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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"I don't think she needs protection," Peter said to Fox, looking surprised at Sai's appearance. "And this proves my theory more of her not being human." He turned around and aimed at the Krabs approaching.
"Its not like logic is followed to a T in this computer" Ebony said. "You have buns, Jay has a bow, and Fox has a sword. On top of that the monsters shoot fricken lasers. This might just be part of how this world works."


Jay ran into the dorms and found the janitors closet before anything else. He found some rather bulky cleaning gloves and shoved them on. He ran up a level and directed people to the forest and instructed them to leave all electronics behind. He continued up another couple of levels and saw a computer with upgrades. It looked like several machines were merged together to create a crab-like machine. It looked at him with the same strange target as was on the monsters. A side panel opened up and several wires shot out. Jay hid behind a corner, barely missing the live wires and saw them being pulled back in. He would need a different plan of attack.
"That just makes this easier then." Fox decided to take on the first of the Krabs. It was much larger than he had expected once he was within striking range, the target was well out of his reach as well. This would take some thinking. It fired pot shots at him and stomped around trying to impaled him. The shots were larger than what to other monsters managed. Possibly more dangerous. He was running out of options. His sword wouldn't penetrate the body of the Krab. No matter where he hit, he couldn't make a dent. The target still remained out of reach. Finally out of frustration, he sent his fist into the Krab's leg. Before his hit connected, a small curbed blade formed in his hand and slid through the jointed leg. The Krab wobbled a bit before collapsing. Fox whipped around to the front of the Krab and lunged into the target on top. "Ebony, I think there's more to us than just what we can see. I just made a small blade in my hand and Jay can do some weird zoomed vision thing." He turned to face his next enemy. "Tell me you've got us a solution to the electric monster thing in the real world. Something tells me they won't be as easy to remove without the weapons and such we have in here."
"Interesting" Ebony muttered tapping madly on the keyboard. "So powers are comfirmed. I wonder how they… uh oh. That's not good. Ok, so those towers that seem to be scattered around arn't just for decoration. They act as a conduit between the two worlds. They can be activated and the real world is affected. Xana has activated one of these towers and that is how she is controlling things at the school. If the tower is deactivated then Xana will no longer have control in the real world. The only problem with that is I can't deactivate a tower from here. It must be done from your end. I can guide you there, but that's it."
Taking refuge in the janitor's closet, Kiara was mad that she had not gone there sooner. She grabbed gloves and covered her shoulder so it could not get hit again, wincing in the pain from the burn. You'll be fine, don't be a baby, She took a deep breath and peeked in the hallways, yelling to see if there were any stragglers but not hearing any responses. Taking refuge in the closet again, she wondered if the others were having as good of luck as she was. She still had her phone with her through this ordeal, which was not working obviously because of the current situation so she turned it off. She went outside and didn't see Jay or Mika and grew worried instantly. She ran into the dorms, dodging the wires and exploding lights as best as she could. Things are a lot worse in here. She yelled, "Jay! Are you still in here?!"
"Yah" Jay shouted back. "There is some sort of rampaging robot, though. I'm not sure how much longer we can hold ip out here. Hopefully the guys at the factory are doing better than us!"
She ran into the room where Jay was hiding from the rogue robot. "Oh shi-" She hid outside of the door and commented, "They better be! They have powers!" She ran into another room and grabbed a textbook off of one of the desks. Sorry kid, this is more important than...earth science. She reentered the room Jay was in and chucked it at the robot, only seeming to anger it. She took cover again. "I tried."
"Come on then." Fox dropped and destroyed another Krab before running back toward Peter and Sai. "Get us to the nearest tower, Ebony."
"It isn't actually too far away" Ebony said. "Head southeast from your current location. It is out on an island more or less, but there is a bridge you will need to cross. And I advise against swimming."
"What happens if we go swimming?" He took off in the direction he was told, hoping the other two would follow behind.
Peter fired at the joints of the Krabs that chased them, watching them fall over after losing their legs. One of the pursuing Krabs fired a laser at Peter's leg, causing him to fall over, clenching his leg. "Ah, that smarts!" Peter aimed at the Krab that shot him, yelling, "Die!" The color highlighting the gun immediately turned red as he fired a large orb which flew at the monster, blowing it up upon contact. "Well, that was handy."
"The details are fuzzy" Ebony said, "but I'm pretty sure it means game over. No rematerialization. You might still live somehow, but there would be no coming back. You might simply become bits of data flowing around. I don't know, just don't do it."
"Cheery" he pulled Peter up quickly and kept on running. So there was a way to be trapped here. Maybe that happened to Sai. Was there a another group in Herr before this one? The sooner this computer could be shut down, the better.
Jay and Kiara needed to escape and the stairwell he had the best chance of escaping with was on the other side of the hall where they had come from. He could hear the robot approaching and they were running out of options. "When I say run, you run across the hall and start making your way out. I'll give you cover long enough for you to escape. Ok?"
The sound of running is heard along with a battle like cry. A youth appears wearing rubber gloves and wielding twin metal baseball bats. One bat is in a reverse grip and the other is in a normal one. The youth acts without fear or hesitation as he attacks the rampaging robot. The youth deals it a couple of blows knocking it down and away from Jay and Kiara. The youth stands between the robot and them. "I suggest you both run."
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"Jay I can't leave you behind. That robot could shock you to death! If you promise you'll be behind me, I'll go." She could hear the robot getting closer with each second, she wanted them both to get away safely, not just her. They better have some idea of how to fix this from that virtual world. I'm sure Ebony is working on it now.
"Don't argue" Jay said. "You are clearly already hit and this will almost guarantee your safety." He was about to say something else, but the crazy bat wielding guy burst in. He hesitated only a moment before dashing to the other side of the hall. His instincts screamed for him to keep running, but this guy could use some help, or at least showed no sign of backing down.
(Wow missed that post x.x)

Kiara hesitated, watching the boy battle the robot without fear. She smirked and liked the boy's confidence and determination. "Thanks." Then she jumped up and bolted as quickly as she could behind Jay. I should be helping him! Running next to Jay, "Can we do anything? We can't just leave him there too, he just saved us."
"Stay back" Jay said to Kiara. He peaked around the corner and saw the two still locked in combat. He quickly reached out and grabbed his arm. "Come on!" he shouted giving a strong tug.
The youth goes with the tug not expecting to be pulled by the kids he just made an opening for. The youth gives a small yelp of surprise, but he quickly recovers and faces the youth who pulled him. You and your friend need to get out of here. I'll hold this thing off so you can. You already play hero enough let someone elts have the spot light for a bit alright. Even if no one but you and your friend will remember."
Jay stopped running, momentarily frozen. "You... know?" he asked with wide eyes. "But how? You know what, it doesn't matter. Everyone is out of the dorms and there is no reason for any of us to "play hero". Now come on!" He put finger quotes around "play hero".
The youth sighs. "Alright. Lead the way I guess, but if that monster gets any closer then I'm staying behind to cover you and your friends escape got it."

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Kiara stood in shock. How could this boy know about everything? She yelled to them from down the hall where Jay told her to stay. "Look you two! We don't have time to argue! Get out of there and smash that thing in a door or something on the way out! If either of you get hurt, I'll give you more pain to handle!"
The youth jumps at her voice and a quick frown flashes across his face but is quickly dismissed and a smirk replaces it. Ha, as if you could hurt me girl. However you are right. Lets get out of here you two.

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