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Fantasy Call of The Gods

He picks up his hammer and says"Your wish is my command*and he smiles*DAS EISENBRECHER"and then he hits the group with all his power inside his hammer making a cavern in the floor making all the demons fall in it"Well that's a deep hole i might've overdone it but meh lets finish them off now"he says as he falls in the hole to kill all remaining stuff inside the cavern he just made @FrostXShadow
Threlm admired all the fighting from afar. Thinking about what might happen next he could see the followers of Lythrin. Maybe he would go have a chat with them at a point. Of course he didn't know that they were his followers but they were just standing there with amused faces watching as the other two gods fight. He only assumed. Looking around he nodded and decided to go and talk to the followers they might provide a good bite of information he knew who they were almost immediately as they would probably also know him. Not bothering to hide himself walking up or at all really he walked up behind Rue and Alister and Rin. "Hello there my old friends." Threlm said with a light laugh. "Entertaining night is it not. Filled with demons and other fun creatures of the shadows."

Maria had heard that slight comment from the girl as she walked by her but she paid no attention to her comment. Moment later she heard a huge noise coming from the park, she became curious and thought she would go and check it out. She dragged along Leone with her since they were heading the same way to the house but if she took the way towards the park it was like a short cut.

"Eye of shadows open" he said again and was filled with power "lets do this right this time" he held his hand out to the cavern "Chains of the underworld return these demons to eternal damnation Ptósi ston káto kósmo!" he shouted in ancient Greek causing chains to spiral up and capture every demon in the cavern dragging them to the underworld ignoring their screeches and protest of pain "well that should do the job" he said before falling to his knees and passing out from exhaustion.

@Das Eisenbrecher
Leone had no clue as to why they were going to the park, other then the loud noise that was emitting from it. "I'll just trust this woman's judgement for now... she seems to be smart in some respects."

As he picks up the exhausted god, he wipes his own sweat"Pheww that was some workout was it not?"He says as he puts the god over his shoulder and heading to hotel where he will leave him there until he recovers @FrostXShadow
Maria gasped when she saw the poor man drop to the fall, falling unconsciously. Maria didn't know why but a part of her made her rush to the man on the floor,"Wait! Where are you taking him?" She asked as she watched a tall man pick him up over his shoulders. Maria looked at the man who was knocked out cold and she knew he needed proper care and that she could give to him. @Das Eisenbrecher @FrostXShadow @Angelostar4
As he looks at the much smaller woman"Maam hes exhausted so im going to hotel or hospital and going to pay for him to stay then until he recovers if youd like you can join me and look after him when we reach there, also um do you mind carrying this?*shows his 1 meter hammer*i dont have enough hands or would you rather carry the lad?" @sprouhtt @Angelostar4 @FrostXShadow
"note to self, never use eye of shadows twice in a row" he said in his subconscious, his staff melted into shadows and reformed as part of Kroplias's shadow "where the heck is this guy taking me?" he was fully aware of what was happening but his body was to weak to wake up so now he was trapped in his subconscious forced to watch everything happen "well this is just great they can't even hear my voice"

@Das Eisenbrecher @sprouhtt
"Hotels are dirty and hospitals just suck the money out of your pocket. There's a infirmary in my house, and I have the best people working for me who offer the greatest care." SHe said to him as she put her hand on her waist and stared at the man in front of her. "It wouldn't make any difference as to which one I carried, they both seemed pretty heavy." She told him. Yeah she was a goddess but she wasn't a super strong one at the least.

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FrostXShadow said:
"Hello to you too" sammy winked, he looked the boy over 'he's kinda cute' "come here often cutie?" he mentally slapped himself for saying that oh well
Beau blushed bubblegum pink when he called him cutie, "Yeah. T-To play music." He rubbed his right arm with his left hand. He glanced down and back up at him again, "Beau Jackson or Achorious if you want to call me by my God name."
(( xD um im not near you at them moment i fought a horde of demons and now im unconscious being carried by a smith god but your welcome to come find find me cutie @MuffinRPs ))
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He looked like hes thinking that this would be way to annoying but he gives"*sigh*sure lets go your house and well look after him"He says as he picks up the hammer and carries both at the same time"Heigh ho!*stumble but regains footing*ok after you madam" @sprouhtt
through his subconscious Kropolias used the last bit of his power to return to his mortal form which was way lighter than his god from because he was younger and weighed less 'is that better for you smith god' he said mentally rolling his eyes. ' i need to find a way to restore my powers' he pondered how he could restore his strength

@Das Eisenbrecher @sprouhtt
Hera wandered around blindly carrying a bag if groceries and a small white cat followed behind her. The cat looked more like a tiger cub if you looked closely which might of been slightly odd for anyone that didnt know what it truly was....But enough about the cat, back to Hera.

