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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Calvin watched carefully as the monster rushed him again at double its former speed. He knew it was holding back, so he took it easy as well. Now that this beast was getting serious, or at least giving a little more than before, Calvin had to reciprocate. He tried a different move from before to diminish any predictability he had and rotated the blade around himself, bringing the small grips on the end out, and the beard to his body. In the same fluid motion from that position, he rotated himself, impacting the grips into the polearm blade, only to find that they were immovable from their trajectory.

Calvin, surprised for only a split second, instantly jumped back from the attack, swinging on the chine of Isis as he wrapped the grips around the blade on top in order to lift off the blade. He launched himself spinning directly above the bag monster, only a meter above him, and latched onto the grips to whirl the scythe like a windmill and raze the bag man's life points. Once he started the swinging, he noticed a glare hit him from the holes of the bag.
The dodge of his attack led Cypher to plunge his Scalpel spear deep into the ground. He tugged on it for a moment before noticing the adversary's upcoming attack and momentarily locking eyes with it from the single eye hole in his bag. Immediately, Cypher released the Spear and gripped both halves of the bag on his head and felt the scythe slice clean through his upper torso.

Both arms began pulling Cypher apart, and soon his entire body split in half before data began reforming the two entities.

One resumed yanking his spear out of the ground while the other hefted one of its own and approached the external avatar.

The first Cypher yanked his spear out and matched the stance of his copy as the two made distance between each other.
Calvin wrenched Isis up and cleaved straight through the bag monster, severing its body into two halves. It shocked Calvin to know that body parts could be dismantled, until he realized soon after that they could not, except with this beast. Calvin did not believe what he saw. The monster's split body halfs reformed into separate entities of the same code, a duplicating monster. When one is killed, it forms two, each with less life points than the original, continuing to clone and clone until their life points hit 1 in the division counter.

"You've got to be kidding me," he worriedly uttered, truly concerned for his wellbeing in this situation. He could use Flash Flicker to deal with one, but then he would be fighting three, and four if he killed both simultaneously. It seemed as if Jay and Kiara had the advantage against Fox with numbers, but there was no telling how things would go. Calvin still had 2 Flash Flickers before he was out of life points to spare, which meant he could still stall as long as he was able to avoid getting damaged. The Bag monster's reaction was revolutionary as well, dodging even Calvin's swiftest movements. He needed to be careful dealing with two of them.
"I'll tell you what Sai," Jay said without removing his eyes from Fox. "You deactivate the tower and we will talk about this later. Just get to the tower and do your thing, got it?"


"How are you doing out there James" Ebony asked in a concerned voice. "They should be almost done, so this should all be over soon."

(Sorry for the short post)
One Cypher stood still in his position while the other teased his way to the side of the external avatar, acting as a obstacle between it and the other avatars.

The stationary Cypher then began twirling his spear in his hands over and over again, as the other moved in.

The stationary Cypher pondered as he watched, seems all the avatars were going through two sides of a similar coin.

Fox surrounded by individuals he may be able to defeat alone but not in a group. And this avatar soon to be surrounded as well. Cypher held no shred of hope that today would be a victory, they would need at least seven minutes before the gravitational malfunction was strong enough to cause structural damage. Even then, it would only crush the humans in elevated areas. That may be a large number of casualties, but if they were defeated then the external avatars could always use the temporal reset.

He sighed before raising his spear and matched his stance with his copy, and soon one thruster his spear at the avatar as the other shifted to the side on guard.
"Got it." Sai gave Jay a quick nod as she turned and ran to the tower. I hope he can keep Fox off for long enough that this goes smoothly. She ran into the tower, breaking through the barrier as she normally did and came to a stop. "Just do my 'thing'" she mumbled to herself before letting out a breath. Raising up to the upper platform, she placed her hand on the console and deactivated the tower, waiting for everything to power down like usual.
"I've still claimed victory today." Fox watched Sai run into the tower. "Unlike you, my plans can change as needed and still achieve my goal. I didn't push that arrow into Sai's arm because I'm a sadist. I allowed you to land your arrow so I could place the code I needed from my body into her's. And so my power grows, not so much as if I were inside the tower myself but more than if I just let her run the course." He raised a hand to both Jay and Kiara letting a dark tendril fall from each. He snapped each like a whip at them and smirked. "We can fight with what time you have left, but my goal is completed."
Calvin watched as the two bag men positioned themselves to have him in between them, blocking him off from escape, and from aiding the others. He did catch a glimpse of Sai running into the tower with Jay blocking Fox off from it. Calvin smirked and decided he could fight without worries. He maintained his offensive stance while the monster in front of him advanced on him. Calvin smoothy twisted Isis from the snath, hitting the bag man's scalpel polearm on its side, parrying it slightly, then rushing forward into him. He thrust his palm into the bag man's head, then released the hidden blade into it, making sure not to let either of them see the blade itself, pulling it back immediately after piercing through. The swift blade pierced his neck and extended out through the other side before Calvin pulled it back. The bag monster fell back and struggled to keep to his feet, but it seemed as though the strike had wounded him, but not killed him, or it had and he was getting ready to separate himself again, Calvin could not tell the difference.
Once the tower was deactivated, the two Cyphers halted their encroachment right before the closer one was attacked.

