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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Ebony was speechless. This technology wasn't even supposed to exist! She walked up to it and waved her hand through it. "Best project ever!"


While everyone one else was inspecting the hologram, Jay noticed a latter leading down a level and followed it. There were three pod like things in the level below, which didn't interest him too much, and moved down to the bottom level. There was a huge contraption with a metal casing in the center of it. On the side was what appeared to be a small door and he opened it. A lever popped out and, despite his common sense, pulled it. The lever retracted into the machine and lights flooded the place. He heard some commotion above and ebony shouting about the computer being online. He climbed to the level above and noticed the pods open up. He stepped into one and started examining it.
"Hey, Ebs, you know computers, right?" Peter asked, picking up Ebony and putting her on the chair. "Alright, what can you make of this?"
"Jay?" Fox looked around noticing that his bunkmate had gone missing, and with all the mechanical mayhem happening around he was in fact concerned. Finally he spotted him climbing into some tube. This set him off and his nimble feet went to work. He cleared the opening for the ladder easily and slid down. "Jay, what do you think you're doing?" He called walking up to the tubes. He stopped in the center of the masses and peeked inside the one next to where Jay was. "What's this stuff on the inside." He started tapping the inside of his tube with his sabre with a ceramic clink.
(no one reply yet)

Ebony started typing away, getting a basic feel for the computer. "It seems like someone created an entire new world on this computer. Hey, what's this?" She was looking at a diagram of the scanner room and saw a dot where Jay and Fox were standing. She messed around a bit and the scanner closed around them. No one could here them protest from above. With a few more controls, the scanners activated and unknowingly sent the two boys into Lyoko.


A strange Sensation washed over Jay as the scanner did its work. Then an even stranger one when he started falling. He landed on his feet and almost tumbled to the ground. He looked around and sat the strange landscape of the Forest Sector. He noted his cloths had changed and he was wearing woodsman gear with a cloak. A bow and quiver were also slung over his back. "This is totally strange" he muttered. Looking to his left he saw another person. "Fox?" he asked tentatively, as he looked similar but not the same.

(ok, go)
Kiara was watching everyone examine the computers and machines. She was going to tell Fox to stop poking the machines with his sword when the pod closed around him. She ran back up to Ebony, "Ebony what's going on? The pod tube things just locked around Jay and Fox! Can you open it?" It dawned on her that there was another pod. "There's still one more open one."
Everything had flashed. His sabre clinked again and it felt as if his mind had left his body. Then a falling sensation and several flashing lights before finally getting a clear image, or voice rather. "Jay? What in the world are you wearing. What is this?" He looked around at their surroundings and at their new dress. "This is...different."
((Don't the scanners re-open after the person is sent to Lyoko?))

"Well, that's their fault for poking around in the first place, but that'd make me a hypocrite," Peter said, leaning on the edge of the machine. He turned around to look at the hologram and noticed that there were two green blips on one section of the map, along with five red ones heading towards them. "Um, what's that?" He pointed at the blips.
"I have no idea" Jay said. "Maybe the pod was filled with loopy gas and I'm hallucinating. I hope so, anyway..." He let his voice trail off. "How do we get out?"


"Ebony had completely ignored the headset before, but she swore she had heard voices. "Just a sec" she said and put on the headphones. She recognized Jay's voice and maybe Fox's. "Jay? Fox? Is that you? Where are you?"

(Kanklers will be the monsters. Go to the mechanics tab for reference.)
Fox turned around a full rotation hearing Ebony. His hand immediately went to seek his sword and pulled it and held it on guard. "Ebony? Where are we? Did we get stuck in some gas leak and go hallucinating? Where are you?"
Peter grabbed the headset from Ebony. "Sorry, I'm gonna borrow this." He then looked at the map. "Hey, Fox, it's me, Peter. I'm gonna try a theory. Walk around a little."
"Alright, but I want some answers." He took a few trotting steps looking further into his surroundings. He jumped about a little going off a few rocks and in a few circles.
"Fox, were not alone" Jay said. Five small creatures were walking toward towards them in an arrow formation. He didn't know if they were hostile or not, but pulled out his bow and arrow anyway. Then his vision seemed to randomly zoom in on them. "There is a target on them. Interesting." His vision zoomed out a bit and he walked back a bit towards Fox.


