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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Kiara saw the quick frown, and felt guilty instantly. "I'm sorry, thank you for saving us. But don't doubt me." She said playfully with a wink as she stuck her tongue out. She then lead the two outside to the front of the school.
Jay burst out of the doors and saw people still panicking, though most were in the park. He started making his way towards the park himself when glass shattered above and the computer monster landed in front of them. It was more battered than before, but still functional. "Ok, that is IT!" Hay shouted and roughly snatched a bat from the new comer. He charged the robot who retaliated. He managed to dodge most attacks, but there were still several burn marks. Soon he was closer to the robot than it was designed to defend itself from and he swung the bat madly. With adrenaline running through his veins he turned the computer into scrap metal. He turned back and handed the boy the bat again, slightly limping. "Thanks, I needed that. I'm Jay, by the way. And you are?"
"My names James. James Esquire and that was a rather savage take down on that robot. You really went rabid on that thing. Any ways how is that old computer virus doing?"

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She was impressed with Jay's performance, patting him on the back after the encounter. "Damn Jay, you really showed that thing who's boss. She then quickly moved the group away trying to keep other students from hearing James, "It's a pleasure, James. I'm Kiara. Not everyone knows abo- virus? Is that what was in there?"
"Xana, right?" Jay whispered. "I vaguely remember hearing Ebony talking about a Xana virus before we left. What is it? In fact, while your at it you should explain how you know about the supercomputer in the first place. Why is there still someone in there, and why did you stop?"
"In all honesty Kiara I don't remember what it actually is. I call it a virus because that's the most insulting thing I can think of to call that computer. That thing took some things from me. Things that I'll never get back, and Jay my history is a rather dark one. Are you sure you want to hear it? It's full of death and loss."

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"Well, you did leave a person in there" Jay said. "And if Xana has attacked before, how have we not herd of it yet? That definitely seems like something that attracts the publics attention."
"What in the-" Fox watched a shadow float about in the distance and behind a rock. It was slow moving so probably not a hornet. Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on his from being in the computer too long. He debated for a while while running and finally decided it was significant. "Sai, Peter, I thought I saw something out there, Watch out just in case something sneaks up on us." He took a double take to make sure there was nothing there again. "Anyway, Ebony, what do we do when we get there?"

(@Verrici , @Flip Jester Boy)
"Well my tale starts about a year ago. Some friends and I were hanging out and goofing off. The hour became late and one of my friends suggested we go to the haunted factory. Of course this was just a ploy to act like heros. You see we ha rig it to act like a haunted house. The girls in our group would get scared and we would be strong and appear fearless. However something happened. Instead if the haunted house all we found was an open elevator. We went inside it and that's when we found the super computer. We turned it in and a girl appeared on the screen. She begged us to help her defeat this monster called Xana. We thought it was a joke so we agreed. We did what she said and suddenly her words became real. Everything she told us happened before our very eyes. We kept our promise though and helped her out. We did this for one year and wreaked everyone memory of the attacks using a special program on the super computer. It was exactly one year ago that the incident that caused me to shut down the super computer happened. We went in to the computer landscape. We had dubbed it Lyoko. This was supposed to be the final attack on Xana, but instead Xana finished us off. Xana had taken control of one of our group without us knowing. Xana used that member to... to... TO KILL THEM ALL." Tears start to form in James's eyes. "He wiped them all out. He got them all to tire themselves out in a fight and then after they were defenseless and week the member laughed in there bloody and bruised faces as he threw them into the digital sea. If you even touch that sea it's a complete game over. You do not come back to this world. You stay as data in Lyoko forever. I was the only survivor of that day. I fought Xana and did to him what he did to all my friends but not before he finished me causing me to come back to this world. As I was coming back the member who I tossed towards the digital sea told me something. He said that Lyoko would always need heros. When I got back I saw the last friend I thought I had jump into a pod and then I watched him jump into the digital sea. He was in love with the girl trapped in the computer. He's dead, my friends are dead, but most of all she also died. I didn't think there was anyone elts in the computer so I shut it down. I only came back today because my family started having different memories then I. When I started being able to stop certain things again my parents called me a freak and sent me here and then I saw that robot monster and I knew the computer was reactivated. That my tale, and now you know my shame."

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Jay stood in silence for a moment, processing all of the information. "No" he eventually said. "Not shame. You did what any rational human being would have done. All that is left now is making sure this ends. We get my friends out of there and destroy the computer. It is simply too dangerous to exist. Come on, lets head back to the factory. Is there any way to end this attack?"
Kiara did the same, shocked at the pain that was shown in James' eyes as he told his tale. She felt horrid for him, she wished she could have done something. And she didn't know what to do but she instinctively hugged him. "I'm so sorry." She wasn't sure of what else to say. She only knew that she would be destroyed without her friends. "Jay's right, you did what you had to do. We need to make it so no one ever feels that pain again." She grabbed his hand and tugged it to lead him to the shortcut to the factory.
He pulls his hand out of hers and looks questioningly at Jay. "Who are your friends Jay? Dose the person trapped inside the computer count as one of these friends that you have? Tell me here and now."
"For all I know, the person in the computer is simply a program and nothing more" Jay said, trying but failing to keep a level voice. "She can't hardly speak. And, sorry to sound heartless, the life of one individual is not truly worth the life of all those Xana could hurt by the computer being on." He needed to stop talking or he himself might breakdown. He opened the manhole cover and motioned for James and Kiara to go down.
The group approached the tower without harassment. Upon approaching the base, he let Sai enter the tower. She phased through it like it were just a jelly wall. Last time Fox tried to get in he was met with a solid structure. He shook that from his mind and stood guard outside the tower. "She's in, Ebony."

