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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"It is possible, yes." pulling the staff off from her back, she lightly tapped the top of it on the blades of his swords, making them turn red and radiate with heat "Here you go, now, to corral." she said before spinning her staff and slamming the butt of it on the ground, sending the string of fire and around the copies, creating a fence of fire
The two Cyphers that had engaged the female avatar earlier looked at the fence of flame surrounding them. They then turned to peer out of the box toward the two that had been engaging the male avatar, who were still running to their location.

The two in the fence turned to look at each other, before sitting down and crossing their legs.

The two laid their spears across their laps and began waiting.

The ones who had been running towards their location quickly took stock of the situation, then paused before bracing themselves and moving apart. They began slowly moving in a large arc around the captured Cyphers. Putting distance between them and the players while also minimizing distance between them and their colleagues.
James looked at Katie. "After this strike I will be compleatly drained. I may even devertlize. I'll need you to cover me if more monsters show up."

James used super sprint to run around all the entities. James griped both katana in a normal forward facing grip, which was unusual for him because of the style he used.

I'm so glad I decided to learn this move although I'm not sure how my ancestors would feel about the twist I put on it, James thought to himself.

James started to chant. "In one life there are 36 earthly desires. Thus there are 36 desires in my blade. Two life's however have 72 desires. Thus two blades have 72 desires." When James got to this point in his chant his blades coughs on fire due to the heat radiating off the blades and the friction of the wind against them. He knew that if he slowed down even a little the flames would go out and his plan would be ruined. He was starting to tire but he couldn't stop. "Flames cleanse life of all desires," James swung his swords when he was in a straight line with all the entities, "Two sword style: Burning 72 Caliber Phoenix!"

A line of blazing razor sharp wind flew from his blades cutting and burning all the entities.

James made it over to Katie and collapsed. He didn't feel himself devirtulizing and praised his dead friend for his programming abilities. He felt everything an knew that he wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon. He felt his body start to devirtulize. Looks like I praised that abality of yours a little too soon Jason, James thought to himself.

"Katie the person behind the computer isn't who it used to be. It's someone new. Lyoko is under siege again. There's a tower activated jake is there but dosnt have memory. Tell him I sent you if he has any problems. See ya on the flip side."

James fell out if the scanner and curled into a ball. He was compleatly drained. He was just gunna fall asleep right here he decided, and so he did.

(If this came out really long I'm sorry. I'm not on a real computer right now so I can't judge the length too well.)
The last Cypher felt a strange rush of vertigo, looks like his other copies had perished. He had formed from the burning arm that another copy had thrown away. Collateral was more then necessary in his position it seems.He couldn't say that he was disappointed, they did fairly well.

He felt the data of his fallen copies returning to him, and looked ahead at the activated tower he had been trekking towards.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem, XANA routed a bunch of optimization to the Dark Fox Avatar, so he should be more than capable if holding the line on his own.

Cypher dragged his Scalpel spear along the ground, taking his time on his way to the tower.
Katie watched as this went on, hoping that James could do this. And honestly, he did it. He ran back over to her and fell, only for Katie to hold him in her arms and watching as he soon started devirtualize. "..Okay...I can do that.." she said with a warm smile, her ears lowered on her head before he completely was gone from her arms. She got back up to her feet and put her staff on her back again before taking off towards the activated tower. But on the way, she noticed the enemy they went after and she took her staff, her ears perking as she spun with her staff pointing outwards and 8 balls of fire appeared around her. After the 1 spin, she pointed her staff at the enemy and shot all 8 fire balls towards it
Dahlia was between the state of sleep and awake though she kept her eyes closed when Kiara manuvered her. She could hear voices but she only heard snippets of the conversation as sleep consumed her. Fake Jay? Past?,were the last thoughts she had before falling asleep.
Fox lunged forward closing the space between himself and his opponent. His sword led forward just enough to touch the tip of the blade to his opponent. His own body was turned, presenting only a small target. It was only the opening move to this fight, no need to rush it. Ultimately it was a feint to see a reaction. and adapt for the rest of the fight.
Calvin's opponent lunged forward and Calvin watched him carefully, his mind still accelerating, analyzing every move the masked man made. As he was observing over his glasses, he was able to recognize and anticipate his feint, and did not move a muscle, remaining as still as ice, holding his hidden blade up in front, ready for a sudden attack, but acknowledging the fake out. Rebellion began to ring silently, but even as he couldn't hear it, he could feel the minimal vibration it made on his back.
Fox pushed to his full length and embedded the tip of his sword in his opponent just slightly, barely enough to cause damage. His sword arm twisted and pulled back dragging the tip up through his shoulder and twisted at another sharp angle to bring the blade back around toward the neck, this time in a full attacking swing. His arm swung behind his back and stayed just above the belt as a counterbalance to the fencing style.
(@Sensei Fox I thought you feinted, where the heck did the straight thrust come from? xD )

Calvin's body just was not fast enough to block the attack. He might have seen the fake turn into an attack, but he had no time to act. He needed to be careful against an opponent with such velocity. He saw the attack from above coming in, and took notice of his hand moving to his back. He moved his hand in position to defend against the downward slash and as the cutlass made contact with his small dagger, he retracted the blade quickly after stopping it clean in its path, and grabbed the opponent blade from the flat, and with his free right hand, he thrusted forward, extending his hidden blade to kill his opponent.
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(The blade leading forward should have been your indicator that there is an thrusting attack, however light in the feint.)