The other Cypher turned towards the tower before letting the tip of his spear fall to the ground. The other went still on the ground for a bit before getting back to its feet.

So Fox actually went through with it. Cypher was at least glad that there were long term benefits originating from Fox's plan, so he could safely assume this was a win win scenario and slowly laid his Scalpel spear along his shoulder before turning and walking to the nearest edge of the impromptu battlefield.

The other Cypher dropped his spear all together, letting it fizzle into data as he followed his copy.

The Cyphers stood there for a bit, then bowed as one to their adversaries before shattering into a puff of data themselves.
"It's getting a little hard to breathe Ebony but I'm still good. Some of the students however are having problems standing." Suddenly the gravity became normal again and James smiled. "Tell the guys good job. I'll be coming to the factory now I've got to explain what you all saw last time I was there. Unless your going to do a return to the past. Then I don't know where to meet you all at. Any ideas?"
Calvin was surprised when he saw both bag men cease their attack, but he supposed it was because Sai deactivated the tower and ended whatever onslaught occured on Earth. Calvin was completely shocked when he witnessed both of them turned back to him and respectfully bowed to him, as if they were sparring partners having a friendly competition, and not mortal enemies fighting on two separate sides of a war. Calvin smirked to himself, then bowed in return, in respect for his opponents' strength. He shifted upright as they returned to whence they came. Calvin stood waiting, either for a return to the past or a materialization, both of which would return him to Earth.
Ebony heard what Fox said and contemplated a few things. "Everyone, return to the computer room once the return to the past is complete." She made sure everyone on Lyoko and James heard her. "Rerun to the past now." A bright light filled the room and she found herself on the way to the cafeteria with Calvin. She knew Jjay would we running out soon, so she took the opportunity to talk to Calving privately. "Look, about earlier" she started. "I'm sorry about the way I acted. You're right, and thank you."
Kiara's expression didn't change as she watched Sai make a run for the tower. Good, we win again. Though those thoughts were quickly dissolved when Fox started speaking. What does he mean he claims victory? We deactivated the tower, we win. It's that s- His further explanation made it clear to her and she got even more angry. He has fooled them all yet again and she wouldn't let him get away with it twice without some sort of punishment. "Oh I'll ma-" But it was too late, by that time Ebony had already given out instruction and the light emanated from the tower signaling the return to the past. Next thing she knew, she was back in the gym after the victory of the volleyball games. Of course, now she didn't have another chance to take out some anger during the games but she would have to forget about that for now. Luckily class was over and she was able to change quickly into her clothes and make her way to the factory through the sewer shortcut. Walking out of the locker room made her flash back to how Fox had contacted her initially and that feeling of anger and betrayal welled up in her again. What were they all going to do? He even just mentioned how he just becomes stronger with each tower deactivated. Kiara made her way to the computer room first which made her glad she was able to have some time to think to herself. She tossed her bag on the ground and laid her head on it, waiting for the others to get there. This was the first time she felt like they didn't win, and it was not a good feeling. (That moment you're glad you copied the post before clicking "post reply" because rpn decided to go down in that exact moment. Phew)
(That moment when you don't look at your phone for 2 days because being out of town in the snow of the mountains is just too fun to bother. And when you come back, notifications screw you over. Gotta keep it short because I'm heading to bed.)

Calvin felt the light of the Return to the Past envelope him after listening to Ebony's instructions and his mind fell into a dark blank. When the darkness faded, he found himself back in the hall after class with Ebony. He listened intently to her apology, but found it unnecessary.

