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Fantasy Burning Skies

Enkerzed said:
That's ok, but if you ever want someone to change their post, don't feel like you can't sing it out. Same thing goes for everyone else here. If I were you, I'd be a bit ehhhhhh about what Diwata did, but if you have no problems with it then it's all good.
I know Diwata personally like in real life

I have no way to convince that girl nor oppose what she does

So yeah I'll just go with the flow. I have no problem kicking in the balls....................I change my mind. I have a problem kicking in the balls. It is quite painful

But I'll just stick to what she did to me.*sobs* it hurts
I just don't know what to do anymore. Cannons are being fired at us, albiet at the thralls but they are right on us, an archer that I thought we were supposed to be saving practically waltzes off without a care for the thralls, and from there I don't know what's going on. I know it's to late to do anything about the cannons, but remember that the world is practically ruled by dragons now and from what I gathered the rest of humanity is living in caves. Plus moving cannons, even with a full team of horses, is slow at best in a forest. Sorry, I'm just getting annoyed at what's going on (plus some irl stress is no doubt working it's way in), so feel free to ignore this little rant or rant back, I don't care at this point.
Yeah, we're gonna pretend those cannons were already here. Hydreus did no lugging. If you want, @Beowulf, you can have your character following Diwata, berating her maybe after catching up and then recognizing Hydreus as the one who made most of the weapons for the dragon slayers. You two can play it from there. I figure that he, like Ains, would be a bit of a recognized figure among human survivors who also travels around from place to place, lending his expertise. As for what he's doing in the forest, we could say that he was on another one of his travels to @Daniel reaving character's home, but found it demolished by the thralls, which happened not too long ago. He was still around when our characters and that dragon showed up.

@Kira031110 and @RealityEntity, I'll leave it up to you guys to think up a reason why your characters were there.

@Mistory1997, have you considered the backstory I wrote up for your character? You don't have to change his backstory if you don't want, I just wanna know if you saw it and what you think about it.
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Sorry for the very late reply! Some things arent going so well here and I haven't been online for ages. I apologize for the trouble I caused.
Waz up. I'm Morph or Atlas. I'm Enk's old friend. I usually yell at him to post or grade my shit. By the way tell him to approve my shit.
Oi, oi, oi, @Kira031110, I didn't say rain check for no reason. *sigh* I swear this is like trying to herd cats. Alright, look, I'll let it fly this time. Your post is probably not going to affect or be affected by my post later, but like, don't do that again. I've already given everyone enough time to write something, now I wanna post gosh dang it.
Just wait until I post. Now I gotta work early in the morning, so I probably wont be able to write until tomorrow, but I WILL post by tomorrow, you can count on that, so please bear with me until then. There's all this stuff going on for my character to respond to and I can't have it all piling up. I know there's not really a posting order here, but do try to avoid stepping on people's toes, yeah?

@Beowulf on the other hand, I notice you haven't posted yet in a while, so you can if you want. Same goes for @Daniel reaving and @RealityEntity.
Enkerzed said:
Just wait until I post. Now I gotta work early in the morning, so I probably wont be able to write until tomorrow, but I WILL post by tomorrow, you can count on that, so please bear with me until then. There's all this stuff going on for my character to respond to and I can't have it all piling up. I know there's not really a posting order here, but do try to avoid stepping on people's toes, yeah?
@Beowulf on the other hand, I notice you haven't posted yet in a while, so you can if you want. Same goes for @Daniel reaving and @RealityEntity.
Okay, I'll for Ains, your character's post
Alrighty then. So yeah, I'm really sorry about this. Ordinarily I wouldn't make people wait, but I did say 'rain check', as in I call dibs on the next post and I let it go for @Kira031110, but I just could not let it go for you as well. I hope you understand.
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Enkerzed said:
Alrighty then. So yeah, I'm really sorry about this. Ordinarily I wouldn't make people wait, but I did say 'rain check', as in I call dibs on the next post and I let it go for @Kira031110, but I just could not let it go for you as well. I hope you understand.
It's fine

All this confusion, no one will understand it truly. So I'll just wait. It's fine to me
No one will understand you say... Okay, let me clear up this confusion then. I wanted to post later which was why I said 'rain check'. I thought it was quite rude that Kira posted anyway regardless, but I let it go this time. For someone else to ignore that as well, I'll be honest, I got a bit ticked off about it and I know you didn't mean for that to happen, but I want you to be aware that I did in fact get ticked off about it. What I'm trying to get across here is that when someone wants to post later, please don't ignore that. I would certainly wait if you or anyone else wished for it, but I'd expect the same courtesy in return. Do you understand now?
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Enkerzed said:
No one will understand you say... Okay, let me clear up this confusion then. I wanted to post later which was why I said 'rain check'. I thought it was quite rude that Kira posted anyway regardless, but I let it go this time. For someone else to ignore that as well, I'll be honest, I got a bit ticked off about it and I know you didn't mean for that to happen, but I want you to be aware that I did in fact get ticked off about it. What I'm trying to get across here is that when someone wants to post later, please don't ignore that. I would certainly wait if you or anyone else asked for it, but I'd expect the same courtesy in return. Do you understand now?
Yes I will wait
@Beowulf @StoneWolf18

Yeah I played the beta and capped my level, I play off and on- on the PC that is. It's fun but ya gotta know what you're going into which makes it slightly repetitive but if you get people to play with it's great. I'm also entrapped by the underlying story so I can pretty much force myself to play solo.

By the way I'll be making my entrance post after Enk posts- feel free to drop questions, comments, or concerns about my character.
MorpheusDavol said:
@Beowulf @StoneWolf18
Yeah I played the beta and capped my level, I play off and on- on the PC that is. It's fun but ya gotta know what you're going into which makes it slightly repetitive but if you get people to play with it's great. I'm also entrapped by the underlying story so I can pretty much force myself to play solo.

By the way I'll be making my entrance post after Enk posts- feel free to drop questions, comments, or concerns about my character.
I got 16.5 hours but that was playing with friends. On the last day I don't know how many manhunts we survived in the darkzone. x3

Let me take a look.

Now, a few things.

1) A thrall isn't just being part dragon and having amazing power. He would've been burned and it would spread to his whole body, not just his arms. Plus his mind would be able to be taken over by a dragon if his willpower wasn't strong enough.

2) Don't involve characters or their family without asking. This is considered rude. I only skimmed it but your history mentioned Ains many time.

3) Thrall mode? His mind is either totally taken over or it's not. No alternates.

Sorry if I sound a bit blunt but you asked me to say something so there's my 2 cents.
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