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Fantasy Burning Skies


Ayyy buddy. Lemme help you out real quick.

The dragon in regards to wounds will actually not be as damage as one may think externally. You won't see much save for a few seared scales and sharpnel in its eyes and face thought not really that deep. But it will be alive just blinded and forced to land.

In regards to the Thralls I say have it call ALL the Thralls to it as that's the priority to be defended. By making this extra loud cry for help due to its pain us Thrall infected @StoneWolf18 and me it will effect is dramatically. I'm not saying you can't resist but make sure to note that in your post because for Hayden I plan to really go into depth about that.
MorpheusDavol said:
Ayyy buddy. Lemme help you out real quick.

The dragon in regards to wounds will actually not be as damage as one may think externally. You won't see much save for a few seared scales and sharpnel in its eyes and face thought not really that deep. But it will be alive just blinded and forced to land.

In regards to the Thralls I say have it call ALL the Thralls to it as that's the priority to be defended. By making this extra loud cry for help due to its pain us Thrall infected @StoneWolf18 and me it will effect is dramatically. I'm not saying you can't resist but make sure to note that in your post because for Hayden I plan to really go into depth about that.
Hmmmm....is there anyway to become unbound from a dragon? I remember even when the beast is dead thralls still follow its commands and I'm not sure I want my character dead this early on... >.<
StoneWolf18 said:
Hmmmm....is there anyway to become unbound from a dragon? I remember even when the beast is dead thralls still follow its commands and I'm not sure I want my character dead this early on... >.<
Well.. I can't say anything without Enk's permission but I CAN SAY THIS: If you hold out for a bit longer till my character get's there he has a IC way for you to resist it although it's a little... not nice.

A sure fire way for a thrall to be able to resist a call if only for a little bit is self mutilation. I actually wanted my guy to be the one the reveals it but if you absolutely need to feel free with having your hand or what not. But it's one of the ways Hayden conditioned himself along with just having a ungodly amount of herculean willpower. But uh.. question. What if you have to pick two attributes would say is your greatest regarding your character I.E Speed, Intelligence, Willpower, Battle field command, etc. Best you pick those now regarding what Enk said about the future of Thralls.

Cause for Hayden his where Strength/Combat and Willpower so while he becomes more thrall.. his willpower will also increase but at the cost of all his other skills degrading. Sigh. :C
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MorpheusDavol said:
Well.. I can't say anything without Enk's permission but I CAN SAY THIS: If you hold out for a bit longer till my character get's there he has a IC way for you to resist it although it's a little... not nice.
A sure fire way for a thrall to be able to resist a call if only for a little bit is self mutilation. I actually wanted my guy to be the one the reveals it but if you absolutely need to feel free with having your hand or what not. But it's one of the ways Hayden conditioned himself along with just having a ungodly amount of herculean willpower. But uh.. question. What if you have to pick two attributes would say is your greatest regarding your character I.E Speed, Intelligence, Willpower, Battle field command, etc. Best you pick those now regarding what Enk said about the future of Thralls.

Cause for Hayden his where Strength and Willpower/combat so while he becomes more thrall.. his willpower will also increase but at the cost of all his other skills degrading. Sigh. :C
It's a little not nice....Dear Lord that sounds dirty. ;3

Either that or the only other thing I can imagine is chopping off a limb.

For my character? I would say intelligence but I'm not all that sure for the second.
StoneWolf18 said:
It's a little not nice....Dear Lord that sounds dirty. ;3
Either that or the only other thing I can imagine is chopping off a limb.

For my character? I would say intelligence but I'm not all that sure for the second.
It's about causing lots of pain versus lots of damage. I.e causing minor wounds but making sure you experience the pain. Trust me you're gonna wanna hold out till Hayden get's there. You'll love what I have in store. Oh! You could have her on the literal brink just as my guys get's there so it's either a do or die moment for both of them!

Oh god- Depends on you're view of dirty c;
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MorpheusDavol said:
It's about causing lots of pain versus lots of damage. I.e causing minor wounds but making sure you experience the pain. Trust me you're gonna wanna hold out till Hayden get's there. You'll love what I have in store. Oh! You could have her on the literal brink just as my guys get's there so it's either a do or die moment for both of them!
Oh god- Depends on you're view of dirty c;
Alright, I mean all you wanna do is give her a paper cut then shove it in a mixture of salt, lemon juice, and vinegar.

