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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"Um, check the school first" Ebony replied. "That seems to be where Xana prefers attacking. Anyway, I have to go now and help Jay and Kiara. All back when you find out what is happening." She hung up and turned her mic back on. "Ok, so wall wasn't the most accurate description. Cliff is more like it. You will need to figure out a way to scale it. There are a few good ledges, so Jay can jump to the top with his increased jump height, but I'm not sure about you Kara. How good are you at climbing?"

(go with the gravity thing)
James pocketed his cell and headed towards the school. He didn't know what to expect when he got there but he knew that it would most likely be very bazaar.
Kiara stopped at the cliff and tilted her head backward as she looked at the enormous height. "Great...No kidding, Eb. This thing is huge." She could clearly see the few ledges that Jay would easily be able to jump to but she wouldn't let the lack of power stop her. She pulled out and extended her staff as she planted it firmly on the ground. "Climbing is a bit difficult but maybe I can make a running pole vault with my staff. May as well give it a go, right?" She backed up and held her staff in hand, focusing on where she believed she would need to place the staff into the ground for a decent enough fulcrum point. She started running as fast as she could and landed the staff where she intended, launching herself into the air barely high enough to grab onto the first ledge. She hung there for a moment, tossing her staff onto the ledge when the edge of the ledge started to give. Panic shot through her body when her wrist was grabbed by none other than Sai who most likely teleported up to her when she saw the danger of her silly stunt. "This is one reason why you should have waited, Kiara." She said as she pulled Kiara up. Kiara dusted herself off and caught her breath as she flashed a playful smile. "Yeah... but I still made it. Thank you though." Sai looked down from the ledge and shouted to Jay. "We shall meet up with you at the top of the cliff! I can bring her but it will take a moment." She grabbed Kiara's arm, who had just barely grabbed her staff and retracted it, and pulled out her little orb again. Sai waited for Jay to make his way to the top before she started their ascent.
"And here I thought this was going to take a while" Jay called back up to her. He backed up a bit like Kiara had done to get a running start before taking off and landing on the first ledge. In an attempt to not lost momentum he kept on jumping almost as soon an he landed down again. He soon waited at the top and saw the tower in the distance. He surveyed the land and didn't see a single monster. "This is too easy. What are you planning Xana?" he mumbled.
Sai smiled at Jay's remark then watched him easily scale the cliff with his ability. Kiara felt Sai's grasp around her after her statement about bringing her to the top of the cliff and retorted, "Sai don't worry about it, okay? I can totally handle it, you saw me." Sai looked back at her and tilted her head, "You and I both know this will be much easier. You've traveled with me before. Do not argue." "Yeah bu-" Kiara didn't get a chance to speak before Sai started porting them from ledge to ledge, finally landing at Jay's side. Kiara landed harshly and nudged Jay, "I wouldn't have taken awhile. Pft." She then turned back to Sai who was still holding her wrist, "Thanks Sai. You rock. You know I can't help myself sometimes." Sai shook her head to let her know not to worry about it, then looked at the expanse of open space where the tower sat. "This event shall end soon. It seems luck is on our side."
"Luck is such a silly concept." A voice bellowed before shooting a projectile of smoke from the tower. It landed just in front of Kiara and Jay. The smoke cleared and pixelated leaving Fox knelt on the ground. He looked up no longer bothering with the mask and hood. His face was entirely visible now. "It can't be measured or calculated or measured in any way." He stood before the group with a smug smile. "Some might argue it doesn't even exist." There was one last alteration to his dark garb. His sword was no longer at his side or visible anywhere else on his person.
(YES! THE GRAVITY THING! *triumphant horn section of our triumph* *triumphant fist pump of my own triumph*) (Just to let you know, this is going to be very long and isn't particularly relevant to anything outside of itself, so yeah. It's kind of an optional read. ;-P If you don't want to read it all, just skip to the bottom. \".___.";/)

