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Fantasy Call of The Gods

"over there " he pointed the shelf he walked pass her and whispered "Goddess of Healing" and he continued to walk, he walk to the break room and changed clothes putting on a sweatshirt and sweat pants with finger less gloves he ran out the back door into the Forrest flipping over a bush but dissapering into shadows before touched the ground. He reappeared on top of a branch and flipped off the branch shadow traveling again until he was in the middle of the Forrest.
(I have permission to play as Lythrin so Lythrin followers hello)

As cars passed by and humans walked amongst the city, a punk looking, tired girl with baggy clothing leans against the stairs of the park carelessly. Her red eyes observing and admiring the cold. Oh how she loves the cold and nature. If it snowed it would please her. Currently the girl held shades and a lolipop in her mouth. She would usually smoke but she wasn't in the mood. The dried, fallen leaves on the floor rustle with the wind. The wind picking up but made it a little less suspicious. A whispering voice starts talking to Rue. The snow haired girl looks down at her shadow as if it spoke to her. A brow raised at the moment.

"Darcy. It's time. Go search for some allies and make them ours. While you're doing that go fetch me some souls."

"Okay." She responds and stays put. After a few minutes the wind blew harder on her face. "Oh what?! Right now, right now?" She asks surprised.

"Yes right now! What are you a fool?! Do I have to remind you of your place?" "No sir my apologies. It won't happen again boss man."

"Good now go! Before you receive punishment!" The voice and aura vanishes after that. Some people stared at her for talking low. Rue simply rolls hwr eyes and walks away. This was ridiculous. She has been Lythrin's lieutenant or follower for the past few years. Honestly she was numb to the threats but his punishments were horrendous to the verge of death depending on how pissed and bad things went. Her slight sassy, monotone shows how accustomed she is to everything. Why she chose to follow this monster was for her own reasons. She stands and bites on her remaining stick from her lollipop and heads down the street waiting for night to come. She puts on a hood and a wolf, black mask as cover up. She wouldn't allow anyone to look at her during meal time. Part of her enjoyed the thrill of a chase like a wolf hunt and part of her regretted it. Being insane is a curse she cannot escape.
Sammy stood in the forest thinking "if he really has returned the original group will have to....." he turned when he felt a dark presence he turned to the source "No it's not possible" he turned and shadow traveled back to the city only to see a Demon, the size of normal human "w-what is a demon doing here" he stuttered out over the years he had completely forgot what the demons looked like, the demon had tan skin long Gray horns long black talons caked in blood a psychotic grin the sharp razor teeth to match the demon looked at sammy "well well well if it isnt Kroplolias" the demons spoke you could tell he was not used to the English language by the way he pronounced the words "Demon why are you here" Sammy looked at the Demon his eyes flashing a bright gold before turning back to normal "Isn't it obvious Lord Lythrin sent me to collect souls" the demon gave a loud cackle his voice sounded hollow."I hope another god is near by..... Lilith" he said hoping she would hear his prayer
Beau packed up his archer supplies and grabbed his guitar before walking to the front of Sack n Save whilst plucking the strings. He saw some people talking and he already had the vibe that they were Gods like him. He decided instead of doing what a good person would do he'd walk away. He had no interest interfering with Gods. He wanted a normal life; a mortal life. He never even acknowledged Achorious and he intended to keep it that way. Neutrality was the way forward.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/v2.jpg.614a3e6c6badeaf56e0102cc712811c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144207" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/v2.jpg.614a3e6c6badeaf56e0102cc712811c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The goddess of love walked about in a park. She sat down on a bench and watched the trees dance in the wind. She watched the children play in the fields, lovers sat on the swings and talked and laughed, the creatures of the earth happily crawled beneath it.

Meow. She pet her white kitten on her lap as she opened her book and began reading. She's been alive for many years, she's seen the entire world form, she's seen civilizations build and destroy. But all the while, nothing is as good as love.

Reina sighed in contentment as she felt the breeze on her skin.

@ anyone



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Eclipse|Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku stopped in the path of the park as he inhaled the calm, fresh air. Unlike the busy streets, the park was calm and peaceful, quiet and serene. He didn't see many people around yet.

He strolled around lazily, his hands in his pockets and the breeze playing with his blue hair. As he reached the centre of the park, he saw more humans. Younglings playing at the playground and the matured ones dangling in pairs of two all around. His eyes surveyed the area until they met the blonde figure reading, a small creature accompanying her. He walked towards her, trying to make her acquaintance but unknown to him, she is the Goddess of Love and on the very side he fights against.

"A beautiful afternoon is it not?" He spoke to her with a calm soothing voice, his blue eyes fixed on the young mortals at the playground.

