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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Jay didn't reply for around 30 seconds to catch his breath before finally looking up at Calvin. "I don't know, ok? I mean, I know for sure it was Xana but I have never seen anything like this. I was jogging under a lamp post when it shorted out and this dark inky substance oozed out from it. It then attacked me, but not really. It was more like it was trying to merge with me, but couldn't. You call Ebony, and I'll get Kiara." He pulled out his phone and hoped she would be available to talk right now.

@iShyShy Things getting any better?
"Alright. I'm on it," Calvin said as he swiped his phone up and ran out, heading to the factory. If Xana was attacking us, it could only mean that he activated a tower. He opened his phone and immediately called Ebony. If Xana was trying to possess people, he was, one, doing an awful job at it, or two, unable to possess Jay in particular. But why would that be? Does it have something to do with Lyoko? Or was Xana just slipping up for once?

They needed to shut down the tower quickly, before Xana could cause enough damage and chaos to force a time reversion. Any more Returns to the Past and they would be up to their knees in disadvantages. Xana was already plenty powerful on his own, but since it increases with each battle, there was still little hope, despite our constant efforts to find a way to pull Sai out of Lyoko and discover the secrets of the supercomputer.

"Hello, Ebony? Thank goodness you answered," Calvin exasperatedly replied when the dial tone picked up.
"Is something wrong?" Ebony asked Calvin. "Is Xana attacking? What is he doing now? How bad is it?" She took a calming breath and slowed down as each question she asked came out faster and faster. "Sorry."
Calvin kept running, rapidly exhausting himself as he tried to respond to Ebony.

"It's ... fine, I'd do ... the same in ... your place. I think ... Xana tried to ... take over Jay... a little while ago, but I need ... to explain ... later... when we're at the ... factory. That... okay...?" he elaborated, panting hard while running. He really needed to work out more or something; he was scrawny as a twig, and as weak as one in all physical activities. He was frequently injured during PE classes or at athletic events that he attends, and somehow, never participates in, still managing to wound himself in some way. Calvin just accepted it as being bad at sports, but there had to be some kind of curse or something floating around him if simply being at an athletic event hurts him.

Calvin kept running as fast as he could, wearing away at his energy bit by bit. Once he reached the manhole in the woods of the grounds, he started to experience a kind of light-headedness, probably from the exhaustion, but there was no way he could forgive himself if he gave in now. He had to keep fighting, or else Xana would gain the upper hand. He trudged on, listening to Ebony speak through the phone.
A whole week has gone by without anything from Xana and instead of being relaxed, Kiara had been growing more and more worried. The last time she got comfortable with no attacks happening, she was ambushed by a fake Fox and their battle in Lyoko was harder than ever. While the others had been preparing for the upcoming battles and helping out in their own way, she had secluded herself into working out late night in the gym until she either passed out from exhaustion or couldn't physically move for a period of time. Dahlia (@Little Sister ) had come to the gym to wake Kiara up and basically drag her back to bed at least three times this week, and last night was one of them.

Now it was early Tuesday morning and Kiara had absolutely no plans on waking up until she had to, which meant with a mere 15 minutes before classes started. She was finally falling into deep sleep where she was starting to lucid dream when the vibration of her phone on the bed next to her slowly spurred her awake. Groggy and with little brain activity, she didn't even look at the caller ID before she picked up the phone and hit the green 'answer' button followed by putting the phone on speaker while she spoke while stretching out in bed. "Hello?"
"I'll meet you there" Ebony said instantly popping out of bed. "I just need to get dressed first. Start the super scan when you get there and localize the tower. Also, try and run some basic scans on all of our modifications to try and find any last minute bugs. I will be there soon." She hung up and threw open her dresser and pulled out some cloths.


"Kiara, it's Jay" he stopped short upon processing her grogginess. "How late were you up last night? You should really try and get more sleep. Anyway, Xana is trying something. If an inky substance leaks out of any piece of technology try and avoid it. It tried to merge with me or something not five minutes ago but couldn't for some reason. Anyway, Calvin called Ebony and we should all be heading there now."
Dahlia was sitting in the library, staring at her physics textbook for the longest time. She couldn't focus. How could she? Her best friend was, is becoming more and more exhausted with each passing day. Dahlia frown and her eyebrows were brought together in concern.

'Is it family troubles? Did something happen? I don't know. She'll tell me when she wants to. Its probably for the best to give Kiara some space' muse Dahlia.

She bit her lip, 'I can't help myself to stop worrying for her.'

