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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

James awoke just as he did the day before, early. He did his training again just like it was. He then proceed to do everything elts and then head off towards the factory. He totaly was not looking forward to explaining things to Katie. He had told the others what he did to get them to trust him but telling her... well he couldn't leave parts out. He never could hide things from her no matter how hard he tried.
Ebony and Jay rode the elevator down to the scanner room and approached Katie on the floor. Ebon knelt down next to her and lightly shook her, hoping she would wake up.
Calvin woke up back in his bed. He remembered fighting the masked figure, then saw the white girl enter the tower, then a light flowed out of it. 'What's going on? Was that all just a lucid dream? I remember it so clearly so what else could it have been?' he thought as he sat up. He looked over and saw his roommate was gone. 'That's odd. Jay's usually never awake before me. But wait, it wasn't a real Jay, was it?' he thought curiously. Having gotten somewhat accustomed to the accelerated thinking, he noticed he thought somewhat sluggishly, but easily readjusted himself. He walked out of the room and head over to the bathroom, and noticed that a particular situation occurred as he was about to brush his teeth. His toothpaste had run out, just like the day before, in fact, exactly like the day before. He could have sworn he had switched it after it ran out yesterday, but it was empty again today, just like yesterday. 'This can't be a fluke, I'd never forget something so regular like that.' He wondered instantly what was going on as he swiftly carried on with his morning duties and rushed over to find Kiara, Ebony, or Dahlia, or anyone else who could answer these questions of his. He needed to figure out what was going on. He race-walked through the girls' dormitory and looked around for Kiara and Dahlia's room; he had remembered where it was from when they brought him after saving Dahlia from a water monster, if that was even real. He located the exact room, and before rushing in, knocked to make sure it actually was their room to begin with.
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Kiara heard the knock on her door and had no idea who it could have been. One of the guys? Why would they come to my room? Maybe Ebony realized something? She really had no clue or other thoughts, she was tired from the entire event. She sat up on Dahlia's bed and looked at the door, "We're here! Who is it?" Kicking her feet as they dangled off the bed, she awaited the response. She looked at her phone that had one of the videos they were watching loaded up on it and laughed. Silly cats, you'll never get the laser pointer light.
Calvin heard Kiara's voice through the door and wondered if what was going on was a fluke. 'If she remembers me, then it was real.' he analyzed and hoped.

"Kiara? It's me, Calvin. I think something weird is going on," he nervously asked, reverting to his previous personality. 'I guess THAT confidence only takes hold in Lyoko.' he figured.
Katie was laying on the floor, wanting to just sleep, but the motion of someone trying to ake her up, slowly woke her from her sleep and she opened her eyes sleepily "What..?" she asked "five more minutes..." she turned onto her side, her hair looking like a big blonde blanket that covered her body down to her knees. she snuggled into it softly, only to fall back asleep again
James entered the factory and took the elevator to the super computer room. When he saw no one was thee he went to the scanner room. It was to his joy that Katie was already out and that Jay was back. "Hello Jay. I see you've gotten my friend out of Lyoko for me Ebony. Thank you"
Kiara's eyes widened when she heard Calvin's voice. It was his normal, smaller and less confident voice that she was used to rather than the voice she heard while he was in Lyoko. Oh geez. He's probably freaking out from the return. Alright, act natural. Running her hand through her hair to fix it and push it out of her face, she jumped off Dahlia's bed,"One second." Taking a moment to decide whether to change out of her pajamas or not, she just made her way to open the door with a smile, "Hey Calvin. I understand that it feels weird but I'm sure you've somewhat realized what's going on." Quieting her tone a bit, "When we fix the tower, we use a program that returns us to a time that day before Xana's effects took place. You only remember things if you've been in Lyoko so keep it quiet."
Calvin was surprised when Kiara opened the door in her pajamas. He noticed her figure and internally noted how good she looked. All the while, his face felt hot for a moment and he hoped that Kiara hadn't noticed. As she explained returning to the past, he instantly realized how they have been able to keep these happenings quiet, and was glad that now he was officially a fighter against Lyoko, also realizing that the threat of Xana is real, and he was now fighting it. He nervously adjusted his glasses, allowing a glare from the light to shield his eyes from view.

"I-I see. I'll just be g-going n-now," he said anxiously, but quickly, still absorbed by her figure, but putting all his power into looking into her eyes, which was infinitely harder considering how beautiful they were. He finished his business with her for now, so he decided he needed to leave. There were no classes scheduled during the weekends, but he thought he should head back to his room, unless Kiara or Ebony needed something. 'Speaking of Ebony, I should have her show me the basics of the supercomputer. We'll need more than one person to be able to use it in case one is delayed or preoccupied in an attack,' he thought intuitively.
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(@Jabrark If I remember correctly, this was a weekend day or at least a day of no class. It was awhile ago but I'm pretty sure we decided that randomly somewhere.)

Kiara looked at Calvin for a moment in his silence, watching as his cheeks slowly turned a light shade of pink. She gave him a small smile, hoping it would help calm him. This isn't the first time he's reacted like that... does me maybe?... She was remembering how he acted yesterday and was trying to piece things together in her mind. Pushing it to the back of her head for a second as he fixed his glasses, the glare flashing off of them, she fixed her stance to be more relaxed, hooking her thumb into the waist of her pants. His nerves bled through his voice obviously, and he seemed to be trying extra hard to focus on keeping eye contact. He really needed to loosen up and not worry as much, though she wasn't exactly one to criticize someone else about worrying. "Hey." Stepping forward, she grabbed him in her arms and held him in an embrace. "Breathe. Thank you again for what you did earlier, not only by helping us fix the Xana issue but with saving Dahlia." She released him and decided she wouldn't keep him from doing whatever he wanted to do. "I wont keep you here but just know that you can talk to me if you need anything or have any questions, alright? I think you have my number from that time we spoke awhile back."
Calvin's face exploded with her embrace and he flew into a conscious daze. He heard and comprehended every word, but was not completely aware for a moment. After she released him, his face flushed back to normalcy.

