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Fantasy Call of The Gods

As he finishes taking his coat off he ask the maria"Miss do you have a bathroom so i could take a shower?Im quite dirty after fighting those people"He says as hes caring his business bag around"Oh yea also where do i could i relief myself of my bag?"He says as he takes his gloves off @sprouhtt
Threlm also tilted his head like he didn't know what she was talking about. "That would imply that your up to something. And that I care. Are you trying to upset the balance of the whole universe if not then I have no quarrel with you beautiful." Threlm said with a slight grin and a wink.

Rue scoffs and chuckles at him holding his stomach. She should be angry that she slipped up but frankly all of this was just a test so it did not matter."Flirting with someone you've never met and never seen their face is an odd thing. Regardless, I have nothing to do with this my dear. I'm just a henchmen like every other follower." She inhales the smokes from her cigarette and watches the demons vanish as some were taken care of. She sighs. If this guy wanted to hate her for throwing things off balance so be it. "Balance was thrown the day Lythrin started causing chaos." It's true. Since the god was once a balance god now corrupted. So in away right now darkness is spreading the world. She inhales and spews the smoke in Threlm's face. She grins and flicks the cig into the cement and crushes it.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Threlm laughed and looked at her, "But I would disagree with that. The secound us gods were overthrown the balance was slightly offset and has been slowly growing intona larger divet. I welcome Lythrin but once this ends we will see where it ends so you can consider me truly neutral and working for both sides for a little while atleast. And your stature and the way you handle your self not to mention your confidence is very intriguing to say the least. If you do not know my name I am Saru- my real name is Threlm. And if you would so kindly introduce your self to me?" Threlm said with a smile and a pleasant smooth voice.

Rue was taken aback by his words. A neutral god yet it sounded like he was going to lash out at her like every other person for following Lythrin. In truth she pitied that God. Hey maybe evil and corrupted but he was a god damn it. Just like that story of a fallen angel. Misunderstood. Both of them had something in common. Rue was surprised that instead this man wanted to know her. Usually she had to make the first move. It was strange to her. She felt a little happy so to say, but she couldn't let it get to her. Other wise she would be punished with betrayal or something worse.

For a moment Rue clenches her chest then looks up to him with her wolf mask. "R-" she catches herself. "Darcy or Dacius." She scoffs then peers at a yelling god whom was waving a watch around. She drops a sweat. "Um...okay. Well looks like my job here is done. Later pretty boy." Rue takes a step down the memorial stairs and halts turning around. She clears her throat. She did have a slight blush but she will be damned if this guy gets to her. She was about to say something to Saru then decided not to and shakes her head and walks over to Felix thinking he was special and Pat's the man's head. "Good for you. Does it do anything?"

@Saruwatari Tomohisa @Kidroleplayer
Threlm smiled watching the flustered lady with amusement but frowned slightly as she walked away. Usually that worked better for him but maybe it did work well and she was trying to run away from him. But the other god screaming something or other about watches was where she was going. He decided to follow. He must have completely forgotten that he was a god at some point to stoop so low as to be walking through a park selling watches like some ruffian. Threlm sighed and shook his head in disappointment. He looked at Darcy, "This is what I mean by unbalanced." He smiled at the watch god. "How much again?"

@XXXIwolf @Kidroleplayer
"you can call me sammy" he winked at the god "if you wouldn't mind i kind of need clothes...unless you want me to stay naked" he smirked and walked into the goddess house "um excuse me goddess do you think you would have any clothes that would fit a 15 year old" he asked as he his body changed into that of a 15 year old and his cloak of shadows disappeared and he was left standing in his boxers.

@MuffinRPs @sprouhtt
FrostXShadow said:
"you can call me sammy" he winked at the god "if you wouldn't mind i kind of need clothes...unless you want me to stay naked" he smirked and walked into the goddess house "um excuse me goddess do you think you would have any clothes that would fit a 15 year old" he asked as he his body changed into that of a 15 year old and his cloak of shadows disappeared and he was left standing in his boxers.
@MuffinRPs @sprouhtt
Beau blushed before following him inside, "You're younger than me and yet you're still taller than me?" He hated being short. His mortal form was the worst and he didn't like being a God so he was stuck with a petite weak 18 year old. He pouted, "My life sucks," He sat down and strummed his acoustic guitar.
She looks at Saru with a glare. "What the hell are you talking about? You make it sound like it's my fault or something! What are you trying to tell me? Why don't you just spit it out instead of talking in riddles. Just because we're gids we don't have to speak like the olden days. You're upset right? Just say it and you don't have to worry about talking to me!!!" She blurts out and pants as if she was lashing out or at least venting at this person. In reality this guy was irritating her. She looks down and huffs looking away with a slight blush.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa @Kidroleplayer
Threlm held his hands up in a calm down manner. "I was not blaming anyone for the fall of the gods my lady. And if anything we are all at fault for letting it get this bad." Threlm said in a calm and smooth voice. "I am saying that on some levels I agree with what Lythrin is doing so dont count me as an enemy." Threlm looked at her with a calm expression his purple eyes would look straight into hers if she were to look at him.

