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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"Run child, run. Just like before." The voice growled completely impartial to the fact that they had not been hit. The Kankrelats took aim again and continued firing. "I know you, James. And I know your friends." The voice started tapping the psyonics ability. He had been waiting for it to come into play. He showed the images and final moments of James' friends, pushing them upon his mind.
The sword was still plunged in the ground. Lay had not clue what the result would be, but he shot it. He also started moving away and shot a few kanklerats.
He viewed the images but it didn't affect him. Here in Lyoko his life was a game and as such his mind treated it as such keeping him calm, cool, and collected. He turned around after saving his team mates and looked at the sword. This looked familiar but he just couldn't place it.

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An arrow pinged off the sword sending it flipping into the air. It stopped pointed skyward and a hand materialized in it's grip. A trail of smoke gave way as the rest of the body formed under the hand. A dark clothed figure with a metal mask and dark hood stood holding the sword. "It's rude to remove a man's sword in a grounded position." A still familiar voice said and lowered the sword toward Jay. "Such an act is an insult in fact."
"Good" Jay said. He zoomed in on the figure. trying to find a weak point or a typical target. Finding none he decided it would be best to keep moving. There was a mountain a shot distance off. The only catch was that the only way there from their current position was over a bridge that he could be pushed off of. Deciding it was worth it he used his passive jumping ability to get to the top of the ledge, taking out two kanklerats along the way and running towards the bridge.
"I'm afraid that it's not good, Jay." A small phalanx of Blox stood at the other end of the bridge as soon as Jay set foot on it. The figure took on a shadow form again to place himself on the opposite end of the bridge from Jay. He sealed the open section of the bridge with bloks again and cast a dark cloak of smoke and shadow around the bridge, blocking all view from the outside. "This insult must be rectified with a duel." Swarms of hornets flew in to keep the others busy along with some of the surviving kankrelats.
"Said the guy that might as well be able to teleport" Jay retorted. As he pulled another arrow from the quiver he felt more refill. "Thanks Eb" he whispered. Jay observed the situation and noted he had a small advantage. It would be hard to use, so he decided to just let things play out. Taking aim, he shot the arrow at Fox.
The figure started it's advance at a walking pace, not even bothering to keep the sword raised. He turned his body just slightly and the arrow flew past him. He didn't miss a step. "You're pathetic, how do you expect to beat this system when you couldn't even save your friend?" The tip of his sword moved at his side gracefully, still giving off a black smoke aura. "You're a schoolboy, a joke, you have nothing."
A Block exploded behind Fox. "That is where you are wrong" Jay said with a smug grin. "I have everything I need right here. And I will get Fox back. Speaking of which, if you truly were Fox you would realize how pathetic this trap is." He grabbed three more arrows between his fingers and rapidly shot all three of them one by one.
"You think this is a trap." It laughed and picked up it's pace. It cut one of the arrow in the air and stepped past the others. "Why should I bother to trap someone like you? This is simply a draw for your senses," At the snap of his fingers the bloks behind Jay fired their sprays of ice at his feet. "While I deal with your friends."
James destroyed some of Xana's minions and looked around for his team mates. He saw Kiara and... where was Jay? James fought his way over to Kiara. "Have you seen Jay?"

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"Hey!" Jay shouted. "Why would you just leave me here? Don't you want to finish the job?" Jay was thoroughly confused at this point. He was very internally conflicted. Part of him wished he had never turned the stupid machine on, but on the other hand it would happen to someone else later and this was kind of cool. Well, not the psyco Fox part, but the rest was pretty awesome.
(Wow sorry I wasn't getting notifications.)

