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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

James stood there for a second but quickly ran over to Jay. "Nice shot Jay. All that's left now is your reason for revenge. However I'm too weak to help you. You'll have to go it alone. Until someone gets here or I get my second wind. Where's Sai anyway?"
(I'm really sorry for the wait, you guys. )

Dahlia ran down the hallways making quick turns, desperate in finding an exit. Unfornately she didn't know she was being herded into girl's dormintory bathrooms until it was too late. She backed away from the water monster and hid underneath the sinks. Dahlia wanted to put as much distance between her and the monster. She was shaking and her violet eyes were wide in fear. She tried to stay quiet, to not alert the monster but she couldn't help letting out a yelp when one of the sinks shattered.

The monster turned to face her, terrified Dahlia began to scream. She managed to crawl underneath the space of a bathroom stall as the sink she was underneath shattered to pieces. 'Oh god. I'm going to die.' thought Dahlia, she curled up shaking.
Calvin jumped in to the girls' bathroom, screaming at the top of his lungs, and threw a roll of toilet paper, found before the actual bathroom, at the water tentacle extending from the floor in the center of the room. The roll flew right through the monster and came out soggy on the other side. He immediately realized that there was no physical way to defeat these creatures. The water seemed to turn to him, and instead of thinking, for once, he relied on reflex as it jabbed at him. He dove to his right, toward the stalls and tried his best to get back up. He stared intently at the wriggling pole, continuously rushing at him, and thought. 'How can I kill a monster made of inorganic materials? What can make water dissipate? Is there something I can do on a molecular level?' In his thoughts, he noticed Dahlia (@Little Sister) on the floor, shrinking under the third sink from the back wall, shattered into pieces around her. She is sitting a mere few feet from the slithering water apparition. 'She's so scared, she hasn't even noticed me.' This could be used to his advantage somehow.

He could a glimpse of her bag on the ground, with a small mobile phone, vibrating on the tile nearby. 'Electricity! If I can add some form of electricity to the water, its molecular magnetic polarity should be weakened, causing the water to deform! But throwing a phone into water just short-circuits the insides, not generate any externally.' That thought gave him an idea. He had his own cell phone in his pocket, and he pulled it out. He contemplated his next course of action, and determined that it was his only option. He thrustted his arm in the air, phone in hand, and felt a grabbing feeling on his ankle. Before he knew it, he was hanging above the bathroom floor by his foot, his head floating right above the tile, while he is screaming and flailing randomly. He managed to steel himself and he breathed deeply. He threw his phone to the floor, hardly, and its innards scattered along the bathroom floor, somehow, none reaching the water. He continued to thrash to keep the monster occupied, and starts looking around for the part most likely to dissipate the water: the battery. He sees it resting near the sinks, right next to Dahlia, and he screams to get Dahlia's attention.

"Dahlia! Dahlia, can you hear me?! I need you to do something! Hurry! There's a small, black battery next to you and I need you to throw it at the water!" he yelled erratically over and over to her under the crushed sink.

(Woah. So long. :/ )
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Dahlia slowly raised her head from her knees when she heard a scream. For a second she assumed it was her own but it was a bit deeper. However she eyes locked on the water monster and froze, she closed her eyes and was about to curl up once more when she heard her name. Breaking out of her panic to try and find the source of the voice. It was a boy, that was in her class- she didn't remember names that well only face, suspended upside down.

'Battery?' thought Dahlia, she glanced down and tried to find a small black battery. 'There!' she found it, it was at most three feet from her. If she lunged for it, she might be able to grab it before the monster can react.

Dahlia was still frightened, as she has no idea what the boy was planning, but she has to try. It was not only her life on the line but his as well. Taking a deep breath, she lunged forward grabbing the small battery. Her arms scraped against the broken shards of porcelain, drawing blood though the white haired girl ingored the twinge of pain. Dahlia then turned her torso and threw the small battery at the water.
Calvin saw Dahlia (@Little Sister) come to her senses for a moment, and he also saw her throw the battery, but in his excitement, he forgot something extremely important, and he remembered it immediately. As the battery soared across the bathroom, his thoughts clicked instantly, and he panicked for a moment as he realized the dire situation he was in. 'The monster's holding on to me. When that battery hits the monster, it'll fry me with it!' He swiftly looked back to his captive leg and moved his free leg up into an odd position, then swiftly swung it down into his leg, suspended in the water tentacle, kicking it forcefully out of the water with all his might. A split second after he did this, the battery made contact with the monster and static discharge slowly and visibly ate it up. He fell hard on his back and cringed at the sharp pain running through his spinal column. He fought with his body to sit himself up while he glanced to see the state Dahlia was in.

