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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

In that moment, Calvin realized how, how slightly, similar he and Ebony were in their purpose for relying on Lyoko. He himself had never felt needed by his family, only obliged, like he was supposed to do as he was told, becoming the perfect child they always wanted. His mother especially itemized him as her tool for fulfilling what she never could in her wheelchair, a conduit (InFamous FTW!!!) for her desires and aspirations. He wanted something he could call his own, something he could recognize as his own decision, something that made him yearn for it the more he practiced it. Lyoko was all he truly had of his own, and he was never going to allow Xana to take that away from him, or any of the group, even if he valued their safety, their ambitions, their consciences, their emotions hold a higher place in his heart. The first thing he asked himself when the supercomputer was revealed to him was its origins. He truly wondered where Lyoko came from, who its creator was, who placed Sai inside and for what reason. There were so many veils surrounding the supercomputer which turned it into an enigmatic puzzle for him. How could he remove a veil, and what would he find behind it? These questions plagued his mind for weeks, and despite searching, almost restlessly, his efforts yielded nothing of true significance. Nothing with an actual connection to the supercomputer, unless it pertained to Lyoko itself. He had no idea how he would discover these things, but he knew things would work themselves out in the end, and he held fast to that hope.

"It seems like Ebony and I are in agreement, even though my purposes are somewhat more in depth than how she put it. Well, I guess she said that too, but whatever. And for the record, Jay, there are ways of ensuring that no one can even activate the supercomputer, let alone leave it on. But I never planned on resorting to that in a thousand years," he explained matter-of-factly.
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(I'm really sorry guys, I hope you can forgive me for the delay)

Kiara really didn't listen to much of what James had said about a reason to fight. She had her reasons, she knew what she was doing but she was speaking out loud for herself and looking for answers at the same time. Did the others feel the same way? Apparently Calvin did and that was enough confirmation for her to know she wasn't crazy. But there was no way she would stop fighting now. Thankfully, Ebony proposed that they activate a tower and throw an obstacle at Xana for once. She mumbled her approval, mostly for herself. "Sounds like a great idea...more power...keep us safer..let's get it done." At that point, Sai was still on the screen listening to everyone announce their reasons for fighting and conversing. She was touched by the fact that they didn't want to shut down the computer for the risk that she may die, and that the warriors wanted to help find her a way out of the system, but she didn't want them risking themselves. "Are you positive that activating a tower will work? I am not work the risk of any of you being thrown into the digital sea. I have been here for as long as I can remember whereas you all have a life to live." Kiara got up after Ebony explained how her and Calvin valued Lyoko. She stretched out her limbs and then relaxed into a casual pose with her hand on her hip and weight shifted to one side. "Let me make it clear, that you are all important and useful in your own ways. You are my friends, and that includes Sai and even Fox. We are going to find a way to get them out of Lyoko safely so we can shut down Xana and live on together. It's that simple. When can we get this done?"
"I don't know how much good activating a tower would really do against Xana, considering they only interfere with the real world, but we might be able to use it for other, less offensive things. We might be able to bend things on our end to help us out or interfere with Xana, but we need to figure out the nature of the towers, like if certain towers control certain things in the real world, but that's easy enough to research," Calvin elaborated, mostly to himself. He figured he would need to experiment with Ebony on the supercomputer and see what they could do to strengthen themselves in reciprocation to Xana. The only way to combat his gradually increasing strength would be to gradually, or at certain intervals, suddenly increase their own.
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James listened to the reasons before looking straight at Calvin. "While shutting down the computer would indeed be faster it feels like cheating and there are still friends who are trapped inside, or perchance have you conveniently forgotten that we still have comrades inside it. We got them there therefor we must also get them out." While he didn't want to pick a fight he thought that turning off the computer sounded a little suspicious and to his moral code that he lived by very cowardly.

