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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

"Well I'm here if you need to talk." He smiled. "But having me as company wouldn't be the most healthiest choice." He joked. Suzaku then turned his gaze upon the children playing at the playground. "I am rather surprised you don't mind talking to me, the murderer of thousands and destroyer of whole nations. I would've expected a blade on my throat." He said as his gaze returned to her.

@CharmyPie @Wickedkent

Jason continued walking towards the park whith his hands in his pocket. He hummed as he walk, taking note of everything he sees.

"Time.." He said "How fast it flies"

He then stopped and looked at the two people who were talking.

"And just that.. I found them"

(@CharmyPie @MrPotato)​
The goddess of Love smiled sadly at Eclipse.

"I am the goddess of Love even to you, Suzaku." She turned to see Jason and recognized him immediately.

"What a treat." She laughed lightly. She smiled at him and gestured for him to join them

@Wickedkent Hello dear :3 @MrPotato )
CharmyPie said:
The goddess of Love smiled sadly at Eclipse.
"I am the goddess of Love even to you, Suzaku." She turned to see Jason and recognized him immediately.

"What a treat." She laughed lightly. She smiled at him and gestured for him to join them

@Wickedkent Hello dear :3 @MrPotato )

Jason approached as he smiled

"I tried my best to be unrecognizable" He chuckled and then looked at the 2 people infront of him "What an unusual pair"​
Rue continues walking around the park admiring the feeling of Gods and goddesses around. She knew she was about to have fun. She walks all the way to a memorial statue standing in the middle of it. "You boss can you feel it? The gods all gathering here. They made things easier for us." Rue started under her breath.

"Yes I feel it. Their energy all of them will be of use. Though I sense one powerful one amongst them. The same one who retreated my demon." Lythrin could see through Rue's eyes and shift to a flirting teen. Rue notices the same kid he was just talking to earlier. Poor guy is probably gonna be the victim. Nothing she can do about it. Lythrin is pulling the strings here. "Who that guy?"

"Yes!!! He is the one! I know that face anywhere the god of Archery and the god of fear and shadows. The main god we call Kropolias. He might not be easy to persuade to be on our side but I'm sure something will get him to. He's a pureheart. Quite annoying. I sense two of my followers here. Perhaps it is time for them to meet you when things go wrong."
He cackles and starts summoning demons from below. At first it looked like a large cloud of black shadow surrounding the park and then rhe earth crumbling and shaking as a portal starts to open almost everywhere on in the park. Demons rising with razor sharp claws and horrendous, disfigured bodies. Something out of a game only ten times worse. The demons roar and cause havoc starting to hunt down souls for amusement.

"Go my pets. Show fear to these filthy humans. Remind them that gods exist. Make them bow to me!" The voice in Rue's head cackles hysterically. "Oi vay." The girl mutters and lights a cigarette and watches that park burn down to the ground with flaming beasts. It was beautiful to her yet she felt sorry. The screams were making her feel a little guilty. She wasn't all bad but what can she do? Rue shoves a bud in her ear and puts on music. Rhapsody by Queen. It went so well with the scene displaying in front of her.

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Pressing her hand to her head she wiped at the blood. She was driving towards the pack since she was able to sence the Gods and Godesses from her own home, as she pulled up she saw her brother walking through the gate. How the...? No time to question the fact he beat her there the woman parked her car. Union climbing out Rin lit a cigarette and locked the car before walking into the park, "Alister."

"Your car is slow Rowan," he laughed then stopped walking looking over the park, "damn you should've been quicker." The 26 year old laughed before walking deeper into the not monster infested park.
Sammy heard screams "hold that thought cutie" he said before shadow traveling to where the screams came from. as he reappeared he saw demons everywhere "oh not again," he back flipped away from a demon attack "i wont waste time ill send you all back to that Douch Lythrin" he didn't care about saying the name at that point. He could feel all the fear in the air "oh this should be fun if it's a fight you want Lythrin its a fight your gonna get" Shadows covered his body, he began to walk the shadows seeping away and back to the ground. At this point he was in his God form standing tall as he black cloak waved in the wind "Lets do this" he held out his hand and his shadow staff appeared, he ran flipping over the demon and striking it in the back, the demon howled and turned slashing its claws wildly. Kropolias easily dodged them and held out his hand "Into the Darkness you go" he shot a ball of darkness at the demon knocking the demon to the ground he tapped the ground with his staff "back to the underworld you go...tell Lythy i said hi" he said as the chains dragged the demon down "one down, a million more to go" he sighed, since Kropolias was a minor god of death he had the ability to send demons back to the underworld but he knew no demon would stay there for long

@Everyone in the park
Rue watches in amusement seeing Kropolias' attention was grabbed. Lythrin watching through Rue's eyes seeing the shadow god battle his demons. He chuckles observing his moves and what this God knew so far. Seems he recalls being a god after all. The masked girl turns toward a long haired man approaching the park being followed by a woman. She too was a god she could sense it. The other man was one of Lythrin's followers. A god too. She walks up to him and drags the man where she once stood to watch the view. Rue let's go after dragging Alister.

"Sup. I'm your lieutenant of the Lythrin followers. Sort of. Lythrin wanted me to meet you guys. I believe we have one more ally. He's flirting with the goddess of love, and the god of time it seems is with him. Names Darcy goddess of beasts. Or Dacius."