"Are you okay, Dahlia? You aren't hurt, are you?" he said grudgingly, obviously in pain, still shocked by the fact that he had just fought a demon, or something, and won. But even more than that, he actually took the initiative to save his classmate's life. He was amazed that he could be capable of that.
Hearing the constant screams coming from the bathroom in the girl's dorm, Kiara quickly ran up the stairs to get to the destination as fast as possible. There was no mistaking Dahlia's voice and Kiara was worried about her roommate. I need to get there now. I better not be too late. I'm coming! She was running full speed down the hallway when she heard the male scream and grew confused. The next thing she heard was a loud thud as she slid to a stop in front of the bathroom door, only to see a broken bathroom, Dahlia laying on the ground bleeding from her arms, and a boy who she remembered speaking to once before. The name would come to her but she needed to make sure they were okay. "Are you two alright?! Don't move yet, hang on." Running between the two, she wasn't sure of who to help first. The boy was sitting up so she decided to help Dahlia first.

She reached her arms out to Dahlia and slowly pulled her up, "Your arms...Do they hurt badly? Here." After helping Dahlia up, Kiara grabbed some of the toilet paper from a stall, wetting it from the water that was shooting out of a broken pipe that used to be connected to a now broken sink and pressed it against Dahlia's wounds. Kiara then hugged her tightly, "We'll get better supplies in a minute. Don't scare me like that." Turning to the boy, she knelt down to his level and was able to see his face. Calvin. Wait...Calvin? Did he?... She kept an arm against his back to support him and offered him her other arm for support. "You look like you're in horrid pain, let me help. Did you...save Dahlia?" She asked for the sheer fact that she knew Dahlia wouldn't fight the monster on her own and judging by the condition of the room, it had to have been there.
Dahlia shoulders slumped in relief when the water monster disapated but she grew concerned for the boy that fell harshly on his back. She shaky tried to lift herself though her body was shaking too much- an effect of leftover aderaline- she diagnosed. The spasms that shook his body elavated her worry putting aside her own pain, 'I need to get help. I don't know how to help him without supplies.' thought Dahlia. She bit her lip, her mind racing, searching for anything that could help her. Her family were doctors, she was sure they told her something regarding this. Think!

She was brought from her thoughts when she was asked if she was okay. It was at that moment she felt her arms throbing, she looked down to see her forearms littered with cuts. It hurt but they weren't practically deep. "I'll be okay... Thank you, for helping I ...th-ank you." She shakily trailed off, Dahlia was really grateful for what he did. She then opened her mouth to tell him, she was going to get help when Kiara rushed in. With Kiara's help she stood up and used the wadded up toliet paper to stop her cuts from bleeding. Dahlia hugged her roomate tightly, grateful for the comfort after everything. Dahlia broke the hug, allowing Kiara to assist their classmate.

"He did, Kiara. It cornered me." she shivered as goosebumps trailed up her spine. She slowly walked towards them. "Kiara, lets take him to our room. I think I have the first-aid kit my parents gave me."
the boy kept an eye on the three people he cam acrossed he was scared but ready just in case one of them attacked "im miss weird voise in my head I see three people here and im not sure whats happening any ideas?"
Calvin could barely the face of the person helping him up. Her face was turned away when she entered, and an unnoticed crack in his glasses, at the absolute worst angle, prevented him from getting a good look at her face. Her voice was distinct; however, so he knew who it was immediately. He never expected this. Kiara Nykron (@iShyShy) herself was helping him up after he single-handedly saved her roommate's life! His excitement got the best of him and his heart started pounding harder and harder as he choked up entirely, unable to speak a word, and he was still shaken up from the duel that ensued previously, unable to cease his shuddering, which only added to his increased heart rate. He allowed Kiara and Dahlia (@Little Sister) to assist him back to their room. He'd been thinking about these water monsters, after having seen one up close. 'There's no way that water can actually be alive and attacking us. They're not sentient materials, and they take individual form. It's not one mass of water, which would assume a living body of water, but much smaller, single tentacles jutting from different places, even where water can't be directly connected to any other body of water, which means that someone, or something, is controlling the water.' Halfway there in the midst of the panicked hallway, he aggregated all of his strength and managed to say something to her.

"W...what's going on? Where did these ... water creatures come from? What exactly are they? Based on their behavior, there's no way they can actually be alive, so who or what is controlling them?" he said weakly and nervously, cringing with every jolt of pain through his body. He implied it more as a general question for consideration, rather than pointed at anyone in an attempt to gain information.
Jay saw Sai out of the corner of his eye heading towards the tower. "Hey Fox!" he shouted. "What about a rematch? And without any monsters. Unless you are too scared." He didn't imagine he would last long, not even knowing how many life points he had left, but it should provide a reasonable distraction. He tried to ignore the new guy, too. He had enough to worry about at the moment.