Calvin remained suspended in spaced while the five persons continued their chanting, except this time, slowly diffused into a more subdued tone. Subsequently, as if on queue, a black sludge emerged from the seams of the space, in between the four zones of red and blue, mainly at the top and bottom, directly over and under Calvin himself. The sediment attempted to wrap itself into a large sphere encasing him, and despite Calvin's resistant endeavors, the futility remained that he was unable to reach it, as he was held in place by space. Right as the sludge was about to complete its formation around him, the Eye of Xana etched into it, as if burning through like magma. Almost immediately as the sludge closed, the shrieks began again, words identical, but doubly loud from their initial attempt to deafen Calvin. With their screeches came a zephyr, eviscerating the goo from every angle and disassembling it. Then the winds began to twist into a cyclone, and carried the goo in a tornado as black as charcoal, and he was surrounded by a circling whirlwind of ebony. 'Ebony! I remember now; I said something I shouldn't have. She's probably upset, and everyone's worrying about me with these voices, and despite that, I had the audacity to lash at her! If I hurt Ebony like that, I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't be able to live with myself!' he self-scolded as the winds died down and eventually ceased entirely. His mind came back to the people floating around him. His personality became pensive and dignified.

"I feel like I know each of you, but I can't recall meeting any of you. Who are you, and what are your intentions?" he catechized.

"How austere! I'm hurt that you don't remember us, and after all the time we all spent together," the black haired teenager in the red zone remarked sarcastically, his voice a rough, yet relaxed type, as he shifted his left hand to his hip with a sadistic smirk implanted in his face.

"Honestly," the black haired adolescent in the blue stated, his voice significantly deeper and solemn than expected, with a face-palm, "Could you be serious for a moment? This is the first time he's seen us manifested this way."

"Allow us to introduce ourselves, individually," the white haired girl began, her voice soft and timid, but determined, "My name is Aquila, the Ghost of the Heavens, and these are my hands, Altaïr, the eagle, and Alshaïn, the falcon." As she uttered each name, she stretched her hands out slightly and Calvin's Three edged stars were conjured in a flash of light, then spun in each of her hands. If you observed meticulously, you could see the different insignias centered on each of them, Altaïr sporting a symbol of an eagle flying straight up and wings in equilibrium, Alshaïn revealing a falcon in a pounce directed to the right, both confirming to Calvin that they were, indeed, the same that he used on Lyoko. His eyes popped out so abruptly and powerfully that if felt like they might have flown out of their sockets. Instantly, he understood who they were and listened even more intently to each of their introductions.

"Hiya there! I'm Rebellion, and this is my lovely lady, Kalina Ann, the Red Queen of Hellfire," the black haired boy in red egotistically disclosed, the familiar claymore broadsword materializing from red light onto his back. He drew the blade and aimed it toward Calvin.

"Pleased to finally make your aquaintance, my name is Osiris, and I offer my faithful companion, Isis, the Goddess of the Afterlife," the solemn boy in blue divulged prestigiously, the tantamount scythe forming from blue light before Osiris. He then grabbed it and twirled it rapidly around him and ended in a left flourish. He held it valorously forward, as a king would stand with a scepter reaching to the ground.

"We are known as," the two children spoke in synchronization, only separated for their names, the girl speaking first,"Ebony. Ivory," their synchronization rebooted, "and our friends are," their voices split again, this time the boy first, "Luce, the Dawn of Genesis. Ombra, the Shadow of Revelation." They stood leaning against each other, their profiles significantly more confident than before. In their hands phased from red a pair of 'Colt M1911's that Calvin grew accustomed to on Lyoko, white to the Ivory and black to Ebony, matching their hair. They flung the guns nearly directly upward, intertwining them midair as they recitedly switched sides to catch their respective pistol. Their voices were harmonious together, a wave of euphonic coordination with a timidity and reservedness akin to that of children, while individually, Ebony's had a more feminine tone, despite it's near identical pitch to Ivory's, similarly, Ivory's inclined to masculinity.

