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Fantasy Burning Skies

I'm preeeeetty sure we're all busy folks here and it's literally not my fault if you're having problems keeping up. I don't know what your alert preferences are and I sure as hell don't know what your circumstances are, I ain't psychic y'know. I mean, I wish I was... actually, no I take that back. I'm very happy I can't read minds, but it would be pretty convenient at times. Ahem, ANYWAYS, this'll be the last time I chase you and @nottulfr up. Can't keep doing this man.
Enkerzed said:
I'm preeeeetty sure we're all busy folks here and it's literally not my fault if you're having problems keeping up. I don't know what your alert preferences are and I sure as hell don't know what your circumstances are, I ain't psychic y'know. I mean, I wish I was... actually, no I take that back. I'm very happy I can't read minds, but it would be pretty convenient at times. Ahem, ANYWAYS, this'll be the last time I chase you and @nottulfr up. Can't keep doing this man.
Lol but ive just been really busy and all with school and parents breathing down my neck and all
Well guys, looks like the fate of my character is in your hands. Just know that whatever your characters decide to do, I can run along with it.

A few things:

1) I'm not sure the time period exactly, but even a scholar wouldn't know about gravity and altitude. And the term "Agro" is modern slang.

2) Where'd the cannon's come from? This might be seen as God-modding..

3) In the midst of battle, who would stop and say "Oh look a mysterious paper. I should totally risk my life trying to read it."
StoneWolf18 said:
A few things:

1) I'm not sure the time period exactly, but even a scholar wouldn't know about gravity and altitude. And the term "Agro" is modern slang.

2) Where'd the cannon's come from? This might be seen as God-modding..

3) In the midst of battle, who would stop and say "Oh look a mysterious paper. I should totally risk my life trying to read it."
I"m a king's personal blacksmith if you had read my biography in the character sign-up. Since then the dragons descended from the sky, I was his one of the trusted comrade even though I am just an archer but I was a blacksmith. I am could at crafting things, swords, bows and axes, you name it.

Also It was stated in the overview that Canons do exist in this universe even though they are pretty useless against dragons (because it has low reloading time and low accuracy).

Third point, I am not god-modding. I am just sticking to my characters Biography which with the permission with the admin (Enkerzed) in a PM yesterday that I am now allowed to chat. I am king's personal blacksmith. It wouldn't be a surprise if I ask for his assistance.

If your wonder what is my history, here it is


I was the King's personal black smith in the army for I make the toughest armor and strongest swords in the kingdom. I was also

allowed with the permission of His Majesty to make weapons for the best knights in the army. I was making a numerous amount of weapons and armors for the knights because of His Majesty's request of upgrading the army. Then in that time, I was handing over the weapons to each of His Majesty's personal knights when a shadow pass before us. Everyone of us outside the palace looks up and saw a lizard-like beast with wings. His Majesty ordered the knights to stand by and I fasten my pace of distributing the weapons and armor. It was too late for us to realize that the lizard-like beast was actually a dragon. It killed quarter the amount of His Majesty's knights. Our swords couldn't reach it when it flies nor we strike it when it lands for it breathes fire to those who comes near it. We have no choice but to retreat.

Now we are still in the hiding. I was still make weapons for His

Majesty's Knights now the Dragon Slayers. I do not spent most of the time attacking the dragons in his sleep for I was more busy making tools for the fight rather than increasing my stamina and attack.
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Hydreus said:
I"m a king's personal blacksmith if you had read my biography in the character sign-up. Since then the dragons descended from the sky, I was his one of the trusted comrade even though I am just an archer but I was a blacksmith. I am could at crafting things, swords, bows and axes, you name it.
Also It was stated in the overview that Canons do exist in this universe even though they are pretty useless against dragons (because it has low reloading time and low accuracy).

