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Fantasy Burning Skies

StoneWolf18 said:
1) A thrall isn't just being part dragon and having amazing power. He would've been burned and it would spread to his whole body, not just his arms. Plus his mind would be able to be taken over by a dragon if his willpower wasn't strong enough.
2) Don't involve characters or their family without asking. This is considered rude. I only skimmed it but your history mentioned Ains many time.

3) Thrall mode? His mind is either totally taken over or it's not. No alternates.

Sorry if I sound a bit blunt but you asked me to say something so there's my 2 cents.
All good and dandy and I'll address each point.

1. I understand it isn't being part dragon. Hayden was burned in his arm and it just by random chance focused more on his arm because as Enk said 'Genetics are weird and it's entirely possible.' As for the willpower I believe I stated his willpower is extraordinarily high (again something approved by enk) where we talked about the exact number of shouts he would need to be overtaken and what not. Bare in mind just as in real life every virus and mutation varies differently from host but the end result will be the same: One day it will spread to the rest of his body.

2. I had Enk's permission. He wanted my character to know his father's.

3. Thrall mode is a special ability I was allotted because of the depth I personally placed into the character and depth. Me and Enk talked about alot of things regarding the thralls last night and my character is going to acting as the 'test dummy' for certain things. While me and Enk both aim for realism I spoke to him last night regarding all of this and Hayden is one of the furtherest characters into the shift due to his focused nature in his arm as of now but again it will spread to the rest of him I just wanted to vary it up a bit.

4. A extra point I'm adding in, I know some things seem bare bones and out of the blue but there are reasons they are placed in there. His strength will be explained as will his willpower as the roleplay developes but I'll leave it to this: Thralls will be getting a few editions to them but I don't want to bring them up EXACTLY without Enk's permission. Known the guy for awhile and vice versa. He speaks highly of you by the way @StoneWolf18
MorpheusDavol said:
All good and dandy and I'll address each point.
1. I understand it isn't being part dragon. Hayden was burned in his arm and it just by random chance focused more on his arm because as Enk said 'Genetics are weird and it's entirely possible.' As for the willpower I believe I stated his willpower is extraordinarily high (again something approved by enk) where we talked about the exact number of shouts he would need to be overtaken and what not. Bare in mind just as in real life every virus and mutation varies differently from host but the end result will be the same: One day it will spread to the rest of his body.

2. I had Enk's permission. He wanted my character to know his father's.

3. Thrall mode is a special ability I was allotted because of the depth I personally placed into the character and depth. Me and Enk talked about alot of things regarding the thralls last night and my character is going to acting as the 'test dummy' for certain things. While me and Enk both aim for realism I spoke to him last night regarding all of this and Hayden is one of the furtherest characters into the shift due to his focused nature in his arm as of now but again it will spread to the rest of him I just wanted to vary it up a bit.

4. A extra point I'm adding in, I know some things seem bare bones and out of the blue but there are reasons they are placed in there. His strength will be explained as will his willpower as the roleplay developes but I'll leave it to this: Thralls will be getting a few editions to them but I don't want to bring them up EXACTLY without Enk's permission. Known the guy for awhile and vice versa. He speaks highly of you by the way @StoneWolf18
I'm still trying to figure out how my character will react to yours...and how mine will be affected by said "editions." I won't press any further considering I can assume it was all done in PM.

Awwww shuck.... X3
StoneWolf18 said:
I'm still trying to figure out how my character will react to yours...and how mine will be affected by said "editions." I won't press any further considering I can assume it was all done in PM.
Well it depends if we have a time skip or not along with plot devices because something that is important to note is Hayden transformation is Twenty years along vs I believe your character a few days? So I can totally see my guy imparting some knowledge on yours and I even have what my guy will say to yours when they meet. You may love my guy or hate him idk but It'll be interesting.

Regarding what may happen He'll run it by you guys at the end of the day but my character actually knows two of your flock. The blacksmith who crafted his sword and Ains (but that was like when ains was a little boy). Of course with both people's permission.

We also talked about my man having a reputation among the survivors so Enk character will recognize him as two people but if you want you could know my character in name by this: The Dragon Arm Man. Basically he's a Thrall that makes it his duty to keep his responsibilities to humanity by offering to hunt dragons for small groups of humans, aiding dragon hunting, or simply helping them find food along with teaching other Thrall how to resist the call if you don't have a strong will. So you may know him from legend or name which is what Enk is going to do I think.

Something to note he doesn't really refer to himself as a dragon hunter or anything because at the end of the day he's just a wanderer with a big ass sword. If you can't tell I'm pretty hyped.
MorpheusDavol said:
Well it depends if we have a time skip or not along with plot devices because something that is important to note is Hayden transformation is Twenty years along vs I believe your character a few days? So I can totally see my guy imparting some knowledge on yours and I even have what my guy will say to yours when they meet. You may love my guy or hate him idk but It'll be interesting.
Regarding what may happen He'll run it by you guys at the end of the day but my character actually knows two of your flock. The blacksmith who crafted his sword and Ains (but that was like when ains was a little boy). Of course with both people's permission.

We also talked about my man having a reputation among the survivors so Enk character will recognize him as two people but if you want you could know my character in name by this: The Dragon Arm Man. Basically he's a Thrall that makes it his duty to keep his responsibilities to humanity by offering to hunt dragons for small groups of humans, aiding dragon hunting, or simply helping them find food along with teaching other Thrall how to resist the call if you don't have a strong will. So you may know him from legend or name which is what Enk is going to do I think.

