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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Only people in the kitchens are servants, friends of mine." He assures her, smiling. (Didn't expect Ema to fall for a servant? :3. Didn't expect Balton to serve wine at a ball? I can sorta see what you mean. :3)
"Are you sure you well enough to dance?" He said after seeing her finish the rest of her wine. It was almost funny to an extent. Landon still had half a glass of wine he was sipping on.
She nodded, smiling happily. "I'm fine," she said, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You don't have to stay and babysit me." She rocked back on her heels and grinned as her dress swirled around her feet.
Ema nods. "Oh. Right. Follow me then. I can get us anywhere in the castle without being seen." She takes him over to the wall, and moves a painting forward, revealing a tunnel. "In you go." She says as she grabs a nearby candle from a holder on the wall.
"Well okay then." Landon downed the remainder of his wine in one swig. Landon would then grab her hand to pull her to the dance floor, smiling back at her.
Elise danced with erza for a couple songs but excused herself and sat down for the rest. She had to beat this gloomy mood. So she took a glass of wine.
Kurt laughed, "Brilliant!" He followed her inside, closing it behind them. "You know the way to the kitchens?" He asked, even though he knew the question was pointless.
Neva giggled and followed her, grinning happily. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked up at him with a bright smile.
Landon put one hand on her waist and raised the other hand with hers still in it. Slightly offset so to not step on any toes, he began to dance with her. "Does this make up for saving my life?"

Ema grins. "Of course. This way." She turns left, and then right, then the go down some stairs. "Watch your step. We're almost there." 
Erza frowns. "Are you alright, Elsise?" Erza asks, kneeling in front of her.
Elsie takes his hand and looks away. She slowly nodded. "Im fine now. Im fine now." She repeated. She forced a smile and looked at his face. "You make it a little better Lord Ezra." She said calmly and quietly.
"You never needed to make it up to me," she said looking up at his mask-clad face. "That was a joke." She danced with him slowly, following his lead.
Kurt laughed softly, "Well, that's good," he said, following her, left, right, and down the stairs. "Before we do anything, I need to speak with a guy named Alfred, tell him it's me, but I won't mention you, and he's trustable anyways, so you're alright."
Ema nods. "Alright. The exit is just up here. We'll come out outside, by the kitchen entrance."

Erza smiles and reaches up to caress her face before thinking better of it. "Elise, I wish to tell you something."
Elise's heart sped up and she fixed her gaze on him as she said "yes?" She thought she knew what he was going to say but she was still anxious
She looked up at him and her breath caught. The alcohol in her system was most likely affecting her more than she was liked to think, and she couldn't deny that even in a mask she liked him more than she should. Especially since he was here to court her sister. She swallowed and continued to follow his lead, dancing gracefully. "That's sweet of you," she said softly.
"You do dance well, Neva." He said confirming all of the things he had heard about her. He was glad he got to at least once, if this was it.
"Thank you," she said with a smile. "It's one of my favourite pastimes but without a partner I don't get to do it much."
"I'm sure a gorgeous Princess such as yourself could easily find a partner. If not you could just ask me. I'd be glad to." The song stopped as he said it. The orchestra were readying to play another soon.
"I'd like that," she said smiling happily, not noticing as the song changed. She looked up at him carefully to read the part of the expression that was left revealed. "What do you think your parents will say if you don't marry Ema?" she asked curiously, eager to change the conversation from herself to anything.

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