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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

(Decided, upon next hit Kiara is out and will be making a break for Dahlia and Calvin. I feel like it's a bit overdo though so I hope you can all forgive me for it.)
Behind the rock, the original Fox was laying face down in the ground. He didn't move or make a sound. He was just laying there. There was no sign of smoke or darkness anywhere. When Kiara neared, he moved just slightly as if trying to pull himself up but collapsed down again and stayed motionless.
Jay just smiled and didn't move. A Megatnak was already charging up its shot and had to adjust just a bit intercept James. "Oh come on, did you honestly expect that to work?" He let out a small chuckle. "You are worthless."

(@iShyShy go get Ebony away from the water monster and she can get the new guy out)
Kiara's eyes widened at the sight of the original Fox again. She had a gut feeling it was a trap but she did manage to hurt the Dark Fox so there was a possibility it wasn't. I better not have hurt him too badly... She fell to the ground next to Fox. Her voice weak and high pitched in her surprise as she tried to pick him up. "Fox?... Fox c'mon... We still have dead bodies to poke with your rapier!"

(Noted, will do.)
James smirked and stopped his spin going into a divers parallel. He then put both swords in front if his head and aimed straight at Jay. This new move increased his velocity and speed two times what it was originally allowing him to just barely dodge the death tank shot and go straight at the Xana Jay.
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"Mm..." He was limp and his voice was weak. Still no shadow or threat. There were small digitized marks where it looks as if he were struck by several blades. His eyes were halfway open and fluttering closed more and more.
Kiara propped him to sit up against the rock. She was watching him struggle to keep his eyes open, powerless and unknowing what to do. She shook him gently, "Don't make me flick you, Fox. We have a whole freaking friendship ahead of ourselves." She was getting quieter as she scanned his body with her eyes. The wounds were flashing in various colors and she felt guilty, knowing that she may have caused one of those marks, "I'm sorry.... I-I'll fix it...I'll do whatever it takes but don't you dare disappear again." She laid her head onto his shoulder, completely vulnerable. The battle had gotten to her and seeing him in such a weak state had her over thinking things.
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"Isn't that sweet." Smoke emanated from Fox's body and enveloped Kiara. Fox was replaced with the cold metal mask again and blade pushed into Kiara's abdomen. He kept her pulled into him and his blade with his off hand grasped behind her head. "How does it feel to be controlled by your emotions? How does it feel to lose? Even if you deactivate the tower, I still have another of your friends. You'll never free either one. This game is over no matter what choice you take, tower or rescuing Jay." He pulled the knife out and plunged it back in again, giving it a sharp twist once inside. "And your fight isn't over, have fun with my work outside this world as well." He released her and pushed her off onto the ground to be devirtualized. Standing up and reclaiming his sword, he walked to aid his clone of Jay.
"I hope I'm not too late!" Peter said as he descended into the shortcut into the factory, arriving there a few minutes later. Pressing the button, he stepped into the elevator, hoping that his friends were okay.
(I love your evilness so much.)

The words broke the silence of the scene that she was used to at that moment. What? She looked up only to feel her head be pulled back down and the thrust of his sword through her stomach. She let out a gasp from the pain as she listened to his words seep into her head, too weak to really fight back in the position she was in anyway. She pulled against his hand with the little strength she had, "You're wrong. I'll find a w-" She let out a sharper scream as he plunged the twisting knife into her and her hit points hit zero. As she laid there devirtualizing, she smirked up at him, "Remember, the lady is always right."

She appeared in the scanner, grabbing both sides of the opening as she gasped for air. Well that was a lot more painful and intense than the first time. She took a moment to let her body regain some strength before remembering Ebony. She ran over to and climbed up the ladder, seeing the water monster trying to climb to the pinned Ebony. "Ebs!" She ran over to her just as Peter had come down in the elevator. She grabbed a stray pipe and tried to smack the water monster, obviously to no avail since the pipe just went through but it did get the monster's attention. "Okay, this can work... Come get me, water baby!" She ran back to the elevator, pulling Peter out of the way. "You need go get into Lyoko, James needs back up. I'll be back." She lead the monster away as she ran toward campus, checking to make sure it was after her but it disappeared as she reached the school. Upon hearing the scream of her roommate from the girl's dorm, she rushed inside with no time to waste. Dahlia!
Ebony had almost no time to react at Kiara's appearance. She didn't even have time to thank her. She dashed back to the computer and, upon seeing Peter, said "Get in a scanner!" She sat back in her chair and pulled the headset back on. The file had been found and she activated it, hoping for a positive affect.


