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Fantasy Call of The Gods

XXXIwolf said:
She was silent for awhile in thought then raises a brow holding her cig in between her fingers. "Alright. If you can actually play without making any mistakes. I'll take you to a gay bar and get you laid by a guy. So my request is Dear my closest friend by Flyleaf. You know it?"
"I've heard of it," He began the song, not singing along to it as he didn't like others to hear his voice.

(OOC: *insert the music here*)

He finished the song and smiled, "How was that?"
The entire song she held her back toward him and hunching s she leaned her elbows on her legs in thought thinking of the lyrics. She drops her cigarette and smashes it under her shoe spewing the last of the fumes and putting the mask down to cover her face.

"It was emotionally beautiful buddy. Flaws or not you have talent. I guess I'll take you to a gay bar one day. Just not today. You can name the place when we meet again. There are too many gods here. I better get going. Later kid." She grabs a gold coin that was used in the days of old when they lived as gods not mortals. It was a gold coin. She flips it and flings it toward the man as it spins in the air and lands on his hands. Rue starts walking away with hands shoved in her coat pocket.
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She stumbled out the house a gash on her forehead. Rowan groaned rubbing her forehead stumbling across the patch of grass and on to the drive way, she opened the car door and climbed I'm before casually flipping off the equally beaten up man in the doorway. She groaned and pulled out the driveway slowly.

Alister laughed to himself wiping blood from his nose as he watched his sisters car roll out of the drive way. He continued to smile even after Rin left him here on her door step.
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"Bye," He mumbled inaudibly and stood up. Beau shouldn't be here anyway; so many Gods and Goddesses in one area was a massive target for any evil doer and he didn't feel like dying today. He was contemplating things causing him not to notice running into a blue haired boy. He blushed, "I-I'm sorry." He could tell this boy was a God, an extremely attractive God.

Angelostar4 said:
"I guess gods and humans can make the same mistake once in awhile..." Leone thought, simply rubbing the back of her head. After carefully examining the woman, Leone came to the conclusion that she is alright... thankfully. "I see, I see." She says in reply to the woman. "If that's the case, you shouldn't be thinking while walking. It could lead to very bad situations" She let's out a smile, trying to appear friendly to her. "Like you're one to talk Hrist... and you're a god for crying out loud!"
Maria yawned from exhaustion,"Sorry, I'm a bit tired." She said. Maria didn't know what to really do but the girl seemed nice enough for her to introduce her name,"My name is Maria and yours?" SHe asked her.
sprouhtt said:
Maria yawned from exhaustion,"Sorry, I'm a bit tired." She said. Maria didn't know what to really do but the girl seemed nice enough for her to introduce her name,"My name is Maria and yours?" SHe asked her.
"My name is Leone." She says with politeness. "It's a pleasure to meet you Maria. And if I maybe bold... where are you going Maria?"
"Nice to meet you Leone and I'm not going anywhere. Just wandering around haha," she said as she told the truth and frankly she didn't know what to do or where to go. She knew if she went back to her parents home, her father would lecture her even more or her mother would try and get her to agree with her father. "How about you?" Maria asked. @Angelostar4

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Eclipse laughed and cuddled with the kitten that purred against him for a moment before returning it to Reina.
"Maybe it's time for the swordmaster to retire." He smiled. He was referring to himself of course. He has seen enough wars to make him despise his own power. Ending the lives of others and playing with the blade are two very different things. Over the years, he had grown more matured and consequently, wiser. He wasn't the young arrogant God who'd jump into the heat of battle and slaughter the opposing Gods. He then turned to Reina. "So why does the Goddes of Love walk the mortal realm? Is she finding love too? Or is Heaven too boring?" He joked, flashing a charming smile.

