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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

The white boy's attack gave him a view of the target on the metal ball, before it closed itself quickly. 'That attack is dangerous. We need to kill that soon," he thought rapidly. He decided to get rid of these insects before him first; however; five were left after the boy made his attack. Calvin placed his sword upside-down in his hand and bent over onto a semi-crouch, and held the sword behind him, directed at the air. 'I wonder if this sword has some ranged capabilities. Let's give this a try, Rebellion," he speculated as he brought the sword down. He thrust the sword to the ground back from his position, standing upright and swinging the blade widely, yet closely, launching a wave of energy from the blade, cutting its pathway into the ground as it passed through the five small insects, causing their deaths. After this; however, Calvin was drained of his energy. He dropped down to one knee, gasping to the best of his ability, leaving him essentially defenseless.

He glanced outside his glasses to see the last remaining cube moved into an offensive position against him.While the white boy was preoccupied with the sphere, the cube had Calvin all to himself. It shot a laser bolt at him, but Calvin, in his sudden exhaustion, evaded backward, falling on his back. He tried to get up, but the cube fired again. Calvin used his hidden blade to defend, removing it from its sheath in his wrist to his right hand, where he could block the lasers from the ground. Eventually, he was able to stand up, his sword now in his left hand, and put sheathed his hidden blade to use Rebellion to defend himself. He did not think himself capable to launch another energy wave any time soon, so settled for close combat. He rolled to the left then ran in the same direction, toward the white boy and the metal ball, deciding to dispose of that first, simultaneously blocking the cube's lasers.
using his flash power, Jake moved quick enough to make several copy's of himself. they all sounded the ball as it opened up, and tried to pin point jakes location. when it fixed on one target, and fired. all the copy's stop disappeared, and Jake jumped over the ball, and slashed the eye destroying the ball.
James blocked the wild flourish with exact precision. This entity is different, James thought to him self, It doesn't seem to be able to be destroyed like the others. James looked around for any sign of the digital sea and found none. Well there goes that plan. All while this was going on he was attacking and blocking. Engaged in a dance of death with this mysterious entity that seemed to be indestructible.
Kiara sat up in worried excitement as she watched Calvin fight and quickly learn his way around Lyoko. She smirked and chuckled to herself, Wow, he's a natural. Who would have known? He was fighting Xana's forces like he had done it for years. He knew how to move, how to use abilities, he just knew it all. Thankfully the boy in white was also there to help him out. The other hologram showed James in his battle with the weird figure that appeared to have a bag over its head and a girl who looked pretty similar to Kiara's Lyoko form, besides the fire and different animal, of course. She sat in awe, wishing she could have been there. She tried to put weight on her arms and legs but they gave out underneath her. Damn, still weak from getting beat up earlier.
As Dahlia walked into the computer room with Kiara till they were at Ebony's side. She didn't understand why Kiara brought her here, she clearly was only speaking to Calvin about this virus. Dahlia glanced at the computer screens to divert her thoughts but the images of people fighting creatures did nothing to distract her. She didn't care that Kiara didn't ask for her assistance to fight this X.A.N.A, person. No she understood from what occured in the bathroom -she's not a fighter. No, what cuts her heart - is that Kiara does not trust her. We are friends....right? ..but you said you're friends are fighting against this evil but I was the last to know. Why didn't you trust me? Did you think I would tell anyone? No one would believe me if I did! So why, hide this when you know a secret of mine?!....Are you still my friend?

Dahlia turned away fromt screen and covered her eyes, and tried to calm herself. She didn't know what she was feeling, it was a bizarre mix of confusion, anger, sadness, and loathing. Dahlia could feel the tell tale signs of tears at the corner of her eyes but she forced herself to calm down. She didn't want to cry, not here. She would rather bury herself underneath her covers pretending that Kiara didn't lie to her in the past. Truthfully she didn't want to remember. It would hurt less, than knowing her best friend would drift away to fight when something goes wrong. Dahlia uncovered her eyes as she out a breath, she noticed Kiara trying to stand up but failed to do so. She walked to Kiara's side, clearing her face from any emotions as her parents instructed when tending to a patient. Fatigue. Dahlia reached into her pocket and took out a vial of painkillers that she took from her aid kit. It was originally for Calvin but she was distracted. Opening the vial she gave Kiara two blue pills.

