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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Angelostar4 said:
She felt Maria's graceful touch on her shoulder. Letting out a small sigh, Leone just looks at the gracious host of this mansion. "If I dare ask. Do you hold some... resentment towards your father." Leone ask. "It's just that your tone eludes to such feelings as all." She walks to the wall of mansion and leans on it. "I've probably went to far. It probably isn't my place to ask such a question."
"After you're done with your meal one of the workers will take you to the room." SHe said to him with a smile. Maria was a kind person and she loved helping others. It made her feel good on the inside. As Maria was done with her done she got up and went down the hallway and she saw Leone. As she heard Leone's question she let out a slight chuckle,"I do not. But at times he does make me want to resent him," she said to her.

FrostXShadow said:
"thanks i really don't like wearing this sweater " he went back to singing after responding to the goddess "oh ooooo oh ohh and they come unstuck, so lady running down to the riptide taken away by the dark the dark side i wanna be your left hand man" he smirked at the boys voice 'hm he has an amazing voice' he thought to himself
@MuffinRPs @sprouhtt
He strummed the strings perfectly, "I love you when you're singing that song and I got a lump in my throat 'cause You're gonna sing the words wrong." Beau was bright red. Why did Sammy have this effect on him?
"Ah, now I remember you. The hippie. The one that's one with everything. You really irritated me that one time when we were all one big happy god family. I'm an idiot for forgetting you're quite the charmer. Especially when it comes to women. They're easier to charm." She snickers. "Good thing I'm not easy. Well since I remembered who you are I should go. I have work to do tomorrow." She walks away and turns to the watch god. "Some other time." Rue grumbles under her breath then sighs. She was not herself today. Maybe she was moody because that guy threw her off. Yeah maybe that's what it was. All her life treated bad now this guy shows up. She needed a relief right now. Rue enters the city and into a building where her condo was. A beautiful view. How did she get a luxurious house like that? She worked hard to get where she is. She was an artist, novelist even a musician. The perks of a bad guy as well is half it was because of Lythrin.
Her concentration on the TV was broken, as Maria spoke to her down the hall. Turning her head to face the girl, she simply nods at her. "Ah... I see then." She says as lays her back further onto the couch. "Well, i'm glad that you don't resent your father all the time, family is very important... to some anyways."

Sammy stopped singing and smiled at the archer god he got up and kissed the boy on the cheek "im going outside i like sitting outside and looking at the stars" he smiled and walked out side. He laied on the grass and looked up at the full moon. a blur or red dashed out the Forrest and jumped on his chest, unfazed he looked down and saw it was his pet fox Kitsune "Kitsune why are you so far from home" the fox licked his face and sammy couldn't help but smile and let the fox lay on his chest as he scratched behind her ear

FrostXShadow said:
Sammy stopped singing and smiled at the archer god he got up and kissed the boy on the cheek "im going outside i like sitting outside and looking at the stars" he smiled and walked out side. He laied on the grass and looked up at the full moon. a blur or red dashed out the Forrest and jumped on his chest, unfazed he looked down and saw it was his pet fox Kitsune "Kitsune why are you so far from home" the fox licked his face and sammy couldn't help but smile and let the fox lay on his chest as he scratched behind her ear
Beau's eyes widened and he blushed beet red, "O-Okay." Once Sammy left, Beau pulled out his phone and called his mortal friend, Morgan, "C'mon pick up!"

Morgan answered, "Beau, it's late why are you calling?"

"What do you do when your crush kisses you on the cheek?"

"What?" They were confused, "Slow down. Since when did you have a crush on someone?"

"Since a few hours ago."

"And he's kissed you on the cheek," they spoke in a doubtful tone.

He groaned and yelled, "YES! What do I do,"

"First, let me say I didn't expect introvert extraordinaire, Beau Achorious Jackson, to have a crush so probs to you. Secondly, he's a God isn't he? Well if he isn't up for mass destruction of mankind then I say go for it. Fall head over heels in your first love. Your Mom can't say anything against it. She's practically non-existant in your life and your Dad is too busy drinking himself away. Now let the agender person sleep,"

He sighed, "OK. Thanks Morgan."

They hung up. Beau placed his quiver on the floor and bow on the table (the reference). He took his guitar and walked outside before sitting over on a fallen tree. He used his powers to amplify the sound of his voice and guitar as well as changing the instrument into it's brother, the ukulele. He sat far away from Sammy so he wouldn't be distracted. He was practicing the song he'd play for him. He strummed his ukulele to check the tuning and played the song.