"Never in a million years? You sound just like an old friend of mine. He also said there was a way to make it in accessible. No one believes him until he tried it. As to what happened to him let's just say the computer didn't like what he was doing too well and made him unconscious for a few days."
"All's fair on the battlefield, and this certainly has become a war, just a point. And while there are people inside, sometimes it's just not worth the risk to keep fighting to free our comrades when more fall to Xana, whether it be by his hand, or to his side. Not saying we should stop fighting, I'm saying I'm sick of this unending feeling of futility in our endeavors to fight Xana. It feels like we're doing the same thing over and over again, with nothing to show for it except an enemy getting stronger with each run through. We need to find a different way of doing things or eventually Xana will become too strong," Calvin mentioned intensely. He tried to think of how they could even the playing field with Xana and recalled something he read in the supercomputer's database including it. He tried to focus and remember it, then it came to him.

"We need to find a way get information on Xana and Lyoko, and the only way to do that is to snoop around a little on Xana's playground. While I was looking through a few more files, as I usually still do to equate myself to Ebony's knowledge of the supercomputer, I came across something referring to a fifth sector which might contain what we need. All we need to do is find out how to get there. It might take some digging, and some exploring on Lyoko, but I think we can do it. Finding it shouldn't take more than a month, but who knows? We should be prepared for a long and hard road ahead of us, with many obstacles from Xana, but I think this is our best bet against him," he motivated, hoping they would go for his proposal. He figured simply fighting Xana would do little to combat him and push him back. He already had the advantage by possessing and immensely powerful avatar from us, taking our classmate and friend in the process, but this might be the best way to even the odds in our favor, maybe even take the lead.

"By the way, whatever your friend did might have been a bad idea. I was thinking more like extracting the supercalculator's battery and placing it somewhere no one would find it. Now that I think about it, removing the nuclear Uranium half-life battery from the supercalculator isn't really that difficult, other than it's extremely volatile. Any one of us could easily remove it by hand if they're careful. The only issue is where to store it and the proper materials for handling it, such as hazmat suits and the like, but it's possible and easily executed," he explained as a side note to James.
"I found something on the fifth sector a while ago, but it requires some sort of password" Ebony explained. "I have been doing some digging, but all I could find was that the password is 8 letters long. We can do more research later, but we have more pressing matters at hand. I have been watching Xana's growth in power and have figured that he will be too powerful to stop simply by shutting the computer down by the time I have finally managed to figure out the materialization code, much less releasing Fox from Xanan's grasp. James, what did your group do to try and stop Xana? Any information could help. And Calvin, I have yet to read anything that says the towers only work in one direction. Even if it fails, at least we tried something. Though I seriously need to know if it is ok for me to mess with your avatars code to try and upgrade them."

(If you want any upgrades go to the Overview and say what you want. After that you can go back and add it to your CS. Oh, and a vehicle.)
"There's no point in debating something as risky as changing our code sequences. I'll be the guinea pig; if anything happens to me, then leave it alone and never try it again, but just once, we have to," Calvin commands, not wanting anything unnecessary to happen to anyone else. The Avatar Coding sequence was extremely complex and difficult to manage, what with all the different individual sequences included in it, but if anyone could do it, it was Ebony. Calvin trusted her with his life, as he did during every battle to Lyoko, and that would never change.
James thought about it for a few seconds and remembered something he knew wasn't going to be liked. "You're going to have to stop using the return to the past program. Xana is using it to double it's power, and as for sector five it's too dangerous as we are now. It was there that... that the beginning of the end for my team started." James had more to say but he kept it to him self something had gone on before the RTP and he could feel the residual tension.
"James, depending on what Xana does I will have no choice but to use the return to the past program" Ebony objected. "Take today for example. How many people would be placed in mental care facilities after experiencing such an event? The school would be shut down and we would be separated, reducing the resistance against Xana. If at all possible I will try to avoid it, but sometimes I won't have a choice."
Calvin knew it was something like that. He had read that the Return to the Past function had the ability to double the processing power of the supercomputer, but he was skeptical to an extent for a number of technical reasons, the main one being that if the processing power truly did double every time, then the processing power, if expressed as a number, would exceed ten googolplex, judging from how frequently they have been using it. But if it really was doubling each time, he had a feeling Xana was using it to increase his own power. There was only one thing to do then; limit their use of the RTTP, and keep real world damage to a minimum to make sure they actually can prevent use of it, otherwise they would be forced to use it when something serious happened and witnesses became involved. He explained this to the group impromptu, essentially saying exactly what he was thinking as he thought it. Though, it was more just him thinking out loud to himself rather than actually explaining it to the group.