(sorry @Verrici)
Kiara turned and listen to her roommate explain what she just went through. Her eyes filled with worry as she listened and then she let out a breath. Thank god he got here before I did. "Yeah... good idea. We need to get you two patched up and out of the building as soon as possible just in case another of those things comes back." Helping Calvin up, she pulled his arm over the back of her neck to keep him stable as they stood. Kiara wasn't aware of his feelings, resulting in her only thinking that his increased heart rate was due to the horrifying event that he was forced to endure. She could feel the force of his heart emanating through his body as they walked down the hall. "Calvin right now the priority is getting to that first aid kit for you two. Don't worry about that right now." Well that wasn't suspicious at all. She shook her head in disappointment at herself for trying to avoid his inquiries in such a pathetic way. She then tried to keep his mind off of it in a different way, turning her head slightly toward him as they walked down the hall. "Thank you so much for helping Dahlia. I'm sure she appreciates it and it means a lot to me too. You had to make the decision on your own, why else would you have been in the girl's dorm?"
Dahlia nodded her head and mirrored Kiara, placing her savior's arm over the back of her head. She was glad that their dorm was close by as walking might be too much to handle for the injured guy. Dahlia was quiet on the way back not knowing how to answer her peer's question as she has no idea either. The only thing she got was --Magic- which is pretty ridiculous be a cause of the attack and her humor might not be apreciated at the moment. It could be an experiment gone wrong but she's merely grasping straws as this could be anything from a sci-fi television show. Calvin. I'm glad I can put a name to the face. It was a bit unerving to not know his name when he knows mine...

Dahlia glanced to Calvin trying to see how he was fraying before looking at her arm. The bleeding slowed down. Thats good, I just need to get it bandaged. I'm sure my parents put painkillers in the kit . Thank God for there overprotectiveness.
Calvin weakly limped along with Kiara and Dahlia supporting him on each side. He thought about her words and wondered. 'Actually, why was I in the girls' dorm to begin with?' He tried to remember before saying anything, and remembered that he was caught in the mob of students, who were blindly running away from the water monsters into whatever building closest to them, and before he knew it, he was disoriented on the floor of one of the numerous corridors here.

"Actually, it was… more of a whim I had. I was lost in the building after I was dragged in here by the other students, trying to find… a way out, and I heard Ms. Moon screaming from the bathroom, so… I ran to go help without really… thinking," he painfully said. Then, he remembered her words from before. 'Her tone was different for a second; when I wondered what was going on, she changed the subject fairly quickly, and sounded somewhat… insincere. Like she actually knew what was going on, but that can't be possible… Can it? Even if it was, there's no way she could actually be behind all this,' he thought, conflicted between common logic and his desire to believe in her for obvious reasons. He decided to call her out on it.

"You sounded… kinda bothered earlier. Almost like you were trying to cover… something up," he stated while limping along with the two.
James looked around and noticed the new comer to the fight. He smiled when he recognized who it was. James knew that Jay could take the Xana version of fox but if not then he could hopefully get help from Jake like he would in the past. James started to make his way over to Jake.
"Ants, just like ants." He growled watching the real Jay and another face come into play. They kept showing up by the handful. There were too many to deal with at the moment, he decided to retreat to the tower and mount a defense. His smoke form whisped him away to the tower. Once there he called in his defense. A line of bloks in front of the tower with kankrelats mixed about in front of them. He himself stood atop the tower to survey the field. He would wait for them.
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"Well it was heroic of you nonetheless and I owe you for making that decision, though I'm sorry you got herded by the chaotic panic of the other students." The trio arrived to the girls' room and upon entering, Kiara let Calvin rest against her bed. Then she heard him decide to call her out on her obvious attempt to change the subject earlier. Calvin I know you're smart but give me a break, there's a reason I'm withholding information from you. It's for the best, for your safety and Dahlia's. Not like you'll remember once we return to the past anyway though... She shook her head and let out a forced chuckle, "Bothered? Not at all, I'm just a bit shaken up from the things going on, I'm sorry." She turned around to Dahlia, "Where's that first aid kit?" When Dahlia turned around, Kiara looked at Calvin sternly and silently mouthed, "I'll explain later."

She expected Ebony to call any minute telling her that the boys had gotten to the tower and Sai had fixed the problem. Really she just wanted to hear it to make sure everyone was okay or if they needed her help again. But I'm still weak from being beat up earlier. Even if she wanted to go back into Lyoko she would probably be unable.

