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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"In your eyes, I suppose I am." He retorted in his usual accusatory tone. Fox shifted slightly on top of the tower. He had been standing there not only to survey and watch this new group, but to regain his strength. His previous fights had left him slightly damaged, but thanks to the tower, he could mend the damage done and then some. He had drawn strength from the tower and coiled down in a billow of smoke to face his opponent. Looking to the sky, he raised his voice to Ebony and anyone else listening to the computer. "How many are you willing sacrifice here?" He returned his gaze to the aggressor before him and pulled his sword. He held it upright in front of his face and then swung it down to his side. He stood full body toward his opponent.
"They are doing this of their own free will" Ebony said. "There is nothing I can do to stop them."


Jay had been quietly sitting in the corner trying to figure things out. Eventually he pulled himself up using the wall for support and said "We can't keep this up forever. We need a plan of attack. If we can get Sai to the tower we win, right? Just divert Fox away from the tower or keep him from getting to her, at the very least. New priority."
The Cypher that was engaging James was pretty much matching his attacks while the other had gone after the female avatar. A stray swing caught the Cypher in the neck, decapitating it instantly.

The headless Cypher began stumbling and swinging his Scalpel spear sporadically and wildly. The rolled several yards away as a new body began forming down from the point of separation. The new Cypher donned a scalpel spear as the headless Cypher finished regeowing its head.
Calvin stood before the shadow figure as it was cloaked in smoke for a moment, then drew his sword. Calvin projected his left hidden blade and held it like a dagger. (Just so you know, the hidden blade can be released from the bracer and held like a dagger, but it works with Calvin's mind on if it stays in or comes out.)

"No one's sacrificing me. I'm here on my own, just like Ebony said," he stated with confidence. That was the truth. They might have given him the means, but it was his decision to come to Lyoko in the first place. He wanted to fight for something for the first time in his life, which he could finally do, thanks to Kiara.

"Why don't we get down to business then?" he said as he shifted into a combat stance against the shadow man, keeping his eye on him while focusing his line of sight to the White Duo, crossing the clearing in front of him, and behind the shadow man.
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Katie growled and she ran towards a rock, using her staff as a jump booster, sending her flying on top of the rock. Spinning her staff, she pointed it to the sky and instantly pointed it to the Cypher, making it rain fire, in its posistion. "Get away from me!" she yelled, knowing that this wasnt going to be easy.
The Cypher rushing toward the female avatar swung its Scalpel staff to and fro deflecting as many clumps of falling hellfire as possible. One clump burned straight through it's arm and he spun the wounded appendage to the side causing it to detach and spiral away even as it began growing a body.

As it began regrowing its arm it raised the spear into a bayonet position as it finally closed the distance. Then it proceeded to jam the Scalpel spear into the rock she was on and yanked itself upward. It then began scaling the rock with reckless ambition, positioning its spear for an attack when she was in range.
((Explain to me what exactly he's doing? I never read such detailed actions before so im lost xD ))

(Nvm! Got it xD )

Katie's eyes widen as she ran and jumped off the rock, doing a barrel roll before continuing to run away from the enemy "This is harder then I thought!" she yelled, trying to think of what else she can do since she forgot everything. But then, she stopped in her tracks and slammed her staff down, sending a string of fire towards the Cypher, only to make a ring around it and keep it trapped "Ha! beat that!"
The Cypher moved around in its bindings before pausing. It then continued forward stretching the ring and its own avatar a bit before the strain on his body became too much.

The burning ring cleaved the Cypher clean in half, cutting off both of its arms in the process. The armless torso flopped around on the ground a bit before growing, the legs following suit.

However, its arms weren't regrowing. They just seemed to glitch sporadically. The growing torso Cypher glanced at them through its paper bag, the proceeded to request for optimization in order to make more clones.



If the Cypher was able to curse itself it would have done so. XANA was diverting the current optimization to the Dark Fox avatar in order to fully defend the tower.

Cypher would have to make do with his current settings.

Both of his severed arms dissipated into shards of code before evaporating into Lyoko's sky.

The torso finished regrowing, and the former legs were nearly complete.

That left him with five Overgrowth clones of himself to work with. Two for each avatar and the fifth to act as collateral in case the others were somehow destroyed.

He was functioning on low settings, but Cypher was sure that these odds would at least give the Dark Fox Avatar time to clear away the tower's current opposition.