Calvin's shock was amplified by the sight before him; his surprise was so great that he found his jaw was unable to drop from it all and was left to clench it to ease his tension. He stared at each of them. Aquila closed her eyes and smiled at him warmly. Rebellion gave a taunting smirk and spun Kalina Ann back into its sheath on his back, rectifying his stance from directly to the side to facing Calvin at an angle. Osiris revealed a perceptive smile, barely dissipating the energy of his profile. The twins Ebony and Ivory kept their position, but fell back into a new attitude of abashment, both blushing and gazes straying to their side, away from each other, in perfect symmetry. They returned to how they were after Calvin spoke again.

Calvin felt a sense of humor swell within him, and he very quickly began to laugh. He found the entire situation amusing, and he acted on it. He floated there and laughed heartily. After he regained some composure, he found himself able to speak.

"I'm sorry, I just can't believe what I'm seeing!" he commented sporadically between laughs, "I never expected that the voices were all of you. Well, I suppose I considered it, but I never thought it particularly probable."

"We felt something come into you, so we simply took action to keep it away from you," Osiris explained, "but it seems our actions brought you into a comatose state. We apologize for disturbing you."

"You don't have to be sorry for protecting me. As far as I see, I should be thanking you for doing what you did," Calvin elaborated.

"Even so, you might have gotten hurt if we were so careless. If something happened to you, how could we live with ourselves?" Aquila dramatically continued.

"Give it a rest already, we don't need your melodrama," Rebellion snapped somewhat audibly.

"Don't yell at Elder Sister Aqui," the twins sheepishly retorted simultaneously.

"Anyway, now that we've prevented his possession, we should release him," Osiris interjected, "There's definitely something amiss out there."

"Oh yeah! Do you know how I can get out of here? I need to help my friends, Xana's attacking right now," Calvin realized.

"You want to leave us so soon? You haven't gotten to know us yet! You're so cruel!" Aquila theatrically, yet sincerely, complained, turning away from Calvin, crossing her arms and pouting.

"See what I mean?" Rebellion indicated to Calvin and then turned to Aquila, "He already knows us inside and out, we're parts of his mind, remember?"

"Oh... Yeah... Well I guess it's okay then," she said as she slowly unwinded and returned to delight.

"We don't have much time. We should get him out now before it's too late," the twins cut in.

"We're going to send you back now. We should probably mention that we used a significant amount of energy to keep Xana out of this place. We won't able to all come together like this again, even to protect you completely like this again," Osiris included.

"But don't worry, you can still meet with us individually. It might not ever be the same, but at least this way, we don't pointlessly waste energy. If you're really the needy cupcake act like, you can visit any one of us whenever we're available," Rebellion sassed.

"As long as we're not tired from fighting with you, we can talk forever!" Aquila continued.

"You can also get advice from whoever's weapon you're using. Like if we loaned Luce and Ombra to you, you could come to us if you have a question on the best way to use them, but only for... let's say 30 seconds at the most. But make sure you remember that only Elder Brother Osi and Elder Brother Rebel are good with battle strategy and things like that," the twins encouraged recitedly.

"Farewell, Calvin. We'll continue to fight with you gladly when you need us," Osiris added before Calvin faded to black in another gust of wind, listening to their farewells before departing. There was only one that set itself apart from the others; however. The last thing he heard was Ebony's voice yelling at him saying, "Tell Elder Sister Ebony 'Hi' for me!" He chuckled one last time before losing consciousness once more.

Calvin awoke in the same place he was before, and Ebony still typing away on the keyboard, but looking significantly more distressed than before. He wondered how much time passed while he was in that state. He stood up with support from the floor and wall and spoke to alert Ebony to his reawakening.

"Ebony, I'm awake. Xana won't be possessing me today," he walked over to the terminal next to her, "What happened while I was out?"

