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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"One of the older servants, who worked in the stables, opened up the pen of your father's horse, Midnight. Somehow, without being caught, he lead Midnight to Karleen's room, and then, we proceeded to haul a bunch of hay and other products to Karleen's room as well, for some redecoration."
She sighed and looked down, shaking her head. She stepped back from him, mid song. "I'm sorry I've taken up a lot of your time. I'm sure you'd like to dance with other people and get back to courting my sister," she said quickly before looking up at him and curtsying. "Thank you for the dance."
"We escaped just before she arrived. But, she whipped everyone she suspected anyways. And yeah, that was us," he said, laughing.
When Bolton turned around it became even more obvious that he was drunk. "Oh, sorry," she said to his confused look after rembering the mask. "I'm Azura. Hopefully you remember me, because if not..." She didn't think it was the best idea for him to be wandering around the ballroom in his current state, especially after the scene he just made. "I think you've had a little too much to drink. Come, we're going for a walk."
"Neva, no, you don't have to..." Landon was actually at a loss for words for one point in his life. He was not sure it was something that he had said that disturbed her. Not only her leaving him, but people seeing him be left. It was an unlucky situation all around.
The stranger revealed herself as Azura and Bolton sighed in relief. He knew he drank a little more than he should have, so he agreed to walk with her. "I am sorry about the scene." Bolton sincerely apologised.
"Often? Every couple days or so, but it wasn't. That bad..." He said, looking over at her, "Sin't worry Ema, I'm fine."
"It could have been worse," Azure reassured. "You just need a break. I figured it's better that you don't attract any more attention." She walked in silence for a minute, no particular destination in mind. "Not very good behavior for one of the suitors though," she mused.
(( Sorry I got distracted by the fact that you can BUY CUSTOM MERMAID TAILS ONLINE AND I WANT ONE))

Her brow furrows and she bites her lip. "I can't believe I've been letting this happen."
Neva stood by the edge of the ballroom, looking around with a small goblet of wine in her hand. All the negative thoughts rushed into her head and she found herself worrying about her sisters.
"It's not your fault Ema, you didn't know," he assures her. Does she really blame herself for all of this? He asked himself. "Your father didn't know either," he informed her, just to let her know her father wasn't a bad person either.
Bolton listened attentively to Azura and followed her as she roamed. "I don't care about being a suitor... I just want to live how I wish." He sadly smiled while looking at his feet. Looking up, he explained what happened "I was actually mistaken for a servant when I accidently wandered into the ballroom. I decided to go along with it and serve the nobles.. It turned out to be very enjoyable. I drank while I served and eventually a drunk noble became very aggitated of it. I thought comedy might diffuse the situation."
His face fell, and he united his own mask. Instead of answering, he reached down, grabbing the bottom of his doublet, and pulled it up, taking the thing off, and revealing his upper body. He was covered in the red lines, both on his chest and his back, some of them looking quite recent, so much so they still had dry blood on the edges.
Azura laughed. "Comedy rarely makes angry nobles like you. Trust me on that one." It seems we're slowly losing suitors as the days go by... "Do you..." Azura began slowly, unsure of how to word the question she wanted to ask. "Do you have someone else back home?"
Landon stood there for a moment stunned as she walked away from him. After being yelled at for standing there while people danced around him, he walked off the dance floor. He pushed through the crowd looking for her. There she was with her golden dress far away from the people. He walked up behind her rather quietly. It was not that hard with the noise from the crowd, and the music playing. "If you just wanted a glass of wine, I could have gotten it for you Princess."
He winces in pain, but says nothing about it, instead, he moves to comfort her, putting a hand on hers, he looks over at her, smiling slightly. "Ema, I'm fine, I promise. They eventually heal on their own anyways." 
"You are not the one at fault here, she is."
She jumped, placing her free hand over her heart. "You scared me," she said shaking her head and blinking her eyes. She turned and looked up at him. "I just really needed a drink," she said softly with a shrug.
Bolton weakly smiled "No." He thought back to the time he spent alone at home, learning. "Most of my time at home was devoted to study and dreams. I hardly conversed with others." He explained with a sobering tone. With a gentle inflection, he recovered a piece of optimism and said " I do enjoy conversing and I do enjoy the company. I just don't see why I should love for the status." Bolton noticed he was rambling and quieted himself.
"What are you going to do?" He asked, suddenly excited. A wide grin crossed his face, as he began thinking of revenge.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to say anything that would offend you." He said with sadness in his tone. He had a concerned frown visible below the mask.
"I'm going to fire her." She says simply. "She doesn't have anyplace else to go, which is why my father never had the guts to do it." She bites her lip. "You might want to dress, in case someone has the same idea that we did and decides to take a walk in the gardens."

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