Kiara was still with James at this point, and her bamboo bo staff materialized in her hand in its shrunken form. "What am I supposed to do with this?" She shook it in one hand and it extended out into it's full form. That's better. She was busy using her hand eye coordination and reflexes to deflect the bullets from the hornet onslaught. This is a lot more intense than I thought it would be. There was no way she would be able to attack the hornets unless she got closer. James came from behind her and she sliced another shot with her bo staff, reflecting it back at one of the hornets. "No, I saw him run in a different direction and thought he was trying to get to high ground or something."
The dark shroud shrunk leaving just Jay, a firing squad of bloks at his back, and a new monster. A floating ball of surging energy approached him and began taking him inside the confines of it's body. The dark figure exited the bubble of shadow-smoke to seek out the rest of the team. He saw them searching for Jay and ordered the Guardian to take Jay away for now. His sights were set on Kiara for the moment. She had little experience in this world and he directed all fire toward her.
Kiara began spinning her staff around her body, doing her best to deflect and redirect as many of the shots as she could. Sadly she couldn't hit them all, she was just getting used to this place. One of the lasers snaked through and hit her left shoulder. She's right handed so she did her best with her good arm. She could see the dark figure from earlier approaching her, and she got angry. She felt the anger activate her Yang power and a white pixel aura surrounded her. She kicked a nearby boulder at the hornets, sending it flying and crushing a few of them as she turned to the figure. "That's not very gentlemanly of you, picking on a lady."
"You're not quite a lady, are you?" He laughed at her and took off at a run behind an outcropping of rocks. His voice carried back as if he were only standing a few feet away. "Unless you would like to prove me otherwise." His low laugh continued as his figure appeared again gaining more distance away from her before disappearing behind rocks again.
She got instantly angry at that comment, "Not a lady?! How DARE you!" She was rushing off after him, forgetting about her shoulder and forcing it to move. That bastard is so done. "Oh I'll prove otherwise alright, don't you worry." She got to the rocks and jumped down into the opening behind them and looked around. "You were so quick to come at me before, but now that your pets aren't here you're afraid?!"
"When did I ever say I was afraid?" He had been hidden in a small crevice but lunged out at her leg using one of his small curved blades to disable her just moments after she landed. He had commanded another phalanx of bloks just in front of the rock formation to keep James away, just in case.
She fell to the ground after getting hit, that's two hits now. She looked up at him, "You sneaky bastard." Hearing the materialization of bloks behind her, she knew she was trapped for the time being and kept the figure in her angry sights as she rose to her feet.
He raised his sword under her neck as she started getting up. "Why so angry? Not very becoming of a lady." The smallest movement would mean a quick flip of the wrist to remove her from this world. "Now let's see a little smile. You have such a pretty smile."
She lifted her head a bit as the sword was pushed toward her, it was a normal reaction. "Why? Not only are you attacking me and my friends, but I bet you have Fox trapped somewhere too." She wasn't aware that this figure was indeed Fox himself. With a small glare of disapproval, she smiled for the figure before the thought hit her. "Wait... How do you know about my smile?"
There is a loud explosion and the bloks were no more. James jumps into the mix and throws a sneaky but powerful hilt slam into the shadows chest.

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Sai digitized right next to Kiara appearing by her side. She has no weapons on her like in the frozen tundra but this time so strange orb in her hand. Sai grabbed onto Kiara and they both slowly turned into data leaving "Fox" behind. When Kiara and Sai reformed they were in a strange dark open area. " In.. inzide..pzzzz.."
He was taken back by the slam and flourished his sword to prevent further attack. "At least I don't rudely interrupt conversations." He was poised for a counter strike but his plan was finished already and 'Jay' had been rematerialized in the real world scanner. "Perhaps you'll have another chance to smile for me some other time, Kiara." He faded in smoke from top to bottom away as if by a gust of wind and all monsters retreated from the sector.
Kiara was surprised by Sai's sudden appearance and their pixelation into data. When they reformed in the dark area, she quickly turned to Sai. "Sai? Thank you for the save, but inside where?" She fell again from the blow to the leg she got earlier by "Fox" and grabbed onto Sai's hand for support. "Sorry."

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