Jay pulled his bow up to block the attack, but the sheer shock of impact caused damage. He made a quick movement that not only got him out of the way, but took his feet out from under James. He pulled out his last arrow and shot it at him, striking his dominant arm, before moving away and letting the tanks lose.
near the guardian a copy of the boy inside appeared right next to the guardian the guardian trapped that too but the fact that there are 2 of the same people in cased in its prison confused the guardian and it exploded

the young boy feel to the ground coughing 'where am i' he thought 'who am i' he kept wondering while he crawled over to a rock and sat against it regaining his strencgth
James let out a yell of pain as the arrow penetrated through his arm. After a few seconds he broke the end with the fletchings off and pulled the arrow out. James gritted his teeth know that if he took one more hit he was done. He hoped that Ebony found and uploaded the file. They were gunna need all the help they could get.

"Ebony did you find that file?"
"Yah, and activated it too" she said. "I'm getting another reading too. Is that, Jay? Hold on." She took the program that released the previous person and recoded it. "Hand on Jay, almost there." She finished the program and activated it.


"Jay" moved away knowing being close to James would be a bad idea.
the young boy hear a scream he could tell it came from behind him he jumped up started thinking he was being attacked but no one was there must have been further down he was at a cross road investigate or sit and do nothing well what ever is happening it might tell me whats going on and with that he ran as they way he ran was like chida sprinting after his pray of course this looked silly for a human but he ran faster then you would believe
James looks at Jay. "Tell me what drives us to fight in Lyoko."

"Ebony if you can contact him tell him that Lyoko needs his help."
"Hey, uh, new guy" Ebony said tentatively. "James told me to tell you that Lyoko needs your help. I can help you, but you need to trust me."


A fake Jay appeared next to the guardian and it tried to capture it too, but became confused and exploded. The real Jay fell to the ground and laid still for a moment. Then he looked around groggily and slowly stood up. He was in a sector unfamiliar to him and walked off in a random direction.


"Stupidity?" fake Jay said mockingly. "You are helplessly out matched. You stand no chance of making it out of this."
"Heh. That's only what a computer would think. You programs don't understand something that's important to all humans. It's one of the things that makes us strong."
he slows to a stop "ly-oko???? whats that and where are you" he turned looking around for the hidden person
"Err" Ebony said trying to figure out how, or why, she was going to explain this. "You are in a virtual reality known as Lyoko. I am outside of the computer. Do you really not know any of this?"


"Nothing makes humans strong" the fake Jay spat. "There is nothing you can do to prove otherwise.!"
he kapt looking around worried a bit now "no I don't I don't know where I am or who I am I just suddenly woke up here"
James looks at the fake Jay.

"Oh but there is." He stands and grabs one of his katana with both his hands. He feels stronger. "This is the way a katana is meant to be held. This time when we clash only one of us will still be in Lyoko. Are you ready?"

James starts at give into his anger and rage. His thirst for revenge is high.

"If not too bad."

James uses his super sprint being faster then normal due to his berserker mind set.

He starts to circle around the fake Jay.
"Ok, just stay put" Ebony said. "I'm going to see if you can be devitalized and brought back to the real world." She started madly typing, trying to bring up some sort of information on this guy.


The fake Jay was about to dodge to the side when he was jerked forward. He fell into James's blade weather or not he wanted and started to fall back into simple code. "Impossible he whispered." A fair distance away stood the real Jay, still slightly disoriented, with his bow still in the same position it was when he launched the arrow. "Would someone please mind explaining to me why I just shot myself? And how did I get here?" He fell to one knee from lack of strength.
"ok im going to see about that scream" he dashed away again up further to find a couple of people randomly and with weapons his 1st reaction was to get into a defensive position what in the world was going on

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