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Fantasy Call of The Gods

'i do believe i said idjit not idiot" he said quoting it from one of his favorite shows 'you are a life saver my dear goddess, i don't think i got your name my name is Sammy. Back in our time i was known as Kropolias it's a pleasure to meet you' he said with a different tone of voice than he had been talking in for awhile, it was a nice voice showing that he was actually grateful for the girls help

"Anfisa is my name...I mean Hera...Sorry I thought my powers were messing up....." she could almost never tell if she was reading the thoughts of others correctly after she put herself into this form. "Don't even worry about it.....I probably needed the practice...." she paused and realized she can't been in a place with this many gods in a long time. "As you might of guessed..,.I look better in my god....form."

'all women look the same to me' he waved his hand dismissively he wasn't trying to be rude he spoke the truth he never really paid any attention to women besides joking around 'You are the goddess of dreams and sleep correct?"

"He wants outside?well im not the boss here"He takes the small god and puts him outside removing his clothing except his trousers leaving him on a piece of cloth"Is this what he wants miss?" @TaraSobiki
'i hate being naked' he growled through his mind 'Tell him to take a few steps back my body will be shrouded in darkness and it won't be good for anyone within to feet the darkness will over take them and make them see the worst fears until they are paralyzed with fear constantly reliving their greatest fear forever' he he shrugged 'basically back up ' he said to her as shadows from everywhere slowly slithered to his unmoving body
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."I think so...." she sound uncertain for whatever reason. The smith god had did her favour and took Sammy/Kropolias outside and Dropped him of his clothes. She nodded "Yes....Thank you." it was only the polite thing to say. Hera was already keeping her distance since being close to a naked guy was not exactly the highlight of her day.
The darkness slowly slithered onto his body he instantly changed into his god form only not wearing his armor but only wearing a pair of black boxers. the darkness covered his body and began to expand, it expanded about two feet, turning into a giant bubble of darkness. the darkness managed to heal the large cut on his back and restore his powers back, his feet touched the ground and the bubble exploded sending the darkness and shadows back where they came from. he was completely conscious "well that was a unpleasant experience" he said as he formed a cape from shadows and wrapped it around himself so he didn't make anyone uncomfortable by being almost naked, he was an attractive god but he choose not to be naked or even not to take his shirt off around people. he looked at the Archer god "Hey there Cutie"

He looked at the god"You are a dark god? never would have guess it with that face, well i need to go aniways if you ever need me contact this "he hands everyone hes business card saying*Best appliance makers in town the Ironbreaker industries*and then he continues to grab hes coat and he leaves after saying"Au revoir @FrostXShadow @MuffinRPs @TaraSobiki
FrostXShadow said:
The darkness slowly slithered onto his body he instantly changed into his god form only not wearing his armor but only wearing a pair of black boxers. the darkness covered his body and began to expand, it expanded about two feet, turning into a giant bubble of darkness. the darkness managed to heal the large cut on his back and restore his powers back, his feet touched the ground and the bubble exploded sending the darkness and shadows back where they came from. he was completely conscious "well that was a unpleasant experience" he said as he formed a cape from shadows and wrapped it around himself so he didn't make anyone uncomfortable by being almost naked, he was an attractive god but he choose not to be naked or even not to take his shirt off around people. he looked at the Archer god "Hey there Cutie"
Achorious changed back into his mortal form, his green an black clothing turning back into a hoodie and black jeans. His bow and quiver shrunk to his shorter size and his crimson eyes turned back into the deep blue that they were before, "Hey," He blushed. He then remembered, "I haven't even properly introduced myself. Beau Jackson or Achorious at your service. Well not really. I just like how that sounds. Fancy shmancy and stuff. I like fancy. Fancy is cool. I'm getting side-tracked again." He giggled and rubbed the back of his neck. He was super awkward around cute people.

Jason chuckled

"Yes, indeed" He said "Its rare for time to roam around"

He then sighed and looked at the sky above

"But... it staying for too long at a certain place would attract him"

(@CharmyPie @MrPotato)​
"Thanks....Not sure if I'll use it for the intended purpose though.." she read over the card and then gave it to Eamon. So this guy's name was Achorious. Eamon had growled defensively because of what happened he wasn't feeling all that comfortable. Hera wasn't all that weary since they were both gods and this guy probably couldn't do much to her. "Not sure if you heard me but I'm Anifisa...Hera...both are my names." she didn't really know the name she should of went by while talking to other gods. Both were her name so she guessed either one was fine.

@FrostXShadow @MuffinRPs

Rowan's feet slid on the floor as she got to her feet ignoring her brothers insane laughter. She brought her fists up to her face and circled Alister, "bastard," she growled knuckles connecting with his jaw bone, she watched his head snap back as he stumbled.