(Tried setting you up a bit, @Shog.)
"Guys, be careful" Ebony cautioned. "I'm not sure if you can get Sai to the tower with all of those monsters. And Jay, you only have 10 life points left." She bit he bottom lip in frustration. "Just hang on. Backup is coming." She used the computer to call Kiara. "The guys are in trouble. If you can find someone else you trust, bring them and explain everything they need to know."
Kiara quickly answered her phone when it started ringing, she had been waiting for this call and hoping for good news. She raised the phone to her ear, "Noted. We'll be there in no time." She scanned the room and looked Calvin in the eye with a playful smirk. "Looks like you'll get your answer sooner than I thought." The panic of necessity made her rush so she first tended to Dahlia's arms, bandaging them to put pressure on the wounds and so she could move. I can't believe she got so hurt. I'll get revenge for that next time. Then turning back to Calvin, she lightly ran her hand down his back until she felt the swollen area. "Please don't hate me for this, it'll hurt but it will feel better afterward." Before he had a chance to notice what she was doing, she held onto his chest with her other hand and pressed on the swollen area of his back to pop it back into place so he could at least move without constant pain. "I'm sorry but we need to get going, I'll explain everything to you two on the way." Kiara got back into the same supportive position under Calvin's arm as earlier and tried to lead them out of the building. Hopefully he can move by the time we get to the sewer entrance, we need to get to the factory as soon as possible.
Calvin was shocked at the expression Kiara gave him, and he felt like all the blood in his heart rushed to his face, and ignited once it got there. He was so disoriented by her that he didn't even realize that she had popped his back into place, but he felt his face flush after that. His confusion carried on as he blindly let Kiara drag him to God knows where, he could hear voices, but couldn't concentrate as he tried to comprehend what exactly had happened back there. As he began to recollect himself, he found that his body didn't hurt anymore and he could walk. By this time, they were walking upon aaa clearing in the back forest, with a lone sewer manhole in the ground. He shook his head and moved

"What's going on? Where are we?" he said, surprised that they'd covered so much distance while he was essentially unconscious. He looked around and could see that they were still on school grounds, as per the markings on some trees signaling so.
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Jake stepped back defensively seeing the darker fellow disappearing and the other moving towards him he got worried "stay right there or else" he exposed his claws showing he was ready if he was attacked "who are you and what are you doing miss voice lady what's happening??????" he sporadically scanned James not knowing what to do in this situation

(@Shog )

(@Ryu kishi )
"Hey E..." Jay stopped mid sentence feeling more arrows fill his quiver. "Thanks. I'll try to pick a few off and avoid dying." He had barely finished talking when a Megatank shot at him. He dodged just in time. The other one stopped moving and opened up to shoot. Jay reflexively shot the target seeing it in the middle. An idea formed in his head and he ran off towards the small army of monsters, but not so fast as to outrun it. He stooped a fair ways off and let it shoot. He jumped out of the way and the tank destroyed a Blok. "Hey Eb, where is that backup? I will die soon, I'm sure of that."
(Jab I just want to clarify. Kiara fixed Calvin's back, not his chest (sternum). She only held her hand there to keep him steady as she pushed against his back. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear. )

She could barely see Calvin's red face start to clear up as they got closer to the manhole. He had seemed to be somewhat unconscious and non-responsive since she had tended to his back, so she assumed that his red face was from his body working and tending to the injuries. Due to his inability to respond on the walk over, Kiara intermittently checked to see if he was still awake while talking to Dahlia. After a few more minutes, Calvin finally snapped back into reality and was able to walk on his own. Phew. I was getting worried for a second.

Running her hand through her hair as she took a deep breath, she looked at him and tried her best to alleviate his confusion by answering his questions. "Right now, a super virus called Xana is using technology to control the real world. My friends and I fight this virus to stop him constantly. Regarding where we are..." She lifted the manhole to reveal the ladder," We're at a shortcut to the infamous abandoned factory where everything takes place. I know it sounds a bit unbelievable, but I wouldn't lie. Especially with people in danger like this so I'm asking you to trust me because we need your help." She paused to look at them sincerely so they knew it was true, then quietly continued. "We'll be there within a few minutes and I'll clear up anything on the way. Right now it's much safer to be there." She climbed down the ladder first, hoping they'd follow and not think she was insane. The only comfort was that at least Dahlia wouldn't remember everything she had just heard after this was over but Calvin might. Ebony said they needed back up and he was it.
James held his hands up showing he held no weapon. "Calm friend calm. My name is James. Do you remember me? Do you know where we are? Do you remember anything?"
jake shook his head "no I don't I woke up and I heard some voice telling my lyoko needed my hel whos lyoko and who are you
"My name is James. Lyoko is what you stand upon. Lyoko is a digital existence plagued by a virus named Xana. You and I are it's warriors. While there are many of us the tyrannical virus Xana grows in power as the days pass. In the past you and I were friends and comrades. We fought Xana together and now once again Lyoko needs you once more. I ask you to help me like you did in the past. Band with me once more and help fight this tyrant. What say ye?"

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