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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Ebony looked at the clock on the screen. "Hey guys, considering there is no Xana attack right now I think we should start heading back to the Academy. I for one don't want to be late for my next class. It's not like we can't come back later, after all. Think you can wait James?"
Yea I can wait. I mean it's not like the computer will be shut down. Especially now that the possibility of the computer being shut down is minimal.

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"Ok" Ebony said. "Stay safe Sai." Ebony entered the code for devirtualization and saw James and Kiara leave Lyoko. She took off the headphones and said "Shall we start heading back?"

(@iShyShy just in case you are not receiving notifications. I'm paranoid.)

(Just to get things moving, Everyone who was at the factory (but not stuck in Lyoko) is now back at the Academy.)
(Again I am so sorry, please don't hate me.)

After being devirtualized, Kiara walked with everyone back to the academy. It was her first time in Lyoko and she felt like that was something weird about it. Why did he want me to smile? I don't get it! The walk back consisted of her listening to the other talk about plans. She pulled Ebony's attention for a minute when they arrived at the academy. "Eb, I think we need to find a way to fix Sai's ability to talk. Not only would it make her happy but I bet she could help us figure out so much. If you need me to do anything to help with it, let me know." She then walked past the group and quietly made her way up behind her roommate Dahlia. "Boo!" She said as she laughed afterward. "What's got you in the blues? Miss me?"
Dahlia was walking towards her class, not really focused at her surroudings. She flinched at the suddened voice bear her ears. "Kiara!" Dahlia nudged Kiara's shoulder, frowning at Kiara's laughter. Dahlia crossed her arms, "You were gone?" she asked in mock surprise. "Don't tell me you were with your 'boyfirend'~." she teased.
Trying to stop her laughter, Kiara attempted to take deep breaths but her laughs kept coming through. She crossed her arms to mirror Dahlia and copied her mocking tone. "Oh you're just mad that I didn't tell you I'd be gone. I know you missed me." Kiara's face instantly turned red when Dahlia teased her. She nudged her roommate and tried to keep calm, looking in a different direction as she did so, "Psh! I don't know what you're talking about!"
[i'll be back in a few. Gotta go to class :> ]

Dahlia had a smirk on her face as Kiara blushed a deep red. She lightly connected the shade to a ripe strawberry. "Aw. Don't deny it, Kiara." She poked her side, "Its pretty obvious~." she teased. Dahlia figured it was enough teasing at the moment, "Anyway we got to head to class."
(Have fun in class ^.^ Luckily I end early on Fridays.)

Kiara stuck her tongue out at Dahlia, "I'm not denying anything. There's nothing obvious about my non-existent boyfriend." Kiara and Dahlia had a pretty good relationship as roommates, and Kiara was thankful for it. They always had to tease each other in some way and no matter what, it was always fun. "You're right. Did you bring my notebook for me?" She waved at the rest of the gang as her and Dahlia headed to class. "See you guys later!"
James throws up the peace sign. He then turns to the rest if the group and says that he will see them latter. He then proceeds to head to class.

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(Time skip to about a week later)

Jay stood up and stretched in his now roommate less dorm room. Ebony had made a few bogus calls to the school claiming there was a family emergency and Fox would be gone for an indefinite amount of time. They even took out some belongings and hid them in other peoples rooms. His pupils flashed the Xana sign and he smiled to himself. This would be the day. He grabbed his shower supplies and headed over to the bathroom to take a shower.
James awoke early that day and went straight into his daily training. He finished earlier than normal and decided to visit the guys from school. He went through his other routines and headed out to school.

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(Day of class or no class? Just curious.)

Kiara rolled over in her bed as she was playing with her phone. She was still pushing hard to find a way to save Fox and to help Sai get her voice back but she had not been allowed in Lyoko since her first time. She wasn't sure why exactly but she didn't mind too much, the boys had been handling things easily. Kicking her feet into the air she chucked a pillow at her sleeping roommate, "Dahlia wake up, it's almost 10:00am." With a little smirk she sent out a text in the group chat to the gang seeing what they were all up to and where they were.
Dahlia blearily lifted her head to look at Kiara before burying her face in her pillow. "Quiet, I'm channeling my inner cat." she mumbled. Dahlia enjoys being cocooned in her blankets even though she knows sooner or later she has to get up. 'In five minutes I'll get up.' she said to herself.
"Your inner cat is going to get angry for wasting the day. I will not be petting you if you're angry." She ended sarcastically. After rolling off her bed she stretched her arms above her head and bent backwards to stretch out her back a bit with groan. "You're going to end up falling asleep again and I'll be the one hearing about it later."
(Uhh, Saturday)

