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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

He nodded, pulling the doublet on, and pulling on his mask. "Before you fire her, how about you join me, in one last good (medieval word for prank. xD )?" He had a mischevious smile growing on his face. "We get her good, and then we fire her," he said, still grinning.
"You didn't, I'm just worried about all of this," she said softly. "Let's just say that I don't think that any of the suitors are going to get her to fall in love with them."
"Then who will she marry? There are no more noble families high enough correct?" Landon was confused by this. He ignored the fact she said he could not possible do what he was here to do. The fact she was not going to marry was even bigger.
"I have no idea, you?" He asked, smirking still. The perfect girl gets even better, he thought to himself. He began thinking up ideas, she was at the dance right now, so..... Maybe....
(I wonder if everyone got together to fight the system it might work. Since it seems that no one actually wants it. Just a random idea I had lol.)

"Sorry," Azura blushed, a little embarrassed for bringing it up. "Seems like a lonely childhood. But what do you mean by dreams?" I wonder if all the other suitors feel the same way, wanting to live how the wanted and not be forced into the whole arranged marriage thing?
"I've never done this before, you're the one who's constantly pulling pranks." ((I looked it up, Medieval word for pranks is pranks xD ))
(To fight what system?). (Oh, that was obvious). "All the ideas I have are too simple, like sneaking up behind her and dumping a bunch of red wine on her, or throwing a bunch of eggs, or something stupid like that," he said with a sigh.
"That's what I'm saying," she said softly. "I'm scared that she'll get married without love because she's told to. And that's the last thing I want for her. I want her to be happy," she said softly before downing the rest of her drink. "You know what, just forget I said anything. It's not your problem." She sighed and got another drink from one of the servers.
"I'd like to help. I'm just as much involved in this anyways. If she does not marry one of the suitors then she'll give up the throne." Landon took a drink for himself, and sipped lightly. It was only his second.
"We'll, for now, I think 'll just fill her pillow with eggs or something," he said , smirking. "Would you care to join me?" 
(Actually, wouldn't she just keep the throne for herself?)
(Even the royal family is susceptible to the law, which states if the eldest princess is the heir, she must marry a suitor from one of the four houses or give up the throne.)

Ema giggles. "I'd love to."
(Even in other monarchies. Royal families are still suspect to the law, so if they break it, they *technically* have to pay the price)

She places her hand in his, standing. "We shall."
"I'm not saying that she wont marry one. I'm saying she won't love whichever she chooses. That's all I want for my sisters. To love and be loved by their husbands," she said softly. She twirled a lock of hair around one finger. "There is nothing that can be done, it's inevitable."
He leads her out of the gardens, and into the halls, "We need to retrieve around a dozen eggs from the kitchens, and carry them to her quarters, all without being seen." He explains to her, smiling. (A completely different path? Please explain?)
"She couldn't love a handsome and strong man like me?" He said purposely priding himself, while flexing rather obviously. All the while with a smirk on his face. He tried to liven her, it was a ball after all.
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She giggled. "Not Ema," she teased, cheering up instantly. "But I just might if you're not careful," she teased him again as she took another drink from her cup, downing it quickly. "Hey do you want to dance again?" she asked, feeling slightly tipsy.

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