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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"Revenge, huh?" Jay said, lightening up a bit. "Yah, I could go with that. Anyway, I have only been to Lyoko once. Beyond that I'm just a guy with a bow and increased vision. Beyond that, you know what you're doing better than any of us."
"Would you like to learn? I can teach you all that I know. However in exchange I ask only one thing, and that one thing is to see Xana destroyed and the person who's trapped inside become freed. So, James turns to Jay and sticks out a hand, do we have a deal?"

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Jay finally looks up from the sword and at James. "You have yourself a deal" he said and shook James's hand. All traces of tears were gone, but instead replaced with a raging fire. "What do you say we start now? Maybe Kiara could finally get a chance too."

Peter hid around a corner, listening into the pair's conversation. "Revenge won't accomplish a lot," Peter mumbled before walking back to the supercomputer to look into some files. "Now, let's see if I we can get through to the princess." He took a seat on the chair and brought up the holo-map and monitor. Peter then put on the headset. "Hey, Sai, you there?"

((@Verrici , unless someone else will take over.))
(Aw thanks ^.^ I was waiting on Ebony's reply but I'll bring Kiara in.)

Kiara had finished lunch before following the boys to the abandoned factory, still unaware of exactly what went down earlier. She hoped Ebony would join them later on, but she said that she had some things to finish back at school first. I can't believe I don't remember anything that happened! She slammed her fist into her other hand angrily. First I forget about a boy that I had already met. Then they seemed so worried about Fox, and Jay said I couldn't get him out. Is it my fault? I need to get into that pod. She was determined to make her case and try her hand at the virtual world. Finally making it through the shortcut, she first came upon Peter at the computer desk. "Hey Peter, how's it going? Where is everyone?
"You are correct Jay. We should start now, and we will see if she has the drive. It will be a good thing to get all your friends who have not been scanned yet a profile on the super computer. We will start as soon as she arrives."

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Ebony was having trouble processing everything. She though she would remember something like Jay described, but him and the new guy seemed convinced. To try and get her mind off things she decided to work on chemistry, but that failed so she instead jogged over to the factory. Down in the computer room she found Peter and Kiara. "Did you find Fox? Where is Jay and the new guy?"


Jay summoned the elevator and stepped in. He smashed the down button and waited for the elevator to open at the computer level. Seeing Ebony he said "Can you put me and James into Lyoko? I advise you come too, Kiara."
Kiara was in the middle of answering Ebony, "I have no-" when she got cut off by Jay. He seemed to have some sort of focused determination in his voice, he more so demanded to go to Lyoko. She was glad and excited she finally got a chance to get into the pod and see what she would be like in the virtual world but she wondered why he wanted her to so badly. She nodded at Jay, "Alright." She went down the ladder and waited for Jay and James in front of the pods.
James slides down the ladder moving around as if hes done this dozen of times. He gets ready to be transported into Lyoko and notices Kiara there. He approaches her. "What drives you to enter Lyoko?"
Jay took he elevator down and entered his normal scanner and waited. He had some serious steam to blow off.


Ebony took her place on the chair and began peeping the people below her for virtualization. "Tell me when you're ready" she said and waited.
Kiara turned at the sound of James sliding down the ladder. I guess he really has been here before. She looks at him quizzically. Why should she tell this boy her reasons? He was more experienced but that doesn't give him authority, just respect. "Besides my initial curiosity, it seems that there is someone stuck in there and I want to help if we can get them out." She then tensed up a bit from her guilt, her tone getting serious. "From what Jay told me earlier..I couldn't open the dang scanner to get Fox out... if he's stuck in there too, I'm going to bring him back and flick him for getting stuck." She entered the scanner and turned to look at him with a smile. "Thanks for earlier, though I don't remember it."
He smiles back at her. "No problem Kiara." He gets into his scanner and awaits the journey into Lyoko. As he waits his mind goes back to the last time he was in Lyoko and he swore to him self that he wouldn't let what happened to this group what happened to his.

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"Saaaiieee." The girl heard Peter and smiled. She walked around where she was no knowing what to do. No one was in Lyoko, nor was there any enemies to be seen.
"Ok, I'm sending you into a new sector" Ebony said. "Or at least a new sector for most of us." The scanners closed around everyone and the virtualization process began. Once they were virtualized into the mountain sector, she said "I'll notify you if any monsters come to welcome you."


Jay was becoming accustom to the feeling of being virtualized and landed almost perfectly, expecting just about the hight he would fall. Looking around he said "Lots of cliffs and floating rocks. Where is Sai, by the way?"


"I'll check" Ebony replied. "It looks like she is still in the ice sector. Hey Sai, a few entered Lyoko and are in the mountain sector, if you can get there somehow."
They had returned, two familiar faces and one new. Wonderful. Time to push some limits and make this world their worst nightmare. A figure had been waiting for them and took form in their shadows. It's cold, dark arm reached out from behind and grasped Jay's shoulder. A familiar although slightly more sinister voice whispered. "You'll never get him back." It moved, taking form in another shadow, behind Kiara the newcomer to this world. The same voice whispered again. "Seems he wanted to know you better, what a pity." A little low laugh and it changed again, this time behind a face that was all to familiar. It whispered only two words before skirting off out of sight, dragging out the syllables in a low rumble. "Welcome back."
If James had been anyone elts he would have been scared witless but he wasn't anyone elts he was himself. Moving quickly James positioned himself between the direction of the voice and his comrades. Looking for what he knew to be an agent of Xana.

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When the hand touched his hand Jay reflexively turned to see what was there, but he saw nothing. Only when he turned back around did he see the dark figure. He took out an arrow and prepared to shoot. "There is no reason for me not to shoot him, right?"
There is not a reason for you to not shoot him. Take your aim and fire. Be sure it is true and quick or it will miss. These shadows are very fast.

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Kiara dropped into the world and fell to her knees from the lack of being prepared for the fall. "A little warning would hav-" She was caught off by the quiet whisper from her shadow behind her. She turned quickly, seeing nothing behind her but was a bit scared and confused at the words she had heard. "Pity?! I'll be sure we both get that chance!" She just yelled out at nothing, assuming the voice meant Fox. The words hit her hard, what did they mean? She started getting upset that he was really gone.
"With pleasure" Jay said with venom in his voice. He released the arrow and it flew over James's shoulder towards the figure that sees to have taken Fox.
The shadow laughed and dispersed away from the arrow, fading away into the world. "Another time, Jay" voice said fading only in tone, but keep all evil behind it. The shadow reformed and smashed into the ground with a cloud of back smoke mixed with other darker pixels. The cloud whips around slowly fading into the ground and leaving just a sword, a short cutlass sticking out of the ground with a dark aura emitting from it.
Kiara covered her eyes from the smoke, she still had yet to realized what she was wearing and had no idea what her abilities were in this world. She looked at Jay and James when the smoke cleared. "Is that... Fox's?" She went to run her hand through her pixel hair but was stopped by a hood. What? She knocked the hood off and turned to look at it. Awesome!
James readied his twin katana. The one in his left hand was in a reverse grip. He was ready for anything. His gamers mind keeping him calm, cool, and collected. Be ready for anything the shadow may attack.

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While the others had their focus forward and on the sword, Kankrelats had taken position on the sides and tops of the rock outcroppings surrounding the team. They opened fire at once from behind and to the flanks. The same low laugh was still emanating from the sword in the ground as the shots fired and rained from the outcroppings.
James froze for a millisecond his psyonics giving him a rare glimpse of the future. After the millisecond James shouted Super Sprint. He moved quick as the flash. He moved his team mates out if the line of fire a second before the Kankrelats fired their shots.

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