"Don't worry about it. I was equally at fault, so I'm sorry too," he gladly replied, "I-I mean I really d-don't think y-you should be th-threatened by me. I m-mean I'll always b-be your stud-dent with the su-supercomputer," he spurted nervously.
The firtst thing Jay did once the return to the past was over was grabb a bunch of food off of his tray and run for the shortcut in the park. By the time he reached the factory all he had left was a sinner role. Through Xana attacks he had become quite skilled at eating while running. He started eating the last part of the role just as the doors opened into the computer room and saw Kiara already there.


Ebony smiled a bit at Calvin's akwardness. She somehow always managed to forget what he was like in the real world compared to him on Lyoko. "Come on. Let's not keep the others waiting." She started heading off towards the park entrance, seeing as it was closer to them than the other one near the gym.
Calvin struggled to follow Ebony to the park, straight to the sewer entrance. Despite being the operator of the group, she was much more fit than he was in the real world, and he fought on Lyoko just as well as the more athletic members. When they arrived at the entrance, Calvin paused for a moment, and took on a serious, valorous personality, different from his customary Lyoko mentality.

"Do you think what Xana said is true? Does he really receive more strength with each battle? If so then... What's the point of fighting in the first place!?" he exclaimed, first in an angrily low, solemn voice, then shouting like a man on the front lines of war. He recognized the futility and saw no point in continuing their struggles of it would only create more difficulty. Despite this, more than anything, he loved being on Lyoko. Simply standing on its ground or running through its air inspired a feeling of freedom that he never felt in his life. There was nothing he wanted more than to be on Lyoko to escape his everyday pressures and expectations. He knew why he was fighting, so then why did he ask Ebony? Perhaps he wanted to hear her answer in an attempt to justify, or clarify, his own reasons, but not even he himself knew the answer to that question.

However, if Xana really did gain strength with each battle, what exactly gives it to him? Simply deactivating towers, or something else? And once they found out what it was, what solution could they glean from their discoveries? How could they weaken Xana instead of strengthening him? These are the ideas and thoughts that occupied Calvin's mind as he contemplated his and everyone else's purpose for fighting Xana in such redundant futility.
James once again opened up his eyes while in the zen garden. He quickly got up and headed to the factory. He had a long ways to go so by the time he arrived everyone elts was already there.
Kiara was laying on the ground contemplating life as she heard the computer room doors open. She lifted her head a bit to see Jay, "Hey Jay...what was the rush for? We already handled the tower..." Though she knew exactly why he came so quickly, it was the same reason as she had. "Do you think it's worth fighting if all we do is power him up with each small victory of our own? Our victories bring him closer to his goal, Jay. Is that a victory at this point? We need to keep everyone safe but I don't want to accept defeat either." She wasn't depressed or panicking like she did earlier, Xana would not get into her head. She was just thinking out loud. At that moment, Sai popped up on the monitor and Calvin and Ebony made it through the door behind Jay, with James coming in not too far behind. Sai spoke in her monotone voice, "Things seem to be normal here. It seems Kiara and Calvin are raising the same inquiry. You all have your reasons to fight, so why outwardly ask for them?"
James's mind went into a speak now think latter type of setting.

"They're asking because they feel the need to seek out reason. A reason to continue this fight. The validity of this fight with Xana and it's truth. Are we really winning? Or are we making our foe stronger making the victory his. They are trying to see if the fight is worth continuing and if so do they have the moxie to continue it."

James realized that he spoke without thinking.

"I mean... awe crap sorry guys didn't mean to go crazy on you. My apologies."

James bowed, his hands at his side, just as he was taught to do when apologizing to people who he had probably wronged.
Ebony sat in the computer chair and clasped her hands in front of her. "We fight because it is what we believe is the right thing to do. Think it all boils down to that. However, it does not matter why we are fighting if we can not win. Part of why I have asked you here is to get your permission. The avatar of Fox grows with poser along with Xana himself. Maybe it is time we got an upgrade. I can modify each of your avatars code and try and give you upgrades. I'm not sure how much I can do, but it's certainly going to be better than nothing. Then we have another problem. I'm working on Sai's devirtualization process, but I fear I may not get her out before Xana has enough power to stop us from shutting the Super Computer down. There are a few things we can do, but here is what I propose. The towers act as a conduit between Lyoko and the real world, right? That's how Xana can affect things here. I think the Super Computer has the capability to activate a tower from here, but on our own terms. Maybe I could slow how fast Xana can gain power, or generate monsters of our own even. What do you say?"

