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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

(My bad. I think I read it wrong.)

Calvin found a feeling of realization wash over him. She was helping to fight against them, not causing them. 'How could I think such a thing about her? There's no way she could have been causing them,' he thought as relief took hold in his chest. He instantly knew what he wanted to do. He was amazed at this newfound courage of his, but he acted on it nonetheless. He adjusted his glasses coolly.

"I see; I figured it was something like that. Well, now that you've told me; I want to help. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll gladly execute your needs. This might actually be a good change for me. Going from silent bystander to co-savior of the world, or at least the district, is a huge jump for me, but I'll do my best to live up to your expectations," he said nervously, but with a new sense of confidence that he never felt before. He glanced over at Dahlia and saw her expression. It only took a second to recognize betrayal on a person's face, and he knew it well from the minor incidents he's watched between his classmates from afar, never once getting involved no matter how much he wanted to, yet Kiara does not seem very bothered by it. 'Is there still something I don't know about? If there is, I'm sure she'll explain it afterward," he speculated. She was clearly close friends with Kiara, but never heard a word of this before today. He judged that it was best to leave this between those two, and went in through the ladder behind Kiara.

"I do have one question. If this 'Xana' is a computer virus, how exactly are you fighting against it? I assume it would corrupt most data it came across if it's as strong as you say, unless it's only disguised as a virus; a program that's gained self-intelligence, working of its own accord," he stated from a logical perspective, "in which case, the means you have of defending against it must either be phenomenally advanced, or this virus isn't as powerful or smart as you make it out to be." He continued to climb down the ladder until they both reached the bottom with Dahlia following slowly behind. "Or more than a little bit of both," he implied aloud.
Jay had tricked the Megatank into destroying a few more Bloks and some Kankleras, but that was it. A Blok shot him from behind and he devirtualized. He was so week from spending so much time that he couldn't even stand up and just laid inside the scanner, recovering his strength.


Ebony called Kiara again. "How are things on your end? It's not exactly pretty over here. James is the only one still in there and he is working with the new guy, who is oblivious to everything going on here. Jay, the real Jay, just got devirtualized. Hurry up, please."
In a tower, somewhere in the desert Sector, was a girl named Katie. Who was laying on the floor of the tower with her staff. Slowly, she opened her eyes and groaned as she looked around, trying to recall what happened a long while ago. "..What the...?" she asked herself, sitting up as she looked around the tower "What happened?" she wondered, only to remember what happened. During a Xana attack, she was in Lyoko with her group and was kidnapped by Xana. But that was the end of it "Wait! My friends!" she instantly got to her feet, only to wobble and fall over "..Has it been that long?" Katie forgot how to walk. Great. "No, I need to see if they're okay!" getting back up with the help of her staff, she made her way to the wall, placing her hand on it "Please let there be no monsters out there.." Now that she was awake, her arrow must have appeared on the screen of the Super Computer
"James" Ebony said. "How many people did you know? A new profile card has appeared under the name Katie. Know her? She is in the same sector, not too far away, though not moving fast."
Trudging along at a slowed pace was a still virtualizing Proxy known as the Viral Cypher. It's program had been initialized not too long ago, and even while its data was still forming the avatar it had begun the trek to the activated tower.

Cypher's limbs were soon initialized, the Scalpel spear it wielded materialized and Cypher latched on with a long thin arm. Several bloks had marched past him, no doubt to provide assistance with defending the tower that XANA had activated.

He wasn't fully optimized, that much was true. XANA was currently diverting its processes to maintaining the tower defense, meaning that he and many of the monsters out of range were only slightly coordinated.

Cypher had passed about two inactivated towers on his journey, he figured that he was about two-thirds of the way there. He was just passing the third inactive tower when he felt it. A surge of data in the tower.

He turned slowly, one eye peering through the paper bag on his head. He paused and waited, trying to feel another surge. His low optimization left him with a certain lack of awareness in certain aspects, leaving him to rely on the same data afflictions that led the less sensory monsters.

After a while he began to continue his trek when a smaller data surge gave him pause. Inside the tower.