Dahlia tried to read the page in front of her. An hour passed and she hasn't made it through the first paragraph.
Katie was sleeping at James's place just as he said she could. Her blonde hair sprawled around her. Tossing and turning in her sleep, having a nightmare. It was as if she was trapped inside the nightmare. Trying to desprately pull herself out of it. The only person who could pull her out was James. He'd be able to save her from this dream and free her. Nightmares for Katie werent always the best of Nightmares..they were all about Lyoko..

Inside her dream...

Katie was running, holding her staff. Outnumbered by a bunch of Xana's monsters. Hornets, Bloks, Megatanks..Everything. Using everything she could, she had no choice but to keep running. I cant let them get me..where is everyone?! I need help... She just wanted to cry out for help but she couldnt. It was as if her lips were taped shut. Seeing a tower, she ran into it, only to fall onto the floor, panting heavily. Only for her to be picked up by the neck, being choked to death. Looking at the one who was Killing her, his face was blurred, but she knew this had to be Xana...

Outside the dream...

She struggled in her sleep to breathe, only to shoot awake, gasping for air loudly and looking around quickly, her heart racing, Scared. It was a dream..it was only a dream. James, wheres James? she asked herself, looking around, really not wanting to be alone because the dream left a tempary scar on her. That'll soon go away later of course cause she'd forget if James distracted her.
"Okay... I'll start... testing them too... to make sure they... aren't... dangerous... when we get... in there. Just going to... material... ize them and... see if Sai can... use them prop... erly," Calvin spurted nervously. He might have been tired from running, and still going hard on his little scooter through the sewer, but he still had the energy to process any mishaps that could occur, should there be any errors in their coding sequences and they worried him intensely. Why had Ebony and him not tested them? How could they have overlooked this? Then again, Xana did Attack during the development phase, so there was little they could do to help it. Sai would have to be careful dealing with the vehicles, or something worse than death might take place. In Sai's case, in other words.

He raced over as fast as he could possibly go, finally reaching the factory, barely able to make it to the elevator. Turns out he was able to just make it; once he entered, he hit the down button then collapsed as his fatigue got the best of him at the last second. He lay there, breathing up a storm, and tried to drag himself to the terminal once the elevator opened again, only to find himself completely drained of all energy. He figured he could lay there for a few minutes and regather his strength.
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Jay hung up and called Katie, but made sure to mention that if she was too tired she didn't need to come. He didn't want to rush her, but ignoring her and being over protective would get them no where. Besides, maybe what she needed was to get back into the swing of things. Maybe. he pried open the manhole and started running. Unlike the others he had no particular skill in anything with wheels, so he just ran.


Ebony finished putting her cloths on and made her way out of the dorms as fast as she could while still appearing fairly casual. She ended up being closer to the gym entrance through avoiding a couple of teachers, so she took that tunnel into the sewers. How they had never found it was beyond her, but she was not complaining. She picked up her phone and called James and hoped she was not telling something he already knew. (I would prefer if this is a new attack to you guys)
Calvin had been lying on the floor for quite some time, seemingly a few minutes. He had just managed to catch his breath and replenish his strength to some extent. He made his way to the computer and pulled up the interface. He hoped Sai was in a safe location, but nothing was guaranteed with Xana. Calvin was relieved to meet with Sai's face, filled with urgency. It was a good thing she could feel when Xana attacked. The pulsations she described were extraordinarily distinct, meaning she would usually discover Xana's attacks quickly, making searching for the towers significantly easier.

"Oh, good. You already know. Can you locate the tower, Sai? I'm really sorry that I'm... rushing you, but I really need to test... some things before the others get here, and they're all on their way. I'm going to materialize something for you. Could you... walk outside the tower?" Calvin critically insisted, still somewhat winded from before.
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James was returning from his kenjitsu practice his bokken strapped to his waist. He walked past Katie's room and heard sounds of distress. He instinctively put his hand on his bokken and put his ear to her door. He couldn't really tell but it defiantly sounded like stuff was going down on the other side of the door. He put his right hand on the bokken's handle and opened the door with his left. He walked in tense and ready for anything. He saw Katie in her bed. He looked at her disheveled form and deduced that she was afraid but of what he didn't know. "Katie are you alright? I heard sounds of distress as I was passing by."
Katie jumped slightly as the door opened and she looked over, seeing James "James!" she said, getting up from her bed and running over, hugging him "..I had a bad dream.." she said, gripping his shirt "Thats all it was." she was like a little child hugging her sibling. And being trapped in Lyoko for so long made her maybe a bit more childish "It was so hard to pull myself out of the dream.." she looked up at him "...Xana had a human form and he was choking me to death.."
James hugged Katie back. Sometimes all people needed was someone to listen, but James felt that that wasn't the case here. He was about to tell her that everything was alright now but stopped when she gripped his shirt. There was more and he listens but couldn't help himself from going rigid for a quick half second when Katie said that Xana was choking her to death.