sprouhtt said:
"Nice to meet you Leone and I'm not going anywhere. Just wandering around haha," she said as she told the truth and frankly she didn't know what to do or where to go. She knew if she went back to her parents home, her father would lecture her even more or her mother would try and get her to agree with her father. "How about you?" Maria asked. @Angelostar4
"Me? I'm... um..." She let's out a very displeasing yawn. "I'm trying to get a house... because I have no where to go." It felt degrading and almost sickening for a goddess to not have a living area. "There, laugh at me if you so desire"
"I'm not like others, I don't judge." Maria said as she put her hair behind her ear. "If you so desire a place to live then you are more then welcomed in my home. I know we're strangers and such, but a goddess like yourself shouldn't be alone." Maria said to her. Maria was right she knew she had seen her face around, it was when she was studying the different gods back when she was little and it had a picture for each one. Maria had a huge home, almost like a mansion but it did get pretty lonesome over at her place. Maria had always let others stay at her home because she says it's good to open your house to others thus gifting you with good fortune which is part of her title. "It get's pretty lonely over at my place, I wouldn't mind another person living there." She said with a smile. @Angelostar4
Leone's ears perked upward to the fact that such a lady would give her a place to stay. It was... quite wonderful actually. She grabs hold of the woman's hands, and smile at her. "Thank you. You have such a noble soul, I will repay you in full kind in the near future!" She says to express her thanks to the woman. Leone then let go of her hands. @sprouhtt
"You're welcome, hahaha." Maria said to her as she squeezed Leone's hands. "Come on, let's head there now. You must be hungry?" She asked as she looked at the girl. She was hungry herself and could eat a whole feast made for 20 if she could. Maria could eat a lot, yet never gain a single pound. Maria began walking to show her the way to her home, she knew she should have taken the car but the walk was good for her. @Angelostar4
Rue walks around until she passes by two girls, one being dragged by the other. They were goddesses no doubt. Rue was currently just searching their faces for now. Her arm rubs past Maria's and in that slight moment a shiver or at least a sparkling sensation sent both of the girls. Rue shifts her eyes to them waiting for a quick reaction as she continues to walk with her face masked.

@sprouhtt @Angelostar4
"Yes, that feast would be quite enjoyabl-" As soon she felt the shivering sensation going through her being, Leone quickly turn around, and stare at the source with a piercing glare. "Hmmm... and here I thought I was going to enjoy myself. Well... it all depends on what this person does." She thought.

Maria felt the sensation that Leone felt and so when she stopped Maria was curious as to why,"What's wrong?" She asked as she watched the person walk by them as they covered their face. "Hmm...I wonder what her deal is?" She muttered. @XXXIwolf @Angelostar4
"I don't want to know her deal..." Leone said quietly. "Maria, let's get to your house... posthaste!" She grabs onto the woman's hand, and began to walk in a rather fast-pace.

She halts and turns around as Maria was being dragged by the other woman. Rue staring intently towards Maria as they met face to face in a distance. "Such a beauty like you should not be hanging around an I'll tempered woman like her." She whispers under her breath toward Maria.

@sprouhtt @Angelostar4
Kidroleplayer said:
Felix thought "im gonna have to work extra to pay rent" he then said "Yea" felix gave him 250$
"Thank you" He replied and gave him the watch in a fancy box. He then sighed and sat back on his seat
MrPotato said:

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Eclipse laughed and cuddled with the kitten that purred against him for a moment before returning it to Reina.
"Maybe it's time for the swordmaster to retire." He smiled. He was referring to himself of course. He has seen enough wars to make him despise his own power. Ending the lives of others and playing with the blade are two very different things. Over the years, he had grown more matured and consequently, wiser. He wasn't the young arrogant God who'd jump into the heat of battle and slaughter the opposing Gods. He then turned to Reina. "So why does the Goddes of Love walk the mortal realm? Is she finding love too? Or is Heaven too boring?" He joked, flashing a charming smile.

Reina smiled and looked at the cat.

"Well, man doesn't worship us anymore. I got tired of being alone in the heavens, it gets quite lonely." She smiled sadly. "And darling, I
am love itself." She laughed
Kidroleplayer said:
Felix thought "He looks kinda familiar" he then asked "Excuse me, but do i know you?"

Jason grinned and looked at him

"Maybe" He said "Maybe not"​
Wickedkent said:

Jason grinned and looked at him

"Maybe" He said "Maybe not"​
Felix thought about it some more, and said "Nah the person im thinking of has black hair you kinda look like him, but your not well see ya, and thanks for the watch" he walked out the store
Kidroleplayer said:
Felix thought about it some more, and said "Nah the person im thinking of has black hair you kinda look like him, but your not well see ya, and thanks for the watch" he walked out the store

As the God of Bones exited the store, Jason smiled as his hair turned black then back to white. He then stood and yawned

"I should walk around the city" He said "And see what they are up to" He walked out of the store, the doors locked behind him. He walked towards the area where he felt some godly presence

(@CharmyPie dear <3 @MrPotato)​
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