As the Cypher behind it continued forming, the fully formed one grabbed his Scalpel spear in both hands and lunged towards the female avatar in a plunging motion.
Katie couldnt believe what was happening before her eyes. She was completely dumbfounded. W-What happened while I was gone!? she thought to herself in a panic before continuing to run away from the Cypher "This is not good!" she yelled aloud, not sure what to even do at this point. She was all out of ideas due to her focusing on the panic. Knowing the panic would only get her devirtualized or thrown into the digital sea. One of them, was the worst of all.
James saw Katie start to panic. Panic was not a good thing to have. James uses super sprint to get to her and without stopping he scoped her up princess style and took her a little ways away from the fight but still able to keep the creatures in sight. The creatures looked slow so this should be good. He set her down and took a step back.
Katie kept running, only to hear the sounds of quick steps and instantly, she was picked up, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at the person who had scooped her up and ran off to get a bit far from the enemies. As soon as he put her down and took a step back, her jaw dropped "J-James!" she was so happy he was still here. Shocking yes, but this was the first person to run into since she had awoken. She placed her hands on her shoulders and laughed with a smile "I cant believe its you!"
Jay had slid back down to the ground in the corner. "Gah!" he exclaimed. "I feel so useless here! How long was I gone?"
James smirked. "Sure is. Now Katie where have you been? Last time I say you... well let's not talk about it. So Katie why were you running. You never ran before."
Kiara looked at Jay while she was still hanging onto Dahlia. "Jay don't feel useless, you did more work than I did in Lyoko.... I barely managed to touch Dark Fox and you were able to take out a lot more than I was with less health. You were gone for... well about a week. I had no idea Xana was capable of doing such a thing or we would have noticed sooner." She looked up at the hologram, ready to watch the battle between Calvin and Dark Fox. I hope he fares better than me but... Dark Fox is strong and we can't risk killing him. "Jay come here and watch with us?" She patted on the floor next to her.
Katie took a deep breath and she let go of his shoulders "I dont know what happened, James..I was with you guys one minute and the next I blacked out. I dont know what happened afterwards." she told him before biting her lip "Well while you were wherever, I was being attacked by some new enemy...How long as it been since I went missing, James?"
"I was fighting the same enemy. It replicated it's self." His face took in a darker look. "It's been a year and you didn't go missing you... you died. You were beaten to the point where you were still in Lyoko but couldn't stand. Then you were thrown into the digital sea."
Katie's eyes widen in horro "B-But..How am I....How am I still alive?!" her ears flattened on her head, her heart racing as she looked at the ground, clearly confused "I shouldnt even be here.." her crimson colored eyes met his eyes, "Its not possible. I'm here right now, how could I have been thrown into the digital sea when I woke up inside a tower safe and sound? That makes no sense at all!"
James got nervous. He really didn't want to tell her anymore then that she had died. "I know it doesn't make sense but it's what happened. I saw it all."
Katie shook her head "Then why am I back here!?" she said "Dont tell me Xana was using me as a pawn...or something..." she studied James "I'm not going to believe that im dead. Xana didnt want me dead for some reason, because look at me, i'm alive, moving, breathing..." it was hard to put the pieces together
"We'll talk about this in the real world where I can properly express myself. For now I need you to do me a favor so we can defeat this entity that currently has our worst interest at mind."
Jay sighed and crawled over to where Kiara had gestured. "So what's happening in the real world? Surely Xana did something else." He stopped for a moment and asked "Where do you think I will walke up after the return to the past?"
Katie took a deep breath and nodded "Okay Okay.." real world was a good idea to talk, not in Lyoko. He then said he needed something from her. Slowly, her ears lifted "Alright what do you need, James?"
Kiara gave him a somewhat worried look when he asked about the real world. "Well... right now the real world is being attacked by Xana's water monsters. They're really strong and would have hurt Dahlia worse if Calvin wasn't there to save her, thankfully." Kiara let go of her hug on Dahlia so she could speak to Jay freely, but moved Dahlia so she could still lay her head on Kiara's shoulder. "I don't know what fake Jay could have been doing concerning your schoolwork though, I'm sorry." She took a minute to think about where he would end up after the return to the past. "I really don't know... You were gone a whole week ago but the return only works for the day so you'd probably take the place of where fake Jay was. Hopefully he was doing something normal like waking up or going to the bathroom."

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