"Perhaps if upgrading our avatars works, Sector Five might not be something to worry about. Besides, the reapings from the journeys there might just be worth it if it gives us an edge against Xana. Who knows what we could do with data like that?!" he fantasized overexcitedly, his mind clearly taken over by the tech geek within him, but he cared little, for that was who he was; he could never help it, and he never planned to. There was little he got ever excited over and he valued the things that were capable of actually rile him up so. He continued to fall into his little realm of data imagination and theorizing, until his own thoughts snapped him out of it. They needed to try upgrading their avatars, and that would be the first step to the Lyoko Warrior Technological Revolution. After this advancement, only more would follow and never cease to arrive, unless someone gets hurt by them. Most of what they do would be experimental after all. There was no helping that, considering their situations, but they would have to be wary nonetheless.
"I understand that Ebony. However we must use extreme scrutiny with the use of the RTP program. Which from what you said we can both agree on."
Ebony checked the time and sighed. "There is not much left we can so right now. Lunch is almost over and we should try to grab something to eat before class starts again. Calvin, meet back here after school?" For some reason she couldn't explain, she wanted to spend time with him alone! It was a sensation she had not felt before and was slightly concerned. None the less she had asked him and there was no going back.
"Yeah, that might be a good idea," Calvin addressed strongly, before he got a closer look at Ebony, "W-we should wait u-ntil we have more t-time, then t-test this thing o-ut. Y-yeah, that way we can ma-maxim-mize our time fi-figuring this o-ut!" he sporadically continued when in that very moment, he found Ebony's face looking anxious after her request to meet back here after school, and was simultaneously cuter than anything he had ever seen, including Kiara herself. This caught him off guard and instantly reverted him to his usual everyday personality. He averted his gaze and scanned the room swiftly in an attempt to avoid glimpsing into her eyes once more. If he even caught sight of her face from his peripherals, he might collapse from this power of adorableness emitting off of her. As perceptive as Calvin was, he never suspected for a moment that Ebony might be developing feelings, or at least a timidity towards him, as he has absolutely no experience with the opposite gender aside from his mother and late elder sister, and all feelings for both of them had waned over time, his mother from her apathy to his wishes, and his sister for her death forging a numbness within him, yet he could still feel his heart pounding out of his chest after hearing her voice turn from serious to almost angelically dainty at the drop of a hat.
Ebony could feel her heart rate increase. She wanted time powers so she could go back and make sure she had never suggested that, but it was too late now. She noticed Calvin was avoiding eye contact with her just as much as she was with him. "Well, I'll see you then." She quickly walked into the elevator and closed the door before anyone could follow. What had she gotten herself into?

(time skip, anyone?)
Calvin found a moment to relax after Ebony rushed out. The others were mostly silent through the exchange, and even after when Calvin stood there awkwardly after its occurrence, they continued to stare at him expectantly like he was supposed to know what just happened. Despite the fact that he was supposed to know, he just gazed back at all of them.

"What?!" he shouted defensively at them all, growing even more uncomfortable when they looked like they were all about to explode into laughter, or into tears, maybe both.

(How long of a time skip exactly?)