@XXXIwolf @Kidroleplayer
jake chuckled "you play guitar, what songs do you know?" he said sitting down next to the boy still in only his boxers he was getting cold with out clothes "hm i will be right back" he said falling into shadows and shadow traveled to his home. he scoured his room putting on jeans and a over sized sweater before grabbing his guitar and shadow traveling appearing next to the boy,"okay you were saying?"

FrostXShadow said:
jake chuckled "you play guitar, what songs do you know?" he said sitting down next to the boy still in only his boxers he was getting cold with out clothes "hm i will be right back" he said falling into shadows and shadow traveled to his home. he scoured his room putting on jeans and a over sized sweater before grabbing his guitar and shadow traveling appearing next to the boy,"okay you were saying?"
He giggled and blushed at Sammy's disheveled-ness, "I can play anything on any instrument. Got a request?" He placed his left hand on the neck on the guitar and grinned. He seemed to be very comfortable around the shadow God and he didn't know why.
She was silent for the longest and turns to the god selling watches. "At least you get it. Not everyone is bad. The fall of the gods is no one's but our own. Desire to live with mortals, and we lost our way. Now there is no belief just tales of the old. But I never forgot. I never believed in this place. It's horrible and cruel." She stays silent. "Why do you stay neutral. I'm pretty sure people have treated you unfair right? Why not pick a side?"

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
"hm what about this" he began playing Prayer in C by Lilly wood "Yah you never said a word , you didn't send me no letter don't think i could forgive you" he sang along as he played "See our world is slowly dying, im not wasting anymore time. Don't think i could believe you" He sang and looked at the boy



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FrostXShadow said:
"hm what about this" he began playing Prayer in C by Lilly wood "Yah you never said , you didn't send me no letter don't think i could forgive you" he sang along as he played "See our world is slowly dying, im not wasting anymore time. Don't think i could believe you" He sang and looked at the boy



He was mesmerized by Sammy's singing. He had a beautiful voice and the way he sang solidified in his mind that the song meant something to the 15 year old. Beau played the song, his eyes fixed on the God in front of him.
Threlm nodded slowly, listening to her talk. "I remain neutral because one person doing me wrong or 50 doing me wrong does not make the 1 person that helped me evil. And by picking a side I would have decided that I cannot live with the other side. So I remain on my own side. And on the side of life continuing on. No one is bad or good it is just the perspective that we see it from." Threlm looked at her evenly watching her reactions with intrest. "And what type of watches are they?" Threlm said to the watch god with a grin.

@XXXIwolf @Kidroleplayer

Yah you never said a word, you didn't send me no letter. Don't think i could forgive you, see our world is slowly dying im not wasting no more time don't think i could believe you," he played the guitar and switched songs in the middle He started singing riptide by Vance joy "I was scared of dentist and the dark" he chuckled at that part "i was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations"



Julius was sitting in his living room reading one of the many books he had in his possession while he was reading Julius was listing to music through his headphones than he snapped his book shut setting it on the coffee table and stood up. Julius slowly walked over to his library room and put the book back in its respective slot then walked to his bedroom grabbing his first edition book on how to speak french before teleporting to the top of the Eiffel tower looking down on France.
FrostXShadow said:

Yah you never said a word, you didn't send me no letter. Don't think i could forgive you, see our world is slowly dying im not wasting no more time don't think i could believe you," he played the guitar and switched songs in the middle He started singing riptide by Vance joy "I was scared of dentist and the dark" he chuckled at that part "i was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations"



He changed songs with him and giggled when he chuckled. It was evident that he was gay and that line was ironic. He sung along which is something he only did around those he thought he could trust, "Oh, all my friends are turning green You're the magician's assistant in their dream,"
FrostXShadow said:
"you can call me sammy" he winked at the god "if you wouldn't mind i kind of need clothes...unless you want me to stay naked" he smirked and walked into the goddess house "um excuse me goddess do you think you would have any clothes that would fit a 15 year old" he asked as he his body changed into that of a 15 year old and his cloak of shadows disappeared and he was left standing in his boxers.
@MuffinRPs @sprouhtt
"Oh," she giggled as she looked at his body and how small it was. "I'll see what I can do. I believe my brothers clothes might fit you," she said to him. Maria has a brother who much older now but he doesn't visit her as much anymore. But when he used to he would leave his clothes in the room for when he visits.
"thanks i really don't like wearing this sweater " he went back to singing after responding to the goddess "oh ooooo oh ohh and they come unstuck, so lady running down to the riptide taken away by the dark the dark side i wanna be your left hand man" he smirked at the boys voice 'hm he has an amazing voice' he thought to himself

@MuffinRPs @sprouhtt
"I'll just leave Maria to her own devices... she has other guests to attend to" With that in mind, she leaves the girl with the other guest and decides to explore the mansion on her own. She wanders into the living room, and the remote was clearly on the table. Picking up the remote, she clicks the TV on and simply lays on the couch. Leone just flicks around going through each channel... until she saw something awe-inspiring. There was two fighters on screen inside a ring, punching each other with gloves on their hands. "Ahhh...." Leone was absolutely enthralled with this sight.

One of the fighters sway from the others flurry of punches, and landing a good blow onto there body. "This is... beautiful!" She says out loud.

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