...zzzer" Miraculously she was able to stop the static from completely overtaking that answer and hoped that he could decipher it.
(Well the channel switch was supposed to be unnoticeable, but whatever :P )

"Jared Warner? Is that who the White Boy is? Or someone else? Your creator?" Calvin exclaimed wondrously. 'Her voice is developing nicely. If she speaks more, she might be able to speak on her own in no time,' he thought amazingly. He kept track of the White Boy while collecting Sai's voice data and searching for and reading different files on the supercomputer all simultaneously. He was a multitasking machine on a computer, and he knew it better than anyone.
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"Ah hah!" Ebony exclaimed. "I think I get it now! There is nothing wrong with her speach, but static simply interferes whenever she talks. The static is decreasing because she is becoming acustom to talking. I just need to remove the static, which is a mug easier task."

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