He then turned to state at the tower, but continued walking backward toward his destination. After all, there was a primary objective to remember. At least he ahead an eye on the tower in case something else happens.
Jake retracted his claws for some reason he believed this man and felt like he could follow him into hell "ok what do you need me to do" he looked sternly at him placing on hand out for a trusted hand shake to close the bond that would be established
(Making Dahlia mad at Kiara hurts so badly. I knew it would happen but it hurts so much.)

Kiara looked at Dahlia and could see the pain in her eyes. Kiara felt the same pain keeping something from Dahlia but it was to keep her safe and so she wouldn't worry. Even so, Kiara knew Dahlia wouldn't remember the event later on and Kiara would have to find a way to explain herself without making Dahlia angry again. This is the worst feeling ever. I hope she'll understand and doesn't completely hate me. She's like my sister and I don't know what I'd do without her.

She led the two through the sewers, "Thank you for wanting to help, we really need it right now and it means a lot. Just be prepared, it's a lot to take in at once." She listened to Calvin's deductions and chuckled, "You've done it again, you smarty pants you. Yes, he is a program that has gained self-intelligence. Ebony can explain the technicalities when we get there but for now just understand that you'll be entering a virtual world." Kiara answered the phone call as they entered the elevator. "Hey Ebs, we're here. I'll send Calvin down." Hanging up, she pressed the two buttons for the computer floor and the scanner floor. "Dahlia you'll be with me and Ebony in the computer room. Calvin take the elevator down to the scanners, Jay will explain what to do. Basically you just stand in a scanner and you'll be sent in though. Be careful, and thank you again." She gave him a quick hug before grabbing Dahlia's hand and leading her out to Ebony. "Dahlia please don't hate me. You know you're like a sister to me and I just didn't want to worry you." Kiara let go of Dahlia and looked at the ground, feeling the guilt set in more. Making her way to the holograms and map, she sat on the ground sulking and spoke out loud, "Ebs, Calvin will be down there in a minute. I hope we can fix this up quickly." Wow two new people from inside Lyoko? This is crazy. I hope we can pull them out.
Calvin's heart must have flown to Zimbabwe and back, and his face must have burned down to the bone. Kiara had hugged him. He could still feel the warmth from her embrace. He reveled in it for a moment, then almost immediately returned to himself. 'I have a job to do, I can't get distracted now,' he recalled. He stood somewhat straighter in that moment, but his face remained ablaze. He waited for another few seconds before the elevator door opened, revealing three large capsules protruding from the ground to the ceiling, one closed with light glimmering through the cracks, and two more open with light beaming within them. Scanners. There was a boy around Calvin's age with light brown hair sitting in front of an open scanner, looking a little flushed. 'He must have come out. He looks completely drained.' That must have been Jay. Calvin walked up to the center of the room, looked the scanners up and down, then turned his gaze back to Jay.
"There are four others not counting me Ebony."

James reached out his hand and clasped it on Jakes forearm (think lord if the rings).

"It is a pleasure to be serving again with you once more Jake. Now what I need you to do is destroy those monsters over there but avoid the humanoid person. Try your best not to get hit though. I don't know what will happen if you do. I'll join you in the fray as soon as I can but first I must check on another of our friends and comrades." James lets go of Jakes wrist.

"Ebony what direction is Katie in. I would like to check up on her to see if she's safe."
Katie pushed herself through the wall of the tower, only to show her that she was in the Desert Sector "I wasnt here when I blacked out..." looking around, her ears twitched and she continued to use her staff as a cane to help her walk "And its surprising that Xana has nothing trying to block this tower. Or to keep me from getting out.." she pieced it together, it was most likely Xana who took her and hid her. Who else would do that? Continuing her little walk, her legs started to get the hang of walking. This being said, she slowly stopped leaning on her staff and she began walking normally "There we go. Being static has gotten me rusted." she giggled
Jay looked up from the floor to see Calvin. "And you must be backup. At this point we really just need your help. I'm going to assume you have been briefed on basically what is going to happen, so I'll just be a little more specific." He used the scanner to pull himself up and steady him and he moved to the side. "Just stand in here and after a short time you will be virtualized into Lyoko. You will have a weapon along with power or two. You will find other people in there, they are friends except for the guy covered in black, uses a cutlas, and emits/uses black smoke. He is allied with the things that shoot at you. All you need to to is be able to hit the target on them. One will be a big black sphere. It's target is inside the impenetrable casing, but it will only open up if it is going to shoot. I know this is a lot to take in, but please just go."