She continued walking and came across a few cats on her way and also something more interesting...."Oh....Hey you guys...What's up?" she yawned but not out of disinterest she was always sleepy anyway.

@FrostXShadow @sprouhtt
FrostXShadow said:
(( xD um im not near you at them moment i fought a horde of demons and now im unconscious being carried by a smith god but your welcome to come find find me cutie @MuffinRPs ))
((Sorry didn't read it correctly. Ignore that post then >.<))

When the stranger went off to fight some demons, Beau didn't think much about it. In fact, he spyed on him. He was enjoying looking at the God's ass as he was fighting the devils. He was knocked out and that lead Beau into a panic. He didn't know whether to go after him or stay hidden. He didn't want to turn but his new found friend was in trouble. He sighed and turned into Achorious. His bow and quiver grew and his acoustic guitar became electric. His eyes were now crimson red and not navy blue but his hair was still the same silver color. He grew a few inches and he wore a camo tunic with black pants and gray shoes. His clothing was used to help him blend into the environment which is what he needed. He walked along the edge of the forest and followed the smith God. He jumped out at them, summoned three arrows and drew his longbow, "Let him go," He spoke sternly.
Maria giggled as he stumbles,"I'm glad you agree with me." She said to him and began to make her way towards home. It was a good ten minuet walk by foot but it usually didn't take that long on foot. When they arrived, the doors to the mansion opened up and she walked in. She was greeted by the nurse and the rest of the workers here at the home. Maria's father would be mad at her for opening her home up to so many people but it didn't get to her since she usually had a lot of people over her house after battles and plus she was hardly home. Maria told the nurse to give the man the best treatment since he had a couple of wounds and scratches but they weren't big. She told two other works to get her and the guest something to eat as well as drink. "Make yourself at home," she said to him. "My name is Maria De'luca or Amaria Tareneath which is my god name. What's your name?" She asked him but she soon put the whole introduction thing on pause when she felt an unwanted guest.

Maria walked to the door and stepped outside as she looked out into the distance searching for the person who is causing her to feel this negative emotion.

@MuffinRPs @FrostXShadow @Das Eisenbrecher @TaraSobiki
'ooo it's the cutie from earlier' he said subconsciously 'Wait! a dream goddess HELP ME' he shouted subconsciously hoping the goddess would hear him. 'Tell them i have a gash on my back under my cloak that isn't healing and i need either fear or darkness to heal quicker, unless one off you are a healing god' he said praying that the goddess could hear him'

@MuffinRPs @Das Eisenbrecher @TaraSobiki @sprouhtt
He looked at the mansion and said"Otto Eisenbreicher or Amadeus the god of metal at your pleasure.... i wasn't supposed to say that,oh well please don't tell anyone that's my request also this may sound since i just came but i got a meeting with a important costumer from china so i would take my leave"he says as he takes his coat im going to be on his way to the Chinese embassy but before he leaves he leaves a meeting card saying"Ironbreaker factories the best company for your metal appliances" @FrostXShadow @sprouhtt
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Achorious shot an arrow at the feet of the girl who walked out of the mansion. The silver arrow disappeared and reappeared in his quiver, "Let him go!" He shouted. He didn't know really why he cared. These people probably meant well but for some reason he needed to save this guy, "Let me see him at least!"
Hera started blankly at him for a few seconds but she glanced at another person who had showed up. She signed "Can you give me a second...." she went back to the other guy. Her god powers were a bit rusty so it was a challenge trying to use them. She was picking up something though and after a minute a message did come through to her "Oh......He needs...fear or darkness...to heal a gash...on his back...." she felt that was correct but she might of messed up.
As he saw the arrow the bottom of the mansion and he looked where it came from"Im sorry but this is rude and if you dont calm down and come here to talk like civilized people*activates god mode releasing his armor and his hammer and he speaks in a tone that sounds like he wont take any bullshit"I will gladly show you the way*he says with a polite smile on* @MuffinRPs
Das Eisenbrecher]As he saw the arrow the bottom of the mansion and he looked where it came from"Im sorry but this is rude and if you dont calm down and come here to talk like civilized people*activates god mode releasing his armor and his hammer and he speaks in a tone that sounds like he wont take any bullshit"I will gladly show you the way*he says with a polite smile on* [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32442-muffinrps/ said:
Achorious strutted towards the Smith God, "Thank you. Finally someone who isn't stupid." In his opinion most people were stupid and he was glad the God wasn't one of them.
He got another black stare then she turned around. She walked over to where the archer god and the smith god were fighting and made sure to keep her own pet from trying to attack anyone "Hey...He said you guys...are idiots for fighting.." she called out in a barely audible voice."Also he...wants to be outside right now..."this time she didnt feel like explaining everything so she gave them the short version.

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