Third point, I am not god-modding. I am just sticking to my characters Biography which with the permission with the admin (Enkerzed) in a PM yesterday that I am now allowed to chat. I am king's personal blacksmith. It wouldn't be a surprise if I ask for his assistance.

If your wonder what is my history, here it is


I was the King's personal black smith in the army for I make the toughest armor and strongest swords in the kingdom. I was also

allowed with the permission of His Majesty to make weapons for the best knights in the army. I was making a numerous amount of weapons and armors for the knights because of His Majesty's request of upgrading the army. Then in that time, I was handing over the weapons to each of His Majesty's personal knights when a shadow pass before us. Everyone of us outside the palace looks up and saw a lizard-like beast with wings. His Majesty ordered the knights to stand by and I fasten my pace of distributing the weapons and armor. It was too late for us to realize that the lizard-like beast was actually a dragon. It killed quarter the amount of His Majesty's knights. Our swords couldn't reach it when it flies nor we strike it when it lands for it breathes fire to those who comes near it. We have no choice but to retreat.

Now we are still in the hiding. I was still make weapons for His

Majesty's Knights now the Dragon Slayers. I do not spent most of the time attacking the dragons in his sleep for I was more busy making tools for the fight rather than increasing my stamina and attack.
You misunderstood what I meant.

You're using terminology that wouldn't exist. They don't know what Gravity is, just that what goes up must come down. Altitude would just be how high something is and Agro is common slang. And sending a paper note into the middle of a battle where one distraction could get you killed...not smart.
Unless if the admin or the GM didn't like it or make a response then I still firing thecanon is still there firing

StoneWolf18 said:
You misunderstood what I meant.
You're using terminology that wouldn't exist. They don't know what Gravity is, just that what goes up must come down. Altitude would just be how high something is and Agro is common slang. And sending a paper note into the middle of a battle where one distraction could get you killed...not smart.
Sorry I'm not good with medieval terms

Well I'm panicking since your group is already surrounded
^_^ ' hnnn, I wonder why no one introduces their dragon slayer character as already being a part of the group. Anyways, yeah, I don't really like what's going on atm and I'd delete your post and ask you to try again, @Hydreus, but as it is right now too many people have posted after the fact and it'd be a bit of a hassle to sort things out. So yeah, there's a bunch of cannons on a hill in the forest our band of dragon slayers are in and the dragon's too busy stuffing its face to give a darn about the explosions, we'll go with that. We can just say that those cannons were supposed to be defending the place @Daniel reaving's character came from before those thralls rolled through and wrecked her home. Remember, that just happened recently.
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Enkerzed said:
^_^ ' hnnn, I wonder why no one introduces their dragon slayer character as already being a part of the group. Anyways, yeah, I don't really like what's going on atm and I'd delete your post and ask you to try again, @Hydreus, but as it is right now too many people have posted after the fact and it'd be a bit of a hassle to sort things out. So yeah, there's a bunch of cannons on a hill in the forest our band of dragon slayers are in and the dragon's too busy stuffing its face to give a darn about the explosions, we'll go with that. We can just say that those cannons were supposed to be defending the place @Daniel reaving's character came from before those thralls rolled through and wrecked her home. Remember, that just happened recently.
So what's the plan?

Go with the flow?
I like how you completely ignored Diwata kicking Hydreus in the groin by way of introduction. Do you want Kira to change her post or did you just not notice it?
Enkerzed said:
I like how you completely ignored Diwata kicking Hydreus in the groin by way of introduction. Do you want Kira to change her post or did you just not notice it?
I did not notice it

Wait let me change it
Enkerzed said:
I like how you completely ignored Diwata kicking Hydreus in the groin by way of introduction. Do you want Kira to change her post or did you just not notice it?

Sorry for not noticing Diwata's post
That's ok, but if you ever want someone to change their post, don't feel like you can't sing it out. Same thing goes for everyone else here. If I were you, I'd be a bit ehhhhhh about what Diwata did, but if you have no problems with it then it's all good.

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