"She is southeast from your current position" Ebony said. "She is moving away from you, but moving slow. You should be able to catch up."
Calvin prepared himself for whatever came next as he took note of what Jay told him. He walked inside the scanner with a profile exhibiting confidence.

"I'm ready, but I expect a complete explanation when I get back. I still feel like I'm left out of some things," he said as the scanner door closed on him. The lights shone brighter for a moment and he closed his eyes as he took in the sensations of the light searching him. He could feel it's radiance throughout his body as it covered him.

Soon he found himself regaining consciousness in midair above a desert-like region. He landed to the ground, and immediately recognized that he had a headache. He looked around and his thoughts seemed to go at lightning speed. He stopped in a daze for a moment, then maintained control of himself. His thoughts still raged quickly, but that must have been one of those powers Jay mentioned. His headache vanished shortly, and he stood up and took a look at himself. He sported a crimson trench coat, lacking any buckles or straps, and black clothing under with equally dark combat boots. His shirt had a crimson collar and three small harnesses on it down the middle; his pants resembled a pair of black jeans with an odd design depicting an animal or demon down his right shin, a crimson color akin to his cloak, and a woman or angel on his left in a dark gray, but still noticable on his jet black jeans. He still had his glasses, and noticed that his hair transformed into a pure white color. There were odd bracers on his arms, each holding a blade in a shaft on the palm side. He thought about it for an instant and it extended rapidly in succession. 'So they're linked to my mind,' he thought instantly after. His perception has increased and he discovered the weapon he carried, but was that all there was? He still had time to discover anymore powers. He stood there, waiting for instruction.
Cypher tilted his head a bit as the tower's wall whimpered and an avatar emerged. Leaning forward a bit, Cypher considered the female avatar a bit as he searched his memory for details about it. Its movements were slow, and quite sloppy. Cypher turned around, to the direction of the active tower. The female avatar seemed to be moving in the opposite direction.

Cypher's head snapped back into place as it determined that the avatar wasn't currently controlled by XANA, then he oriented himself and began trudging in her direction instead. The Dark Fox avatar seemed to have tower defense covered, which meant the only thing left to do would be to devirtualize any external avatars from Lyoko.

Even at his slow lurch, Cypher was sure that he'd catch up with in due time. She was moving pretty slow, actually seemed to be using a staff to walk properly occasionally.
Jake nodded as he disappeared in a flash going from cover to cover sneaking up on the enemy when he was close enough he took 'a look judging by there formation they are protecting that tower the one controlling them seems to be at the top I was told not to attack him but that would seem the smartest thing since it looks like he doesn't want to be on the front lines oh well for now ill obey but if he becomes a problem then ill deal with him looks like a few blocks and a big ball I think I should aim for their eyes it looks like the most venerable spot but where's the spot on the ball oh well ill find it' with that Jake extended his claws and flashed out into the open as they shot at him he flashed back and forth getting closer when the closest shot almost hit him he disappeared into thin air without a trace of where he went
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"Thanks Ebony." James took off using super sprint to get to the location of Katie. He knew that the only reason he could still go at full capacity was his ability gamers mind. It kept his pain out of his mind. Now he only hoped that he could get to her before anything elts did.
'Ok, uh, Calvin" Ebony said. "That's your name, right? I virtualized you a little bit away from the action. It should be on a plateau just to the north. Find your weapon and kill them off. If you find a white haired girl, lead her safely to the tower."
Katie looked around and ahead of her. "I doubt anyone is even here..." she gripped her staff, spinning it and pointing it to shoot out Fire Rings at a rock "Seems I still got it." she then spun it and pointed it at the sky, summoning a rain of fire not too far in front of her "Perfect." she then continued to walk, finished with her little experiment
Kiara was just sitting under the hologram in the computer room. She didn't really pay much attention to the words in the background though, her focus was on the people in Lyoko and on her guilt for making Dahlia upset. Sitting quietly, she watched James rush off in a direction and knew he would be fine. Turning her focus to Calvin, she was surprised that his Lyoko form was so different form his actual appearance. Hopefully he learns quickly. Bringing her one leg into her chest, she hugged it close as she watched everything play out.
Cypher was taking his time, as long as the external avatar was moving away from the activated tower then he would remain with minimal optimization in order for the defending monsters to shore up their abilities. Besides the female didn't seem to have too much of a plan.

