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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Kiara watched as the holograms showed her two group partners running from the weird monster termites. What in the computer world is that? "If anyone can do it, you can, Ebony. This is all up to you now." She went over to Peter and stood next to him as they watched the scene play out. "Please be careful, we have no evidence that whatever tower you're looking at is a safe haven."
"Only a few more" she said. "The program is almost decoded, so you should hopefully be out soon. Wait, do we include this in out project? That could be very bad."
"Shove the project for right now." Fox growled. He came to the base of the tower and looked around. "We have a problem. This thing has no doors." He walked a little closer trying to examine it a bit better but there was no way in as far as he could tell.
Kiara responded quicker than she could think. "No. I vote no. There's a reason this was hidden in the abandoned factory and I don't think bringing attention to it is a good idea." She felt guilty after that quick reaction. "Sorry Ebony, I didn't mean to be rude like that. Fox poke it with your sword or something."
"I say we keep this a secret," Peter said, pacing around, constantly looking back at the room where the pods would be. "I don't think it's a good idea to tell others. Who knows what would happen." He then saw two more groups of red dots coming in from opposite directions from where Fox and Jay were.
"Find a way in, and quick!" Ebony said. "You have more "friends" that want to meet you. These ones appear to be flying, too! The program is almost done!"


"I'll give you cover!" Jay shouted. "Just find a way in!" He let lose several arrows and hit a few of them. They in turn shot lasers at him. He got hit in his left leg and torso. He started running for a tree when he was hit again. All of his life points were gone and he devirtualized. Instead of dying, however, he woke back up in the scanner leaning against the wall. He was a little wobbly, but walked over to the ladder and shouted "I'm here! Tell him to die!" He began climbing up.
Fox swung his blade wildly against the base of the tower, trying to find an opening or something. His struggling was paused with the sounds of a few shots."Jay! You idiot!" He moved to avoid the shots fired at him next. These buggers were flying. Not quite as easy to hit. He used his same tactic of following the shots and skirting to the side. He was faster enough to land his blade into the tower a few times, still trying to get inside. He was in a rage now. It was a game of running circles around the tower avoiding hits and trying to break in. All the while he yelled expletive after curse after other sounds of anger.
Kiara ran over to the ladder where Jay was climbing up just in case he needed help. "You alright? Do you feel any pain or anything from getting hit?" Turning to the hologram as Peter helped pull Jay up, she relayed the message again. "Fox you need to commit seppuku or something! It'll bring you back!"

(Lol it seems great minds think alike. I'll edit.)
Peter turned around, seeing Jay come up the ladder. "Oh, good, you're alive," He said nonchalantly, helping Jay up the last rung.
"Fox" Ebony said. "Jay is here and shows no evident sign of injury. If you die you will be brought back. My program just finished, so I can use that if you want, but there is no promises it will work correctly. I advise letting them kill you."
He didn't hear a word. A shot did however catch his leg, toppling him in his run. His yelling only increased as he flailed about trying to defend and dodge. Eventually, his end was brought to bear with several simultaneous shots and his conscious faded into pixels. The final image he saw, those cursed bugs flying off. A sudden heavy feeling took him over and he found himself on the bottom of one of the tubes. Immediately he shot up and started trying to pull it closed again. "No you piece of scrapyard junk, take me back! I'm not finished here! Work!" His fists met the inside of the chamber hard.
Jay rushed back down the ladder and over to Fox. "It's ok, Fox. There were too many of them. It's over now. We don't have to go back there. In fact, I'll head down and shut this thing down again. It was clearly off for a reason."
Peter followed down the ladder, looking at the room. "Who built these things?" He inquired, feeling the sides of the machines. "Anyway, I don't think we should shut down the machine. It feels like...something else is living inside it. Something other than those monsters."
Fox took Jay by his shirt and pulled him close. He studied Jay looking for something that could be wrong, different, that he wasn't some computer impostor. His breathing was still heavy and his knuckles had popped into small pools of blood. Finally he let go and embraced Jay. "Don't do that to me again, man. I thought you were gone." He breathing slowed slightly and his grip around Jay loosened as he took a step back and cleared his throat.
Following Jay and Peter, she climbed halfway down the ladder and dropped down the other half. She made a b-line for Fox and gave him a stern look as she flicked him in the nose. "Are you serious? You were clearly not going to win that battle. We need to learn more about this." At Jay's mentioning of turning off the power, she wasn't sure of what to think or do. She was so curious and this whole system had to have been made for some sort of purpose. She went back up to Ebony, hoping that she might have found more information. "Did you find anything else that's interesting?" She asked as she leaned on the arm of the chair.
"I was hoping to give you time" Jay said. "You did pretty good out there, by the way. I guess if were keeping it on then you might be able to finish that fight some other time."


