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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

Calvin smirked at the screen and adjusted his glasses, causing the light from the monitor to veil his eyes. He gave sort of a low, sinister, yet playful chuckle.

"I figured. No good scientist would create a world so elaborate as this and create an A.I. with such intelligence, and leave out a communications apparatus of some sort. I guess I'll let you play around with that, Ebony. I've got to rescue our other white friend," he said confidently, entirely with a villainous tone. He minimized the vocal program, making more space for the mini map. He saw the White Boy heading toward the tower, the kankrelats following close behind. He found the instructions regarding avatar cards and virtualization, including autovirtualization in special cases. He proceeded to search for an avatar card featuring the White Boy. He found in the first few cards which viewed a variety of figures he had not seen before. 'The previous group of Lyoko fighters, I'm assuming,' Calvin thought to himself. The White boy's card sported the name Jake near the top left corner. 'So that's his name.' He switched channels quickly again to communicate to Jake.

"Jake. I suggest you destroy those kankrelats before they take you out. I know I said get to the tower, but it's not like we're in a rush," he said in the same sadistic tone, the glare of the screen shielding his narrowed eyes from all external view.
(Well I took it like.... Oh you poofed off screen for a second? She'll wait. I'm sorry x.x. Good job with getting Jake's name because I was stuck on that one. Thank the 90's that you guys are letting her get her voice back because rawr!)

Jumping up and down with excitement, Sai was very happy that Calvin understood her. Then followed by Ebony's remarks being heard faintly through the headset, she had a new found hope that she would be able to speak normally if she could deal with the dreaded static long enough for Ebony to find a way to get rid of it. Now to answer the questions. "zzJazzz..redzz... creat zzzor........ zzzatic... gozzz...ne..zzoon?"
"True. Well if your up for it we could train them tomorrow or something. It's really up to them."

(Sorry. I wasn't getting notifications again.)
Calvin's kind expression returned for only a moment to respond to Sai.

"Don't worry. The static will be gone as soon as Ebony figures it out. It shouldn't be long. I'll see if there's any files or records involving your creator too. I'll be on it as soon as I get Jake out of trouble," he said considerately, and amazed that the static had cleared so much on its own for him to understand her. Once Enony gets her hands on it, the static wouldn't be an issue anymore.
Sai smiled at the screen in her excitement of not having to deal with the interference any longer. Ebony and Calvin were really good with these computers and she knew that it would soon be resolved. It isn't a huge problem but it is annoying being interrupted every time you try to utter a word. She stood by against the screen waiting to see what would happen and pulled up the file to watch Jake in the meantime.
[QUOTE="Ryu kishi]"True. Well if your up for it we could train them tomorrow or something. It's really up to them."
(Sorry. I wasn't getting notifications again.)

Its ok

Katie nodded "Okay." she said, rubbing her eyes as the waitress came and handed her drink "Thanks" she said before watching her go and looking back at James "I'm glad you saved me." smiling softly, she took a sip of her drink. Happy to be reunited with one of her best friends. But on the inside, she was still hurting because of the loss of her other friends.
James smiled at Katie. "I'm glad as well, but it wasn't just me that saved you. It was the new warriors. I had thought that you all were..." James trails off not wanting to finish his sentence.
Katie nodded "I know..I know..Dont say it, but yeah..I must thank them later!" she smiled softly and put her drink down, studying him "Im sorry though...that you had to go through that"
"You've got nothing to be sorry for Katie. It was my own weakness that put me in that situation. I'm just glad that your alive."
Katie shook her head softly, tasking another sip of her drink and keeping herself calm. The waitress came by and Katie ordered something simple before she went off. Looking back at James, she smiled softly "I'm glad you're alive...if you werent, i'd be lost.." she informed him "I'd probably sound like a crazy girl."
"Why do you say that you'd sound like a crazy girl Katie? I mean it's not like you would tell anybody right?"
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"I wouldnt tell anyone but i'd be speaking of people who were dead and people would think i'm going crazy cause they dont know about them..." she said, biting her lip as she looked at her drink "But at least you were here..I would have been lost and afraid. I would have probably cried my eyes out for days"
"I did the crying part but I left school for a month to stright em myself so I wouldn't talk about the dead like they were still alive."
Katie frowned ans she got out of her seat, sitting next to him and hugging him tightly "I'm sorry that you had to go through the guilt..Just know it was all Xana who made you do this..Xana is a cruel cruel virus that cant be killed. Or at least forever."
Katie smiled "Because im kind and sweet and always find something to say" she grinned, hugging her friend tighter before letting him go and sitting at her seat "You know how I am. I dont let anyone hold me down or keep me from doing something."
"I already ordered silly." she giggled and took a sip of her drink "I'm glad im back in the real world..It was horrible being stuck in there for a year. I even forgot how to walk." she sweatdropped "But I got it and I started walking again." it was horrible, she had to use her staff as a Walking stick just so she could walk. but she was okay now!

(Lets wait again :P )
Dahlia was amused, giggling at the random videos on YouTube. It was really nice to hang out with Kiara without worrying about schoolwork. She didn't recognize the boy's voice that Kiara was speaking at the doorway and she didn't bother to eavesdrop. Since she considers it rude either way Kiara will tell her if it's important. Dahlia merely selects another video, smiling, enjoying Kiara's company.
James sighed. He really needed to pay more attention to detail. James let out a slight laugh. "You forgot how to walk?"
after the return, Jake went back into guardian, (big yellow orb) in a state of slumber, once again unable to hear or do anything.
Ebony stood up and looked at the super computers screen. "Let me handle this" she said. She quickly worked to find Jake's data file and pulled it up. She decoded it as fast as she could and entered the devirtualization sequence. "There. Shall we go welcome him back to earth?"
"You go ahead. I'm going to read up on the supercomputer some more," he stated interestedly, "Wait. Something's wrong. His avatar card didn't gray out even though something's coming through. He's not devirtualizing, but he's not on Lyoko anymore, and something is materializing in his place. I'll see what I can find, but you should check the scanners to see just what came through." Calvin opened up file windows on the side while he kept the windows regarding Jake open up front so he could discover more about the supercomputer while fixing Jake's data. Something was going on and he needed to figure it out before something disastrous happens again.
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"So if I see him down there, punch him in the face?" Jay said. He had been contemplating heading back to school, but then something exciting happened. "I'll tell you what I find." He slid down the ladder and found a boy crumpled on the floor. "There is a person here!"
Calvin found a PA system in the terminal's microphone and set it up quickly to communicate to Jay from there.

"That's not exactly reassuring. Besides, if you did try to punch him, it wouldn't work; mainly because you literally can't punch him. According to this file on Xana's spectres, you'd just go right through him, then he might electrocute you afterwards. Try finding something to run electric current through him. It might not kill him, but it'll definitely slow him down," Calvin explained, reading off the files on the supercomputer's terminal. 'These files are pretty informative, and surprisingly extensive. Who gathered all this info together? The last group of Lyoko Warriors?' he elaborated.

He kept searching the files, and soon realized that Jake was still on Lyoko, captured by a large orb of light, or a Guardian. 'According to this, only producing a fake or doppelgänger of a Guardian's victim can free the victim. It confuses the Guardian to think that it's target escaped. It's a wonder Xana uses these. They're so ineffective," he figured. He initiated a scan to search the sector for Jake's icon on the map, and simultaneously began triangulating for his signal. He heard crashes coming from below him, possibly from the scanner room. He reactivated the PA system.

"Jay, how you doing down there? I sounds pretty bad," he stated with concern.
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