(@iShyShy @Ryu kishi @to who it may concern)
James couldn't help but watch the scene play out. He thought it looked cute and adorable. The only thing that kept him from voicing these thoughts was his training and sheer will power. James smirked the mirth evident in his words as he teased Calvin. "Well well looks like you've got yourself a date Mr. Hero. Be sure to bring her home by ten."

(I wanna see the scene that's going play out and by scene I mean the after school computer thing, but I'm game for a skip if it feels needed.)
Calvin's face burst into flames at James's comment and he rushed to deny it, especially since he never thought of Ebony like that... at least he believed he never did. Vice versa was also true. There were, after all, some things that not even Calvin could determine, even among himself. There was also the fact that Calvin had little idea of what James was talking about since he had never heard anything like that before, so he spoke claiming so.

"W-what are you t-talking about? It's no-nothing like t-that! I j-just think i-t's a good idea t-to start working o-n things i-in the sup-ercomp-puter as s-s-soon as po-possible! And sh-she thinks s-so t-t-too, that's all," he stuttered nervously to James, completely convinced that nothing was going on between him and Ebony. Kiara was the one he always liked, and that never changed. He was always comfortable and natural with Ebony, like a twin sister would have been. Yeah,... a sister, that's what she was to him, but everyone else knew that he and she thought differently. Calvin checked his watch and realized lunch would be nearly over by the time he got back so he would need to hurry to make it in time to actually eat anything. Calvin started walking rapidly into the elevator, now returned down to them after Ebony rushed off. Calvin had a hard time rationalizing her actions, as well as his own spur-of-the-moment thoughts, but figured it was better to put it off until later so he would have more time to think about it. He had all day to do so, and he has nothing else to do, so why not? Calvin had not even a chance to push the button before hearing another playful jeer.
James smiled at Calvin's uneasiness. He wasn't trying to be mean just tease him and it looked like it had worked and it seemed to him that he had time for one more. "And remember Calvin never kiss on the first date. Fallow the rules from that one musical with the guy who sells boys school bands!"
Jay hurried and slipped into the elevator with Calvin. "Don't mind him, he's just giving you a bad time." Even as he said it a small smirk plastered its self on his face. "Now lest hurry up. Jim is still holding a grudge against me from when my double replaced me."
(Really sorry, I was out of town and my phone wouldn't load RpNation all day yesterday.)

Calvin hit the button as he listened to James once again, only to be too embarrassed to even respond. His face became a wild fury of heat and he was unable to control it. When the door closed with both him and Jay inside, he tried his best to relax, but found it difficult with another person in his vicinity. Calvin was barely able to speak after the experience he previously endured at the hand of the rest of the group. Calvin was usually the most level-headed of the whole group; ecstatic and maniacal was a more accurate term, but that was usually only in the midst of combat. It was for this reason that Calvin simply could not understand why he was so uneasy back there, or why he was looking forward to the end of the day now. Jay's attempt to set him at ease paid off significantly as he was able to find a little logic in all this chaos.

"Y-yeah, I know. I'm j-just a little unaccustomed t-to it, I guess,"

he excitedly said, thankful that he was softer than most, as well as had a strong sense of urgency.
"W-well, I'm going t-to head over to the Ca-feteria now. Want to c-come along?" Calvin inquired bashfully when they reached the school. He was worried as to how tampering with the code would work, but he decided that he would focus on the rest of the day and not think about the supercomputer until he and Ebony investigated its processes a little more after school.
Jay smiled at Calvin. "Sure. I never finished my meal anyway." He continued to walk with his room mate to grab som last minute food.

===========================(Time Skip)==========================

Jay woke up Tuesday morning just as the sun was comming up. It was almost a week since the last Xana attack when they decided to get upgrades. For the last three days Jay had been testing his new powers and getting accustom to using crossbows instead of a long bow and working out the glitches, but he was mostly glitch free now.

Calvin was still asleep in bed, so he dressed as quietly as possible. Recently he had been going for morning jogs to try and increase his stamina for when he was needed outside of Lyoko. He wasn't sure if Calvin knew or not, but it didn't matter much so he never brought it up.

