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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Fox was engaged in a dance between several hornets. They had given up shooting him, the terrain was too easy to use to keep from being hit with him this light on his feet. They had resorted to trying to skewer him with their long needle-like mandibles. This was his game. Just like a fencing match. He was surrounded and the hornets flew in circles around him, lunging in with fast passes. As they would pass, he would wing one or entirely impale it. He wasn't searching so much anymore, he was racking up a body count. They kept passing through his kill area and he kept cutting them down.
The girl popped her head out. She saw everyone around her and was terrified. For she lost count of the years where she constantly had to hide, but there were others? The girl in white shook a bit, though not to the cold but due to being afraid.
Fox winged another creature in full flight and sent it hurling into a rock. It smashed into countless pixels just a few feet from a new figure in this field. Fox immediately stopped seeing this person and took a stab through the chest. His sword flipped around and corrected this mistake and he returned to his dance, trying to move closer to this person. "Hey, you must be the one were looking for." He called out ending another insect, leaving 3 left.
"Got it," Peter said, firing his gun at the three remaining hornets, then holstered his gun. He then walked toward the girl slowly, putting his hands in the air. "It's okay, we're here to rescue you. I'm Peter. I'm the one that spoke to you when you were being chased down."
The girl looked towards Peter and slightly blushed. She wanted to speak again but caught herself knowing what would come out. She looked at the ground and sighed.
Mika sat on the floor watching everything curiously. Everything had happened so fast it made his head spin. To think that a whole other world existed. It was bizarre and awesome! Grinning widely he began imagining what he would look like in the new world. He would probably have an awesome power to go with his awesome outfit.
Jay swung his bow over his shoulder and approached the small group. "How long have you been here?" he asked. "We are here to get you out. What's your name?"


"Guys, we have a problem" Ebony said. "I think everything with the school and its power problems today was not the janitor. There are reports of electronics flying at people and attacking them. There is no way it is a coincidence from when we turned the computer on."
The girl looked over at Jay. She tried speaking but all would come out was a quiet static. She then tried her hardest and a strange robotic tone surfed the static waves and could barely be translated. "Sss.... Ss- Sa- ... Saaieee."
"So you're telling me this thing is effecting the real world? We gotta turn this thing off. Who knows what this could so to everyone out there." Fox worked to skewer his remaining enemies before joining Jay and the others. He looked at the girl in white as she spoke. "She's part of the system. She's a program." Fox raised his sword to her and moved a distance back. He lowered it slightly. "Or you've been in here so long you've just become more computer than person. You're not some cloak and dagger program designed to stab us in the back and trap us here, are you?"
"You think?" Mika questioned curiously tilting his head slightly. A monster made of electricity? That would be so awesome! Like something right out of one of his video games.
"Fox! If she was she would have done so already! Besides, why would the native monster things attack her then?" She shook her head. "Ebony do you have any idea why the computer turning on would cause these things to occur? Maybe we can contain it."
Fox heard Kiara in the background through Ebony's microphone. He kept his sword ready to attack for a moment and the lowered it finally. "Fine." He rejoined the group again and studied the girl. "So are we going to get out of here or not?"
"I will do some research with files from this computer tonight" Ebony said. "Until then we have no idea what we are up against. However, from what I can tell this "Saie" is a real person. Jay, I will use the rematerialization program, which I checked over last night, on you to free up a scanner and try the same with Saie. Then we can shut this thing down." She began the process and Jay's marker disappeared.


Jay felt himself falling apart and rematerializing again. The scanner opened and he walked out, less shaky than last time. He climbed back up and said "Ok, I'm here. Lets get this going." He watched as Ebony typed madly away at the keyboard in front of her. "That's strange" she said. "It refused to rematerialize her. I think it is because the time the computer spent off line erased the data of her virtualization, which is the same data used to rematerialize someone. What now?"
"I don't think she's human. Maybe she's a sentient program in this world," Peter said, looking around, checking for more enemies. "That's why the rematerialization program didn't work."
"She appears to have real human intelligence" Ebony pointed out. "You can't program human indigence this flawlessly. I'm also speaking from experience, by the way. The monsters are set on kill, while she seems just as random as a real person."
"Except for the machine speech." Fox shrugged and took a hard look around making sure nothing would come creeping up on them. "Forget getting her out for right now, we can work on that over time. How do we stop the real world problem of electronics attacking."
" Zzzz. Ss.... Zszzz... " Sai looked over to one of the people hearing the voices from the other world that she was hearing about. "Xa.... na..."
Peter glanced over at Sai, listening to what she was saying. "Xana? What's a Xana?" He asked her, walking over to her. He pulled out his gun just in case.
"Ebony, does that computer up there have a search bar somewhere?" Fox asked swinging his sword at his side slightly. This was unnerving. Sitting in a computer with monster wanting to kill them and this half computer person spouting some nonesense in maybe another language.
"I'm working on it" Ebony grumbled. "Uh oh, this isn't good. It will take some time to get the details, but it appears as if Xana is a virus with intelligence. It can leak into the real world and use electronics to it's advantage. Jay, Kiara, Mika, go to the school and try to get everyone to safety. I don't care what you say, jut help them!" She turned her attention back to the screen just in time. "You have more company!" (Krabs)


"I'll be right back if you need anything" Jay said before turning around. He opened the elevator and stepped in. "Come on!"
"Feeling as weak as last time , Jay?" Kiara was curious and somewhat worried. She didn't want any adverse effects taking hold. She then turned to the pressing matter at hand. "Well she looks human, like you guys look when you're in there. It's just as easy to say that she is human as it is to say that she isn't." With Ebony's discovery, Kiara ran with Jay and Mika back to the school with urgency. Upon arrival, here were children and teachers everywhere running from exploding lights and electrical wires. "Guys! We need to do something!"

(Might pass out guys, if so I'm sorry and I'll reply asap.)
"Oh these are going to be fun." Fox saw the Krabs advancing in the distance. and leveled his blade. "We're gunna need a solution here real fast Ebony." He went on to advance on the Krabs themselves. "Pete, take care of our new friend. I don't see a weapon on her. Get some distance, alright. You guys will have to find a solution to this Xana problem with Ebony."
Jay looked around. "There is no electronics in the forest, so let's gather everyone there. I'll hit the dorms and see who I can get out. If you find a janitors closet, pull on some rubber gloves. At least that way we shouldn't be electrocuted."
Sai held her hands out and closed her eyes. "P.. zzz...." A blob appeared out of no where and slowly morphed into some sort of object. The newly found shape looked like a giant "J", then little string like blob-ettes moved to her back and created strange shapes. They slowly gained color and texture to reveal strange gadgetry and a blade. " Szz..Pro. szzzz... tect..."

Kiara nodded in agreement with Jay's plan. "I'll hit the classrooms then and see if I can stop at a janitor's closet on the way. Be careful and make sure to keep an eye out for stray electronics. Break!" Kiara dashed into the academic building, yelling to the students and teachers in the classrooms to leave the building and head toward the forest and to leave all electronics behind. She had to dodge sparks and free wires everywhere, but one wire fell in her blind spot and shocked her shoulder. "Ow!" She bit her lip to keep the curses from leaving her mouth.

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