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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Katie followed him quietly, looking around at everything since it had been a long time since she seen the real world "Its been so long...How much has changed, James? It seems I missed waaaay too much." she said, taking in everything and trying to remember things from the past
James sighed. "Not much has changed really. The only thang that has was corrected. Where do u want to get your hair cut at any ways?"
"Any hair place.." she said, looking at him "How has life been without me..? I mean...I know its hard to miss me because im so awesome" she giggled and looked ahead "Where are the others?" she wanted to know because she missed them and she wanted to see them once again. She drew a deep breath of fresh air.
"I suppose I should go and see what happened last week" Jay said. "Wana head back with me?" He pressed the button to summon the elevator down to him.


"N-No" Ebony said. "There are no classes today, so I will spend some time working on Sai's speech. Tell the others I will catch up at lunch."


"Suit yourself" Jay said. As she started to walk out of the elevator and head towards the computer he grabbed her arm. "You know, I don't think you were being insensitive back there. This is a reality she would have to face sometime. While you work, see if you can get her enrolled in the school. It's a start, anyway. Oh, and text James and tell him to ask her first. Just in case."


"Ok" she weakly said as the door closed. She pulled out her phone and texted James with the question. Maybe Jay was right, but it didn't make her feel any better. She tried to shake it from her mind and sat at the computer. "Sai, you there?"
Dark, he thought to himself. He took her into a place that said salon on the door. Life's been different, that's for sure. The others are dead. Well all except jake. He's in the computer still."
Sai sprang up at the moment she heard Ebony's voice emanate from the tower's communication screen. She made her way over to it and waved at Ebony with a smile. She tried to impersonate Katie by holding an invisible staff and positioning her hands on top of her head to symbolize ears. "zzzzzz...safzz" She touched her throat and looked at Ebony through the screen with sorrow, more so feeling bad that she couldn't communicate well.
Katie stared at him once he revealed what happened to the others. Tears filled her eyes and she shook her head "No No no..They cant be dead..James no..why..." she had tears falling down her face "they cant...they..they..." she shook her head, starting to cry "It cant be right...they cant be gone...dead...James please tell me you're only joking."
"I wish I were Katie. I wish I were." James opened his mouth to speak again but the hairdresser interrupted him and took Katie to the back.
Katie cried softly, being brought to the back with the hair dresser to get her hair cut a bit more shorter. She stared at her reflection, rubbing her eyes softly Xana you son of a butt...why did you do this..why did you have to do this... it had to be xana, who else was capable of murdering her friends in the past year?
James steeled himself for what he needed to do next. When she was going to come out from the back he take her to the next place an then he'd tell her everything. Even the one thing he had kept secret from the others.
Katie soon came out after a while and her hair was cut back to normal. She went back to James, her eyes a little red and her nose was red. She hugged him softly and buried her face in his chest, calming down "We can go now.." she said, looking up at him and smiling softly as if nothing happened
James payed the hairdresser and led her to the restaurant she had always talked about.

"Order anything you want Kate. And by the way your hair looks nice."
KAtie smiled and giggled "Thank you. I'm glad you like it." James was one of her closest friends. He was like a brother to her. Always looking out for her and complimenting her on stuff "Theres not much I want." she said "You know I eat like a bird. just like everyone teases me about" she grins and laughs softly

(Lets stop and not flood the rp xD )
Cypher sat in a sea of code, sitting perfectly still. Waiting for the time his assistance would be required by XANA. He was currently just a string of data, no avatar or anything. Cypher watched the passing flashing lights pass by with indifference, numerals and programs combining and dispersing as a tidal wave of Commands and orders wove together to form the intricate digital world that made up the majority of Lyoko.

As he waited, he went over his previous dispatch, thinking and memorizing the movements of the external avatars that had nearly devirtualized him. He went over every aspect of their avatars, even dipping into the memory from the external XANA entity before it had been destroyed.

More specifically, it went over their words. Words that they shouted at him in the heat of battle, words that made no sense other than to announce their intent. They seemed so sure of their words, as if they were a crucial necessity to every depiction of social aptitude.

Cypher's program glitched a bit, then he began reciting the words, for nothing else other than to pass the time.

"Get away-ay-ay-ay from me-me-me!" he said in a severely distorted version of the female avatar's voice. It came out with a stutter and garbled tone, and Cypher tried again.

"FlAmEs ClEaNsE lIFe OF allll Desires." "Flames Cleanse Life"

"Ha! Beat That!"

"Burning 72 Caliber Pheonix!" "Get Away!"