He exited the boys dormitory and just started running. He tried to avoid the track and just made up his path as he went. Most of the lamps were still on, but the one he was approaching shorted out. Normaly this wouldn't be a problem, but Jay had issues now with Xana being able to control electricity. This time he was right to be concerned as a black liquid-like substance shot out at Jay. It entered his body and Jay fell to the ground in pain. Whatever it was couldn't seem to get a grip on him and slithered back into the lamp and the light came back on. He knew this had to be Xana and ran to tell Calvin.

(Remember that these things cannot infect anyone who makes frequent trips to Lyoko, but Xana does not know this yet. Maybe @Little Sister could be controlled? Anyway just a suggestion. And no one knows about the vehicles yet except Calvin and Ebony.)
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(NAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!! (T^T) You skipped the Ebony x Calvin scene!) (BTW, I'm super sick right now so I'll just be posting something to get back in. I'm heading back to bed after, I can barely breathe though my nose and it's freezing everywhere in the house. (T^T))

Calvin rustled awake a little earlier than usual. It was around 7 o'clock in the morning. Classes started at 8:10, so there was still a little more than an hour until then. When he looked around the room, Calvin realized that Jay was gone. He must have gone on his morning jog; Calvin had caught him going out on morning when Jay made a little more noise than usual, especially after knocking over a book on accident, and he was wearing a tracksuit, insinuating that he was going for a run. Must be part of an athletic training regiment or something, but Calvin could really care less. Calvin looked around and discovered that what woke him was a small pamphlet that roughly fell to the floor from the table, making a loud noise of paper being struck by something. Calvin always was a light sleeper, but that was only because he trained himself to be; he had specially requested an especially uncomfortable mattress for his bed to continue his strict morning schedule. There was little that failed to awaken Calvin, since he had forced himself into uncomfortable beds to keep his body from falling into too deep a sleep, lest he oversleep and miss class.

He was particularly tired that day considering he was up notably late with Ebony working on a system to create vehicles for them to use on Lyoko. It was almost as nerve wracking as upgrading their avatars; he had little to no idea what would happen to him in that situation, and this was similar, but never once held his life as collateral. Calvin decided he should get up now since he most likely would never get back to sleep now, so continued his morning routine.
Ebony woke to her alarm for the third time. Ever since her and Calvin had started spending late nights together working on the supercomputer she had begun to feel more and more sleep deprived. She finally decided it was time to get up and stop hitting the snooze button, which she used to hit once in a blue moon. If she had a room mate they would most likely have gone crazy with her this last week. She found it odd how she always looked forward to her alone time with Calvin, even now. Logically she could deduce what was happening but refused to admit it even to herself.


Jay sprinted non-stop straight to his room, receiving a few stray looks on the way. He passed Jim on the way but managed to avoid stopping by pretending to have not heard him. It would most likely bite him in the butt later, but this was far more important. When he reached his room he blasted open the door, almost slamming it behind him, and sat on his bed trying to catch his breath. To avoid a long list of questions form Calvin he held up his hand and said "Xan... na.." between breaths.
Calvin had only just sat up in bed when he was startled by Jay bursting through the door. Calvin was so shocked that he was unable to respond, other than tensing up to the point where he could feel his back ache from it. Jay sat down on the bed and Calvin simply watched. When Jay said said this was Xana's doing, Calvin wondered exactly what happened.

"W-what do you m-mean? What h-happened out there?" he asked timidly. He was still unable to shed this shell when he needed it most. Only in its own time did it change for him, and usually it fit into a time when he needed it. But he still had no control over his emotions, and that was problematic on many levels. Xana was a manipulative entity and he was capable of anything, which made it dangerous to be wishy-washy, especially when Xana attacked. It was a good thing he managed to alter his personality when Xana attacked, otherwise he would be in Fox's position right about now.

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