He trailed along behind her as his scalpel spear trailed along, matching her pace. He watched as she waved her staff and made fire rings appear. He considered the offensive capabilities and decided to continue trudging after her.
Jake re-appeared in a second, and slashed his claw threw the block. disappearing as it exploded, and the other blocks started firing again. then he appeared between 2 of them, and jumped up out of the way of their shots, so they hit each other. the blocks fired at him in the air, but didn't make contact. when he touch the ground he disappeared again.
James arrived behind the unknown persona. He saw Katie preform her abilities. He would have smiled but his passive prevented it. She still had it. He took notice of the thing fallowing her. It didn't look like a player and it also didn't look like it had announced it's presence to her. To him that meant only one thing. It was an enemy. He steeled himself for battle and charged the entity using super sprint so as to be sure he would get the first strike. Attacks like this weren't usually his thing but he had found her again and he didn't plan to loose her again. Nothing would take his friends from him again.

When James was behind the entity he went for a straight thrust aimed at the middle of the entity's back.
Cypher tilted his head to the side as the katana pierced straight through his back.

Dual External Avatars... Input?

Diverting Optimization Subject_ CYPHER

Objective updated_ CORRAL

Cypher grabbed hold of the protruding blade and in a swift movement, pulled it to the side. This effectively cleaved his midsection in two, and soon his upper body flopped off as a shower of data rained from the two halves of the proxy. The legs continued standing, and even took several steps away from the new avatar as the showering data became something else. The lower half soon grew an upper half, and soon another Cypher turned to look at the new avatar.

As he did so, the upper body of the original Cypher's data formed into legs, and it soon stood.

And so, one dashed forward to meet the katana with a wild flourish of his scalpel spear. The other, already finding priority to divide and manage resources took off past its twin in a sprint towards the female avatar.
Katie stopped, feeling something behind her. But then, quick steps were heard, causing her to turn around and reveal James and something that didnt seem very friendly, instantly, she got ready for a fight, just in case. Because this didnt seem like a friendly moment right now. Her ears twitched and her tail swayed slightly. But as this happened, things happened and now there was another one and this time, it was coming for her! Narrowing her eyes, she spun her staff and pointed it at the enemy, sending fire rings right to it.
Calvin heard Ebony clearly, his thoughts overtaking her speech. It felt odd to think faster than someone talked.

"Alright. I'm assuming I'll know what these towers look like when I see them. I'll be on my way now," he said immediately as she finished speaking, all the while wondering what she meant by 'find your weapon', for he had already found these blades hidden in his arms. That's a good sounding name; Hidden Blades.' He then looked in a direction he perceived to be North and trekked on toward the group of monsters in that area. He began to feel a tugging on his back. He turned around swiftly, only to find nothing, and the pull on his back continued. Am I developing another ability? He shrugged it off, believing he would deal with it when it gained significance. He continued on toward the fighting and found a boy in white, appearing and reappearing as he rushed a large cube with what looks like eyes on each of its sides that shoot laser bolts, standing on an odd six leg base, and avoiding much smaller insect-like creatures that shoot similar bolts from another region resembling an eye with an odd insignia on it; except that the smaller ones had a small red blaster-like slot where they fired lasers. There was also a large metallic sphere rolling around, the matching insignia hidden from view. 'Just like Jay told me.' He ran over to the boy, wondering how he himself was going to fight monsters of that scale with these tiny blades. He felt that tugging again, and it was much stronger than before. It felt like something was pulling something else out of him. He kept running toward the battle, witnessing the boy claw through one cube, then dodge two bolts in between two other cubes, killing them in the process via friendly fire.