Ebony had woken up a little while ago and was working on her computer. Not fully understanding how Sai worked, not being able to be materialized and all, she was hoping a program might be able to fix her voice. Unfortunately it was a harder program than she had imagined it would be. She needed good samples of her voice, which was hard to come by, and lots of it with varying expressions. On top of that she needed to know how Sai would pronounce each sound. Ebony could technically just give Sai a temporary monotone voice, but that was only if her voice was absolutely crucial. And all of that was assuming Sai was programmable. It all just looked like a giant mess.


Jay was almost finished in the bathroom when the lights started flickering. A dark ink looking substance flowed out of it and down the drain of the shower he had just used. Ignoring the whole thing, Jay finished up and walked out of the bathroom. Before he was half way down the hall a scream could be heard. Xana was attacking.
James walked onto the campus hoping to find some of the other warriors. He had a bad feeling about today but he pushed it aside. He always had a bad feeling about the days sense the computer was turned on and the group started to use the return to the past program. He couldn't figure out why but he was sure it would come to him eventually. As he was walking he heard a scream.

Well, he thought to him self, looks like another attack my be happening. James quickly started running towards the direction of the scream.

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Kiara frowned since no one had replied to her text. I guess they're busy. She quickly reasoned but with the computer on, they never were out of contact for such a long time. Or something could be wrong! Go! She jumped out of bed and quickly got changed, slamming drawers and ripping her shirt off of the hanger. "Dahlia I gotta check something. I'll see you later!" She quickly said as she ran out the door. She just made it outside the girls dorm when she caught a glimpse of James running for something. She knew he wouldn't be running without good reason so she ran to try to catch up to him. "James!"
James quickly looked around for whoever called his name. He found Kiara and stopped running. Kiara, sorry no time to talk. I heard a scream and I got a bad feeling about it.
Jay ran back to the bathroom and found nothing out of the ordinary except the people. One was sitting in the corner hugging his knees muttering "monster" while his friend tried to comfort him. The others were just kind of starting at a shower stall in aw, though it was empty. "What happened?" Jay asked.

"The water came to life and started crawling up the drain!" Someone said. "No one was hurt before it fell back down into the pipes, but it was still freaky!"

Jay grabbed his phone from his pocket and ran back to his room where he would finish preparing for the day in a hurry. He noted Kiara had texted him, but ignored it and called her instead.
Catching up to James, she patted his arm when she reached him. "Well I'll come with you then. If it's an attack then you shouldn't go alone." Her phone started ringing in her pocket and she quickly pulled it out and checking the caller ID she answered, "Hey Jay. Possible problem."
"Under the name of Xana, I know" Jay said. "I don't know many details, but I'm picking up water monster. You call Ebony and I'll get James and Peter. Then we can meet in the factory and try to fix this."
"Got it. See you there." She hung up the phone and looked at James. "That was Jay, apparently it's some sort of water monster. He's going to call you and Peter and tell you to meet at the factory. I'm going to get a hold of Ebony and we'll meet you guys there." She made a break for the girl's dorm again, dialing Ebony on her phone. She waited for the ringing to end as Ebony answered, "Eb. We have a Xana problem. I'm on my way to your room now, so we aren't alone, then we'll head to the factory? Jay said to meet up there so we can fix this."
Ebony blindly reached for her phone, not taking her eyes off the screen. "Yah?" she said. "Ok, I'll meet you in the lobby." She hung up and darted down one flight of stairs, as she was only on the second floor, and met Kiara. "Let's go, but we need to avoid the sewers."


Jay called Peter (@Flip Jester Boy), but ran into James before he had a chance to call him. "Xana is attacking" he said. "Lets get to the factory, quick!" He started heading for the sewer entrance.
Kiara hung up the phone and waited for Ebony. She arrived quickly and Kiara let out a sigh at her mention of the sewers, "Yeah, the long way it is. Let's get going." The two started off running to the factory the long way. While they were running, Kiara looked at Ebony. "Any progress with Sai, Fox, or anything?"
"I think I'm making progress on returning Sai's voice," Ebony said "but this is all relying on the assumption I can program a voice back into her. It's all just so frustrating. Anyway, I need the supercomputer to even contemplate working on Fox. My current theory is that he needs to be lured into a tower somehow, and I don't see that happening any time soon."

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