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Alister shook her off and raised an eyebrow, "you didn't have to drag me, I came her because I could sence all of this happening." He grinned slightly and glanced around at the sight. @XXXIwolf

Rin looked around and suddenly changed into her original form. She touched the tattoo above her cheek bone and sighed moving to fight some of the demons.
Kropolias noticed how the demons kept attacking him "is this your idea of fun lythrin?" he question knowing the dark god could hear his voice, he smacked another demon in the face with his staff. He turned and shoved the staff into the demons stomach then jumped up and kicked the demon in the face, another demon came behind him a dragged it's claw down his back leaving gashes wear his golden blood pour out. Kropolias stood still in his tracks he was now angry and unfornutly for the demons his anger was directed to them "ENOUGH" he shouted and stabbed his staff into the ground causing a shock wave of darkness to ripple through the park, he turned to the demon who wounded him and held his hand out causing a ball of darkness to tear through it face. even though the demon wasn't dead just shocked Kropolias hit the demons leg and kicked it to the ground, once again he made the chains come from the ground dragging the demon back to the underworld. Kropolias was still angry his eyes black as the shadows he control has he began sending more and more demons.
Rue turns to Alister and bows. "Oh my apologies sir. I'll make sure to ask politely next time." She sarcastically says then turns the Kropolias. A shiver went down her spine. This guy was strong. Like really strong. Damning the demons back to the underworld not just one at a time but multiple times. This was probably tiring him out using his entire powers right?" Rue sees Rowan turn into her goddess form. "So that's how princess looks like." She mocks then spews the smoke. Rue hears Kropolias calling Lythrin out to which her boss simply chuckles amused. Besides the fact that his demons were being dragged down, this was all a test to see which gods remember and which do not.

"Watch closely my children. See how enraged and a loud mouth this God is? He's afraid." Lythrin spoke to both Rue and Alister through telekinesis.

@JustCallMeAimee @FrostXShadow
Kropolias's eyes had returned to normal signaling he had calmed down, he spun his staff and put it in the air "Rise minions of the dead in the forgot land" he said and two skeletons outfitted with Greek armor formed from the ground "attack" he said taking a few steps back, he knew he was running out of power so he would let the skeletons attack for a bit while his power returned.

@XXXIwolf (( xD Scared my butt more like angry that a demon hurt him SHADOW GOD RAMPAGE))
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(lol yeah I figured calm down it was just kitty scratch bruh xD . Well I was also trying to make Lythrin assume it was in his point of view.)

Rue believe it was fear at all but pure rage. Maybe this God was just freaking blind. Sounded like he was desperate to win or at least try not to lose it that he's losing his army.

(Gotta go to bed. Night Frost :D )
As he finishes preparing his long coat puts his hair back and puts his glasses on,and while he heads to his mortal workplace trough the park as a shortcut, and while he walks he thinks"Mhmm well there haven't been any big commotion around so maybe I dont have to mask my power"He says as he removes his power limiters letting out a big influx of power that stored up over the years telling everyone where he is without him knowing @Everyone
The fear in the air helped some of Kropolias's power return but he wasn't fully charged, "it's good enough" he said standing up from his kneeling position "Alright no holding back" he said and he let his power radiate through the air. he ran close lineing a demon with his staff before sending it back to the underworld "jeez are the other gods doing" he said sending another demon back.
As he headed to trough the park he saw a god fighting demons and just because of curiosity he went towards him and said to him while fighting the demons"Wow those are a lot of demons"He says while hes at cover"You really are going to have big problems with that are you not?"he says as he puts his bag and takes hes tailcoat off"Would you like some help?" @FrostXShadow
Kropolias turned and smacked a demon with his staff before turning to meet the man "it would be..." he turned and slammed a demon to the ground sending it back tot he underworld then looked back at the man "greatly appreciated" he said before kicking another demon and shooting a ball of darkness at it

@Das Eisenbrecher
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He sighs then does a little stretch and inhales a lot of power inside of him then releases all at once"BRECHEN SIN DEM BODEN!"Then his symbol came out the, the ironbreaker hammer , he grabs it then he charges trough all of the demons and pushes them all back at once"Im sorry sir but i request"he says as he dodges"That you don't*dodge*tell anyone about me helping you since*dodge*Im not interested in this war*Blocks a collosal demon*ah this is a big one some help will be required please?" @FrostXShadow
"if that's what you wish and you might want to jump out of the way" He said as he slammed his staff into the ground "Eye of shadows open" the eye on his staff opened and he was instantly filled with a small burst of energy. He held his arm up and shadows from everywhere gathered in his hand, "Move NOW" he said to the man as the giant blast of darkness fired towards the demon

@Das Eisenbrecher

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

"But perhaps now I need the God of Repentance more then ever." He joked. Suzaku then turned his gaze upon the newcomer. "Indeed? I wouldn't have expected to still be breathing by now." Suzaku replied to the newcomer's comment.

@CharmyPie @Wickedkent
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He jumps out the way while the thing erupts"Um i think thats overdoing but then im just a smith god so what do i know"He says as he picks up his hammer and looks at the god and says"Dodge please"As he trows his hammer straight at him and when he dodged he hit a demon which was behind him, then he goes to pick it up again"Well there's still a bit more ill make a crack in the ground and if you push them in there you can finish them off without my help, deal?" @FrostXShadow
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The goddess of love smiled at their exchange.

"Love forgives all. Anything you do in its name is forgivable in my eyes." She mumbled lightly as she pet her kitten.

"How unusual it is for three gods to meet." She laughed lightly at Fate.

@Wickedkent @MrPotato
chains ripped from the ground dragging the unconscious demons down "lets see what the chains can really do and you haven't seen me over do it yet trust me" he slammed his staff into the ground so it was standing up with out his help "lets open this baby up shall we smith god" he said

@Das Eisenbrecher

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