I have quite the mind, my friend... :3
StoneWolf18 said:
Alright, I mean all you wanna do is give her a paper cut then shove it in a mixture of salt, lemon juice, and vinegar.
I've been exposed!

But yeah man do whatever you wish- I just feel if we waited till last minute it would be one of those 'Who the fuck are you.' 'We don't got much time- wanna turn or nah." Lmao. I'm hype for this roleplay to be frank and I look forward to expanding on the world and Thralls.
MorpheusDavol said:
I've been exposed!
But yeah man do whatever you wish- I just feel if we waited till last minute it would be one of those 'Who the fuck are you.' 'We don't got much time- wanna turn or nah." Lmao. I'm hype for this roleplay to be frank and I look forward to expanding on the world and Thralls.
As do I ^_^ can't way for things to get going.

Enk, can I gave an idea before I post?

How can a dragon transmit his orders to his thralls? Is it by its roar or by transmitting brain waves to each thrall?

Brain waves, as I know, is an electromagnetic wave transmitted from its source to a receiver.

This waves can be disrupt by another electromagnetic waves like how a jammer jam the signal for a certain distance.

Also waves has a limiting signal of transmission. Like, if I send a signal it could reach a certain distance unless if there is a device to transmit that signal.

What I'm saying is Vera will not accept any order from the dragon if she is as far from the dragon as possible.

Then we can bring her back using what Hayden is on his mind

Well you can turn my idea down or you can change my idea to your choice.
That definitely would explain how dragons and independent thralls are able to control other thralls at all. I like it, let's have it. What do you think, @MorpheusDavol? And anyone else too for that matter.
Enkerzed said:
That definitely would explain how dragons and independent thralls are able to control other thralls at all. I like it, let's have it. What do you think, @MorpheusDavol? And anyone else too for that matter.
Then...what's the point of my previous posts? I wanted a bit of struggling involved -_-
I will try to post

But in a couple of days I would inactive since it is already holy week. I'm a religious man so I have to attend the church most of the time this week.
Dw, I just edited that part out. Also

MorpheusDavol said:
Mhm Mhm. All dandy BUT- Who post is it next? I'm in the mood to post tbh.

StoneWolf18 said:
DO IT, I wanna see what you have to say to Vera ;3
Now you see, this is bound to cause confusion when you say that you expected Stonewolf to post first after all that. She might have been waiting on you instead. That said, Hydreus should've been paying attention and I'm tempted to delete his post. If you want, I could do that. He can always post again after the week is over.
Okay, after reading his post again, I've noticed that he's totally controlling Stonewolf's character here:

Hydreus said:
I could see her turn around and crawl in her belly towards the dragon.
and here:

Hydreus said:
She keeps crawling though but in a random direction like roaming around the cage.
Which is clearly in violation of the 2nd rule: No hijacking another character without the owner's permission. @StoneWolf18, going to need you to confirm here. Did you give @Hydreus permission to control your character's actions? If not, his post will be deleted.
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Enkerzed said:
Okay, after reading his post again, I've noticed that he's totally controlling Stonewolf's character here:
and here:

Which is clearly in violation of the 2nd rule: No hijacking another character without the owner's permission. @StoneWolf18, going to need you to confirm here. Did you give @Hydreus permission to control your character's actions? If not, his post will be deleted.
...fuck no.

And after reading the post, she would still be fighting the dragon's call and wouldn't be moving toward it yet. And if you EVER attempt to put her in a cage, she would shove a fist up your ass and disembowel you faster than you could scream.

Hope that got my point across. Don't ever touch my characters @Hydreus with out my consent. Try it again and I'll report you myself.

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Mhm Mhm.

Enk's not really a posting order guy due to the fact it has slowed other roleplys or outright killed a few. It was my mistake and once all of this is taken care of I'll be making a post! Just... sort out this Hydreus post and I'll get to it! Also just woke up >_<.

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