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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"Then let me take a weapon more suited to your broom pole." He pulled two small curved blades from his cloak and held them in a reversed grip. He threw himself forward hooking her pole with one blade and attacking with the other. Any movement made to bring her weapon back to the fight was met with the other blade taking over to control the movement of her weapon. His attacks were faster than with the sword and came more violently. Every swing and jab was an advance forward.
"Broom pole?!" She watched as he pulled out two new weapons from his person and held then in a similar way to James' weapons. She wasn't prepared for this and was unable to regain control of her weapon again as it was being pulled by one of his daggers with each lunge. Unable to pull it from his grasp, she had it retract to its smaller form so she could focus on trying to dodge his attacks. Sadly as the staff retracted, she was distracted for a moment and took a blow to her right shoulder from his dagger. Getting angry at her mistake, she focused on dodging his movements as she kept backing away from him. He's really pissed now.
He kept advancing until he could retrieve his sword and rolled seamlessly to retrieve it. He replaced one of his blades from his belt and took the cutlass in that hand. He held it in a proper grip but kept one hand with the knife in front of him. He lunged back into the fight with his sword and tried locking up her pole with his sword and swinging at her arms and hands with his knife in the lock.
He was able to grab his sword again as she was dodging his attacks and she needed to come up with something quickly. He attempted to lock up the retracted staff somehow and keep it from her reach but as he hit it with his sword she commanded it to extend again, hitting him in the chest as it floated in the air for a moment. She grabbed her staff out of the air and went on the counter attack, spinning the staff continuously at him and striking at his shoulders and sides.
James saw the tanks and shadow fox. He looked at James and decided that he needed help but also shadow fox was going to be a tough opponent to fight. He thought for a bit. It looked like Jay could handle what he was doing but Kiara looked like she was having a hard time with her enemy. He saw shadow fox start to do some fancy kenjitsu moves and was about to go over to meddle but he then saw Kiara do some fancy moves of her own. He decided then that it would be better to deal with the tanks first. He used super sprint to get one of the tanks as it opened to shoot. He then doges an attack from the other tank.
He continued defending with his sword, swinging it in a circled patterns. He began leaving a trail of smoke behind his blade that lingered in stationary lines. It was still only just smoke, however it did remove some elements of sight. He kept on defensive patterns, moving backwards in a sporadic circle, leaving more and more trails and cutting down visibility. After his mock web was completed, he threw a ball of smoke into her eyesight and changed his position to be more concealed somewhere in his shadows. The chains of darkness flowed as if rotating and deviated slightly as if a wobbling ring.
Blindly attacking him, she didn't notice the path that he was bringing her on. As he produced more smoke, she followed and squinted more and more in her struggle to see the target. At first she thought it was to distract her, to make her mess up, but when he threw the smoke into her eyes she had to stop her attack to cover and rub them. "What the..?" She didn't even know how to finish the sentence. After she recovered, she looked up and around to see herself surrounded in the smoke and Fox nowhere to be found in the circulating maze. "Hardly part of a duel. What's this for?"
The Mega tank stopped shooting at Jay and directed all of its attention on James and he calmly stood up, pulled out an arrow, and aimed. The arrow flew through the air and landed squarely in Kiara's back. He launched another arrow at her hopping to hit, but he couldn't really see her through the smoke any more. He turned his attention to James and was prepared to deal with him.
With the hit of the arrow against her back, she stumbled forward from the impact since she wasn't braced for it. She assumed that Jay had missed a target and the arrow hit her in the shroud by accident. Why else would she think she would be hit by his arrow, right? That's one light hit and one hard hit now, if she wasn't careful she would be kicked into the real world within two more shots. Another arrow was heard as it passed through the smoke near her. "Jay would you watch it?!" It didn't cross her mind that he was doing it on purpose.
"This is simply a new playing field." took another lunge from behind Kiara from the shadows and ordered the tanks to Jay's sides. The tanks rolled around Jay providing cover and open spaces from which to fire from.
As soon as she heard his voice she made a sudden leap to dodge his impending attack. She was still in the shroud and wasn't sure of what to do to get out besides run straight and so she did just that. She ran through the darkness of the smoke in hopes to emerge back into the visible Lyoko. "James! How are things going for you?!"
He kept up attacks lunging and slashing through the dark to keep her inside the arena he had created. The attacks let up just a moment just for a new figure to appear in the mix. Fox in his original Lyoko clothing was knocked down by Kiara while she tried to escape and dissapeared into the smoke as the attacks started up again.
In her rush to dodge all of the attacks that seemed to be coming from everywhere within that smokey maze, she was unable to see the original Fox in front of her. They collided, and he fell down. She was barely able to make him out but the split second visual was enough to get to her. "Fox!? Fox was that you?" Grabbing her head in one hand she was thrown off by the sight of him, ending in her getting hit again. Now she had it, she grew angry. Standing her ground she spun her staff as quickly as possible to blow the smoke away, revealing the Dark Fox. She let out an angry yell as she stared him down angrily then leaped into the air, channeling her white Yang energy to enhance the strength into the downward strike. Her anger was building and nothing could break her focus on her attack.
He caught the attack in his sword and tried to hold it. The force behind it sent the attack into his shoulder but the sword rolled her staff off as well. It pushed him to the ground and lodged his sword into it as well. With no time to free the sword again, it rolled away and pulled it's knives again, holding both out from it's body. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
She didn't even amuse his tease with an answer, she was too fixated on the continuation of her attacks. Getting between him and his sword, she was determined to land another hit on him. She held her stance and looked straight at him for a moment before starting the onslaught of attacks, spinning the staff as well and spinning her body to put more force behind each blow.
"So put off suddenly, and by what?" He parried attacks and threw shots of smoke in defense. The shoulder that was hit was significantly slower than his other arm so he adjusted accordingly. He was light on his feet and moved around enough to keep any spins from becoming too powerful from having to change directions or angles. He made a quick move around to her side, but with his slow hand in attack range. Instead of attacking, he opted away. "I told you he would die." He said in a lower tone before skirting away in a cloud of smoke. He shot off in another direction going behind a rock.
Jay pulled out three arrows and shot them all at once towards Kiara. If everything went according to plan, Dark Fox would keep her distracted or cornered so at least one arrow would hit her.
"You know by what." He kept deflecting and dodging her attacks and the smoke was flying past her again. She was irritated, knowing that the had done it to toy with her head and it worked. Calm down, god damn it. She stopped her attack when he pulled his dagger from attacking her. Why would he do that? His words about Fox dying put her in a stupor. "I wont allow it." The three arrows were shot horizontally at Kiara, and in her trance she didn't notice them, one hitting her arm. Now it was immovable and she turned to see Jay far away standing with the tanks, "What the hell?" Where is James? She followed the trail of smoke to Dark Fox's location behind the rock. (I was going to devirtualize her but wasn't sure if I should since James would be alone and hasn't posted for a bit. If you think I should devirtualize her just tell me and I can edit.)
James eyes widened. "Your not Jay." James smirked. "That means I can deal with you with out mercy." James uses his super sprint to appear directly in front of what he assumed to be a Xana creation of Jay. He went for a direct strike at his chest with his katana.
Calvin Thatch was among the rest of the students evacuating from the water beasts. He'd never seen anything like them; they moved like the legs of octopi, truly disgusting. He kept running away from the scene, until he heard a scream coming from the girls' bathroom in the dormitories. He stopped for a second; that voice was familiar. Where had he heard t before? He'd always been a quick thinker, so it only took him a minute to realize quickly that it was Dahlia Moon, the roommate of the beautiful and kind Kiara Nykron. Both were in his class, yet both were a year older than him.