"Wh-well he can't h-harm you here Katie."
"Dang it" Jay whispered and put his phone away right before jumping down the rope. "Katie wasn't answering, and that was mildly concerning. He entered the elevator and was about to press the down button when he heard Ebony shout for him to wait. She appeared over the edge of the platform and slid down. When she entered the elevator she rested her hands on her knees to catch her breath while the elevator descended. When it stopped she walked over to the computer and found Calvin running the scans and nothing major seemed to be wrong with them.
"Oh, hey. I'm just testing the surprise. Making sure there's nothing buggy for when we head in there to deactivate the tower. We should hurry though, can you take over and virtualize us?" Calvin softly, but urgently coaxed Ebony. They needed to act fast before Xana had a chance to ensue whatever horrible tampering he had in store.

(I made the mistake of drinking a cup of salt water. (T^T) I immediately regret this decision, but it will be beneficial in the long run. (>_<) Heading back to bed now. (-___-) ZzZ...)
"Yah, I think that is best" Ebony said. Jay walked into the elevator and waited for Calvin, not even questioning the "surprise".

(Didn't get a notification for this. Sorry)
Jay? Why call so early? Slightly zoning out as she finished stretching and listening to Jay on the phone, the words were taking an extra moment to process in her head. Once she heard the word Xana, she smacked the speaker button to disable it and lifted the phone to her ear while making sure Dahlia wasn’t in the room. “I don’t remember how late I was up…Dahlia got me I think. I guess I’ll try to meet you all there.” With a quick swoop she ended the call and rolled out of bed. Thankfully she wasn’t here to hear that or I’d be in a bad spot… She thought as she threw on some clothes and quickly fixed her hair. With a slight irritated breath she opened the door and made her way for the closet shortcut, hoping that whatever ink had bothered Jay would totally miss her. While running through the hallways of the dorm and school, she had to weave in and out of the students who were on their way to class. They need to get out of the way! She said as she bumped into one student but continued anyway. The bell rang just as she had reached the closet door of the shortcut and with a quick check to make sure no one was looking, she snuck her way inside. She took a second to catch her breath since she had not fully rested from her personal training from the night prior and cursed herself for being weak at that moment in time. Kiara they need you, get going! At the start of her run she heard a noise from behind her and a dark ink looking cloud seemed to be extending in her direction. She turned forward and pushed herself to run as fast as possible without looking back. Whether the cloud had given up the chase or she had outrun it was unknown to her as she didn’t stop until she burst through the factory door to see Jay, Calvin, Ebony, and Sai on the screen. Panting as she leaned against the door for a moment, she was only able to utter out “Ink…followed…outran…details?”

Sai had been waiting at the screen for someone to get to the computer when Calvin arrived. “Calvin what took so long? I started the scan 4 minutes ago, we should have results shortly.” Watching as his breaths and sentences seemed to be more difficult to spit out as he continued. “You should take a minute to catch your breath if need be so I can understand you better. This attack seems to be well guarded already but I should be safe where I am.” She gave him a quick nod as she made her way to exit the tower. “Is this surprise whatever you and Ebony have been keeping secret from everyone? I admit I have wanted to peek but haven’t.”
Sef was walking to class as he saw a girl run by and bump into him. He noticed a dark ink cloud following her and looked a bit shocked as he stopped. "Wasn't that Kiara?" He said as he began to follow he, tracing close behind as he saw her go through a door and followed her through it, watching her go to a factory of some sort. He followed her from far behind, going to the door and looking confused when he opened it to see JAy, Calvin, Ebony, Sai, and Kiara. "Hey, Kiara? You wanna tell me whats going on here and what that cloud of ink was? And what are you guys doing here?

(@Shog entrance good enough?)
Now Jay stopped and looked at Sef. "We are not stealthy, are we? Ok, um, just stay here with Ebony and we will explain later. OK?" Jay had no intention of explaining anything and hopefully using the return to the past to get rid of him. Then again, Jay wasn't the best liar.
Sef crossed his arms. "Go ahead and try me, can't be worse than a horror movie." He said to them.
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