(You can see why this took me a while. xD )
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Kiara's eyes shot to the top of the tower in time to see the projectile land in front of the group and start protruding the smoke. She instantly pulled Sai behind her in order to keep her safe from any possible dangers that could arise from the familiar looking evil screen. She glared at the figure that emerged from the smoke, only to be somewhat surprised by the new appearance. It was Fox of course, but he no longer covered himself with that mask or hood and he seemed unarmed. Her face was unmoved as she froze for a moment from the sheer shock whlie listening to his mockery of Sai's comment. She broke out of it quickly to shoot back, "It's also silly that you have some false conception of ever defeating us, but at least I'm not throwing that in your face."
"You're under the impression that you've been winning, but still none of you have come close to defeating me in battle." Fox began pacing and glancing over at the group. "You haven't even really defeated my plans with your little games. The face of destruction you face in the real world is just an obstacle and a gathering of information. You race here whenever I rear my head and fight for your lives to set everything back to normal. What you've failed to notice is that with each victory you claim, I become stronger. I learn more about what is outside these digital confines, and how best to take my place in that world." He stopped and turned to face them. "All you've done in this whole endeavor is buy time for yourselves and enable me to dispose of you and the rest of those like you more efficiently."
"And yet you believe we are static" Jay countered. "We grow just as much as you and learn more about Lyoko as you learn about earth. The sad thing is you are simply a rat in a box. We can cross between the worlds as we please, yet you are trapped here. You're so pathetic that you even need a host body! Shall we just get this over with? I'm getting board."


"Not a whole lot" Ebony replied. "Dark Fox and the others are taunting each other. I was scouting the way ahead of them for traps. Got it! The plato ahead of you is made of several boulders clumped together. They are designed to split apart when you step on them."
"Do you want to send me in? I'm good to go whenever you need me. What's happening in the real world?" Calvin asked worriedly. Considering Xana attempted to possess him only adds to evidence that what Kiara said before might be true. If Xana really has been wearing down their mental barriers, it would be trouble for anyone on Lyoko. Then again, it simply might have Xana reaching through the scan to scare everyone. There's still no way to know what he's planning, but it was too late to stop their advance to find out. They would be in danger if they let up for even a moment. Xana was relentless and would not back down to give them a breather, so they could not back down if they wanted to survive.
"For now. My time in the sun will come." Fox shrugged and held his hands in front of him, palms open. "Come then, continue our cycle of hollow victories." A low droning grew higher in pitch behind the group as hornets flew up the cliff face. They passed the edge and continued upward, opening fire as they gained altitude.
When James arrived on the school grounds he felt a little lighter but he thought nothing of it. He entered the main building and did a little looking arround but found nothing out of the ordinary. After a little bit of looking James saw a water fountain and decided to get a drink. James activated the fountain and that's when his eyes saw something impossible. The water was going up instead of down! James started to feel himself get litter as well and soon he was floating in the air. He quickly pulled out his cell and called Ebony. She was not going to believe this. Snowballs chance in hades but then again they had seen some pretty weird stuff... like that giant teddyzilla. Now that was creepy.
"The only sun you'll spend time in is Lyoko's artificial one. Fox will be the one to taste the Earth's sun again one day." She stared at him with pure anger and resentment. He had implanted something in her head that now was eating at her while it sat in the back of her mind, but she would not lose focus again. His positioning seemed like he was summoning some sort of monster to come from behind him, but instead the sounds were coming from their rear and they were flanked by hornets. Sai was the one who pulled Kiara out of the way of a few initial shots before running to cover. Kiara watched where Sai decided to hide then pulled out and extended her staff to reflect the bullets away from her. She redirected one laser at Fox and gave him a vengeful glare, "I'll be sure to attain a meaningful victory today."
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Jay heard the hornets and jumped high into the air and they all missed him as they were aiming, such as they were, at where he was standing and not where he would be. He took three quick shots and took two of them out before landing behind a rock. He then used his camouflage and became undetectable by everything, even the computer screen. A few hornets flew by confused and he picked them off one by one, becoming visible for only moments at a time.
Fox sidestepped that shot flung his way and chuckled. He watched the Hornets fly around and take shots. Jay was using his abilities to make quick work of them. Normally, they wouldn't stand a chance, but when Jay became slightly visible during his attacks he directed the Hornets to fire. He was playing the monsters like a puppet master, tightening their shots to come closer and closer to the target.
Jay stopped attacking and slowly made his way to another location on the boulder, making sure not to become visible. With him a fairly safe distance away he moved away from the rock and took care of three of the remaining five Hornets attacking him. "You seriously though I would be taken down by hornets? That's just pathetic."