(The feels tho)
Angelostar4 said:
Her concentration on the TV was broken, as Maria spoke to her down the hall. Turning her head to face the girl, she simply nods at her. "Ah... I see then." She says as lays her back further onto the couch. "Well, i'm glad that you don't resent your father all the time, family is very important... to some anyways."
"Where is your family if you don't mid me asking?" Maria said as she took a seat next to her on the couch.
sprouhtt said:
"Where is your family if you don't mid me asking?" Maria said as she took a seat next to her on the couch.
"My family?" She gave Maria a rather panic look. "Um... their travelling aboard. That always wanted to explore the world together, so they did." Leone said simply.
"...I see." Maria said as she turned her head towards the tv. Maria didn't think it was appropriate to ask her anything else about her family. "Do you know where the others are?" She asked.
sprouhtt said:
"...I see." Maria said as she turned her head towards the tv. Maria didn't think it was appropriate to ask her anything else about her family. "Do you know where the others are?" She asked.
"Others?" Leone just tilts her head to the side, looking rather confused. "Could you please tell me as to which these... 'others' are?" She then looks at the TV.
Maria laughed at her,"I meant the ones that are staying here." She said as she ran her hand through her hair. "It's getting pretty late," she yawned.
sprouhtt said:
Maria laughed at her,"I meant the ones that are staying here." She said as she ran her hand through her hair. "It's getting pretty late," she yawned.
"Now that Maria mentioned it. It was getting rather late." Leone simply shakes her head. "I do not know where the others are, maybe they've gone asleep already." Then she gives Maria a smile. "You should probably join them as well if that's the case."
Saruwatari Tomohisa] [B][I]Threlm[/I][/B] sighed with a frown as she walked off.[COLOR=#5900b3] "I would but I left my wallet at home my good watch friend."[/COLOR] Threlm looked around womdering what he should do now. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37525-kidroleplayer/ said:
Felix stared at him deeply, and thought "he looks very familiar" felix then asked "do i know you somewhere?"
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"I belive in gods more than you think buddy" Felix said smirking, he then thought "if this pittyful human believes in gods then he should be worshipping me"
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Sammy woke from his small nap and realized Kitsune was gone "hm she must have went home" he shrugged and got up from the ground he walked into the house and saw the goddess from earlier "um do you think i can stay here tonight" he asked as he walked into the room

Maria got up from the couch as someone came in,"It's glad to see you well." She said to him with a smile, and he actually looked adorable in this form. "Of course, I was hoping everyone would spend the night here since it's rather late." Maria told him as she walked to the door,"Has somebody showed you to your room or no?" She asked him as she ran her hand through her long, thick and silky hair. @FrostXShadow
"No i was recently sleeping on the grass outside" he said pulling the grass from his blue colored hair "could you point me in the right direction" once again a blur of red dashed through the door and sat at his feet "Welcome back Kitsune" he said to the fox, the fox let out a small purr "Goddess this is Kitsune my Fox pet" Kitsune growled at the word pet "sorry friend" he shook his head at the fox

Leone just turned the TV off. The two people in the ring was quite the interesting sight. "I might do that in the near future... it looked fun! Punching each other with almost no restraints!" Leone thought with much excitement. She realized that Maria has soon left the couch to talk with one of the people in the mansion. "So plan... i'll wake up early in the morning, and leave this mansion. Then i'll go to find a way to get into what those two humans were doing on the TV... sounds like a great plan." Leone just shakes her head back and forth on the couch, but soon gets up and leaves the room entirely, going straight outside into the cold environments.
"Ah, how lovely." She said as she put her hand on top of the fox and began gently rubbing it's head back and forth. "You have a beautiful pet," she complimented his pet as she stopped petting it and gave off another yawn. "My name is Maria De'Luca or you can call me by my goddess name which is Amaria Tareneath," she said as she introduced herself. Maria thought it was only polite to show him to his room since the maids were probably busy cleaning plates and whatnot. "Come on, I'll show you where you sleep." Maria says as she makes her way to the door and opens it, she waits for him to come. @FrostXShadow
"Nice name my name is sammy, or rather Kropolias if you wish to call me by my god name" he said picking up Kitsune and following the woman "So Maria do you own this house?" he asked

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"It's a pleasure to meet you Sammy," Maria said as she went down the hall and then up the stairs to the second floor. It was where all the rooms were as well as hers. "I do. My father helped me with it so I have him to thank." Maria told him as she blushed a bit knowing that she loves her father so much but he can be a pain at times. "Will this room do?" She asked him as she stopped in front of a door and opened it, letting the door swing open slowly. @FrostXShadow
Rue was exhausted from today's events. Sure she didn't do much but she was actually a good kid. Currently she was dressed in a basket ball shorts and wore a simple black bra. Her tattoo symbol marked in her left bicep. She held a plain cigarette in front of her then sighs retreating it back into the box and tossing that box on the table outside her balcony. She leans on the rails embracing the cool winds. She hums a song staring at the city lights. Seeing all those gods in one place reminded her of the past. How they would all gather at parties and talk like they were one big happy family. She was a new kid and shy. How could she forget? Seeing Kropolias again felt weird, he was smaller than his god form. Goddess of love chatting with one of the followers of Lythrin. The fool will have to be punished for not participating. Obviously he will be asking what happened to him during their event.

That God that threw her off was the first time she had actually spoken to him. He was usually busy with a crowd of fans so it was odd to say the least to see him without any. Such a poetic guy. She would have to head apologize next time they . What also caught her eye was the goddess of Justice and Peace. She was still as gorgeous as ever. In fact it would be a lie if she said she didn't have quite a crush on her. That woman was sweet to her as a rookie. Rue vented out on her saying she has the lamest powers ever. Instead, Maria showed her that they were actually quite useful and unique like everyone else. For that she was thankful and her eyes open wide to many possibilities. Enough about the past. That was one of the motives she fought with Lythrin also. She wanted to have them back. She wanted her family back and at that moment her lips quiver and she bites on them as a tear falls down her eye. She sniffles and sobs quietly in the cold outside of her balcony. She missed them dearly.

Eclipse | Suzaku Hideyoshi

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku smiled and turned his gaze upon the children once again. A look of worry over washed his face.
"I do wonder what Lythrin is up to now. She hasn't called for us yet." And by us he meant the Gods whom sided with her, that includes himself. Suzaku had been wandering the mortal realm for a long time and the godly affairs he was once so keen in were alien to him now. Despite his feelings and thoughts, he has his honor and loyalty to uphold. He will take up his blade once more if Lythrin requires him to.

@Wickedkent @CharmyPie

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