I know I'm not a fighter or a computer genius. I know I can't contrubate to the fight against x.a.n.a At least I'm a decent healer...though I doubt it they would need my help.
Feeling the presence of someone behind her, Kiara froze for a moment. She hoped it would be Dahlia but found it to be unlikely. Why would she come near me? She probably hates me now. She turned to see who it was and much to her surprise, it was indeed Dahlia but she was wearing a cold, unemotional face. Kiara didn't know what to say or do, but she needed to do something. When she reached for the pills that Dahlia offered her, she said a quiet, "Thank you." before pulling Dahlia's hand down, avoiding her arms, so they would be on the same level and hugged her tightly with no intention of letting go. Kiara's eyes instantly started tearing and her voice was shaky from the guilt and pain, "Don't pull that doctor facade with me, please? And don't try to tell me you're not doing it. We're sisters, you know more about me than anyone and I know so much about you so I what you're trying." She paused for a moment, sniffling. Dahlia was the only one ever to see Kiara so vulnerable like this, though she had seen it multiple times before. "...I'm sorry...I just didn't want to worry you...Please don't hate me..."
Seeing the white boy destroy the metal ball, Calvin instantly shifted his body to turn to his right, circling around the box. He flipped Rebellion in his right hand again, holding it upside-down, then rushed it at an angle, going inhuman speeds. Once he was in range, in one fluid movement he slashed the blade up into one eye, leaping into the air with the sword, spun in the air and slashed to the left on the second eye, ending with a momentary dash and a stab into a third eye. He released his blade from the cube and twirled it behind him, then replaced it on his back, subsequently destroying the cube. Calvin's glasses glared in the light of the implosion while he sported a scary smile throughout the entire ordeal, giving him a classic bad guy look from some kind of anime or something (Like they haven't done that in anime before [Like every Slice of Life I've ever seen]). After he killed that last cube, he returned to his usual self, only a little more lively and a little less timid.

"Hey, boy in white. You haven't happened to see a girl in white, did you? We need her to deactivate some tower," he said to the feline on his left, then turned to the sky on his right, "Hey, Ebony. Can we get a health points check? I don't know what they're called here, so I'm falling back on gaming terms. Well, I guess I was the only one to get hit, but what do you expect on my first time fighting here?" He waited for a moment, or at least it felt like a moment to him, but in reality, was most likely around a second or two. Ebony had no chance to respond before he started speaking again.

"Hey, Ebony. Is Kiara up there with you? Just asking," he said at a normal, anxious speed.
he shook his head. "no I didn't, I was just told to destroy the monsters, and a friend of mine would show back up. I'm guessing the tower your talking about is that glowing red one in front of us, with that creepy guy at the top." he pointed towards the man at the top of the tower. "I was also told not to try to fight him." he looks at the guy next to him. "and by the way who's Ebony, and Kiara?"
"Wait. You don't know them?" Calvin asked impulsively after hearing such a mysterious statement. He looked toward the larger projection in the distance; it was like a tree root at the bottom, black with a greenish gleam to it, out of that extending a large white pole with a red aura emitting from it. 'Red must mean that this Xana activated the tower. If a program can activate towers to manipulate the real world, we might be able to use similar methods in the future, should the situation call for it. I'd like any edge we can get on this thing, but no way would I ever want to get innocents caught in the crossfire,' he thought to himself, 'But more importantly, who is this person? If he's helping them, how does he not know who Ebony and Kiara are?' He decided that it could wait, and that deactivating the tower was more important. He adjusted his glasses slowly, still focused on the tower.

"Never mind, it can wait. The tower comes first. Do you know anyone else who can interact with tower data?" he asked the white feline boy.
"Ahh," Calvin continued looking at the tower, then glanced at the boy without moving his head, "Well in that case, I think we'll have to dispose of our dark swordsman over there." He nodded toward the masked man near the tower. 'I'll have to be wary of those smoke powers, whatever they are.' he thought calmly. He still felt that tinge of fatigue from the energy wave at the little ones, but he was recovered enough to fight effectively. He noticed quickly that Ebony hadn't responded for a while.