Alister stepped back then lifted his head back up looking at her. His eyes were dark and he was quick to act against his sister.
Wickedkent said:

Jason chuckled

"Yes, indeed" He said "Its rare for time to roam around"

He then sighed and looked at the sky above

"But... it staying for too long at a certain place would attract him"

(@CharmyPie @MrPotato)​
"Can I attract you, sir?" the goddess of love laughed lightly and looked at the sky too. "Kidding, of course." She leaned back on the bench, resting her back.

Saruwatari Tomohisa] [I][B]Threlm [/B][/I]admired all the fighting from afar. Thinking about what might happen next he could see the followers of Lythrin. Maybe he would go have a chat with them at a point. Of course he didn't know that they were his followers but they were just standing there with amused faces watching as the other two gods fight. He only assumed. Looking around he nodded and decided to go and talk to the followers they might provide a good bite of information he knew who they were almost immediately as they would probably also know him. Not bothering to hide himself walking up or at all really he walked up behind Rue and Alister and Rin. [COLOR=#5900b3]"Hello there my old friends."[/COLOR] Threlm said with a light laugh. "[COLOR=#5900b3]Entertaining night is it not. Filled with demons and other fun creatures of the shadows."[/COLOR] @XXXIwolf [/QUOTE] Rue turns around finding a tall purple haired man. Her face masked so nobody can recognize her for personal reasons. "Look what the demons dragged. A neutral god. So pretty boy what can I help you with?" "Entertaining night is it not. Filled with demons and other fun creatures of the shadows." The man started. Rue scoffs. "That it is I suppose. Surprise to see you here. You're not trying to stop us are you?" She tilts her head and grins under her mask. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11498-saruwatari-tomohisa/ said:
@Saruwatari Tomohisa[/URL]

(@JustCallMeAimee if you still don't know what's going on the battle is over and some of the gods were still talking during battle.)
Maria backed up from what was happening with the man who was injured. "Ah, a god of darkness." She thought to herself as she stood all the way near the door, no wonder nothing really worked as well to cover his wounds and cuts. Maria thought since there are a lot of people already here, why not let them stay for the night. They can dine with her and after she can give them a room for the night. Maria wasn't thinking since it was such a big mansion she was all alone in it with nobody with her. "Would you all care to stay for dinner?" She said as she raised her voice but only for them to hear her.

@TaraSobiki @FrostXShadow @Das Eisenbrecher @MuffinRPs @Angelostar4
"I can't believe that all these gods didn't bother concealing their identitys..." She thought with a heavy sigh. But as Maria suggests dinner for all, she simply nods her head. "I would love to eat at your house." She simply says.

"Well...I did already buy groceries...but food is food and free is free so sure." she wasn't hungry or anything but she wasn't going to turn down free stuff. She yawned again then wondered if she could somehow convince her to let her stay over there for the night I doubt she would....we are gods after all.." she knew how stuck up other gods could be but she didn't say anything about it since it was just more talking to be done.

He rushes and looks at his clock and says "*sigh*its to late now i wont get there in time and my hotel is probably closed now,Fine miss may i have a room with a desk so i can do some work?Also do not worry about feeding me i can cook for myself just show me the kitchen"he says as he takes hes coat off and puts in a hanger @sprouhtt
Leone casually past through the maids and walks into the mansion without any fear or nervousness in her face. "If she followed us... i'll have some few choice words to say to her." She thought as she examine the mansion with her own eyes. Turning back to face Maria, she bows to her and smiles. "Like I said earlier, your kindness is welcomed. I'll leave by the marrow to not sully this place with my presence."

She saw that the other gods were also taking in the sight of the mansion some even taking their coats off... well one is.

"You have maids? Are you rich?" where she lived wasn't really all that amazing. She lived in a relatively nice apartment with mostly everything you could need. It wasn't all that big but it was a good enough size. She looked around and turned to Maria "Are there rules here? Don't want to be rude in someone else's home..." she didn't see any signs and the maids never said anything but she wouldn't just assume there weren't any. She could get herself kicked out that way.

(hey guys I'll be gone for a couple of hours. I'll be back on at 5pm)

"Oh come on, you have nowhere to go. You're free to stay." Maria said to her with a smile as she put her hand on Leone's shoulder. Maria turned her head to the goddess of dreams,"All I ask is for you all to respect my humble home and don't wander into places where you don't belong." She said to them with a serious tone of voice. When she was done she took everyone to the dinning room to eat. "I don't like to show off my wealth, and without my father I wouldn't be here." She said. Maria was pretty modest and she didn't like to brag or show off her wealth. "So...instead I open my home to those in need," Maria said to the goddess of dreams.

@TaraSobiki @FrostXShadow @Das Eisenbrecher @MuffinRPs @Angelostar4
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She felt Maria's graceful touch on her shoulder. Letting out a small sigh, Leone just looks at the gracious host of this mansion. "If I dare ask. Do you hold some... resentment towards your father." Leone ask. "It's just that your tone eludes to such feelings as all." She walks to the wall of mansion and leans on it. "I've probably went to far. It probably isn't my place to ask such a question."


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