"If you're sure you can do this then go" Ebony replied to Calvin. "Just remember that I will pull you out if things start going wrong."
"Don't worry about me. I'm good to go," Calvin gloated as he headed to the elevator. He hit the button and waited for it to arrive. He remembered the last time he was in this room, and recalled that he and Ebony had bickered, and they were left on a bad note. He rotated his head toward Ebony without turning his body. His everyday personality returned to him.

"E-Ebony? I wanted t-to say I was sorry about be-before. I-I was out of line when I s-said that. Could you ever f-forgive me?" he pleaded anxiously. The elevator arrived as he spoke, and the door slid open as he looked inside worriedly. He turned back to her right after with the same look of concern on his face.
"Don't apologies" Ebony replied. "Tensions were running high and it seems like Jay was the only one thinking straight. If you want the honest truth, I sometimes feel threatened by you. I might know the computer, but soon you will too AND you can fight. I just can't go in there and fight. It scares me too much…"
(Sorry. I was busy the past few hours.) (Crap. Forgot to hit send.)

Calvin was taken aback by her words. He never even stopped to consider how she felt by his arrival or his presence, but even so. She was threatened by him? That's absurd! With Ebony here on the terminal, they have a great deal more possibilities to fighting Xana. Calvin was overwhelmed with an emotion of pride for her and acted upon it, his speech becoming clear and coherent rather than anxious and sporadic.

"Ebony, you're crazy. We need you on the supercomputer! If you weren't here, giving enemy positions and reloads for Jay and Katie and things like that, who knows what would've happened? Without you, we'd never stand a chance against Xana!" he coaxed valiantly. He stepped into the elevator and listened to her reply before pressing the button.
"Thank you Calvin, but what happens to me once you are adept enough for this spot?" Ebony replied. "After that I no longer have a use." She turned away back to the screen so he wouldn't see her like this. Her voice cracked at the last of her words and knew it sounded ridiculous, but it was inefficient to have her when someone could go into Lyoko AND handle the super computer. She felt like her time was nearing the end. She cleared her thought and called James. "Did you discover anything?"
"But not even I can do everything and fight on Lyoko at the same time. You're our operator! It's your job to be in the rear, that way we've always got your tech support," Calvin mentioned gladly, closing his eyes as he beamed at her, "I might be able to get things started, but there's no way I could do everything you do while fighting on Lyoko, you give us enemy positions, life point checks, even locations and objectives. You don't realize how valuable you are to us. We couldn't ask for a better operator, truth be told." He hit the button and adjusted his glasses, creating an eerie glare in themrom the elevator light; he standing on one leg as the other one rested on its toes behind. "Take good care of us in there, Operator," he requested confidently. The elevator door closed as he watched her turn her head to him through his glared out glasses and cheerful smile. Despite that, he did not get a good look, as he was suddenly focused on something popping up on the monitor.

The elevator moved down to the scanner room and his thoughts still raged on in his head. 'What's going on? If Xana tried to possess me, did he possess the others? Could Fox's warning be real, or was it a hoax? Did he really possess all of us or just me in the scan? Either way, something's going on and I intend to find out,' he thought as the elevator door opened, revealing three open scanners, each with a ray of light flooding into the room. Calvin eagerly made his way into the center pod straight ahead of him. He stood in the scanner's radiance as he waited for Ebony to start the virtualization procedure.
Ebony didn't reply, but instead put Calvin in. "Sorry, but this was the best I could do. You see that big wall? You need to climb it. Kiara and Jay are already at the top fighting Fox, so you might through him off a bit, but no guarantees. Maybe Sai could help you up like she did for Kiara."
Calvin fell to Lyoko when he regained consciousness and observed the remarkably high monolith he was to scale. When Ebony notified him of the situation, he understood what he had to do. He felt a familiar pull on his back and planned his course of action in the split second it took his accelerated mind to process it. A sadistic half-grin surfaced on his face as a perverse character overtook him.