Something to note he doesn't really refer to himself as a dragon hunter or anything because at the end of the day he's just a wanderer with a big ass sword. If you can't tell I'm pretty hyped.
I can tell, and I think it's infectious... ^^
Glad to see y'all getting along. So, a few amendments. Instead of number of shouts, let's say duration instead. Also, not all thralls turn equally and certain attributes from before the transformation might carry on over afterwards. eg. someone freakish big and freakish strong is going to be freaking big and freakish strong for a thrall. Someone who was a fast runner is gonna get a lot faster, etc. The average thrall IS stronger and more resilient than a human being and like human beings, a few might stand out from the rest. Also, something we discussed that you forgot to mention, Morph, Desmond's arm is the way it is because he lopped it off and it grew back dragony. The thing about thralls is that although they don't heal any quicker than ordinary human beings, it is a lot more advanced so if they survive having a limb chopped off, that limb will eventually grow back in a few years. Also, chopping off the affected body parts does not stop one from turning into a thrall.

Also, also, Vera, I did say that the transformation varies from individual to individual.

Also, also, also, 'The Dragon Arm Man' is a stupid name and you're stupid for coming up with it, Morph. I deny any and all further association with you. Morph? Who's Morph? I don't know this guy.
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You're a idiot @Enkerzed

We where supposed to keep the regen a secret till Desmond revealed it you knob-gobbler. Sigh. See what I deal with guys?

Anywho yeah but THANKFULLY I stopped him before he mentioned any other spoilers.
Morph wants to know if anyone here has Skype. I couldn't care less about it, but he seems pretty insistent.
So apparently the dragon's now flying around (I almost didn't notice that part in @Kira031110's post). Let's say that Abel managed to make it mad and now it's going over the forest to see what all the ruckus is about. We are all basically screwed now because the dragon will see our characters and burn the whole place down, but it's getting its thralls to clear out before that happens. Things could potentially end right here for all of us, except for Abel who's not in the forest. In any case, everything the people outside of Ains's group has done in trying to help has only made things worse. It'll take a miracle to survive this situation and there is only one viable course of action left: run and hide. We need to leg it guys, we need to leg it the helvete out of there.
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So should I keep firing my canons?

I can keep that as a distraction for the dragons to go to the where the canon was firing from and away from the group.

Anyway if any of you didn't like it will yeah, it would take a miracle to happen as you said so.

So anyway I would like to suggest before I post in the in character rp-ing for my case if I can bring the group into the tunnels down the hill.

You see Enk said to me that the canon was there because it was guarding the place. Canons are already there as a military base camp before the dragons came into this world. Well if you'll didn't like just tell me what to do with the canons. It is my fault to cause this confusion at the first place.

Other than that, I was shocked that Hayden will become a thrall in the future. My best costumer, please don't lose your will power to a thrall. There would be less people who would want to wield their swords to me

Wasn't Hayden already a thrall when he got his sword from Hydreus? I are confussed. Well anyways, yeah, I don't think firing cannons some more is going to help much, but I do like that tunnel idea. Anyways, we'll see after Morph posts. Maybe he's got something planned as well. And don't feel too bad about what's going on at the moment. The situation's more dangerous and chaotic than I originally wanted it to be, and I freaking love it. Talk about a wild card! I'm not even sure how our characters are gonna get out of this one. It's quite exciting, don't you think?
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Enkerzed said:
Wasn't Hayden already a thrall when he got his sword from Hydreus? I are confussed. Well anyways, yeah, I don't think firing cannons some more is going to help much, but I do like that tunnel idea. Anyways, we'll see after Morph posts. Maybe he's got something planned as well. And don't feel too bad about what's going on at the moment. The situation's more dangerous and chaotic than I originally wanted it to be, and I freaking love it. Talk about a wild card! I'm not even sure how our characters are gonna get out of this one. It's quite exciting, don't you think?
Who's blasted idea was it to throw in a dragon?! There's maybe a .01% chance of Vera surviving this...

@MorpheusDavol Your character better have some tricks up his sleeve...er...scales. x3
Well that was a post and a half. So let's get this straight, he managed to lob a bomb from the cave near the river, into the dragon's face as it flew above the forest, having the accuracy and strength to hit it at all, AND the timing to know exactly how long the fuse would last... ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have our miracle. So, what now?
Enkerzed said:
Well that was a post and a half. So let's get this straight, he managed to lob a bomb from the cave near the river, into the dragon's face as it flew above the forest, having the accuracy and strength to hit it at all, AND the timing to know exactly how long the fuse would last... ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have our miracle. So, what now?
Well of course he would know the timing on the ball, weight, etc. He made the bomb afterall remember and has had decades to perfect that throw. Now chances are that if it wasn't his own object that he's had years to train with... probably would have been a miracle shot. Don't you sass me ;)

EDIT: Also he actually threw the ball faster than the timer I.E the lag time between hitting the monster and it exploding. And we both know he had the strength #Shotput Champ.

Also Enk just likes to give me a hard time he knows the logic behind what I did (fite me irl nerd)
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Enkerzed said:
Didn't you say something about tunnels? We could work with that, I think.
Well I have to get down of the hill to tell the group instead of throwing another arrow with a paper in it and just ignore it.

But first I have to tell how shocking it is to see a dead dragon in the middle of the valley. So can I express how shock am I to see a dragon with a large wound in its head and side since Hayden said in the in character rping that it was blinded and wounded so it will land anywhere near the valley. Well I sure that the dragon will command its thralls to protect it whiles other thralls are commanded to find the person who cause such damage so I have to tell the group faster.

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