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Sammy jumped out of the way when the demon charged for him spinning out of the demons way "No good at this rate ill have to go into my god form" he tried to move away as the demon charged be the demon had learned its lesson and turned quickly slashing it's claws leaving three long bloody gashes across Sammy's torso. Sammy ignored it and stood up "Please look away mortals" he said as shadows engulfed his body as the shadows retreated from him he was now in his god form standing and 6'6 wearing a long black cloak that was ripped in random was at the end and had pitch black armor on it he had black pants that tucked into his combat boots. "man i forgot how good it feels to be in this form" he pulled a sword from his sheath that sat on his hip and threw it at the demon, it flew through the air at blinding speeds and it landed in the demons chest. the demon screamed and fell to the ground it wasn't dead no demon could die but it could be imprisoned he held out his hand and a staff appeared in a swirl of darkness "return to the underworld" he tapped the ground with the staff and chains flew up from the ground wrapping round the demon and dragging him down "well that was fun" he said as he reverted to his normal form and walked to the park needing to be away from the are where he had fought the demon
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/v2.jpg.ea94ae0fa71eada81deea0e22bca5afa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/v2.jpg.ea94ae0fa71eada81deea0e22bca5afa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reina looked up to the man and smiled sweetly.

"One of the best ones I've ever seen." She stared at him and found him familiar, though she can't name it. "Would you like to have a seat?" She offered.




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Meanehile in the underworld, Lythrin sat on a throne (assuming he has one) and gasps. He growls and clenches the arms of the throne. Eyes narrowed. In all the years he has ruled over, not once has he felt the sudden feeling of someone or something discarding one of his minions. He didn't catch the who it was but there was no doubt that only a god with that much power or a god in general can ban his demons. "It seems we have a god who remembers who they are. Darcy!" "Whaaat?" The girl groans. "Keep your eyes peeled. It seems we have a little rebellious god on our hands. He took out one of my demons."

"Whoa what? You serious? That doesn't sound too good. He may not be what we expect boss. He could be our enemy."
"Regardless. Try to find this God and bring him to our side. He might just be confused or scared." Rue groans in her throat. Great now she had more work to do. "Alright if you say so." Lythrin's sudden presence vanishes. Rue turns her attention to a cornered man staring at her masked face with two beasts by her side which she borrowed from Lythrin as minions.

"Now where were we? Sorry dude but your soul is something the boss needs and these guys are hungry. I sure as heck ain't selling mine to him." Rue gives a dramatic sigh slowly shaking her head then snaps her fingers. The two beasts snarl and pounce on the pleading human as they tear him apart. His cries for help were pointless for they were currently in an alley way near an abandoned construction sight with no lights. The cries echoed but they were soon silenced. A floating orb emerging from the torn corpse being eaten by the creeping looking beasts. Rue makes herself useful and grabs the fragile thing. She observes it in awe and curiosity before making it vanish in an second with the snap of her fingers again. Her gloves hands carried a symbol which allowed her to send souls to Lythrin since she had no powers. It was the only way to transfer it. She shoves her attention towards the streets hearing disgusting eating noises from behind.

Rue pulls out her phone to play a game as she waits. Once the beasts were finished she closes the app and stuffs her phone in her pockets. She whistles to them. "Alright boys next victim. I hope the other guy is doing his job to help. I wonder what he does?" The masked woman continues into the streets being followed in secrecy by the beasts.
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Diana was in the park sitting on a bench and on her phone because she had just got a new app. The app encouraged her to go places in real life to finish goals and spent several years in production. She was wearing jeans, slip on shoes, a black t-shirt with a waxing-full-waning moon, and a black jacket.
"so he is back" he said to himself as he walked to the park he walked passed a girl playing on her phone he stopped in his tracks when he felt the same shiver course through his body "Another Goddess your the third one today" he said to the girl as he turned to face her

Diana looked up from her phone and saw that someone was near her. "Yes I am." Diana responded to the person who walked up to her. Her phone app automatically saved, so she just turned it off. "What now?"
"hm" he reached down and noticed his shirt was ripped but his scratches wear slowly healing "hm so that thing scratched me" he said to himself even though the goddess could hear him

(On phone, may or may not reply after this)

Jason was sitting at the chair besides the counter in the shop. The shop sells different kinds of clocks, from big to small. He sighed and got on his phone. Pokemon GO has just finished downloading on his phone, with that he smiled. He started playing it and got charmander as his starter.

Wickedkent said:

(On phone, may or may not reply after this)

Jason was sitting at the chair besides the counter in the shop. The shop sells different kinds of clocks, from big to small. He sighed and got on his phone. Pokemon GO has just finished downloading on his phone, with that he smiled. He started playing it and got charmander as his starter.

Felix Walked into the store he saw jason, and walked up to him, and asked with a fake smile "Excuse me sir do you work here?"
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Kidroleplayer said:
Felix Walked into the store he saw jason, and walked up to him, and asked with a fake smile "Excuse me sir do you work here?"