"Ebony? Are you there? Oh yeah. Boy in white; I'm sure you've been hearing a voice in your head for some time now. That voice is Ebony and she's instructing us from the real world. Kiara is another girl in the real world and she was devirtualized before either of us got here, I'm assuming. Definitely before I got here, but since you didn't know her, I guess you were late to the fighting too," he explained swiftly, all the while watching the shadow figure out of the corner of his eye to watch for any suspicious movements or actions.
As Dahlia's was gently pulled down to bring her to eye level with Kiara to be encased in a tight hug. Immediatly be emotionless mask crumpled and her eyes became misty with tears. She knew now that her friend felt awful for decieving her as Kiara only cries for seriou matters. A few tears trailed down her face as she heard Kiara's words, "....I ca-can't hate you...I don't think I can ..no matter what you do. We're Yin and Yang..." Dahlia covered her face in Kiara's shoulder, before confessing, "...I thought you didn't trust me.."
(@Little Sister STAHP YOU JUST MADE MY HEART EXPLODE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Okay, I'm sorry, I went a bit crazy there >.<)

Kiara felt the few tears fall onto her shoulder from Dahlia's eyes. She could only hope that Dahlia understood why she did what she had done. Holding onto her tightly, she squeezed a bit harder as they both let their emotions pour out. Kiara tried to fight through the tears as she spoke, "Y-yeah...Yin and Yang. I don-I...I can-..I don't know what I'd do without you. " Kiara sat back a bit to support her friend as she used her shoulder to cover her tears. The low words she heard were like a knife through her heart, "I could never not trust you. I trust you the most, you know that."

Sai had been watching the battle rage on from the safety of the inside of one of the sand dunes. She watched in horror as Kiara was hit by fake Jay and devirtualized by Dark Fox, was surprised about the boy who came from the yellow bubble, and was glad that these new people had arrived as back up. One boy mentioned Ebony and Kiara, so she knew she could trust him. In the split moment, she appeared in next to him, "Ki..zzz...Ebzzzzz... friend." Her voice was still malfunctioning but she tried her hardest to get the message through. She pointed at the tower, figuring that he would know what she meant.
"Ahh. You must be the girl in white Kiara and Ebony were talking about," Calvin inquired through the glare of the light against his glasses, "I'm assuming 'Ki-buzz' and 'Eb-buzz' means Kiara and Ebony? So you have the power to deactivate the towers? Do you have any fighting abilities? We could use some help against the 'Shadow man'," he said with sarcastically frightened hand gestures, but he immediately ceased his shenanigans and got down to business. He pointed toward the tower, with shadow man standing in our path.

"We need to either defeat or get past that guy over there without dying. Do you have any abilities or powers that can help? You're the most valuable of the both of us, so I want to keep you where you're in the least amount of danger possible. If he kills you, we can't deactivate that tower, but I'm sure you already know that," he elaborated calmly.
Sai glared at him and pushed his arm lightly. Then she pointed at her throat and shook her head. Again pointing to the tower, then back at herself, she nodded to confirm that she could deactivate the towers. At his mention of Dark Fox, her eyes widened in fear and she shook her head again. Backing up, she placed her arms out and produced a bubble shield around them all for a moment before bringing it down. That's the extent of her ability to help. See? His mention of being killed was terrifying to her, she couldn't afford being killed or she would disappear forever. She took a moment to think, then she pointed to an open area to make him look in the direction. By the time he did, she was already there with her little orb in hand, showing off her ability to teleport and manipulate her location in Lyoko. (Pulling that from the time she saved Kiara.) She appeared back in front of him and looked to him for a plan.
"Amazing. Perfect teleportation and an energy field are a good combination. It would be nice if anyone on Lyoko had some kind of healing power. That would come in serious handy, especially since we don't know how many health point things we have," he stated wondrously, "Speaking of which, Ebony? Are you even still there? Did you mute your microphone or whatever you're using in there?" He looked to the sky again, then grunted roughly and turned back to the tower.

"Ok. There's one of him, and 3 of us. We should be able to flank him, unless his smoke ability involves teleportation or transportation means. T=I think the smartest idea is to have White Boy and I go at him. I'll approach him from the front and try to keep him busy and evaluate any abilities he reveals. Meanwhile, White Boy, you'll take White Girl as widely around as possible and draw as little attention as possible. Even if he kills me and I'm sent back, as long as White Girl makes it inside, we're home free," he briefed ... briefly. He pointed towards the edge of the clearing to the tower, near the right edge of the land.