"Don't worry, Ebony. I know exactly what I'm going to do," he commented eerily as he focused on his back and in a gutsy voice declared, "Osiris, lend me your strength." Immediately, a blue light emerged through his coat, and materialized into Isis, the death scythe with a curved frame. He pulled it from its resting place on his back and dexterously pirouetted it around him as he twirled around himself. When he ceased the twirl a moment later, he stopped himself diagonal to his goal, positioning the blade behind him to the right, almost making contact with the ground, the toe angled towards the stone rampart. He winded his body back and darted forward in a rapid dash toward the wall, keeping Isis frozen in stature. Once he reached the wall at the perfect distance from the wall, he twirled Isis forward, slamming the heel and tang of the scythe into the ground as hard as he could, leaving a medium-sized crack in the ground while launching him upwardly ahead, towards the wall at high speed. While he sailed through the air, he loosely held Isis with his right hand, rotating it at an unimaginable quickness. Once he reached the wall, barely halfway up from his leap, he implanted the scythe entirely into the wall up to its beard. To initiate his ascension, he pulled down on Isis, causing him to soar along the wall, almost like flying close to the ground. He did so again when he reached the peak of his escalade, stabbing Isis into the stone, then launching upward again. Soon he heard the sounds of combat emanating from the above.

This took longer than he expected, but Calvin eventually reached the plateau and cleanly landed on top. When he glanced up, the setting before him was a marvel to say the least. Sai was hiding behind a small structure on the opposite end of where the tower resided, Kiara was struggling to her feet from the ground, and Jay was struggling with Fox, hornets and kankrelats surrounding them in windows like a caged arena. "What happened while I was gone?" he remarked in shock. What could have happened to create a situation like this?

(The Lyoko characters were left alone for a while in the dialogue between Calvin and Ebony so I just kinda moved time along for them to stay loyal to physics. :~|)
Kiara had been deflecting the lasers for awhile when she watched how Fox someone controlled the hornets to focus fire on Jay. She took the opportunity to once again use her staff to pole vault her over into their location, hitting the target of two of them with either end of her pole before slamming onto the ground. Out of nowhere, a kankrelat comes from behind her after she lands, shooting her in the back of the calf and making her fall to her knee. The kankrelat is then suddenly suicidal, deciding to run over and through her other leg as it charges up a shot, only to be killed by her sweeping motion with her staff that she performed out of sheer anger, "Freakin' thing!" That's when she saw Calvin standing on the edge of the cliff with yet another weapon, a scythe that he must have somehow used to scale the cliff that had been an obstacle for her not long ago. Thank god he's here, we needed the back up. She uses her staff to push herself to her feet as she shoots a glance in the direction of Sai who has seemed to disappear. In her panic, Kiara spun around to look for her. She's the only one we can't afford to let get hurt! Where is she!? She didn't get a good look so she decided to limp her way in the direction of the tower, since that's most likely where Sai would go. Before making her way she yelled to Calvin, "Help Jay! I'll be fine!" Don't let him see you limp, don't do it. She tried her best to conceal it and felt she was doing a decent job, though she couldn't tell on her own.

Sai had moved the moment she spotted Calvin at the foot of the cliff, knowing that he was more than sufficient back up that Kiara and Jay needed at the time. I need to get to the tower, now. She was sneaking her way through the rocks, running serpentine through the larger boulders as she watched the battles ensue. Kiara and Jay had taken out most of the hornets successfully but it seemed like there were more than they were prepared for. She knew this would end the moment she got to the tower, so she traveled until she hit the empty expanse of space. She was stuck, unsure of what to do, so she hunkered down and whispered to Ebony. "Ebony. Do you have any information I can utilize?"

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