Jason looked at Felix as he entered the store. He knew that he is a god, Since he is the embodiment of time itself and knows every deity that exists.

he then smiled

"Yes, i work and own this store"​
Wickedkent said:

Jason looked at Felix as he entered the store. He knew that he is a god, Since he is the embodiment of time itself and knows every deity that exists.

he then smiled

"Yes, i work and own this store"​
Felix breathed out in relief he then said "Do you have a clock thats gold, and silver?"
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"guess i need to change clothes" he sighed and began to walk home,as he walked into his home he was tackled by a Little red fox "Jeez Kitsune did you miss me" he chuckled as he scratched behind the ear of the fox "Mom Dad i'm home" he called into the house even though sammy was an immortal god that could change his age whenever he wanted too he preferred to be a 15 year old boy and live with his adoptive family the davenports "Kropolias" a female voice called out "Mom i told you you didn't have to call me that" yes they knew he was a god he had told them when the first adopted him "It is your name is it not" his mother said "no mother it's sammy what you named me listen mom there is an dark god who has returned so i might be leaving to track him down" his mother did not look very happy "it's your duty to protect humanity just come home in one piece please."

he smiled and kissed her on the cheek
Beau walked to the park and sat down away from everyone else. he didn't want to talk with any God and this town was crawling with them. He plucked his guitar strings before knowing what to play.


The crowd that Leone was in was quite annoying indeed, pushing her around and just nudging her from side to side. I mean, who could blame them. There was a sale going around in this area in town. Managing to finally getting out of the crowd, Leone just looks at the humans wandering around this area. "I shall never understand the need for trade for humans..." She looks at someone playing some apps on their phone. "This is certainly an interesting time for mankind to say the least..." She turns her back to the humans, and go to a more quiet location.

It was a park. It was quiet little park, and nothing seems to be happening in it. A perfect time for Leone to just relax and unwind on a bench. As she looks up, she just see children playing on the playground. "At least the children are still as bright as ever." Besides the children playing she could see adults, both old and young just talking their day away.
Rin had begun to return home. Slowly she pulled up into the driveway an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach, she frowned grabbed the plastic bag off the passenger seat and climbed out closing the door behind her. It was chilly and she wanted to get inside quickly, nearing the door she stopped outside. The door wasn't just unlocked it was open. Rowan reached her hand up and pushed it open with the tip of her fingers, it creeked on its hinges, she stepped inside keeping the door open. A sudden calmness washed over her and she narrowed her eyes letting the door swing closed behind her.

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Kidroleplayer said:
Felix breathed out in relief he then said "Do you have a clock thats gold, and silver?"
Kidroleplayer said:
Felix breathed out in relief he then said "Do you have a clock thats gold, and silver?"

Jason smiled and nodded

"Yes we do" He said as he grabbed the watch under the counter

"Do you like this?"​
Rue finished feeding master like every other day. She spews the stick out of her mouth and lights a cig inhaling the fumes. She spots a person playing guitar. She walks over to thr melody still wearing her hood and black wolf mask which hid her face. Her hands shoved in her pocket and just listens to the music play from the man. She could tell he was a god from the feeling. She's been hunting gods and killing them for a few years to know what she is doing. Regardless of the fact she had no powers, her fighting skills and stealth were that out an expert assassin except a bit better due her shifting powers. She knew how to hide some of her godly aura but it still leaked. Perhaps she could persuade the man to join if she wanted to whatever power he had.

"Encore, Encore!" She claps her hands and smirks under her mask. "Can you play another one?" She asked hoping she could just talk and maybe get a request.

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She could hear someone playing a guitar in the park, and someone clapping for said player of the guitar. Leone just let's out another sigh, as she gets up from the bench. "In order to survive in the realm of mortals, I must acquire... a house." Putting one of her hands, onto her chin, Leone began to think. "Hmmm... that would require me to get a job from these humans. No matter!" She moves her hand away from the chin, and clenches her it. "I will get a job! If I remember correctly... there was a human looking for a helping hand. Surely they'll take mines" She began to run out of the park, and goes back to the place that were recruiting. "I'm just glad I haven't ran into any of the other gods. Especially that dang love goddess... oh will she'll get a kick out of me working in some human facility"
After changing his clothes Sammy laid on his bed "Something's getting in the way, somethings Just about to break i will try to find my place in the diary of Jane" he sang lowly, it was weird the god of fear could actually sing. Kitsune jumped on the bed and let out a purr, she jumped on his stomach and waited for him to continue singing, Sammy rolled his eyes at the fox and continued "as i burn another page as i look the other way i still try to find my place in the diary of jane.." he pet Kitsune and got up setting her on the bed, he pulled on his combat boots, "mom ill be back later" he said running out the door and down the street "ugh this will take to long" he said he looked around and saw no one was there, he dived into the shadow of a mail box and came out somewhere in the park. He could feel there were gods and goddesses everywhere

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