Fox reacted by releasing his balancing hand from it's position and bringing his own dagger with it. He caught and directed the hidden blade attack safely away from his own body. With both weapon arms occupied in the lock, he moved closer and brought his right leg between the legs of his opponent, taking control of the center of gravity in the lock. His body weight pushed forward and then suddenly back. His sword arm flipped placing the flat of his blade against the arm that had grabbed it. Using the leverage created he freed the sword and broke the locked engagement. One single step back and then two forward with another thrust.
(Oh. I saw that, and I knew what you were doing, but you kinda did the action before I could react when you said "touched the tip of the blade to his opponent" and I read over it by accident. I thought you were still in mid rush. My bad.)

Calvin was surprised at the skill and finesse in this opponent. During his unbalance, he glanced surreptitiously at the other two, and they were about halfway across the clearing and still running. His gaze turned back to the shadow man, and the next thrust. He used his one foot still on the ground to jump back into a rough back handspring and create some distance, sliding away on one knee, the static from the first slash into his shoulder just now fading away after that swift exchange. He stood slowly and drew Rebellion, directing it straight at his opponent.

"I will defeat you, even if I have to die trying!" he stated confidently.
Sai watched the battle ensuing between Calvin and Dark Fox. She saw Calvin take a hit in their initial exchange and then decided to focus on the tower. She was running as fast as she could while utilizing her teleporting ability when able. It wasn't too far now but she wouldn't relax until she slipped into the tower. She looked over at the white haired boy (Jake) who was speeding next to her. His protection was appreciated but may not have been needed on this journey.
(Well you didn't move so I just went with the extension. Anyway, go ahead and shut down the tower and stuff so we can keep on rolling.)

"Die then." He kept on the offensive, balancing his knife arm behind his back again. His footwork stayed slow and methodical as the rolling waves of slashing attacks moved in. A few thrusts worked in to his form to keep denying too much moving room without letting up in the attack.
(Phew, thank you.)

Sai smiled as she made it to the tower. Slipping inside, she took a breath after the intense amount of power and energy she used to get there. She lifted herself up to the control panel and laid her hand upon the screen, turning the red code white again (I forget if it's white or green...) and successfully turning off the tower. She looked up into the sky and tried to speak to tell Ebony to hit the return to the past, but only static came out.
Ebony saw the tower deactivate and entered the sequence. "Return to the past now!" A white light emitted from the factory and the next thing she knew she was sitting at her computer in her dorm room. She looked around, thankful things were normal again.


Jay woke up on the floor of a scanner, curled into a ball. He slowly stood up, finding much of his strength had left him again. 'Just a side affect of spending so much time on Lyoko, I guess' he thought to himself.
Katie was only sent right back to the tower she had woken up in before the return. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the tower, only to smile a little "Looks like they did a return...I hope James remembers im ehre and he'd come back to get me out of here.." sitting up fully, she opened up the tower screen, just staring at it, hoping that someone would pop up soon
The white light emitting from the computer consumed the room and Kiara held onto Dahlia tight. When she woke up, the two of them were laying in bed again like they had been that morning. Instead of trying to force Dahlia awake this time, she decided to get up and squeeze herself onto Dahlia's bed. The events still ringing in her head though Dahlia should have forgotten them all.... sadly. "Hey Dahlia... I know it's getting a bit late in the morning but do you wanna watch some funny internet videos for awhile?" Kiara would talk to the others in a bit but right now she wanted to spend some time with her roommate.

Sai woke up in the tower she deactivated and smiled. Good job, everyone. She opened up the tower's communications to send Ebony a message when she saw that she wasn't the only one using the tower's systems. Deciding to investigate, she dropped through the towers to use the connecting network to get to Katie. She tapped her on the shoulder and smiled, since Katie should remember her. It had been awhile. Besides, Ebony and everyone would check in on them soon, right?
No one else was down in the scanner room with Jay, so he used the wall for support and summoned the elevator. He entered the computer room and sat in the chair. It was more for support while he regained his strength. He noticed a notification on the main screen so he pulled the headset on and opened it up. He saw a new face on the screen. "You were the new girl form the last attack, right? I'm Jay. I will call Ebony over so she can devitalize you. Hold on." He sent her a quick text message, but would call if he didn't get a reply soon.


Ebony saw the notification on her computer, but no one was there. She decided she needed to get to the factory anyway, so she headed out. Half way to the manhole in the park she got a text from Jay and said she was on her way.
Katie jumped slightly and her ears twitched, looking at Sai "How did you get in here?" she asked, blinking before being cought off guard by the face that appeared on the screen. She nodded softly "Okay thank you.."
Sai just looked at her inquisitively, "zzzzz..." The words were not coming out and she was embarrassed at her attempt to speak. She simply sat on the ground and pointed over the edge of the platform. She was happy that Ebony was coming to the computer, since she seemed to be the only one who understood how it worked.
KAtie looked back at Sai and blinked, only for her one ear to twitch again and her tail waved slightly "..I'm Katie, by the way! I didnt know there were many others in lyoko.. its been a year since I went missing so things are still a bit weird for me and all...Plus..apparently you all arent all the people I knew."
Ebony soon arrived at the factory and Jay stood up to let her sit down. "I will get you out soon. Just give me a sec." After a little bit of searching she dug up Katie's file. "Here it goes." She pressed a button and waited for a response.
"Oh, well, looks like its time for me to go back to the real world.." she smiled and waved at Sai before slowly being devirtualized. Once that was complete, the scanner opened and she fell out, her hair longer then how it used to be. It went lower then her lower back, it was at her knees already. She was definately gonna need a haircut. Laying there, she was sleeping peacefully.
Sai just waved back at Katie as she was devirtualized. Then she did what she normally did whenever Xana wasn't attacking... she slept in the tower.

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