Sai floated up to the top of the tower and began entering information to a holographic panel. A few different pages and screens later, a stream of data was sent to Ebony's supercomputer with instructions on exactly what to do.
James Punches Jay. He quickly closes the manhole and stands on top of it. James gets into a ready stance with his bats. "I will not let you kill another being because of your own selfish reasons. I may have lost my friends, but guess what Jay one thing I haven't lost is my memories. Guess what Jay that person who is trapped might be a real person. I don't know if its the same as the one I meet before but the person I meet before, the one who my friend died for because she no longer existed, was a real person. We had her out and in the real world but we couldn't turn the computer off with out putting her into a coma. That's why we had planned one final assault on Xana. So that we could free her from the computer that kept her prisoner. Now I may not know who this person is but it seems like the past is repeating its self, And to me that means that someone from your group might have done what one member from my group did. If there is any reason to stop you from destroying that computer then that would be one." James's eyes become filled with righteous anger. "If you defeat me then I'll step aside but be warned I'm no softie. Oh and while I'm thinking about it Kiara Stay out of this. This is a Fight between two men with conflicting ideals, and if it comes to blows then I'll let go of my sense until my opponent is beaten. I wouldn't want you to get hurt even though we just meet. Got it memorized?
Jay was taken aback by the punch, but unfazed by James's words. He felt blood trickle down his face, but didn't care. He began speaking with a calm and level voice, and even crossed his arms. "Stop and think about this for a minute, or is that not your strong point? Why would we even bring you back to the factory unless I though you could help. If you can prove she is a person, I'm most certainly not going to be the one to turn the computer off, even if I did turn it on. You can help straighten everything out. There is not other reason I can think of that would make me bring you there. As for the fight, forget it. There are other ways to the factory and I am several times faster than strong. I can beat you there that way. So what is it going to be? Come and see if you can help, or stand idly by while a bunch of confused kids try to sort this out on their own?
Sai works a bit more and deactivates the tower. The red glow around it fades to a blue. The outside world returns to normal as the monsters crumble away. She sends the final data to Ebony including a file dubbed Return To The Past.

Fox watches the tower change color and relaxes. "Ebony, whatever Sai did, I think it might have worked. Can you call Jay or someone and confirm that?" He saw the shadow again but nothing to create such a shadow. "And get us out of here, I'm getting a bad vibe."
"Confused kids hmmm. You sound like an adult the way you talked before. Oh lets just kill one person instead of using the reset button we learned about that would erase all the damage to the entire affected area, and faster hah. You make me laugh. You and I both know that the fastest way is through the sewers especially now with all the news vans and other cars that are littering the road trying to get to the cite of the robot attack. Also let us not forget that if your found outside of school the principal will question you and if your not using the reset button he will start to get suspicious. If you want proof I'll give you the proof. He gets off the manhole. Ill be watching you though, so don't go getting any funny ideas alright." He oppens it and drops down. He books it for the factory.
Jay just looks at him blankly. 'Reset button?' He thinks. 'What reset button?'. He was about to aske when he jumped down and started running. Jay quickly hopped down and caught up with James and matched pace. "You mind explaining this reset button to me? I certainly don't have a clue what your talking about. It's not like we have time control."


Ebony was distracted with the incoming data and started looking through it, barely hearing Fox. The "Return to the Past" program was near the end of the files and she hadn't gotten there yet.

(Sorry @Sensei Fox but I'm going to sort things out in the real world first.)
Kiara watched the verbal battle between the boys and before she knew it, they were down the manhole and running toward the factory. Really guys? She let out a sigh and entered the manhole, closing it before continuing to the bottom. Seeing the boys quite a way down the path already she started running after them. She wasn't sure what was going on anymore, the new information was all so sudden and she just hoped that they could end this craziness without casualty. She arrived to the factory a few seconds after the boys.
"Were you even listening to the past that you wanted to hear from me. There's a reset program called return to the past. It erases the memory of everyone whose not in the computer and goes back through time to the begging of the day. I may not have said it in the same detail but I did mention it I'm sure.
"What's going on out there, anyway, Ebs?" Peter asked, watching out for the shadow Fox talked about, but he couldn't really see anything. Still, he had his gun at the ready, examining it from time to time.

((I don't think Vericci would appreciate the bunnying, just saying. Unless he said you could control his character for him.))
"Well I'm sorry if I didn't absorb every little detail you mentioned after having a killer robot come after me, trash the robot, recover from an adrenaline hight, and listen to your impossible sounding (but true I'm sure, don't get me wrong) story all in the same 10 minutes" Jay said as sarcastically as possible. He hoped the two could be friends eventually, but for now they had differences to settle. They all entered the elevator and he punched (literally) the down button on the elevator. Once they got down he said "Evony, find the return to the past program!"


"Huh?" Ebony said. "There's a return to the past? Is everything coo. Back at the school? Who's this guy? Oh, yah." The last comment was her remembering to devirtualize the two still inside the computer. She then booted up the devirtualization program and began searching for something called "Return to the Past". "And what happened to your nose? It looks like someone punched you."
"This is James, he knows about everything. He's gone through all of this before and he's the one who gave Jay that nose job. We brought him here to help." She walked over to Ebony and hugged her from behind, leaning on her to catch her breath really. Yes they were new friends but Kiara decided it and she wasn't going to reanalyze that. "It's crazy up there, we did our best to evacuate but I hope you have some idea on how to fix all of this soon because we couldn't stop it."
Fox watched Peter turn to pixels and leave the world. He lowered and sheathed his sword waiting for his turn. The shadow hadn't disappeared and was actually growing larger. He waited a few minutes more and still nothing. "Hey, Ebony, I think you forgot something."

He heard a low buzz in the distance that set him on edge. "I'm kind of still in here."

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