"There. White Boy, from what I've seen, you can vanish entirely, and White Girl can teleport. Actually, wouldn't it be easier for you to just teleport to the tower from here? Well, there must be some distance or frequency restrictions it has. Go down that way with each other. If he detects you, I'll try to keep him busy, but make an all-out break for the tower regardless. I'll yell at you if he rushes you. My mind is working in a kind of slow motion state so I'll know immediately if he bolts at you. White Boy, you vanish away and move to help me out with 'too-ugly-to-show-my-face'. You both okay with this?" he inquired, concerned about the outcome of this battle.
Jake watched as the conversation continued. he nodded as James explained the plan. "I seem to only be able to flash in short busts of speed." he added, then looking at the girl. "but I'm sure I can get her to the tower."
"That's perfectly enough time. You only need to be flashed for the split second to flank the Shadow man and attack should he detect you and get close. As long as White Girl can teleport close enough to the tower to get in unharmed," he reassured.
{ @iShyShy I'm glad you like it so much ^ U^ }

Dahlia nodded her head, conveying that she understood Kiara's trust in her. But there was a smidge of doubt within her however she pushed it to the back of her mind. She didn't want to deal with it. Dahlia was going to sit up to wipe her but Kiara's arms put a stop to that, she didn't really try to break the embrace so she slumped back and nestled her face against Kiara's shoulder once more. She was tired - emotionally and physically but she resisted closing her eyes to murmur, "...Make sure you swallow those painkillers, ok."
Sai stood and listened to Calvin's explanation. As he spoke, she took his right arm and put light pressure on it, sending energy through his body to heal him and replenish the energy he had lost. She remembered the other boy for some reason but wasn't entirely sure why, there was just something about him that seemed familiar. Either way, she was still comfortable being paired up with him. Once she got into the tower, they will have won. The hard part was getting there. She gave the two boys a determined nod to let them know she was ready.

(@Little Sister Seriously I'm sorry for the small bug out though lol. ^.^)

Kiara felt the nod from Dahlia and some of her guilt resided. She only hoped that it was clear to her but understood if she still had doubt. The most important thing is that Dahlia was still with her, and that's what mattered. Feeling Dahlia move, Kiara couldn't help keeping her close and could feel how drained she was from the day's events. Kiara giggled a bit at Dahlia's words since they confirmed that she was tired, "Of course, promise. Get some rest." She threw the pills she held in her hand into her mouth and swallowed them without water. Not the most fun but she did promise.
Calvin's amazement reached the skies and returned all in one fell swoop. He didn't expect her to have another ability, and one with such divine properties.

"You can heal too? That's incredible! It might only be a pre- or post-battle usage ability, but that's still amazing. If you can use it at a distance, then I think he might be able to change the playing field, but that would involve putting you in danger, and that's something we can't afford to do right now. We'll stick to our current plan," he remarked excitedly. He stepped forward once toward the tower, and glanced at the dark figure again. 'If I can figure out at least some of his abilities, then fighting him in the future will be easy. I wanted to ask Ebony or Kiara if they knew any definite abilities of his, but I suppose if something's going on, I can deal with it this way,' he thought rapidly to himself.

"You both ready?" he said, waiting for their go.
Sai grabbed her orb that gave her the ability to teleport short distances and clutched it tightly. I hope they can keep Fox off me as I make my way to that tower. Once she confirmed that the orb was secure in her hands, she looked at Calvin and nodded again. She stepped next to the boy with the white hair so they would be close once they set out to flank the side of the tower.
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(@iShyShy There's no monsters. Jake and Calvin killed them all. XP)

"Aright then. Let's go!" he exclaimed before he started running. He could hear the White Duo's footprints straying off to the right, away from his combatant, the masked man only several yards ahead of him. He ran toward the masked man and approached more slowly as he got closer, and he stopped a few yards away, standing slightly to the left of the tower from him to keep his line of sight away from the White Duo. He stood with his newfound confidence and looked directly at the masked man over his glasses, analyzing his every movement, his white hair straying into his eyes.

"So I guess you're the bad guy," he said cockily after a moment.
as soon as he said lets go. Jake started running off to the side. flashing every step of the way. trying to make sure the white girl was ok.
(@Jabrark Thank you, I edited it. x.x)

Sai ran with the white haired boy until he started flash stepping. She couldn't keep up with running so she would teleport every now and then to catch up. She kept an eye on Calvin and Fox, worried about the imminent battle about to start between them.

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