"Don't freak out, but I think you are in the computer" Ebony said. "We can see you on a map here and I have checked a few files. I don't know how to get you out, though. Just hang on."

(I think the scanners stay closed)
(They do stay closed until they're brought back.)

"In the computer? Like they were uploaded into it or something? If that's so then there's gotta be a way to download them out." Kiara stared as the dots on the holo-map moved around. "The green dots must be them, there are only two. Seems like they have some red baddies incoming."
"You're joking." Fox growled and turned his guard toward the creatures. "Hey Ebony, we've got natives here. What do I do? I don't want to start blowing up computer parts for attacking these freaky looking things." He shifted his stance a bit to be more mobile, these things were an enigma and therefore dangerous. "Just don't put me in a flash drive or something like that, ok?"
((No, they open up again. How do you think they got Aileta through when they got her out of Lyoko?))

Peter handed the headset back to Ebony, then crossed his arms. "What strange events have happened today. He then noticed that there was another button on the keyboard. Pressing the button, he activated another hologram, but this time it was like a screen, and it showed pictures of what seemed to be Fox and Jay, but they looked different. Underneath the pictures was a bar that read "Life Points." "Does that mean anything important?"
"I promise I will get you out" Ebony said with confidence. "Just don't do anything stupid like dying, ok?" He humor was a bit morbid for the situation, but she didn't really care at the moment. She looked at the other screen with the life points and said "Which appears to be very possible".


"I'll keep that in mind" Jay said. The creatures stopped moving and something red started spinning in front of them. Then lasers started being shot at them. Jay managed to avoid to dodge the attacks and find cover behind a tree. "If I'm starting a war, then so be it." He pulled out an arrow and shot the front one straight in the target and it blew up.

(well, for this RP they will stay closed. This is just so some people stay behind and not everyone is in Lyoko.)
Fox took a hit in his off arm and partially collapsed. "Son of a-" He rolled adjecent to Jay still holding his arm. "Ebony, the locals are not friendly!" His arm burned. This was really happening. Inside a computer. He wasn't just crazy or hopped up on something. The sharp burning started to fade but his arm was almost limp, not usable for much. "Jay, do not get hit with one of those. Stings real bad man."
"I'd have to agree with Ebony. Don't let a computer program get the best of you two." A loud beep was heard and one of the green dots blinked and a red one disappeared. The hologram showed Fox getting hit. "Use those fencing skills!"
"You think they're gonna need help?" Peter asked, tilting his head as he looked at the hologram, staring at the green and red dots.
"I'd have to agree with Kiara here" Jay said. "Hit the targets." He leaned around the corner and shot another arrow, but missed. Another two arrows few and one found it's mark. Unfortunately, so did a laser. His arm was hit and he recoiled back against the tree. "How are we even feeling pain?"
After seeing Jay get hit, she started to panic. They were showing clear signs of pain and injury. "They won't keep those injuries when we get them out right? Peter I think there was another pod but...It's up to you. They look like they need any help they can get right now." It was now a 3v2 but the odds didn't look too good.
"This is one messed up video game." Fox pulled himself up and around the tree, into their firing range. He leveled his blade. It was shorter than his sabre but the same weight, a cutlass. A real blade. He took his stance at ready to move. "Everyone stay the hell out there. If we die in here, we don't know if we die out there too. Two bodies is enough." A shot fired directly at his chest and he followed it with the tip of his blade. A skirting flourish and shot passed by him. He advanced quickly following the shots with his blade and dancing around them until finally his blade thrust into it's mark, breaking apart one of the creatures. He leveled his sword again to the next. "We're just fine in here."
"Let's wait a moment," Peter said, turning his head back to the hologram. Suddenly, another theory popped into his head. "Hey, you guys ever see the movie, The Matrix? What if it's like that? Their consciousness was sent inside the computer through those pod-like things they found? That's how they're able to feel pain."
With the monsters distracted Jay care around the corner and shot the final monster. "Any more natives we should know about?"


"No, none" Ebony said. "More might come, though. Just be careful. I'm trying to decode a file under "rematerialization". It should hopefully get you tow out.


Jay looked off into the distance. "I see a tower. Come on, Fox. We might be safe there."
"Or we could end up storming a castle of those things." He waiting for Jay to come to his side before taking off with him toward the tower. They would have to watch each other's backs to get out of here alive. "Ebony, how many more hits can we take in here?"

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