He had only interacted with Kiara once before, but that one experience was enough to give him an attraction toward her. Another thought came to his mind. If he saved Dahlia from whatever aquatic monstrosity was attacking her, he might just have an opportunity at the end of all of this to become acquainted with her. His heart began to pound roughly and his face felt like the lava from a volcano. That would be enough for him, being friends with her. But was it really worth the risk? He might get seriously injured, or even lose his life if he went in there, guns blazing, without a plan. He stood there for a minute contemplating his options, as he always did in any situation. He could shed his timidity for a moment and help a girl who might not ever remember her after today, and possibly lose his life but become a hero, or he could walk away right now, join the peanut gallery and let her die at the hands of a marine apparition, keep his life and stay a scared, shy loser for the rest of his life.

He thought and thought, longer than he had ever thought about anything, as the screams went on. He decided that at least if he tried, there was a chance both of them could come out alive. He took one step forward, a truly nervous and fearful expression laid on his face, and loosened his uniform tie to initiate battle with a demon from Posidon. He steeled himself for a moment as he thought once more; friends with Kiara Nykron, that was worth any fate! (*insert cool action face* xD )
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Jay slid to the side and blocked with his bow. "Wow" he taunted. "It only took you a week to figure it out. I am superior to any human. I lack your crippling weakness, and can not lose!" He jumped up and back allowing the mega tanks to slam together. If he managed to dodge it unharmed, it would at least give Jay a chance to recover.

(@iShyShy you can devirtualize whenever. I think @Flip Jester Boy is coming. And even if he doesn't get in, he should at least provide enough distraction for Ebony to release the new guy, which will help a little, at least.)
James narrowly dodges the tanks and rushes again at Jay but instead of going for a frontal assault he runs around Xana Jay and stops at his side. He uses both swords and attacks from the front and the back.
Jay dropped down and narrowly avoided the swords. and rolled to the sides. The tanks rolled over and provided him with the cover he needed. Quickly recovering to one knee he pulled out six arrows between his fingers and quickly shot them one by one in a scattered formation. He trusted Fox could take care of the weakened Kiara.
James blocked only the arrows that would impede him. He then jumped onto the tank. He then jumped into the air and as he fell he did multiple front flips with one sword above his head and another below him. This created a spinning ball of death aimed at Jay and approaching fast
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