"Ha! Beat tha-a-a Ha Ha Ha!" "Cleanse Life"


"Beat That Beat That Beat That

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha FLAMES" "Burning Burning-ing-ing-ing FlAmEs"

"Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha "

Calvin's worries were alleviated from him with Kiara's words, and he beamed a smile at her. He checked the watch on his left hand and it was almost 10 A.M. He figured he should go to the factory to check on the real Jay, and to see if his comrade in arms, the White Boy, was okay as well.

"Thanks so much. You're really kind, you know? Well I'm going to head over to the factory. I want to check on Jay and the White Boy, and if I can, I want to learn how to use the supercomputer. I might be able help out in a crisis if I know how to operate. I'll see you later," he said swiftly before turning to go to the factory. As he ran out, he turned around and waved back to Kiara, then rotated back into his run.
His smile was a relief and confirmation that she was finally able to help him like she should be able. She blushed slightly when he said that she was kind, not many people had said that to her. Before she was able to thank him, he had already bolted for the factory to check on Jay and the boy who emerged from the guardian orb. She waved back at him with a smile then yelled down to him, "Be careful and let me know if you need anything!"

With that, she made her way back into the room to watch more internet video with Dahlia until she got annoying with Kiara for being so clingy today.
James smiled at Katie's remark. He did remember that.

"Alright Katie were here for two reasons. The first is that your parents well... there not... here now. The second is how you died. Are you prepared to hear the truth?"
Katie nodded softly "Yes, I'm prepared.." she said "I just hope it isnt as bad as I think it is, i really dont feel like crying my eyes out again." she informed him, folding her hands and taking a deep breath "I'm ready, tell me, please..I need to know what happened.." she needed to know
James leaned closer to her. "It's my fault that you and the others died. Remember how we had planed to finish off Xana. I wasn't supposed to go but I had an feeling that if I didn't that something bad would happen so I muscled my way into the mission. I was wrong about my feeling. Something happened because I went not because I didn't. The week before we hatched our plan that weird jellyfish monster had caught me but it did nothing to me... at least that's what it appeared like. However when we entered Lyoko I turned on you all." Tears started to form but James held them back. "I killed everyone. Xana used some weird program that he had installed inside me via the jellyfish creature. It messed with the scanners and made it so that we couldn't devirtulize. It made us real inside of Lyoko instead of being programs." It was at this point in the tale that James began to shake. "There was so much blood and... and..." James cleared his throat. "He put ten thousand yen, (I'm assuming were in Japan cuz based on clues in the show that was the setting), on the table. Order what you want little birdie. Then if you don't mind bunking with a killer there's a lot of spare rooms in my families compound. If not there should be enough for room and board at the school for the rest of the year. If more is required tell me. See ya round little birdie." As James said the last words he started to leave and threw a peace sign over his shoulder in parting. As he was leaving he was hoping that she would be able to forgive him one day.
Jay made his way back to his dorm to see what kind od damage the other Jay had done. It wasn't too bad actually, but he was suppressed to find all of Fox's possessions gone and replaced. He quickly called Kiara, assuming Ebony had enough of him for now, and asked "Who is my room mate?"


"Katie?" Ebony asked Sai. "She came out smoothly. Can you do me a favor and try to talk? I need some more samples for my vocal program."

(@Ryu kishi France, actually. This show is commonly referred to as a French Anime, so I can see how you were confused.)
Katie listened as he spoke, taking in every word that he has been saying and explaining. Her heart broke, causing her to tear up again "J-James..." she said softly as she watched him put the money down and make his way out. Tears fell down her cheeks and she got out of her seat, running over and grabbed his shirt, crying softly as she buried her face in his back "James...dont blame yourself for something you couldnt control.." she said, sobbing softly "Please stay..I jsut got back..."
Calvin had just left Kiara's room a few minutes ago when Jay called her. She answered quickly, "Hello to you too. It's Calvin, the back up from yesterday. Fake Jay wasn't exactly the best roommate toward him and he really was hurt by it. He actually just went of toward the factory not too long ago."

Sai nodded her head happily at the news then shrugged her shoulders upon the request to speak. She seemed to take in a breath as static starting coming out, "Ebzzz....zznyzzzz." Her eyes showed the pain in her failure as she tried again. "zzzzthank...zzz...zyozzz"
James sighed and walked her back to the table. He had a hope that she would forgive him some day and she had managed to take that small spark and turn it into a flame. That's why she was always the heart of the group. He may have been the leader of the old warriors but she was the heart. Whenever something was going on she always managed to pull them all together again.

"Alright. I won't leave Katie."
Katie smiled softly, sniffling as she wiped her tears and sat with James, taking in a deep breath "At least we still have a bit of our group left...Right?" she asked, her voice slightly cracking from the crying "Plus...theres a new group I can make friends with and we can make them Lyoko warriors like last time.."

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