"I-I do have o-one question. I-if Jay wasn't r-eal all this time, then wh-where would the true Jay end up after the return to the past if he was brought back? Back into Lyoko or somewhere in the real world?" he elaborated, his Lyoko personality slowly ebbing to the surface with each word, and his eyes looking more pained with it.
She looked at him with worry, she wasn't sure what else she could do to help him calm down. His eyes showed the pain that his difficulty of speaking only supported. Thankfully he was gradually able to speak normally as he fought through the battle of the sentence. Taking a second to think about his question, she ran her hand through her hair again. "It's funny you ask, Jay asked me the same thing. I initially thought that he would end up wherever the fake Jay was but that makes no sense. I guess... he'd end up in Lyoko or at the factory? Those are the only places that make sense since he was stuck in Lyoko for the week." His eyes still carried that painful, forced stare. "What's eating at you, Calvin? Talk to me."
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Ebony sighed and shook Katie a bit rougher. "Seriously? You spend years in a virtual reality, and all you can say is I want 5 more minutes? Get up and see the world!" She glanced at James and raised her shoulders in acknolagement, but Jay didn't really react much.
Katie whined and she slowly opened her eyes, her hands rubbing them before opening them fully to look at the two strangers and James "James!" she instantly got to her feet, throwing herself into her friends arms and hugging him tightly "I'm so happy to see you in real life again!" she said happily
Calvin contemplated that question. Why did he care so much? He wondered for a moment, then collected his words to give a rough explanation.

"It's just… I'm worried about him. He was living with me for this past week, but I never really got to know him. It's probably because it wasn't actually him, but I never had anyone to talk to, and after living with him, and being pretty much ignored for a week, I began to lose hope that I'd ever make friends. I've never had friends before, of any kind. I've always been that lone prodigy that always did as his mother wished. A puppet for her to control as she pleased," he stated sadly, "But after these ordeals, and even before, you were the only one to ever talk to me, to really talk to me. And I valued that. And now that I'm a part of this fight against this Xana, I want to finally make friends that I can honestly bestow my life upon, and count on when I need them. That's why I'm worrying about him, because he's one of the only people that I could consider an actual friend after today," he went on with more confidence and vigor. He stood there for a moment, thinking about what he said in his change of personality.

"I-I mean I just… I… That must sound p-pretty sad, doesn't it?" he conversed, returning to his old self. He stroked the back of his head and chuckled nervously and avoiding her gaze.
"James returned Katie's hug. I'm happy to see you again as well Katie. Especially in the real world." A lone tear slipped down his cheek and a small smile was on his face.
Katie buried her face into his shoulder. Closing her eyes as she was glad to feel her friends embrace again. Hugs were something she loved very much "Mhm...my hair is super duper long though! I'm like rapunzel." she giggled, opening her eyes and pulling away to show him her hair that went to her knees "I need a haircut"
James let out a small laugh and released her from the hug when he felt her start to move away"Are u sure you want to cut your hair rapunzel? If you do it will loose it's beautiful blond color and will turn brown."
"My hair wont turn brown you silly." she giggled and lifted a strand "Hair like this is hard to maintain..I like it how it always was before I was trapped in lyoko for a year." she looked at him "Can we go back home?"
Kiara stood in silence as she listened to his answer. His words held pure meaning and she could feel the torment he was going through as he spoke. He was literally living with a lie... and being ignored. I can only imagine. She felt so guilty and bad that he had to suffer such treatment. It was a surprise to her that she was able to be such an important figure in his life while she had no idea.

"I am so truly sorry that you've had to deal with such horrid situations, Calvin. I wish I had known sooner so I could have tried to help more. No one should have to suffer like that. Xana is ruining the lives of so many people, and even hurt you when you weren't involved. But don't sell yourself short! You said it yourself, you're a prodigy and there's no reason people wouldn't want to befriend you. You didn't save Dahlia upon your mother's wish, you did that all by yourself. You're a really great guy with a pure heart and that's something to be proud of. I value that incredibly highly. I'm glad that I was able to be a good impact on you, and I promise that we will be those friends that you search for." She spoke with confidence the whole time so he would know that her words spoke the truth. His sudden change of personality was really adorable to her, the fact that he could be so confident and then so shy, she couldn't help but giggle a tad. She lifted his head to make him look at her, "Don't be silly. You were being honest and that's all that matters. It would be my pleasure to be your trusted friend. If you'll have me, that is." She ended with a light smile.
"Uh, yah, about that" Ebony broke in. "Sorry to interrupt this little reunion, but you have been gone for more than a year. I'm fairly certain you don't have a place to go any more as you shouldn't technically be alive any more. How is this going to work?"
Katie looked at Ebony "...I used to go to the school not too far from here with James...Unless I have to enroll again..." she said, lowering her eyes "I dont even know where my parents are...'
Ebony's eyes fell to the ground and she took a couple of steps back while wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm sorry I brought it up." She slowly inched her way to the elevator and hoped no one would notice.
James sighed. He hated to be the bearer of bad news but he had to tell her but not here. He didn't want to make her cry in front of the others.

"You want to go to that restaurant you were always talking about Katie? It'll be my treat."
Katie looked at James and nodded softly "Do you think I can get my hair cut too?" she asked "I think it'll hurt me allot if I sit and stuff cause my hair is really low..."

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