At first there was silence as everyone worked it over, but soon Jay nodded his head and said "It's worth whatever risk there is. I'm in!"
(I'm really sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've been dealing with some stuff IRL and it's kinda been taking up my time. I won't be on as frequently as usual, but I'll post when I can. That, and I haven't gotten notifications in a while from any of my RPs so I've had fun catching up on them these past couple days. XP)

Calvin thought about what everyone said as he stood in the room, his valiant personality replaced by an intensively calculative mind and thought process. There were many methods to go about doing as Ebony said, but they needed to be careful in their manner of going about it. They might unknowingly grant Xana more power if they act incorrectly, or worse. Calvin thought carefully about how they could safely go about operating on Lyoko in the way they were discussing. First, they would need to figure out exactly what gives Xana his increases in power and how to minimize them. Second, they could write programs to increase their usage of the supercomputer, as Ebony explained, such as programs to activate towers ourselves and use them or increase the power of the avatars, and perhaps even programs to counter Xana in some ways, if it is possible. Thirdly, they would need to carefully execute these processes to prevent anything unnecessary from happening. There was no knowing what could happen if they screwed up: most likely nothing, but highly probably something.

"I have nothing against what you said, James, since you're partly correct, I am wondering if this conflict arrangement with Xana is worth continuing since we seem to be on the short end of the deal. I am; however, more than willing to continue it. I'd like to speak boldly as well. When we have such a pointless battle on our hands, who would have the resolve to keep fighting? What's the point in fighting if Xana's only going to come back stronger? Why do we fight, even if it is the right thing? We could just shut down the supercomputer and be done with his antics. It would be better to end him than to slowly strengthen him with each battle, wouldn't it? So then why do we continue to resist like this? I want to hear your individual reasons for fighting before we continue with this conversation, else we'll get no where," he ruthlessly demanded, his mind for the most part blank and his heart a cold shell throughout his monologue. His eyes were dead cold glares burning through wherever he was gazing.
James smirked. Bold words indeed. "Well Calvin if you must know I'm fighting for my comrades. Xana took them from me and I plan to take what Xana took from them from him. That's why I fight."
James looked around hoping to see at least one stunned face but knew that he probably wouldn't get any.

(i have no idea why it put the same post as two separate posts.)
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"So you fight simply to kill Xana? Shutting down the supercomputer would be a quicker and easier method of doing so. Why do you fight when an easier method is available?" Calvin added, wondering if it even was possible to "kill" Xana; perhaps it was possible of deleting him, but producing a program of that magnitude would be nearly out of the question. It would take months, even years. They might not be staying at this school for long enough to even attempt such a thing; some of them would be leaving in only one to three years, meaning we would lose members before we defeated Xana, and he would be weakening us by outlasting our fighters to graduation. Perhaps even a fate akin to Fox's situation would befall each of them. Calvin did not really care much about his fate; he would remain on Lyoko even if it did kill him, but he absolutely did not want any of them to face such ends.

"I don't mean to shut down every motive each of you has, but I want you to realize the logical standpoint, at least from my perspective. I myself plan to continue fighting for my own reasons, but I want to know what yours are before I keep trekking on like this. My purpose for fighting isn't logical in retrospect, which is why I seek justification through some of yours. The logic in denying yours doesn't reside with me because mine is a personal vendetta for my fight, which I'm sure many of yours are, but mine pertain to topics outside of the group, Lyoko, or even school. That's why I can't justify it solely on logic," Calvin explained sincerely, "I'm not sure if what I say makes much sense, but I mean every word, and I wouldn't take them back on my life."
"I fight for a couple of reasons" Jay said. "While I'm not all that good with technology, I believe Sai cannot be an AI. What kind of artificial intelligence can produce the emotions Sai can? So if we shut the super computer down, we would be just leaving her for the next group to find her. Heck, it might even kill her! I could not live with myself if I just left her. The second reason is that I'm sure someone will find this place again. And when they do, what is the guarantee they will fight? They could just run away with the computer running and Xana in control. Or they could tell someone who just plans on studying the computer and accidentally free Xana somehow. I guess what I'm saying here is that there is more of a risk leaving it alone than not."


Ebony quietly sat back and listened to what the others had to say before speaking up. "I too believe Sai is an actual person and not just an AI, but I have other reasons as well. Why is this stuff even here? Have any of you asked that question before? I want to know why Lyoko exists, who built the supercomputer, how Xana was created. It's probably just me, but I need to know." She fell silent and contemplated weather to continue or not. "And, well, I feel important. I'm not saying I had it as bad as Calvin, but this computer makes me feel important and useful."

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