As he ran, he could see a light shining behind him, the yanking now unbearable. He stopped for a moment, then the light shone brighter, and turned into a redish color, like his cloak was glowing, but it was only from one point on his body. 'Maybe this is my power awakening. I should embrace the pull rather than resist it,' he thought rapidly as he began to focus on that point on his back, and the light shone brighter and brighter and brighter until it seemed like it would engulf him entirely. The light slowly faded away, like a single shimmering star in an otherwise black night sky, after it reached its peak. He felt a weight pulling down on his body from behind and he reached for it. He found and drew forth a sword with an odd hilt. It was an upside-down screaming skull with horns slightly protruding out the top of it and bones extending from the lower sides of the skull, and ridges up the top into the broad, silver blade with a rift on both sides near the vertex of the blade. It extended to about 50 inches out of the hilt and felt to be a blade of pure silver. He could feel something in his mind akin to recollection. 'Rebellion. Rebellion is your name, isn't it?' he thought at the broadsword.

(http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/200365i49A0622C61F7B7C0/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1) (A better image for what I can't possibly describe accurately.)

He looked at it and remembered what Ebony said earlier, 'Find your weapon.' He smirked suddenly and chuckled to himself then sheathed the broadsword on his back once more. He looked back to the fighting and ran toward the fray. He ran faster and faster, eager to initiate his first battle. He broke into a sprint quickly and focused on the battle. His mind raced at its enhanced pace, and as he focused on fighting, he seemed to move in slow motion. He rushed toward the boy in white, another one of the cubes behind him, then leapt over him into a predatory motion, his cloak flowing in the air behind him, pulled his left arm back, extended his hidden blade midair, and flew into the eye of the large box, slamming his blade straight through the insignia in the center. He held it in place for a moment, then pulled it out quickly as the cube imploded before him. While he stood there, something in the corner of his eye, outside of his glasses, caught his attention, and he evaded forward and fell into a somersault, looking back at where that had come from and wondered how he saw that coming. 'What was that? I could knew that bug thing was about to fire at me, but I could barely see it, and I knew it was going to fire for a fact, not as an expectation. How did that happen? Was it my glasses?' he thought in a second. He moved his glasses down his nose, and looked at the small group of insects around him, a mere few feet away. He could see it. He knew what their exact movements would be. Was this another ability of his? He smirked again as he drew his sword. 'The bugs will fire in exactly 3 seconds,' and so it happened. He put his sword in a defensive location and blocked most of the bolts they shot, but from the distance they fired from, there was no way he could block them all. Even with this predictive ability and his accelerated mind, he could not move faster than his body permitted. The bolts struck him on his left shoulder and his right knee, but he managed to nullify six of the lasers that approached him in his mental speed. He finally felt what it was like to be injured here, and it felt significantly less painful than when he had saved Dahlia only ten minutes before, but he enjoyed it. This was his first real battle with anything and he was enjoying every bit of it.

(I'm really sorry I made this really long [And posted a picture in it if that's taboo as well]. I was just trying to move myself along instead of still in the middle of stuff later on. :/ I just ripped it off like a bandaid. :\ I don't plan on doing something like this again. ( -_- '))
Jake watched this new guy come in. 'not good new variables, better get back and observe.' Jake saw him jump over head, and stab into a block. as he did Jake disappeared, and hid behind a rock to watch. 'he seems friendly, if he wanted me dead he would have lunged at me 1st.' after a bit of watching, he decided it was time to get back in when his new comrade was struck. he flashed back in behind the enemy, and took 3 of them out in one slash. the big ball turned, and opened up to fire at Jake, as he did Jake disappeared. 'found the eye.' he closed back up when Jake flashed away.

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