"Uh, yah" Ebony said only half listening. "Inside one of those towers. It doesn't appear to be hostile as the symbol is different, but it looks like something is living in there. If we turn the computer off again, it might kill it."

(@Verrici Hop in any time)
"I know, thanks." Fox pulled himself up the ladder and toward the computer. "So someone other than us could be in there." He looked across the screens seeing nothing but Greek. None of it made any sense to him. "If someone else is in there, we have to get them out."
((Verrici's probably asleep. I say we should wait it out until he posts.))

"Hah, I knew there was something else living inside there," Peter said, fist-bumping. "I love it when I'm right." He then looked at his watch, noticing the time. "Anyway, we should probably head back. We can check out who or what is still in there some other time."
(Yeah I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna head to bed. It's 3:17 am but I'll post asap when I wake up. Thanks for being awesome, guys!)

"We can't risk the possibility of killing something if it's stuck in there. It could be a person for all we know. But since the guys couldn't get into the tower, getting to the thing inside will take time. Anyway, Peter's right, maybe we should come back together when we have more time to talk and figure this out. It must be safe in the tower so I doubt that whatever is in there would leave."
Everyone left under the agreement not to tell anyone what they had discovered. It was now lunch the next day, and Ebony decided to sit alone as usual. Jay was going to be late to lunch as he had some work to finish in his chemistry class.
Fox had made his way to lunch on time and looked around for Jay as usual. He didn't see him in their usual place, so he assumed that Jay was off doing something academic related. He did see a newly familiar face though. Ebony was sitting across the room and alone. They didn't know each other well but the crisis yesterday made friends of everyone very quickly. After a little more time looking around the room, Fox decided to take a seat across from Ebony. "Hey."
A white figure dashed away from the main glacier in a strange ice area. It hopped from floating ice data plate to another, as if it completely knew this area. It wore a white cloak that swayed in the arctic winds. For it was being chased by some flying creatures. The monsters shot red beams and one nearly hit the person, though grazing it's shoulder. The lazer made the cloak rip so the figure took it off. What was revealed was a girl in pure white. She started run in the other direction away from the evil programs but she reached a dead end and didn't know what to do. The monsters shot more lazers and she created a shield made of pure data to block them.
Kiara was talking to her group of friends at her lunch table when she noticed Fox and Ebony through the corner of her eye. She wondered if they were talking about yesterday's events. They all seemed to bond quickly because of what happened and Kiara honestly liked that group more than her current group of friends. She said a quick goodbye to her friends and made her way over to the Fox's and Ebony's table. Leaning on the side, she smiled at them both. "Hey guys, how are you holding up?"
Jay finished up and headed off to the lunch room. He was hungry, as usual, and grabbed a large helping of food. He saw Ebony, Fox, and Kiara sitting at a table and decided to join them. "Sup?" he asked sitting down next to Fox. The lights in the cafeteria started to flicker, but soon returned to normal. "Why do they keep doing that? In every class I have had today there have been power fulgurations and short circuits! It's really getting on my nerves."
"Some janitor probably dropped his coffee on a transformer or something." Fox shrugged and continued with his lunch. "You know how they get sometimes, they go all Edison and try to improve the power grid with some thing they found on the internet and it shorts out the whole block."

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