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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Kiara watched in awe as the giant yellow orb came into their view. James suddenly dropped in disbelief, then rose up to attack the orb while yelling. She wasn't sure what was going on but she ran over to James to try to keep him from attacking the giant orb. When she got close she was able to barely make out the boy inside. Turning to James, "James calm down! You might hurt him! You don't know what breaking it could do!"
I'm calm that's why I'm attacking it. I remember it from my last visit here. It's a stasis orb. Breaking it will wake him.
"I don't think it can be broken" Jay interjected. "I know I'm not the expert here, but do you see a target? Your not even making a scratch. How about you try to figure this thing out while Kiara and I find Sai (@Verrici) and deactivate the tower? I trust you can handle your self."


The water monster burst out of the girls bathroom on the ground floor of their dorms. It looked around and started rampaging.

(Guardians can not be broken)
"Oh." She said quickly, confirming she had not known. She turned to listen to Jay's plan and it made sense. "Good idea. We do need to keep the real world in mind so the school doesn't get destroyed... but if you know him, we'll find a way to get him out, James." She placed a hand on his back to try to comfort him.
(I know. They can only be fooled. That was my bad"

"Fine. Go on and deactivate that tower but if I feel even the slightest distress I'm rushing to your location." He looks at Kiara. "Thanks. Be safe you two."
"Just don't die, ok?" Jay said before running off. The terrain was mostly flat, but it was riddled with several large holes. "Look!" he said pointing ahead at the tower. "Keep a sharp eye out for monsters."
"I'll try not to Jay."

"Hay Ebony can you hear me? I need to know if you can do something for me. It's really important."
"Will do." She said with a smile and a quick nod of her head before chasing off after Jay. She was right behind him, trying to catch up. "I see it! There's no way they'd leave it blatantly open like this."
"I see it, I just don't know what it is" Ebony said. "I heard the conversation, but I don't know if I can make a program to destroy it. I'll work on something, but it is easier to make something than tear it apart. Kiara! Jay! Watch out!"


"I found our welcoming committee!" Jay said. Dark Fox appeared floating behind two Mega Tanks. He shot an arrow at it, but it bounced harmlessly away before they started rolling towards them. "How do we kill these things?"


The water monster targeted a girl that, through the fake Jay, recognized as Kiara's room mate (@Little Sister). Meanwhile another one was separating its self from the river outside the factory and was struggling to climb up the side.
"Oh shi-" Kiara watched the arrow bounce off the MegaTank without making a scratch. She was more worried about Dark Fox than the tanks themselves. "Hit the target right? Where is it? Just try to keep your distance, we don't know what that guy has planned."
The two tanks moved around to their sides and one opened up and shot its laser wall. The other one proceeded a litter further before doing the same thing. They both promptly closed up again and started moving. Jay managed to avoid both of them, but only slightly. "Kiara, you ok?"


"Looking" Ebony said. A small drip sounded behind her and she turned to see a water monster coming after her. She quickly set a scan on the computer to look for the file, but then climbed the ladder as quickly as she could. "Sorry guys, but the water monster is here! I have to go. I'll be back as soon as I can, but until then just hang tight!"
"Well Hello again." He let his sword swing beside him slightly. "Aren't these just impressive? Indestructible and they'll destroy you in the blink of an eye if you aren't careful." He laughed a little and held his sword up to them. He tapped it against the side of one of the tank and pointed it back at Kiara. "Good to see you again."
James growled. Stupid Xana getting in his way. There wasn't much he could do now so he ran towards the direction Jay and Kiara went.
Dahlia walking through the halls figuring that it's not safe to saty inside the building. She told any students that she came across to evacuate the campus. Dahlia was about to reach the exit, when she saw something move. The white haired girl immediatly turned and began to run.
Kiara was crouching behind cover, only to see the one laser wall barely miss her as it cut the rock with ease. "Uh... yeah. I'm alright..." For now. She could hear the taunting voice of the dark figure she remembered from her first adventure into Lyoko. She came out from her cover just in time to see him point the sword at her an the tank moving itself to get a line of fire upon her location. She combat rolled out of the way just in time and gave Fox a glaring look and sarcastically commented, "The pleasure is all mine."
"Come greet me properly then." He advanced with the tanks firing their walls. He directed them back to firing in vertical planes to either side of Kiara. The walls intersected just behind her and as he advanced at a walking pace. He wasn't worried about Jay. Jay would fulfill his purpose.
Kiara was trapped between the two vertical laser walls on either side of her. Her heart was racing as the situation was getting more intense but she didn't show it. She kept her eyes on him as he was walking toward her, holding her staff in a defensive position to be prepared for anything. "Last time I checked, trapping a lady wasn't the way to greet her."
"You aren't trapped, you have an unblocked path right to me." He advanced to the end of her pole with his sword at his side. "You could simply go around me." He taunted and dragged his sword in front of him, creating a small line. The tanks continued firing in their intervals and occasionally directed a shot at Jay.
"Kiara!" Jay exclaimed. He shot the monster again but with the same effect as last time, which was nothing. He saw the target, but pretended to not know what do do. "James, what now?" He asked seeing him approach. Every time the tank fired at him he would move. He even fired a few at Fox, but they were all intercepted by laser walls.


Ebony seemed to have found a safe place for the moment by using what little strength she had to climb a steal pillar, using bolts for leverage. The water monster didn't seem to be able to climb very well, so she was safe for now. However, she knew it wouldn't last.
The tank shots were timed together, keeping her in place and before she was able to move another wall was shot. Her only way out would be to somehow time a jump when a tank directed its fire toward Jay. She smirked at Fox when he stood in front of her, "Oh, so you wanted me all to yourself? You could have just asked, you know." An idea sparked in her head, she just needed to wait for the right moment to put that plan into action. Until then she had to bide time.
Peter drove in to the school's parking lot, returning from work. As he got out of the car, he noticed that there was a great panic at the school. "Uh oh, that's not good."

((So what's going on again?))
"Come on then." He took a half step back and crossed his sword with her pole. He ordered the tanks off to keep Jay and James busy enough. "Just know if you play too rough, you'll kill him." It batted at her pole and took a lunge forward.
Jay started running around the tanks firing range. Then one turned towards him and started chasing him. It was all he could do to dodge the attacks and had little time to react. He ended up backing into one of the few rocks around and the tank fired, missing by only by a little. He found it odd that the tank missed, but soon realized he couldn't see himself. The tank looked around and Jar stepped away from the rock. The tank almost instantly retake tied him and he jumped over the rock for cover.
Watching the tanks finally moving away from her, she felt more confident facing the figure one on one. "Noted. Thank you for the information." She said tauntingly as she was easily able to react to his initial attack and roll her body gracefully out of the way. "Simple fencing?" With a quick whip of the lower end of her pole, she smacked the figure's hand mid lunge to make him drop the one sword as she kicked it away. "Come on then."

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