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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Something dinged on Ebony's lap top and she pulled it out on the table. She had made a basic connection with the super computer and could view the map of Lyoko. "Um, I think you might want to see this. The person or program or whatever it is we saw yesterday, it's moving. It is also being chased by a small pack of hornets." She turned the screen for the others to see. When she noticed that the others didn't know what she was talking about she said "I named the flying monsters hornets."
"Those things." Fox pushed his tray to the side. He still had a score to settle with those cursed things, even though Jay was alright. "Well let's go get them out of there. Those hornets don't play around."
Peter hung out in the room with the supercomputer while eating his lunch, trying to figure out how it worked. He then looked up and saw the green dot from yesterday moving, being chased down by more red dots. "That can't be good," he said to himself, seeing that the green dot was cornered. Peter decided to take it upon himself to help out whoever or whatever was in need of help. He took a seat on the console chair and put on the headset, pressing the button on the keyboard that brought up the data screen. "Excuse me, hello?" Peter said, hoping that the being inside the computer would hear him. "There's a gap between two rocks that you should be able to squeeze through and hide in near your position. You should wait there until those monsters pass."
"Normally I would disagree" Jay said, "bit I am really curious. I might not want to go back in so soon, but I think going back would be a good idea. Should I call any of the others?"


"Yah, ok" Ebony said. "Let's go. I discovered a shortcut. As for the others, they might see us and follow, but they I don't see them here and they are most likely busy with something else. Come on." She packed up her lap top and started walking out.
The computer program did as the voice suggested and slipped between the crack. The hornets stuck around and tried shooting at the gaps but the girl in white created more shields. Hopefully who ever was watching over her was getting some form of help!
"Fair enough" Fox jumped up and followed after Ebony. This still felt like some weird game. Something you would see in a terrible sci-fi movie. But it was as real as possible. Hopefully they could get whoever was inside the computer out and be done with this whole thing.
Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the monsters fly away from the green dot's position. "Whew, that was a close one. You okay?" he asked the green dot.
The saved girl tried to speak but all that came out was a strange static noise. She gently touched her throat and tried talking again but nothing worked.
Ebony lead everyone into the park and, after taking a quick look around, opened the manhole and climbed in. With the others behind her jogged down the sewer tunnel. After a while she found the ladder and climbed up. She opened the hatch and took a break on the bridge leading to the factor.


Jay followed and was supred at how soon they were at the factory. HE jumped down using the rope and was surprised to see the elevator gone. He called it up and waited for the others.
"This building is just a cheerful as ever." Fox slid down like he had before, smoothly and waited for the elevator. "Cool shortcut, it'll be useful to get out of school in a hurry."
Peter could hear the elevator activate behind him, noticing that it was going up. "That must be them," he said to himself, then he said to the being, "Just stay where you are. My friends are coming to help out."
With everyone in the elevator, Jay pressed the down button. The elevator started moving down and opened at the computer level. He was surprised to see Peter already there. "What are you doing here? What's going on in there?"


Ebony walked up to the seat and said "Do you mind?" cautiously gesturing to the seat and head set. She wanted to check out the computer and see what was going on with the real computer, but was too shy to directly ask.
"Tinkering," Peter said to Jay, getting down from the console and giving the headset to Ebony. "It's likely that this thing was built after the war, due to the design and technology." Peter crossed his arms as he looked at the holographic map. "Our little friend is safe, so don't worry. But something still doesn't feel right." He paced around. "It seems it can't speak either, so it's not likely to be a human."
Fox was already sliding down the ladder to the pods. "Let's get this going, get me as close to our friend as possible if you can." He called up before entering one of the pods.
"Should we investigate?" Jay asked. "It's not it will be safe forever. Even I'm willing to go back in and check this out." he was a little nervous about going in, but he tried not to let it show. It was kind of cool, however. He felt very conflicted about this digital world.

Jay saw Fox heading down and bit hi lip. "I'm going too." He headed down and entered the far pod, as it was the one he had been in yesterday.


"Are you going too, Peter?" Ebony asked. "There is still a free scanner."

(@Flip Jester Boy)
Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Might as well see this through and help out since I got the being this far." He slid down the ladder into the scanner room, stepping into it. "Well, here goes nothing."
"ok, here goes nothing" Ebony muttered to herself. She went through the process of scanning each individual and virtualizing them. Three more green blips appeared not to far from their target. "How are things in there? What does it look like?"


"Cold" Jay said. "Everything looks cold. The entire place is covered in ice. Where are we headed?"

"Just head north and you should see whatever it is we are looking for" Ebony replied.

It was a strange feeling, being back here, but jay kind of liked it. He felt like he could do so much more here.
Peter looked around, examining himself. "This is weird. Cool threads, though," he said, flexing his hands and adjusting the goggles on his head. He also noticed that he had a gun holstered in his pants. "Cool." Peter pulled it out and aimed it at random rocks. "Alright, Ebs, tell us where we gotta go."
"Let's not waste time then." Fox started running North with his hand on his sword. This place was different from the last. It was a frozen wasteland rather than a forest. Odd. How many other biomes were in this world? Did they interconnect? He kept running along trying to watch out for Hornets, or worse.
Jay ran ahead and saw some pretty rough terrain ahead. Maybe she was in one of these cracks? He didn't know. He didn't know, however, that hornets were close. he could hear their wings buzzing. Deciding to try and get a better vantage point, he started climbing an ice pillar. The only strange thing is that he jumped way higher than he should be able too. Passing it off as another strange property of this world, he reached the top and saw a small swarm of Hornets. "I'm going to make our presence known." He pulled an arrow and took his time aiming, doing his weird zoom in thing. He released the arrow and it flew through the air and hit his mark perfectly. Some of the others turned toward him and started approaching the small group. Before they were close enough to start their own attack jay had taken two more down.
Fox ran about searching every rock and ice formation he saw. Finally he started calling out. "Hey whoever is out there, we're here to help you. We need to get out before the bugs catch on to us." He landed a slash on one of the hornets passing over him. It was in full flight and the hit had knocked it off course. The hornet smashed into a block of ice with a cloud of pixels. He ran into another ice and rock formation. "Where are you, whoever you are?"
Kiara was silent this whole time after following the guys. She was just watching the map and hologram as the guys were walking through the virtual world. She stayed near Ebony, trying to get some sort of sense of what she was doing with the computers but that wasn't working well. "Fox is definitely out for some revenge.." She mumbled to herself.
Peter dodged and rolled to avoid some lasers being fired at him by the hornets, shooting them out of the sky with the gun he had. "Where are you?" he mumbled to himself, checking every crack and crevice nearby for the one they were supposed to be saving.
"Yah, he doesn't seem to take defeat very well" Ebony noted. "Ok guys, you seem to be surrounding her. Check in the spaces between you. She is there."


Jay was forced from his ice pillar as some hornets started concentrating fire. He dodged into a crevice for cover. Maybe she was down here somewhere.

(@iShyShy So you want me to drop out and give you a chance on Lyoko?)

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